¿Hay alguien aquì

Are you asking if there is someone here that speaks spanish?

Si, yo hablo poquito de espanol.
yeah. i'm trying to get through a short story and it's really confusing me. i typed it into alta vista but that isn't a very reliable translator. i was hoping to find a human who could help me.
That translator is retarded.

Have Pyper help you.

Pyper, aren't you the one who pointed out what fun alta-vista can be?

Donde es tu hilo?
Bien, esperare.

(No puedo poner accentos por mi teclado. Es horrible.)
Starfish said:
That translator is retarded.

Have Pyper help you.

Pyper, aren't you the one who pointed out what fun alta-vista can be?

Donde es tu hilo?

Oh darn. I've forgotten. It wasn't alta vista, it was something called SYNTRANS I think. And it provided me with entertainment for hours and hours. :D
(es de Un dìa de èstos, por Gabriela Garcìa Marquez)

background/what i get so far

the sherrif comes to the dentist's office and needs a tooth pulled. the dentist refuses but then the sherrif threatens to shoot him and his son so the dentist gives in. the dentist says he can't use anestisia because there is an absess. here is the paragraph i'm having trouble with:

El alcalde sintió un crujido de huesos en la mendìbula y sus ojos se leenaron de lágrimas. Per no suspiró hasta que no no sintió salir la muela. Entonces la vio a través de las lágrimas. Le pareció tan extraña a su dolor, que no pudo entender la tortura de sus cunco noches anteriores. Inclinado sobra la escuidera, sudroso, jeadeanta, de desabotonó la guerrera y buscó a tientas el pañuelo en el bolsillo del panalón. El dentista le dio un trapo limpio
-Séquese la lágrimas- dijo.
El alcalda lo hizo. Estaba temblando. Mientras el dentista se lavaba las manos, vio el cielorraso desfonado y una telaraña polvorienta con huevos de araña e unsectos muertos. El dentista regresó secándose las manos. 'Acuestate- dijo -y haga buches de agua de sal' El alcalde se puso de pie, se despidió con un displicente saludo militar, y se dirigió a la puerta estriando las piernas, sin abotonarse la guerra.
-Me pasa la cuento- dijo.
-¿A usted o al municipio?
El alcalda no lo miró. Cerró la puerta y dijo, a través de la red metálica
-Es la misma vaina.
seXieleXie said:
(es de Un dìa de èstos, por Gabriela Garcìa Marquez)

background/what i get so far

the sherrif comes to the dentist's office and needs a tooth pulled. the dentist refuses but then the sherrif threatens to shoot him and his son so the dentist gives in. the dentist says he can't use anestisia because there is an absess. here is the paragraph i'm having trouble with:

El alcalde sintió un crujido de huesos en la mendìbula y sus ojos se leenaron de lágrimas. Per no suspiró hasta que no no sintió salir la muela. Entonces la vio a través de las lágrimas. Le pareció tan extraña a su dolor, que no pudo entender la tortura de sus cunco noches anteriores. Inclinado sobra la escuidera, sudroso, jeadeanta, de desabotonó la guerrera y buscó a tientas el pañuelo en el bolsillo del panalón. El dentista le dio un trapo limpio
-Séquese la lágrimas- dijo.
El alcalda lo hizo. Estaba temblando. Mientras el dentista se lavaba las manos, vio el cielorraso desfonado y una telaraña polvorienta con huevos de araña e unsectos muertos. El dentista regresó secándose las manos. 'Acuestate- dijo -y haga buches de agua de sal' El alcalde se puso de pie, se despidió con un displicente saludo militar, y se dirigió a la puerta estriando las piernas, sin abotonarse la guerra.
-Me pasa la cuento- dijo.
-¿A usted o al municipio?
El alcalda no lo miró. Cerró la puerta y dijo, a través de la red metálica
-Es la misma vaina.

Ah, shit I give up. My spanish sucks.
Pyper said:
Bien, esperare.

(No puedo poner accentos por mi teclado. Es horrible.)

¿Usas Windows? Es muy fácil con Windows, pero no sé como se escribe con un Mac.
You're in luck! I've read this story, although a few years ago.

I can't do accents because my laptop has no keypad. I've never been able to figure out any other way to do them. Okay, now I'm going to help translate.
these are the specific bits i really don't get

El alcalde sintió un crujido de huesos en la mendìbula y sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas. Per no suspiró hasta que no no sintió salir la muela. Entonces la vio a través de las lágrimas. Le pareció tan extraña a su dolor, que no pudo entender la tortura de sus cunco noches anteriores. Inclinado sobra la escuidera, sudroso, jeadeanta, de desabotonó la guerrera y buscó a tientas el pañuelo en el bolsillo del panalón.

El alcalde se puso de pie, se despidió con un displicente saludo militar, y se dirigió a la puerta estriando las piernas, sin abotonarse la guerra.
-Me pasa la cuento- dijo.
-¿A usted o al municipio?
El alcalda no lo miró. Cerró la puerta y dijo, a través de la red metálica
-Es la misma vaina.

i've searched the rest of the story for references to a war (la guerra) and i'm totally mystified :(
Yo hablo ingles. Yo no hablo espanol.

Je ne parle pas francais aussi.

I barely speak English.

Oday ouyay eakspay igpay atinlay?
Pyper said:
You're in luck! I've read this story, although a few years ago.

I can't do accents because my laptop has no keypad. I've never been able to figure out any other way to do them. Okay, now I'm going to help translate.

excellent! yay! :)

my laptop doesn't have a keypad either. i don't do that alt + 168 gives you ¿ junk. if you use windows, do this

start > settings > control panel > keyboard > languages > add

and you can add a bunch of different languages without actually replacing your keyboard. then you just fool around with it until you find the symbols you need. i use "spanish (international sort)" and so the ñ is ; and to add accents you hit ' and then the vowel you're accenting. it's great :)
i don't have XP, and i find using a spanish keyboard setting easier when i have to type long essays or whatnot.
Well, first of all, it's the mayor, not the sheriff. As far as I can remember, the dentist doesn't want to help the mayor because the mayor is an evil fascist dictator type guy. Okay, here we go, although keep in mind I'm a terrible translator.

The mayor felt a terrible crunch of bone in his jaw and his eyes filled with tears.
But he didn't breath until he felt the molar come out. Then he saw it through his tears. It seemed so removed from his pain that he couldn't understand the torture of the past five nights. Leaning over the sink (spitbowl), sweaty, panting, he unbuttoned his uniform and fumbled around for a handkerchief in the pocket of his pants. The dentist gave him a clean rag.
"Dry your tears," he said.
The mayor did. He was trembling. While the dentist washed his hands, he saw the ceiling (not sure about these two words) and a dusty cobweb with spider eggs and dead insects. The dentist returned drying his hands. "Lay down (go to bed)," he said, "And rinse your mouth with salt water." The mayor stood up, gave him a disciplined military salute, and turned toward the door dragging (?) his legs, without buttoning up his uniform.
"Send me the bill," he said.
"To you or to city hall?"
The mayor didn't look at him. He closed the door, and said, through the screen:
"It's the same thing." (Or, "It makes no difference.")

So, in other words, the mayor is an abusive dictator who uses the funds of the community for his own purposes, and now he feels a little bit guilty about it, especially because this dentist, who hates him and had him in a vulnerable position, did not abuse that power and attempt to harm him.
aaahhh... it all makes sense now.

pyper you rock my world :) thank you so so much. i've been pouring over this story with a dictionary for over an hour. this really doesn't bode well for when we start reading novels in like two weeks.

i'm going to get off the computer and do the rest of my homework now. thank you again! you're my hero.
No problem! Thanks for the keyboard tips. Look...

ññññññ! hehehehe.