Can you fuck someone into being in love?

This is a question for people who get fucked, women by men, men by other men, women by other women, men by transgender women.

Last night my transgender girlfriend fucked me and seriously, she fucked me so hard and so intensely filling me with a huge amount of cum. Afterwards I was dizzy, deliriously in love with her and I kept wanting to hug her and kiss her. It was the fucking that did it. She fucked me into being in love. It was like a drug.

Have you ever been fucked into being in love?
Not likely but if you're real good at it, you're welcome to come back and keep trying! 😍
Sometimes people experience great emotions when having sex. On more than one occasion I have been told the L word during sex. I can’t tell you how someone really feels but I don’t think what they felt was love but who knows.
I know. Love isnt a pleasurable sensation. It's not butterflies in your stomach or on your balls. Real love is something you can completely give away and never run out of. Love is something that the more you give the more you actually have. Also love can be described as a set of learned skills. Yes lasting love is calculated and sacrificing on both sides. You can't just fuck someone physically into loving you emotionally or spiritually. Possibly love could be a four letter word spelled MDMA. The drug ecstacy makes users experience some telepathic connection between users. Mdma is similar to what's naturally released in mothers and infants during breastfeeding.
The short answer is no. If you start having sex and you are already friends or in a relationship it will certainly elevate you to the next level and can increase feelings for each other. Sex can include emotions which are great for couples.

However, (this is just my theory) if you put a man and woman in a room and make them have sex twice a week for a month or a specified length of time, they will develop feelings for each other. That does not necessarily mean feelings of love. The exchange of fluids, and the intensity of the scene, create a bonding effect. Some people ignore it but it is there.
I think the problem is everyone keeps using a different definition for words. Like I don't know what feelings even means. Are we speaking about emotions or intense physical sensations. First define what love is . Then this question may be answered.
I know. Love isnt a pleasurable sensation. It's not butterflies in your stomach or on your balls. Real love is something you can completely give away and never run out of. Love is something that the more you give the more you actually have. Also love can be described as a set of learned skills. Yes lasting love is calculated and sacrificing on both sides. You can't just fuck someone physically into loving you emotionally or spiritually. Possibly love could be a four letter word spelled MDMA. The drug ecstacy makes users experience some telepathic connection between users. Mdma is similar to what's naturally released in mothers and infants during breastfeeding.

You lost me at mdma. Everything else spot on. E was instant gratification on overload.
We are constantly learning how the brain associates the feeling of love after intimate relations. Is it “real” love or momentary infatuation?

I would tend to think that the feeling is infatuation. Especially with new lovers.

I think that a deeper connection happens when you see a longer term future with the person you are being intimate with.

Just my 2cents.
Love? not really. Total Infatuation - YES! When I was in college, I met a lady at one of our fraternity parties. She was with a friend from high school - so he chatted up easily. While dancing (picture frat house, "beer mud" all over the floor, Morris Day & The Time thumping through the speakers), she all of a sudden put her hand to her eye - and I realized she'd lost a contact! By miracle of miracles I FOUND THE DAMN THING - covered in beer mud and all (this is when contacts were still very expensive to lose - no disposables ones). Long story short, she took my back to the house, sucked and fucked me. It was exquisite. There was something in how comfortable she was in her sexuality, a quiet confidence, that I had never encountered. I fell very hard for her. I wanted that again. I wanted to fuck all night! But she would have none of it. I got my "thank you" fuck - and that was it.

Epilogue: We hung out together, found we had an equal passion for music, and I lost track of her after she graduated. Fast forward to social media - we reconnected and she admitted to me that the entire reason she fucked me was just that - a THANK YOU fuck. She said her friends still know me as the guy that got the thank you fuck.
Love? not really. Total Infatuation - YES! When I was in college, I met a lady at one of our fraternity parties. She was with a friend from high school - so he chatted up easily. While dancing (picture frat house, "beer mud" all over the floor, Morris Day & The Time thumping through the speakers), she all of a sudden put her hand to her eye - and I realized she'd lost a contact! By miracle of miracles I FOUND THE DAMN THING - covered in beer mud and all (this is when contacts were still very expensive to lose - no disposables ones). Long story short, she took my back to the house, sucked and fucked me. It was exquisite. There was something in how comfortable she was in her sexuality, a quiet confidence, that I had never encountered. I fell very hard for her. I wanted that again. I wanted to fuck all night! But she would have none of it. I got my "thank you" fuck - and that was it.

Epilogue: We hung out together, found we had an equal passion for music, and I lost track of her after she graduated. Fast forward to social media - we reconnected and she admitted to me that the entire reason she fucked me was just that - a THANK YOU fuck. She said her friends still know me as the guy that got the thank you fuck.
Nice. Morris Day and The Time! And a thank you fuck!
Not likely but if you're real good at it, you're welcome to come back and keep trying! 😍
Beth_Ann90, you have point there. You have beautiful torso and breasts!

Would love to see the beautiful face on that beautiful body! I imagine you are stunning!
I think you can keep someone around by giving the lots of sex and, during that time, make them fall in love with all of your other qualities.
My thoughts on this subject have been how can you have a mindblowing orgasm with someone you don't like or care for? I know part of the answer is the conditions, your mindset, foreplay, foreplay, and probably the moon cycle!

I get the one-night stand scenario because it is a new person, good energy between you two, and lots of liquor. But there are times you are with someone that you don't feel that much for and they end up giving you a wonderful time in bed. I think of them differently at first, look at their personality etc, and think maybe there is a possibility for us. But I found out they were the same person I was not interested in before. We go our separate ways.

The experience lingers in my head and I find myself searching for an experience like that again.

My thoughts on this subject have been how can you have a mindblowing orgasm with someone you don't like or care for? I know part of the answer is the conditions, your mindset, foreplay, foreplay, and probably the moon cycle!

I get the one-night stand scenario because it is a new person, good energy between you two, and lots of liquor. But there are times you are with someone that you don't feel that much for and they end up giving you a wonderful time in bed. I think of them differently at first, look at their personality etc, and think maybe there is a possibility for us. But I found out they were the same person I was not interested in before. We go our separate ways.

The experience lingers in my head and I find myself searching for an experience like that again.

Those are call quick flings with strangers!

I try to stay away from them. they can get you in biological trouble.
My thoughts on this subject have been how can you have a mindblowing orgasm with someone you don't like or care for? I know part of the answer is the conditions, your mindset, foreplay, foreplay, and probably the moon cycle!

I get the one-night stand scenario because it is a new person, good energy between you two, and lots of liquor. But there are times you are with someone that you don't feel that much for and they end up giving you a wonderful time in bed. I think of them differently at first, look at their personality etc, and think maybe there is a possibility for us. But I found out they were the same person I was not interested in before. We go our separate ways.

The experience lingers in my head and I find myself searching for an experience like that again.

Been here many times
Those are call quick flings with strangers!

I try to stay away from them. they can get you in biological trouble.
Yes, that is a good policy. I don't do that anymore, that was years ago. However, I even had a few FWBs and partners that I had reluctant sex with. I think back and wonder how I was able to do it. And in some cases, especially with many of the threads here on Lit asking about amazing/best orgasms how I had such good sex with a partner I was reluctant to play with.
Yes, that is a good policy. I don't do that anymore, that was years ago. However, I even had a few FWBs and partners that I had reluctant sex with. I think back and wonder how I was able to do it. And in some cases, especially with many of the threads here on Lit asking about amazing/best orgasms how I had such good sex with a partner I was reluctant to play with.
eroticspank, that is good to hear. Playing Russian roulette with your health and your family/spouse's health will more than likely not end well. Eventually you will have regrets and that is something you can't take back. I feel that if you are determined to go there, be smart about it and make std testing a reqirement to your involvement.

I have had friends who have destroyed their families and their health from not being smart when doing this.
Testing does'nt gurantee safety, but it minimizes the risk. You still need to make smart decisions though.

Good luck.
I have had friends who have destroyed their families and their health from not being smart when doing this.
Testing does'nt gurantee safety, but it minimizes the risk. You still need to make smart decisions though.

Good luck.
Yes, when I had many partners years ago, testing was mandatory for me before I was with anyone new. I don't do that anymore. But back to the subject of this thread. Have you had an amazing orgasm with someone you never thought of as a life partner?
Yes, when I had many partners years ago, testing was mandatory for me before I was with anyone new. I don't do that anymore. But back to the subject of this thread. Have you had an amazing orgasm with someone you never thought of as a life partner?
Yes I've had many amaizing orgasms with people I've dated in my past, but never intended in getting married with.
In fact some were women, some were long time guy friends and there were also a few very passable transwomen friends who i had always thought were very attractive sexy women.

All those were people I've dated in my single life and some that i dated with my very open minded wildish 1st wife.
So needless to say, I've been there and done that. I was a little wild in my younger days, but i always used comon sense with whom i bedded. I asked questions and whenever possible took tests before and made sure to use condoms until i knew the other persons std status.

I am also 65 yrs old and most of the stuff you could catch back then , i could simply get a shot for. Now days you can die from something you catch from a sex partner.

In fact, now there are diseases that one can die from in days without any physical touching of a partner. There are diseases that you can catch from simply beathing the exhausts from another person, and you can die in a couple of days.
Hate to scare you but that's the truth. Being observant of others and their conditions is more important than it used to be. Covid-19 has proven that for sure.
Yes I've had many amaizing orgasms with people I've dated in my past, but never intended in getting married with.
In fact some were women, some were long time guy friends and there were also a few very passable transwomen friends who i had always thought were very attractive sexy women.

All those were people I've dated in my single life and some that i dated with my very open minded wildish 1st wife.
So needless to say, I've been there and done that. I was a little wild in my younger days, but i always used comon sense with whom i bedded. I asked questions and whenever possible took tests before and made sure to use condoms until i knew the other persons std status.

I am also 65 yrs old and most of the stuff you could catch back then , i could simply get a shot for. Now days you can die from something you catch from a sex partner.

In fact, now there are diseases that one can die from in days without any physical touching of a partner. There are diseases that you can catch from simply beathing the exhausts from another person, and you can die in a couple of days.
Hate to scare you but that's the truth. Being observant of others and their conditions is more important than it used to be. Covid-19 has proven that for sure.
Thanks for sharing. Do you ever wonder why you had such good orgasms with people you never intended on getting married to? You seem to have a good sense of yourself and know the difference between physical and emotional so as not to fall into the infatuation trap.

I have seen many of my guy friends become "pussy whipped" and even met a lady that knew she could wield that power and bedded my virgin friend. She fucked him into marrying her. I could do nothing to stop it. We told him what she was doing and he would not believe us. The sex was great and he convinced himself that he was in love.

I have known some women to fall into this same trap--roles reversed--but I have known more men who were susceptible.

Yes, it is sad all the diseases out there these days. I am married and don't have sex with anyone but my wife. I can't imagine being single again.
Thanks for sharing. Do you ever wonder why you had such good orgasms with people you never intended on getting married to? You seem to have a good sense of yourself and know the difference between physical and emotional so as not to fall into the infatuation trap.

I have seen many of my guy friends become "pussy whipped" and even met a lady that knew she could wield that power and bedded my virgin friend. She fucked him into marrying her. I could do nothing to stop it. We told him what she was doing and he would not believe us. The sex was great and he convinced himself that he was in love.

I have known some women to fall into this same trap--roles reversed--but I have known more men who were susceptible.

Yes, it is sad all the diseases out there these days. I am married and don't have sex with anyone but my wife. I can't imagine being single again.
ES, in my past I have also been held captive by beautiful women. One had been Miss Teen Arkansas when she was a few years younger. I spent a lot of money on her and she was so beautiful and unbelievably desirable.

I just had to have her. She was also a sex demon in bed, in kitchen, living room, etc.

Her very good looking gay brother who lived with her told me not to get to attached, because she would break my heart.

The last time he told me this, we were both stoned and he placed his hand on my thigh when he was talking to me.
I became slightly aroused and he pretended not to see my erection as he licked his lips looking at my hard-on.

Then he said "maybe you might want to consider the other team" as he looked into my eyes then walked away. Being stoned, I was tempted but regained my strength and left.

A month later I caught her with another guy making out near my apartment. I made sure she saw me and we locked eyes. I broke up with her that evening and decided that a small piece of revenge would be good.

I called her brother and asked if he would like to come over and hang out. He said yes and was over in a flash. I told him that we had broken up and explained why, and he said I told you so.

Once I told him we had broken up his whole demeanor changed. We got stoned and he sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh again and this time I let him keep it there.

I lifted his hand and put it on my growing bulge. I started to unzip my kakki shorts and he went to his knees kneeling between my feet as he pulled my tool out.

He looked up at me and said "I've been dying to do this!" He leaned down and engulfed my tool halfway, paused and continued all the way down.

He was deep throating my tool and he was incredible as he pulled my shorts down. He asked me to stand up, step out of my shorts and underwear and turn around and bend over.

When I leaned over he put his face in between my cheeks and went to town on my ass, sliding his tongue in as far as he could over and over and over again. This felt incredibly erotic and orgasmic.
I was in seventh heaven and hard as a rock! He turned me around and had me sit back down and he again engulfed and deep throated my tool and began sucking and sucking me off.

I lasted about 10 minutes as he slowed down, so we both could enjoy this tantalizing blow job. It turns out he loved giving blowjobs as much as I loved receiving them!

I eventually shot load after load down his throat and he came at the same time as he was stroking his tool.

This felt good! It felt like the best revenge i could have, on the girl who did me wrong.

That was the last time I saw either of them. just wanted to share that so that you know even stuff like that happens to me too.

I would still like to find a exceptionally clean married guy who is bisexual or bi-curious, who is oral active and passive and mostly a top.

Someone that would have no objections with a close loop situation where no others would be involved with either of us. Someone close by would be nice.

This is a question for people who get fucked, women by men, men by other men, women by other women, men by transgender women.

Last night my transgender girlfriend fucked me and seriously, she fucked me so hard and so intensely filling me with a huge amount of cum. Afterwards I was dizzy, deliriously in love with her and I kept wanting to hug her and kiss her. It was the fucking that did it. She fucked me into being in love. It was like a drug.

Have you ever been fucked into being in love?
Yes. And visa versa
ES, in my past I have also been held captive by beautiful women. One had been Miss Teen Arkansas when she was a few years younger. I spent a lot of money on her and she was so beautiful and unbelievably desirable.

I just had to have her. She was also a sex demon in bed, in kitchen, living room, etc.

Her very good looking gay brother who lived with her told me not to get to attached, because she would break my heart.

The last time he told me this, we were both stoned and he placed his hand on my thigh when he was talking to me.
I became slightly aroused and he pretended not to see my erection as he licked his lips looking at my hard-on.

Then he said "maybe you might want to consider the other team" as he looked into my eyes then walked away. Being stoned, I was tempted but regained my strength and left.

A month later I caught her with another guy making out near my apartment. I made sure she saw me and we locked eyes. I broke up with her that evening and decided that a small piece of revenge would be good.

I called her brother and asked if he would like to come over and hang out. He said yes and was over in a flash. I told him that we had broken up and explained why, and he said I told you so.

Once I told him we had broken up his whole demeanor changed. We got stoned and he sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh again and this time I let him keep it there.

I lifted his hand and put it on my growing bulge. I started to unzip my kakki shorts and he went to his knees kneeling between my feet as he pulled my tool out.

He looked up at me and said "I've been dying to do this!" He leaned down and engulfed my tool halfway, paused and continued all the way down.

He was deep throating my tool and he was incredible as he pulled my shorts down. He asked me to stand up, step out of my shorts and underwear and turn around and bend over.

When I leaned over he put his face in between my cheeks and went to town on my ass, sliding his tongue in as far as he could over and over and over again. This felt incredibly erotic and orgasmic.
I was in seventh heaven and hard as a rock! He turned me around and had me sit back down and he again engulfed and deep throated my tool and began sucking and sucking me off.

I lasted about 10 minutes as he slowed down, so we both could enjoy this tantalizing blow job. It turns out he loved giving blowjobs as much as I loved receiving them!

I eventually shot load after load down his throat and he came at the same time as he was stroking his tool.

This felt good! It felt like the best revenge i could have, on the girl who did me wrong.

That was the last time I saw either of them. just wanted to share that so that you know even stuff like that happens to me too.

I would still like to find a exceptionally clean married guy who is bisexual or bi-curious, who is oral active and passive and mostly a top.

Someone that would have no objections with a close loop situation where no others would be involved with either of us. Someone close by would be nice.

Wow, great story, and thanks for sharing. I wonder if she found out about you two and if she would have been upset.
I’ve already been in love with everyone who has fucked or pegged me, but yeah, that feeling of being done by someone who has an orgasm while doing me… 🥰