What made you who you are today ?


I want to.....
Feb 27, 2013
For me it was my divorce 12 yrs ago this month....she was my high school sweetheart, the first and only woman that I'd ever been with. We were married for 17 yrs, three kids , we were best friends , amazing lovers, soul mates if you will. She was my world and I was very much in love with her( still am really) when we split (her idea) I was completely devastated....took a long time to recover. As a result I now view everything as temporary, I don't give all of me to anyone anymore and I don't believe in fairy tales.....I once was a hopeless romantic. Even though I've remarried and moved on I haven't felt at home anywhere in years and I always feel like something is missing......I have a great sense if humor yet there is a very cynical side to me now and I feel as if I've been cheated of my destiny...I was hers forever . Anyway would love to hear about events in your lives that changed you or shaped you into who you are now.....deep I know but give it a try .
My strict religious upbringing shaped me because my parents expected perfect marks throughout school & university. Not much of a social life until high school ended which sucked but I was an honor student every year. I feel I missed out on things but career wise it was a positive.
My husband joining Lit. changed our sex lives and brought this prude out of her shell. I use to hate attention but am much better with it now most days. Work & sex don't really mix with me. I don't want to lose any respect I've gained, so everyone thinks I'm so straight it has become comical to me.
Getting stage 4 cancer and beating it this year has made me so much stronger mentally. Still working on the physical part. I disappeared off the boards from late Feb. till May. I appreciate things so much more but am very emotional and cry a lot with things I normally wouldn't. I cry while doing cardio sometimes which might sound weird.

Those 3 things have made me who I am and now I'm crying. :eek:

a mother with questionable parenting skills and an absent father
My parents. My father, more than anything else. A hardass that fucked me up in so many ways, but opened so many doors for me. I honestly wouldn't be anywhere near where I am now without him.

My love for books. Early on, I realized that we all live blinkered lives. Each of us lives in our own personal allegory of the caves. We have such a narrow point of view, a limited field of knowledge, and it's up to us to expand our horizons. We're slaves to our own ways of thinking, and I've learned that until we expand on our thinking, our lives get to be miserable and harsh and we don't even know it. Even now, I'm reading. I have an urge, a burn to know more that's entirely insatiable. And that's done so much for me.

My lust for people. People fascinate me. A good and bad thing. I suppose that if I could, I would get to know everyone on this planet, in some capacity. And in my quest to know people, I've done some incredibly kind things and incredibly cruel things. I've done some incredibly smart things and incredibly fucking stupid things.

Combine ingredients, mix well, bake at 375 for 2 hours, and you've got me.
Ms Leigh ... You rock! Cry all you wanna - its like a pressure valve and release is necessary.

Mousier Paul ... Forgive me for saying this (some freakin stranger who knows nowt) but if you "feel" cheated of your destiny then sadly you are allowing it for only you can be in control of your feelings and your life direction. Reading that made me sad; for some one who knows how to love then hides away is a great loss. If there was more like you in this world, a selfless one who loves - well filling those blanks would be with something kinda wonderful don't ya think?

What made me this way? Hatred and abuse.
do you rub your cum into your fur? because my hair doesn't look that nice

I just do the ceiling spurt. That's when I masturbate with Elli fantasies. If Penelope Cruz sneaks into my head I have to point it out the window and sperm innocent bystanders.
I just do the ceiling spurt. That's when I masturbate with Elli fantasies. If Penelope Cruz sneaks into my head I have to point it out the window and sperm innocent bystanders.

free conditioner for strangers, how nice of you!
I still, to this day, remember seeing my father being loaded into the back of an ambulance when I was 5, still remember the doctor yelling at the nurse to let me into the ICU to see him and sitting there eating his dinner. Eight years later, I lost him.

I am still taking care of my mother. She has cancer. I have no social life, so I spend my free time on here with all of you wonderful people and I value the friendships I have made. One person in particular has become a dear friend and I'm so glad that he is around when I need him.

Taking care of my ill parents has made me a kind, caring person who is humble and unselfish. And I have yet to find a guy who would admire those qualities in me.
I still, to this day, remember seeing my father being loaded into the back of an ambulance when I was 5, still remember the doctor yelling at the nurse to let me into the ICU to see him and sitting there eating his dinner. Eight years later, I lost him.

I am still taking care of my mother. She has cancer. I have no social life, so I spend my free time on here with all of you wonderful people and I value the friendships I have made. One person in particular has become a dear friend and I'm so glad that he is around when I need him.

Taking care of my ill parents has made me a kind, caring person who is humble and unselfish. And I have yet to find a guy who would admire those qualities in me.

Being bullied horribly through grade school, because people thought that the quiet kid was homosexual, but in actuality he was just a creative soul with sensitive feelings and emotions emotions that were strong and available to anyone.

The choir teacher who found me in the hall and yanked me into his choir room while his top singers were rehearsing and told me that not only was I going to audition right then and there, but also that he believed me to be a better singer than any of the people in that room. He set me on a new course.

The college professor who tore down my poetry, ripped my writing style, and told me I was garbage. Then he proceeded to work with me after hours and take what talent I did have and cultivate a gift that will result in a published book in the next 12 months.

The people who broke my heart and built my strength. The people who showed me that it was okay to love freely and without restraint. The people who showed me how to be a gentleman, a scholar, and all while not compromising who I am at my core.
I still, to this day, remember seeing my father being loaded into the back of an ambulance when I was 5, still remember the doctor yelling at the nurse to let me into the ICU to see him and sitting there eating his dinner. Eight years later, I lost him.

I am still taking care of my mother. She has cancer. I have no social life, so I spend my free time on here with all of you wonderful people and I value the friendships I have made. One person in particular has become a dear friend and I'm so glad that he is around when I need him.

Taking care of my ill parents has made me a kind, caring person who is humble and unselfish. And I have yet to find a guy who would admire those qualities in me.

I usually (hokay, always) just post to crack jokes. I have no jokes here. Yours has been a difficult road. I can't imagine it, nor can many Litsters. Saying "hang in there" would be trite, but I don't know what else to tell you.