Confessions: What Are Yours?

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Ict having a pic thread this time around is different.
Ict years ago, I wanted to be wanted.
Ict this time, I don't really care if I'm not wanted. Its just fun for now.

Good to hear. When you work hard to be accepted, you only hurt yourself :(

ICT it's nice to be back among this community. Lots of faces (or body parts!) have changed!
ICT as much as family complains about things when the chips are down they all pull together.
ICT I hate myself a lot because I can't seem to do well with girls, even though, on paper, I'm "a catch." I feel like a failure, and it bothers me a lot.
Ict I'm thankful for friends posting on my thread for support, even though they find nothing attractive about me. Friends make the world go round.
ICT I got something last week that I never had before and I am going to try them on.
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