Word Chains game

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What a pleasant passtime: papers and finals...not until December for me, but for each one a student writes, I have 80 to read!


nice size class - my papers are actually due Sept time - so I can breath - downside is I'm expected to do well...

thanks - I'm going to need it


will never sway your thesis committee; make sure your work is unassailable! (Remember to cite all the sources you didn't use so you're protected from being asked why you didn't consult so-and-so. You've already answered that and shown why it wasn't relevant).

will never sway your thesis committee; make sure your work is unassailable! (Remember to cite all the sources you didn't use so you're protected from being asked why you didn't consult so-and-so. You've already answered that and shown why it wasn't relevant).

essentially I have a very good advisor - the topic however isn't his field per se - so his demands for an airtight case will help keep the defense somewhat subdued - I hope
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