Yes Obama, Biden, Lynch, Comey All Knew Russian Collusion Was a Lie Invented By Clinton


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Durham: You better believe Obama, Biden, and Comey knew that this was a Hillary dirty trick​

ED MORRISSEY 11:21 AM on June 21, 2023

What did Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Loretta Lynch, and James Comey know about Russia-collusion — and when did they know it? John Durham dropped a bombshell in his testimony today at House Oversight, which will go on for at least a couple of hours or more, but this part wasn’t the bombshell. In his special-counsel report, Durham had already revealed that CIA Director John Brennan briefed these four in August 2016 that Hillary Clinton planned to paint Donald Trump as linked to Russian intelligence, presumably to shift attention away from her own e-mail scandal.

That briefing resulted in a “referral memorandum,” and one of its recipients was then-FBI director James Comey. Oversight chair Jim Jordan asks Durham whether Comey ever bothered to share that with the agents assigned to the newly launched Operation Crossfire Hurricane or ever presented to the FISA court when applications were made for domestic surveillance of Trump campaign officials. Nope, Durham says, and explains how he found that out:

See here for Sworn testimony:

As I said so many years ago.
But Durham was all part of the scheme....right?

But also, he was going to bring down the hammer on them all!

Another Reichy prediction fail
What were the investigations about?

Hint: none of them were about Russian Collusion.

Mueller was tasked with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election as well as any cooperation, wittingly or unwittingly with the Trump campaign.

The continued use of "Russian Collusion" and specifically the word collusion continues to gaslight what actually occurred.
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"Obama ramped up rhetoric about Russian interference" - yes, because there was Russian interference. That was investigated by multiple bodies, including the GOP led Senate and was found to be true.
They knew and agreed to go along with a lie in order to try and thwart the will of the voters. Ok, that's dirty campaigning but it's the way campaigning works sometimes.

Where they went wrong is when they decided to continue to promote the lie, fabricate evidence to promote the lie, and then try to prosecute individuals under that lie and false evidence. That's a crime.

THAT was a conspiracy to defraud the US. It also became a conspiracy to commit sedition when the lie was used as a basis to try to impeach and remove the President from office. That's a crime which is punishable by death. Which in this case would be appropriate upon conviction of every conspirator involved.
They knew and agreed to go along with a lie in order to try and thwart the will of the voters. Ok, that's dirty campaigning but it's the way campaigning works sometimes.

Where they went wrong is when they decided to continue to promote the lie, fabricate evidence to promote the lie, and then try to prosecute individuals under that lie and false evidence. That's a crime.

THAT was a conspiracy to defraud the US. It also became a conspiracy to commit sedition when the lie was used as a basis to try to impeach and remove the President from office. That's a crime which is punishable by death. Which in this case would be appropriate upon conviction of every conspirator involved.
,...says the guy who evidently had no problem with overturning an election, storming the capital and removing a lawfully elected president from office and replacing him with the losing candidate.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Russia has admitted to supporting Trump in 2016 and tampering with the election, by the way, or do you not accept Putin's admission? Of course Russia would have benefitted from Trump being in office. He would have had carte blanche in Ukraine if Trump was still there, with no interference from the US.
,...says the guy who evidently had no problem with overturning an election, storming the capital and removing a lawfully elected president from office and replacing him with the losing candidate.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Russia has admitted to supporting Trump in 2016 and tampering with the election, by the way, or do you not accept Putin's admission? Of course Russia would have benefitted from Trump being in office. He would have had carte blanche in Ukraine if Trump was still there, with no interference from the US.

Lol, you're such a lying fucktard.

"The Russian state has never interfered and is not going to interfere into internal American affairs including election process," Putin said during the conference alongside Trump.

Meanwhile today...:

Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion​