Which story of yours is your favorite and why?


Kink Lord
Apr 9, 2015
I don't mean which is most popular or has the highest rating. I mean which do you like best of what you have written. And why?

If forced to choose, I would pick the first story that I wrote and second that I published, In The Hallway, which is a light BDSM tale. I enjoyed writing it a lot. I think what I liked most was developing how two people with no background in dominance and submission and who had never met could be drawn into it while exploring and expanding their mutual attraction, in a risky, unusual setting. It's my longest story, so I took more time with character development than in some others. It's my highest-rated story, but one of my least-viewed.

I'm working on a few other stories that I think may prove to be better, but they're not done yet, so we'll see.
Although I like a lot of mine for different reasons, I think I have floated on a high with WWII-atmosphere pieces. In 2014 with "War Letters" and last year with "Puttin' on the Ritz" and "The Aviators," all of which were heavily researched, historical, and going for setting a certain languid and "live for today" war desperation mood.
I list my favorites in my signature. I like them both because I feel fulfilled by having written them.

I originally wrote "Oscar's Place" eight or nine years ago and rewrote it for Lit. Trish is one of my favorite characters ever, the story contains a twist, and the wrap-up tells a different and sweetly romantic story. I put it in Erotic Horror because it's a ghost story and as a result it has been largely ignored by readers.

"The Third Ring," is a non-erotic epic love story in Sci-Fi inspired by a Victorian retelling of the American Indian folktale, "The Man Who Married the Moon." I'm simply proud to have written it. It's been well-accepted, considering that it is non-erotic. I suspect that at least some of the readers who get into the story don't even notice that it isn't erotic.
I'm still pretty new here, and not a very fast writer. I only have four stories so far. It seems like each time I finish one, it's my favorite. Like today, I'd have to say my favorite is the story I submitted in November. But if you had asked last month, I would have said the story I submitted in October. I'm hoping to finish a story for December, and if You ask next month, that will be my favorite story. I'm not quite sure what that says about me.

So to answer your question for now, my favorite story is "Uncovering Quinn". I like it because it has a lot of foreshadowing as I try to lay down clues about the secret that the titular character is hiding. I think it also has the most character development of anything I've written.
I'm glad to see some responses. I've been meaning to check out more stories written by other authors here and I figured a better way than relying on scores was to ask authors themselves what they liked best.
I had to think a while before posting an answer on this one. As I went through each of my posted stories, every one had something that I liked a lot.

If I had to choose I would have to say its my romance story - "The Binding Potion" -

I did a lot of things wrong with that one, and reading it after it went up they glared at me. But I still like it.

A close second, in my opinion, is a story that didn't fare that well with readers, - "Bizarre Yard Sale". I had a lot of fun writing it.
As always, it's "To Catch a Merchant Princess" as Darkniciad.

Everything just came together with that one. I read back through it frequently and fondly.
That's a really good question.

Wheelie still makes me giggle, every time. I've rewritten it to publish as less of a stroke story and more of a prequel to a longer novel. Friends still refuse to use my pump. :eek:

Power Games was totally leaving my comfort zone (BDSM) and I love Lindsay the Domme for being such a kickarse heroine.

Big Boys is this year's Winter Contest entry and another out of my comfort zone - a challenge to write GM, and Bears at that.
I'm a bit of a sucker for writing stories which I've been told won't be popular. It's the contrary part of me, and my lovely Bears have suffered for it. :(

BB is currently tying for voting bottom place with MOBD, a nichely humorous tale I wrote to amuse/arouse very few people, most of whom like a hairy heroine.

Though out of all of them, my current fave is Cool - a sweet and short Christmas romance.
For me, Rope and Veil;a) because I had the balls to write it in the first place; b) because I managed to sensitively represent a community not usually given an erotic voice - and was well thanked by members of that community; and c) because Amelia, my leading lady, turned out to be such a powerful character.
My favorite is probably Grand Island (link on my sig-line), because it went over so tremendously well. I know the question specified not necessarily your most popular, but that one has grown especially near and dear to my heart because it's always gotten so much positive feedback.
For me, it has to be "Chinese Takeout" - bringing together a young Chinese girl and a biker and researching and portraying biker culture realistically and sympathetically. It's a work in progress but what makes it special for me is a combination of the protagonist, a Chinese girl from a middle-class American-Chinese background intersecting and learning about bikers and a whole new world she's never imagined. The intersecting cultures, learning about each other, the pressures on Jay-Lin, the conflicts, her family vs her boyfriend, I love writing all of that. And the sex of course but in a way that's almost incidental. What's even better for me has been the unexpectedly large biker feedback on that series.
I especially like my story 'Leanne the Lusty Lifeguard' which takes place in Sydney in 1980.

Although I wrote it, it makes me laugh, especially the character of Uncle Merv (nicknamed 'Merv the Perve'), a man who takes political correctness and smashes it to pieces.

Luckily for the PC Brigade, their worst nightmare in the sexist and homophobic Uncle Merv would now be long dead given his age, his love of cigarettes, alcohol, unhealthy food and his distaste for using sunblock. Although if one was to visit Uncle Merv's grave in the last few days, one might hear him spinning given that gay marriage was just legalized in Australia.
My Marion series was a fun experiment. It started out as a strapon stroker but took an unexpected bi crossdressing turn so I ran with it rinse, repeat style.

But my favorite is White Trash. Wrote two chapters then a long time passed before writing a bridge chapter then the final for an AH revenge challenge. Probably just me, but the sex descriptions make me laugh every time I read it.
For me, it always seems to be the chapter I’m working on as I’m the most involved with it and trying to keep it interesting🌹
Telemarketing. Very short. It kept coming out just below 750 words by Laurel's count and barely OK by mine. She rejected it 3 times, then gave it a big fat Green-E. It's fun, fast and short. The kind I like to read.

In the running would be BDSM for Dummies. A parody about two DIY first-timers. In their comments, the BDSM crowd took it in the fun I intended.

Two of my favorites because they have good characters, sexy fun, and no need to describe a blow job.

All of mine are favorites in one way or another. I'm always experimenting with different perspectives, male and female protagonists, and all sorts of things. So each has something I really liked doing. I could pick Agnes of God or Safety Net because they are the ones no one understood.

I could say Striped Shirt because it is so far from being me. Or After Midnight because it is so far from being ANYBODY. Or Ransom of Red Pussy because it was a blast to take a classic story and turn it into porn.

And Debbie's Anal Sex is for Buttholes stories were just a hoot to write.

But I guess when it really comes down to it Do You Still Love Me has a very personal connection. And Saturday's Child because it had more depth to the characters than anything I had written before.

And the one I am working on now is putting all those experiments to work. It's slow going but I don't like to rush or force my writing.

So... Hey... Go read them and tell me YOUR favorite. ;)
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I love all my children. When I think of one of my stories, I think about how much I enjoyed writing it, even my low-rated ones. I kept cracking up while writing "My Daughter Interrupts My Work" as I thought it had some great lines. Sadly, the humor didn't work for many readers. "Getting Ready To Close The Deal" is like an O'Henry story to me (I doubt O'Henry would have gotten a 3.26 rating if he had written porn).

As for my middle-rated ones, there's something special about each one of them. "Sister Has a Plan" has one of my favorite fantasies - breastfeeding. "Cruise Doubledate With My Sister" has what I consider my hottest sex scene. "My Day as a Pool Boy" is my tenderest story. The "Heather and Michael" stories were my introduction to writing porn. Etc.
I write through an alt and I don't really like what I write. It reads good at first but turns meh after some time.

That's a really good question.

Wheelie still makes me giggle, every time. I've rewritten it to publish as less of a stroke story and more of a prequel to a longer novel. Friends still refuse to use my pump. :eek:

Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy.... I still remember that one. Remember laughing my ass off. :D
I’m most proud of “Moan,” because it was my most ambitious. It does several things, and I think it does them all well. As a Halloween contest entry, it was a porn parody of the horror movie “Scream.” But because “Scream” was itself a parody of horror films, “Moan” was also a parody of Literotica stories, even as it followed a horror movie structure. And because “Scream” was also a murder mystery, “Moan” is likewise a whodunit that, I hope, plays fair with the reader while leading the reader to suspect the wrong person. And because it’s also a porn story, it had to be sexy in addition to funny and clever.

With all that ground to cover, I think it succeeded at everything except maybe being sexy – at least I don’t find it as sexy as my other stories, but some readers have commented that I succeeded there, too. At any rate, if it fails, its biggest fault is over-ambition, which I feel is a good fault to have.
I have some least-favorites (mostly the earliest) but no most-favorites, really. Well, maybe my historical romance The Botanists about two real-life naturalists who spent their 1889 honeymoon walking the 600-plus miles from San Diego to San Francisco, "botanizing along the way." Next might be my least-liked, Big Banana, maybe the strangest incest piece on LIT. Both of those took a bit of research but came out well.
With so many stories posted I'm not sure I can choose a single favourite. I like many of them but for different reasons.

Donna was my early attempt at erotic horror. Horror? Yes. Erotic? Probably not. It has been consistently low rated perhaps because it repels the readers. I think it is better than its rating but I can understand why it is unpopular:

Usually it's whatever I wrote last. I'm pretty happy with my latest story, since it had some tricky technical challenges (courtship in riddle-poems) and two plots running in parallel, and I think I pulled it off quite well.
I'd be lying if I said I was completely happy with any of them. However, having been recently made to reread some of those I was actually surprised that not all of them were as bad as I remembered.

I think The French Girl is structurally my strongest piece. And I value structure. It's no wonder it's my most popular work with the plot it has.

Still I like my least popular story the best: It's You And Me in Here. It has barely any sex in it and the writing can be overly dramatic at times, yet due to it's length (I believe it's under 750 word limit) I could edit it to the point at which I was almost happy with it. If I could put that level of detail in all of my writing, I'd be very happy.