❓May I ❓

May 👁️ add , if a fart 💨is posted online, is it * heard ? Or just a stinker or the the butt of the punchline.
I’m intrigued. And as far as my wife is concerned, I’m sure she’ll be absolutely fascinated when I tell her
May I borrow a bucket?

Oh Jesus.

That extra "u".

Dude. It's all fun and games til you get your panties in a bunch.

We're all here to have fun.
Don't ever take anything for face value.
Some of us are really fucked up.
I never have, thoUght you could tell by now.

I like fucked up stuff and stuff lol

Seems tame to me. Or am I tempting faith ye crazies ?? 😃
May I say Goddamnit.
You might come off the list after all. +1

Follow the fuckin thread rules.
ya shit.
May I just say, cool. Give me a chance. I didn’t even read the rules on the way in.
may I send you one break?
i could use one, too. like one that lasts for a very long time.