13k femdom story, let me know what you think

I don't have time to check it out at this moment, but I loved Asked and Answered (as you well know) and I'm going to give it a read as soon as I can. Maybe tomorrow, first thing.
Okay I read it! And I really liked it!

As we delve deeper into this story, I can see the main characters kinks diverging more and more with my own... But so far this has not hurt my enjoyment at all.

I really love how human the characters feel.

I've not read much BDSM, (as stated before) but the idea of a semi-reluctant Dom slowly learning and flexing her power is so heartwarming♥️.

Most of what I read (and write) in D/s is about experienced, (or just instinctively aware) Doms flexing their control over their subs, and I still enjoy that dynamic.

That said, this idea of a wife becoming a Dom specifically for her husband, and then learning to love the role... It's so sweet and lovely 💕, as I've stated previously. This made my soul horny, just like before

So another great installment. I can't wait to read the next one (and I need to go back and read the original)
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I read the first page, finding two typos that need fixing and a few unnecessary extra words. I'll send details privately. I enjoyed what I read and will add it to my To-Read list.