Christchurch and Islamophobia

Yeah, see, that's the problem with Islam - you all think you know about it from English translations.

And the best one of all, of those, is Muhammad Yussuf Picthall...

aka Marmaduke Picthall, whose disaffection for the British Foreign Office's failing to promote him to the top spot, caused him to change his name (slightly) and produce an English translation of the Koran in order to ingratiate himself with whichever Ottoman leader was harrying the West at the time.

Picthall went to school with none other than Winston Churchill himself and produce his English version of the Koran for the ancestor of a close personal friend of our family's, and often literal neighbour - the Nizam of Hyderabad.

Now, as you all 'know' since you swallow everything told to you by Muslims and the Western Gutter Press, the Koran is the perfect word of Allah with nothing missing and not a single word altered anywhere.

Which is why, neither in Picthall's version nor in any other English version, will you see that verse about how the Earth sits on the back of a whale called 'Nun,' which swims in a gigantic sea contained in a large bowl, beneath which no one knows what holds up the bowl.

Science. The science of Allah - who knows everything, even better than that other dunce, Richard Dawkins.

No, I don't need to provide citations; you have Professor Google for that. Prove to me that a single thing I have said is wrong in the slightest. And yes, in SOME Mosque prayer beginnings, it is recited 'the, or all unbelievers,' but in most Sunni conforming Mosques, they specify Jews and Christians and Atheists.

Further, the Koran is written in the most atrocious rude, coarse and gutter language, containing words like 'arsehole' and 'whore,' the Arabic version of 'C' and many many other extremely rude words and language.

All four Caliphs immediately after Muhammad, were murdered by rivals, and one of them, known as the head slicer (Al Khattab), actually was recorded as saying 'I have made the rivers run red with the blood of my victims whom I HAVE PERSONALLY SLAUGHTERED.'

And Muhammad, was given poisoned meat by the wife of a Jewish tribal leader he had murdered that day, the evening of which he proposed to 'take her as his wife...' ...following which idea she said, yeah, okay but first let me cook you a great dinner.

Some fucking 'prophet.'

You want citations?

What the fuck do you think this is - Al Azhar University? LOL. Besides, no doubt I will have 'taken things out of context, misquoted them, misunderstood them (since I am such a Western fool and a Kufar - 'unbeliever'), mistranslated them' and also, 'do I speak or read Arabic?' and I am clearly 'Islamophobic;' someone with an IRRATIONAL fear of stupidity, er, sorry, Muslims and Islam.

Don't worry - the politicians have your backs.
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Prove to me that a single thing I have said is wrong in the slightest.
Who is asking for citations now, hmm?

There are millions of videos online of Muslims praying. It should be easy to find one of a congregation wishing fiery death on infidels in unison.

You sound like the South Carolina housewife who heard a wind-up doll say "quiero a mami" and thought it said "Kill Mommy."
Originally Posted by Desiremakesmeweak View Post

Prove to me that a single thing I have said is wrong in the slightest.

Looks like being asked to prove a negative. If you are making a claim then the onus of proof is on you.

Try proving that every single thing you have said is correct. Otherwise we just might think you made it all up. After all this is a story site.
For the continuing number of ignorant fools here who talk about 'call to prayer:' there is no 'call to prayer.'

There is wudoo and udhun - washing the dirt, and 'listen, hear and be informed about' (also known in the West as 'azaan' or 'adhan' or all kinds of other crap misconstrued as 'prayer').

The muezzin calls out the shahada, which is widely misunderstood by Muslims themselves virtually everywhere, since hardly any modern era Muslims actually speak or read that kind of Arabic: what he actually says is 'The Lat is one of...' (qul allahu ahad - means 'one of;' whereas 'waHID' means 'One,' which they DON'T say. So in the very first place Muslims talk crap.

Next, in fact there is no 'prayer,' there is only 'salat,' which means WORSHIP. ...Of Al'Lat, and his messenger Muhammad.

During the phases INSIDE OF WHICH the leader in the mosque RECITES from memory, the Koran, he distinctly says and all within affirm 'Ameen' and also recite Koran verse 9: 123 - which explicitly submits to Al'Lat the ADJURATION (since it is NOT a prayer, and not worded in the form of a prayer), the following:

(and here, I give Muhsin Khan's false translation from Islamic websites): 'O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).'

...The Arabic does not say 'fight' it says 'Qatilhum' - which means BUTCHER aka cut the throats of.

And we expect to see all of you arseholes debating an authentic Arabic language scholar and Islamic Jurisprudence EXPERT on his live chat show ANYTIME - try, say, any of the 'Christian Prince' Paltalk or YouTube channels. He debates virtually 24/7 since he is backed by the Secret Intelligence Service of Egypt... ...and I will not throw the US Secret Intelligence Services into the deep end by saying what role I believe he holds there.

But you know what - if we DON'T see you ignoramuses there soon, you can all SYM because you have no clue. Stop misleading the public and the naiive and the innocent and walking everyone into a disaster. Islam is a murderous butchering cult that has spent centuries bribing and corrupting politicians around the world...

It has only one goal, AND THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE IN THE KORAN IN WHICH ALLAH EXPLICITS PROMISES HEAVEN TO ANYONE - where they DIE in the act of killing kufrs (which is all of you). THAT is why there are jihadis willing to give up their lives - they procure heaven for themselves and all of their family and friends in the act of suicide for Allah and his Messenger.

All Western politicians and other lying arseholes including those in the media can all go and fuck yourselves - you are EVEN worse liars and knaves than stupid Muslims who go around putting into practice a Dark Ages piece of insanity backing BY THE SWORD.

...And that doesn't mean to say there are not an awful number of completely nationally-loyal law-abiding and benign Muslims everywhere who are just as confused about what goes on in their stupid ideology - they certainly DO believe they go to mosque to 'pray' and that God is Good and Peaceful and all of that just like more or less every other deistic human being believes.
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For the continuing number of ignorant fools here who talk about 'call to prayer:' there is no 'call to prayer.'

There is wudoo and udhun - washing the dirt, and 'listen, hear and be informed about' (also known in the West as 'azaan' or 'adhan' or all kinds of other crap misconstrued as 'prayer').

The muezzin calls out the shahada, which is widely misunderstood by Muslims themselves virtually everywhere, since hardly any modern era Muslims actually speak or read that kind of Arabic: what he actually says is 'The Lat is one of...' (qul allahu ahad - means 'one of;' whereas 'waHID' means 'One,' which they DON'T say. So in the very first place Muslims talk crap.

Next, in fact there is no 'prayer,' there is only 'salat,' which means WORSHIP. ...Of Al'Lat, and his messenger Muhammad.

During the phases INSIDE OF WHICH the leader in the mosque RECITES from memory, the Koran, he distinctly says and all within affirm 'Ameen' and also recite Koran verse 9: 123 - which explicitly submits to Al'Lat the ADJURATION (since it is NOT a prayer, and not worded in the form of a prayer), the following:

(and here, I give Muhsin Khan's false translation from Islamic websites): 'O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).'

...The Arabic does not say 'fight' it says 'Qatilhum' - which means BUTCHER aka cut the throats of.

And we expect to see all of you arseholes debating an authentic Arabic language scholar and Islamic Jurisprudence EXPERT on his live chat show ANYTIME - try, say, any of the 'Christian Prince' Paltalk or YouTube channels. He debates virtually 24/7 since he is backed by the Secret Intelligence Service of Egypt... ...and I will not throw the US Secret Intelligence Services into the deep end by saying what role I believe he holds there.

But you know what - if we DON'T see you ignoramuses there soon, you can all SYM because you have no clue. Stop misleading the public and the naiive and the innocent and walking everyone into a disaster. Islam is a murderous butchering cult that has spent centuries bribing and corrupting politicians around the world...

It has only one goal, AND THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE IN THE KORAN IN WHICH ALLAH EXPLICITS PROMISES HEAVEN TO ANYONE - where they DIE in the act of killing kufrs (which is all of you). THAT is why there are jihadis willing to give up their lives - they procure heaven for themselves and all of their family and friends in the act of suicide for Allah and his Messenger.

All Western politicians and other lying arseholes including those in the media can all go and fuck yourselves - you are EVEN worse liars and knaves than stupid Muslims who go around putting into practice a Dark Ages piece of insanity backing BY THE SWORD.

...And that doesn't mean to say there are not an awful number of completely nationally-loyal law-abiding and benign Muslims everywhere who are just as confused about what goes on in their stupid ideology - they certainly DO believe they go to mosque to 'pray' and that God is Good and Peaceful and all of that just like more or less every other deistic human being believes.

Citations needed.
It's going to continue putting up all kind of crap, then it will mention something which is true--not necessarily bad, but true--and it will use that point to claim that all it's statements were true.

When a left person makes one mistake, (s)he'll be pointed at it, and be called a liar forever; when a racist person tells one thing that's half-true, (s)he'll use that as a claim that everything (s)he ever said is true. So far, this one has been nothing but a rambling liar.

Pretty much ... I guess I just remain flummoxed that people can be so sure in their incoherent ramblings without feeling the need to provide actual evidence for what they're saying.
For the continuing number of ignorant fools here who talk about 'call to prayer:' there is no 'call to prayer.'

There is wudoo and udhun - washing the dirt, and 'listen, hear and be informed about' (also known in the West as 'azaan' or 'adhan' or all kinds of other crap misconstrued as 'prayer').

The muezzin calls out the shahada, which is widely misunderstood by Muslims themselves virtually everywhere, since hardly any modern era Muslims actually speak or read that kind of Arabic: what he actually says is 'The Lat is one of...' (qul allahu ahad - means 'one of;' whereas 'waHID' means 'One,' which they DON'T say. So in the very first place Muslims talk crap.

Next, in fact there is no 'prayer,' there is only 'salat,' which means WORSHIP. ...Of Al'Lat, and his messenger Muhammad.

During the phases INSIDE OF WHICH the leader in the mosque RECITES from memory, the Koran, he distinctly says and all within affirm 'Ameen' and also recite Koran verse 9: 123 - which explicitly submits to Al'Lat the ADJURATION (since it is NOT a prayer, and not worded in the form of a prayer), the following:

(and here, I give Muhsin Khan's false translation from Islamic websites): 'O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).'

...The Arabic does not say 'fight' it says 'Qatilhum' - which means BUTCHER aka cut the throats of.

And we expect to see all of you arseholes debating an authentic Arabic language scholar and Islamic Jurisprudence EXPERT on his live chat show ANYTIME - try, say, any of the 'Christian Prince' Paltalk or YouTube channels. He debates virtually 24/7 since he is backed by the Secret Intelligence Service of Egypt... ...and I will not throw the US Secret Intelligence Services into the deep end by saying what role I believe he holds there.

But you know what - if we DON'T see you ignoramuses there soon, you can all SYM because you have no clue. Stop misleading the public and the naiive and the innocent and walking everyone into a disaster. Islam is a murderous butchering cult that has spent centuries bribing and corrupting politicians around the world...

It has only one goal, AND THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE IN THE KORAN IN WHICH ALLAH EXPLICITS PROMISES HEAVEN TO ANYONE - where they DIE in the act of killing kufrs (which is all of you). THAT is why there are jihadis willing to give up their lives - they procure heaven for themselves and all of their family and friends in the act of suicide for Allah and his Messenger.

All Western politicians and other lying arseholes including those in the media can all go and fuck yourselves - you are EVEN worse liars and knaves than stupid Muslims who go around putting into practice a Dark Ages piece of insanity backing BY THE SWORD.

...And that doesn't mean to say there are not an awful number of completely nationally-loyal law-abiding and benign Muslims everywhere who are just as confused about what goes on in their stupid ideology - they certainly DO believe they go to mosque to 'pray' and that God is Good and Peaceful and all of that just like more or less every other deistic human being believes.
I agree in everything you said in this topic. Islam is an evil, totalitarian ideology made by evil people and then forced upon population (or part of it that didn't want to be butchered and lost battle with those totalitarians). Arab = Muslim, because muslims butchered all Arabs who didn't convert.

Western European fools opened doors for totalitarian invasion and they are paying cost of it. Sadly also western european children pay the price - but they didn't decide to open door for evil. Children like Ebba Akerlund.

ps. "islamophobia"? Pretty normal thing for people who likes liberty to fight against totalitarian ideologies.
Western European fools opened doors for totalitarian invasion and they are paying cost of it. Sadly also western european children pay the price - but they didn't decide to open door for evil. Children like Ebba Akerlund.

And those Innocent children in Cristchurh did? or is it only non-muslim children who are allowed to be innocent?
Funny that you don't give a shit about children in countries conquered by islamic totalitarians. If you would care you would be now raging against islam.

100% spot on.

Isn't it amazing that some people keep up this 'virtue signalling' bathos - which is largely dangled out there by deceiving politicians and the general media - never ever having appeared anywhere during the last year when more than ten thousand people of other faiths were murdered by Muslims worldwide.
100% spot on.

Isn't it amazing that some people keep up this 'virtue signalling' bathos - which is largely dangled out there by deceiving politicians and the general media - never ever having appeared anywhere during the last year when more than ten thousand people of other faiths were murdered by Muslims worldwide.

DLW (who has long since disappeared, unsurprisingly) started this thread to comment on a specific issue.
Are neither of you capable of doing that yourselves?
100% spot on.

Isn't it amazing that some people keep up this 'virtue signalling' bathos - which is largely dangled out there by deceiving politicians and the general media - never ever having appeared anywhere during the last year when more than ten thousand people of other faiths were murdered by Muslims worldwide.

Don't suppose you have any evidence for your figures? Or they a statistic that you made up on the spot?
Don't suppose you have any evidence for your figures? Or they a statistic that you made up on the spot?

Official UN study reports that in 2014 Boko Haram killed 6,664 civilians in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon, mostly Christians. This was closely followed by deaths caused by Al Shabab in Sudan, again mostly against Christians and animists. The report was contributed to by African security analyst Jakkie Cilliers, head if the Institute of Security Studies, and cited by him in the general media widely.

This year to date, official reports are that Boko Haram killed 500 Christians in Nigeria alone.

In Syria, ISIS/ISIL is officially reported to have killed 6,073 civilians over all.

...These figures are merely indicative of the wider, global number of deaths caused by Islamic groups each year in recent times.
(Otherwise, why mention it?)

It's not me buddy. You're the person who admitted to masturbating to various white supremacists manifestos and the murder of children. You're also the one who brought up incels. You seem especially proud of all those things. I'm merely asking why you revel in them.

I did trigger you. You became very upset. It was rather obvious as you stopped posting about achieving release to child murders.
Pegged you correctly, didn't I? (Otherwise, why mention it?) :D

Anyone who reads your posts knows where your mind is and how disturbing it is. Be proud of yourself, because no one else will be.

Here dan_c00000, whenever you feel like asking me a question, just read the post - addressed to you - that you couldn't bear to quote in full:

You just seemed really obsessed with incels, cuckolds, and child murder. Just thought I'd mention that.

Like for example, I correctly pegged you as someone who masturbates to child murder and white supremacists manifestos. Remember, I didn't bring up either of those things, you did.

What I'm saying is maybe you ought to rethink your priorities and relax with the ejaculating to that kind of stuff and obsessing over incels that you watch on YouTube.

You're projecting how you deal with your hate onto other people.

You can't talk your way out of who you are.

I already have. You're very triggered right now billy boy. Why don't you get get your copy of The Turner Diaries so you can calm down.

Geez, who knew you were easier to trigger than bot and dawn?

You've talked yourself out of who you are? Then you should stop living in denial. Everybody else can see you for you.

Uh oh, you've used the word triggered. When you got nothing, throw out the idioms.

It's not me buddy. You're the person who admitted to masturbating to various white supremacists manifestos and the murder of children. You're also the one who brought up incels. You seem especially proud of all those things. I'm merely asking why you revel in them.

I did trigger you. You became very upset. It was rather obvious as you stopped posting about achieving release to child murders.

You're still trying to salvage this with your disgusting words. Pathetic. Just go back and read the convo .... you're a sick, twisted boy who talks about disgusting things (it's your imagination coming up with the masturbating bit ... sicko).
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It's not me buddy. You're the person who admitted to masturbating to various white supremacists manifestos and the murder of children. You're also the one who brought up incels. You seem especially proud of all those things. I'm merely asking why you revel in them.

I did trigger you. You became very upset. It was rather obvious as you stopped posting about achieving release to child murders.

Why is it you keep mentioning masturbation-children-murder-release ... I haven't. You can go back through every post and see that I haven't, but you have, continuously. Why is that dan? :rolleyes:

What nasty secrets are you not hiding very well?
Official UN study reports that in 2014 Boko Haram killed 6,664 civilians in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon, mostly Christians. This was closely followed by deaths caused by Al Shabab in Sudan, again mostly against Christians and animists. The report was contributed to by African security analyst Jakkie Cilliers, head if the Institute of Security Studies, and cited by him in the general media widely.

This year to date, official reports are that Boko Haram killed 500 Christians in Nigeria alone.

In Syria, ISIS/ISIL is officially reported to have killed 6,073 civilians over all.

...These figures are merely indicative of the wider, global number of deaths caused by Islamic groups each year in recent times.

Since your citations come from wars, guerilla or otherwise, consider this. It is estimated that British and American forces killed more than 461,000 civilians during the second Iraq war.
I'll see your 13,000 and raise you 448,000.
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Official UN study reports that in 2014 Boko Haram killed 6,664 civilians in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon, mostly Christians. This was closely followed by deaths caused by Al Shabab in Sudan, again mostly against Christians and animists. The report was contributed to by African security analyst Jakkie Cilliers, head if the Institute of Security Studies, and cited by him in the general media widely.

This year to date, official reports are that Boko Haram killed 500 Christians in Nigeria alone.

In Syria, ISIS/ISIL is officially reported to have killed 6,073 civilians over all.

...These figures are merely indicative of the wider, global number of deaths caused by Islamic groups each year in recent times.

Again, if you have concern for these situations, you could start a discussion about them. Maybe some people would be informed ... if informing people is what you're trying to do, you might consider whether the best approach is to attack them on a thread that's related to something else that is clearly also a tragedy.
masturbation-children-murder-release You can go back through every post and see that I have continuously.

I sure can buddy. You're very, triggered right now. Anytime you want to answer my original question let me know. Until then,


More on topic it's interesting to note that whenever the right sees a white man do this it has nothing to do with religion. I mean it's not like the shooter was a militant Christian or anything, just as an example, he called for "christian" to take back Istanbul.
It's not me buddy. You're the person who admitted to masturbating to various white supremacists manifestos and the murder of children. You're also the one who brought up incels. You seem especially proud of all those things. I'm merely asking why you revel in them.

I did trigger you. You became very upset. It was rather obvious as you stopped posting about achieving release to child murders.

Why is it you keep mentioning masturbation-children-murder-release ... I haven't. You can go back through every post and see that I haven't, but you have, continuously. Why is that dan? :rolleyes:

What nasty secrets are you not hiding very well?

You've got some problems.
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Dan, he said a lot of things, mainly to trigger people. That was his main aim; triggering people. Triggering people isn't always a good thing, dan.

Triggering people isn't an accomplishment in itself, dan.

I answered questions with information straight from the source material. If you can't handle that, how do you read the news? If dan's tirade doesn't upset you, then you're a deplorable as him. :(

Perhaps it's my use of English.

Perhaps you read what you want to read.

with 'he said', I meant the shooter.

Nope, I messed up with you again. Dammit. :eek:

My apologies. (I did take the 'He' said as relating to 'Me.')
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