Your writing ritual

This link may change your mind. Listen to what he has to say about the psychological effect and the lack of deep sleep.
Stimulants act differently on people with ADHD. Our brains don’t produce enough of certain neurotransmitters; that’s why the most effective treatments for it tend to be chemicals that are basically derivatives of methamphetamines. That also means we aren’t affected as much by the negative effects of the same; you have to give us a crazy high dose of a stimulant before we start to see the same symptoms neurotypicals (sleeplessness, hyperactivity, etc.) do.
Im a late-night writer. I have to be like total equilibrium. I cant be hungry, tired, hot, cold or sober. I usually prop up on the couch with a blanket or a onesy. I have to have socks. I need my beer, my weed and my cigars. Then I write until I'm too sleepy or finish my scenes. I write drunk and edit drunk. My editors are sober lol
Not so much where you get your idea or the entire story writing process, but something you do when you're ready to sit down and start-or continue-a story.

Mine is simple, make a cup of coffee(regardless of time of day) put on some music which is some form of metal or anything hard and heavy because the noise serves to drown out any distractions other than the idea. Light a candle next to me, even if its daylight, then I rest my fingers on the keys, close my eyes and whisper "Tell me a story"
This is me...
The cup of coffee. (and a water bottle of sorts)
The music (though it depends what book I'm working on whether it's going to be metal or country or something in between).
The candle. (usually a pumpkin/cinnamon scent or a balsam scent.)

I like to be warm, so a hoodie or robe or sweater, is either on or nearby.
I burn some sage before I sit down.
Turn the lamp on, and turn the little bookshop on (from my Christmas village... The bookshop stays in my office all year).

When I write, there's a timer... Either the one on my phone, or the computer, or the little kitchen timer... But there's a timer set for 10-18min.

These have been built over time. And if I do them all, it signals to my brain that it's time to write.

I read about rituals for writers artists once and it was completely fascinating. And I'm always interested in learning about the rituals and writing processes.
Mine is simple, make a cup of coffee(regardless of time of day) put on some music which is some form of metal or anything hard and heavy because the noise serves to drown out any distractions other than the idea. Light a candle next to me, even if its daylight, then I rest my fingers on the keys, close my eyes and whisper "Tell me a story"
Mine is very similar but at the same time different. I get a tall 40 oz insulated mug full of ice water, if I need some caffeine I make some tea, loose leaf in a diffuser (stainless steel tea ball) and let it seep for 5 minutes. If I need something with more flavor but not needing the caffeine I just whip up an extra spicy Virgin Mary. Alcohol does not help my writing at all. Music can be any instrumental, the vocals are too much of a distraction. Spiro Gyra for jazz, the Academy of St. Martins in the field for classical... Sometimes a candle, the open flame seems to remind me that I am now in charge of my universe. My stories come from my dreams, my refinements come from my subconscious and I only ask for input for someone else when I know what they're going to say first.
I've developed a habit of chainsmoking when I write. Other than that, I don't need anything special and can write anywhere with my phone. I might even do it while riding my bicycle at night.
I've developed a habit of chainsmoking when I write. Other than that, I don't need anything special and can write anywhere with my phone. I might even do it while riding my bicycle at night.
Sounds dangerous. Then writing always is.
Being an early riser, I write in the morning, in bed, next to my husband. Writing makes me horny. I've tried writing at bedtime but we end up having sex, which is great of course, but tends to hamper my productivity. Generally, I'll have a dozen stories on the go, dipping in and out as my mood dictates. My biggest issue is finishing a story. I must have half-a-dozen that are 95% complete.
Not so much where you get your idea or the entire story writing process, but something you do when you're ready to sit down and start-or continue-a story.
Go to the pub. If its a good story then the alcohol helps me loosen up and just write it. If its not going to go anywhere then the alcohol lets me be honest and drop it and just get drunk instead.

@Tilan You're not wrong about coffee, but please don't post any links about what a couple of scotches does. I already know it, in the broad outlines, and I drink to forget it.

I recommend the book Daily Rituals for anyone who finds this interesting. The habits of all sorts of artists, mostly writers. There is a lot of coffee, fags and booze, plus some very fussy breakfasts. Even one (non-erotica) author who claimed he couldn't write unless he had a permanent erection at his standing desk.