When Kahdafi calls it quits which righty will give him a lick of credit?


Pragmatic Metaphysician
Jul 8, 2009
Obama of course.... Will any repubs give him kudos for another successful military/foreign policy venture?
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why is getting rid of THAT GUY

who almost all agree, including the FORMER DIA and CIA head TURD

was PRO West and helped vis a vis TERRORIST

only to likely to be replaced by TERRORISTS

good for the US?

Oh, its good for HO!, cause he is PRO TERRORIST, but why good for the US?
Ok you piece of useless shit,

Why is it the interest of teh US to get rid of Q Man?
he will quote Bush and some shit about Demo Creepcy

the same shit that MOTHERFUCKER was pissing on for 8 yrs
He will deserve credit for so many things.

First off, the "war" was all but over when we finally got in based on the fear of a massacre that could in now way be proven to be about to happen.

He gets credit for teaching the Arab world that reforming means nothing.

He gets credit for higher oil prices.

Civilian deaths due to bombings.

He gets credit for leaving Libya in shambles.

He gets credit for proving that US law means nothing, that ANY President can now go to war as long as France calls for it.

He gets credit for turning a week into months.

He has so much to be proud of, including the cost of yet another war and the impact on our debt.

He gets credit for validating the Bush Cowboy diplomacy.
Barry Says: I shot Osama, but I did not shoot Gadaffi!
I shot his grandkids, but I say it was in self-defense!

Momar Says: Sheriff Obama always hated me, for what I do not know,
Every time I renounce terror, he says kill me before I can grow...

MEANWHILE, he gets no credit for helping Yemen fight off AL QEADA!

Or protecting innocent SYRIAN peace and democracy protestors!

Iran is in the hands of freely-elected "reformers."

Like the happy-go-lucky community organizers in Egypt...
Oil for Europe requires American lives.:rolleyes:

Just our money and munitions!
A_J's corollary #10, “The only time Europe approves of the projection of American force is when they are in charge (having graciously surrendered their own ability to do so).”
Obama of course.... Will any repubs give him kudos for another successful military/foreign policy venture?

where did you go NIGGER?

credit for what NIGGER?

More than three-fourths of House members believe Libya operation is questionable, illegal or unwise
Share Print By: David Freddoso 06/04/11 2:52 PM
Online Opinion Editor Follow him @freddoso

. The U.S. House considered two measures yesterday relating to the war in Libya. The first, which carried on a bipartisan vote, demanded that President Obama justify and explain his actions in Libya, and stated as a finding of fact that

The President has failed to provide Congress with a compelling rationale based upon United States national security interests for current United States military activities regarding Libya.

This successful resolution also demands that the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Attorney General "transmit to the House of Representatives" copies of any documents, records, or correspondence referencing the administration's need to communicate with Congress or the War Powers Resolution.

Obama has maintained all along that he consulted with Congress sufficiently to justify going to war. The Congress, including a significant number of House liberals, is calling him a liar with this first resolution, and demanding documentary evidence that will prove it.

The second measure, which failed on a bipartisan vote, demanded that Obama cease military action in Libya. The minority who supported it presumably consider the operation unwise, in addition to its potential illegality.

Only 86 members of Congress voted for both measures. This means that 330 members of Congress voted for at least one -- more than three-quarters of the U.S. House.

The White House reacted with a statement that "these resolutions are unnecessary and unhelpful." They are only unhelpful in that they might prevent Obama from governing in a way that ignores the clear letter and spirit of the law and the Constitution.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs...&utm_content=feed&utm_term=feed#ixzz1OORdIoyN
Still not calling it quits and Congress has told Barack to withdraw.

Will he pay any more attention to that branch of the government than he does the judiciary?

Only branches other than the executive he cares about are his devoted Press and the UN.
He Shot Osama! He gets ALL the credit! Thank you Barack!

No shit!

SLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan’s army chief, the most powerful man in the country, is fighting to save his position in the face of seething anger from top generals and junior officers since the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden, according to Pakistani officials and people who have met the chief in recent weeks.

Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who has led the army since 2007, faces such intense discontent over what is seen as his cozy relationship with the United States that a colonels’ coup, while unlikely, was not out of the question, said a well-informed Pakistani who has seen the general in recent weeks, as well as an American military official involved with Pakistan for many years.

The Pakistani Army is essentially run by consensus among 11 top commanders, known as the Corps Commanders, and almost all of them, if not all, were demanding that General Kayani get much tougher with the Americans, even edging toward a break, Pakistanis who follow the army closely said.

Washington, with its own hard line against Pakistan, had pushed General Kayani into a defensive crouch, along with his troops, and if the general was pushed out, the United States would face a more uncompromising anti-American army chief, the Pakistani said.


General Kayani told the director of the C.I.A., Leon E. Panetta, during a visit here last weekend that Pakistan would not accede to his request for independent operations by the agency, Pakistani and American officials said.

A long statement after the regular monthly meeting of the 11 corps commanders last week illuminated the mounting hostility toward the United States, even as it remains the army’s biggest patron, supplying at least $2 billion a year in aid.

The statement, aimed at rebuilding support within the army and among the public, said that American training in Pakistan had only ever been minimal, and had now ended. “It needs to be clarified that the army had never accepted any training assistance from the United States except for training on the newly inducted weapons and some training assistance for the Frontier Corps only,” a reference to paramilitary troops in the northwest tribal areas, the statement said.

The statement said that the C.I.A.-run drone attacks against militants in the tribal areas “were not acceptable under any circumstances.”

Allowing the drones to continue to operate from Pakistan was “politically unsustainable,” said the well-informed Pakistani who met with General Kayani recently. As part of his survival mechanism, General Kayani could well order the Americans to stop the drone program completely, the Pakistani said.

The Pakistanis have already blocked the supply of food and water to the base used for the drones, a senior American official said, adding that they were gradually “strangling the alliance” by making things difficult for the Americans in Pakistan.

Barry Says: I shot Osama, but I did not shoot Gadaffi!
I shot his grandkids, but I say it was in self-defense!

Momar Says: Sheriff Obama always hated me, for what I do not know,
Every time I renounce terror, he says kill me before I can grow...
