Confessions: What Are Yours?

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Ict I did it. Not expecting a big response, if any, , but I did it anyway.
ICT I cried happy tears earlier and don't remember being this happy in general for a long time.
I confess that I might have a bit of a bromance thingy with Troy Baker. Goddamn, that fucker shouldn't be that talented.

I also confess that hearing him play the Joker in Arkham Origins was what did it.
ICT to paraphrase Lady Antebellum... it's half past one. I'm a little drunk and I'm glad Perky is back now.
ICT it kinda bothers me when reading some pm responses that contain stuff about me sucking dicks. Especially when they say they've read my posts. Clearly they haven't read them all. ;) (referring to my "3 things you don't know about me" posts)
ICT it kinda bothers me when reading some pm responses that contain stuff about me sucking dicks. Especially when they say they've read my posts. Clearly they haven't read them all. ;) (referring to my "3 things you don't know about me" posts)

ICT I just stalked to see your "3 things" post.
IACT I am sorry and **HUGS**
Ict I wonder if this were the right choice. Oh well. Lets have some fun.
ICT I got freaked out about something and deleted my photobucket account and with it all my photos. I also removed my profile picture/avatar.
Ict having a pic thread this time around is different.
Ict years ago, I wanted to be wanted.
Ict this time, I don't really care if I'm not wanted. Its just fun for now.
ICT.... never mind.

What makes you think I have something to confess?
Ict having a pic thread this time around is different.
Ict years ago, I wanted to be wanted.
Ict this time, I don't really care if I'm not wanted. Its just fun for now.

Good to hear. When you work hard to be accepted, you only hurt yourself :(

ICT it's nice to be back among this community. Lots of faces (or body parts!) have changed!
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