🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 26: A song for dancing

Inspired by PassionatePanther's awesome song choice...
And my feelings are similar to hers, as well... I'm not a regular on the dancefloor, but this song usually gets me there!
Singing my little heart out while dancing, too (lol). This song's addictive!

ABBA - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)

Great choice but I was really hoping for Mr. Vain 😂
Great choice but I was really hoping for Mr. Vain 😂

I could make your dream a reality, if only I were a spunky and athletic twenty year old again...
(Thank you for reminding me though! I like the way you think.) 😉

Today's prompt actually gave me the most song ideas I've had in quite awhile... so maybe I was too hasty to say I don't dance.
I should've said that I can't dance worth a shit... but I 'do' dance!

Great... now you've got me craving Mr. Vain... 😂
Day 27: A song about war/military/peace

10,000 Maniacs - My Mother The War
Natalie in full dervish mode for this, live for british tv. I wanted The Latin One (also on brit TV) but the broadcast ended before the song finished.
I saw 10,000 Manics do this (sometime in the 80's) and Natalie stood stock still with a flag over her head and spat the words with such venom that i can still see the image in my mind.
: A song about war/military/peace
I was very tempted to go with 'Billy don't be a hero' by Paper Lace but thought it a tad too nauseating 🙃 so then it was a toss up between two of the greatest anti war songs ever written, Green Fields of France and Waltzing Matilda both by Eric Bogle, this one won it. Shane sings it beautifully