When your story TAKES OFF…

I liked that you mentioned the jealousy part of the interaction between M&M in Part 2.

I'm into Part 3 now.
1. Most swinger couples (particularly on a sellout cruise are unlikely to try seducing a prude couple. There are so many other options available with less potential drama. Other swingers would be open to discussing it, but not actively seducing.
2. Buoyancy is not a limiting factor for scuba diving as much as it would be for snorkeling, even with full face masks. His lack of buoyancy indicates a low Body Mass Index, or more muscle to fat ratio. Divers us buoyancy compensator vests. And all divers need lead weights to submerge, so his lack of buoyancy just means fewer lead weights are needed.

But still a great story.

Thanks for the critique.

Obviously if no-one tries to seduce them there’s no erotic tension, but I get that in real-life swingers very much tend to respect boundaries and are very cautious people, unlike the filthy souls here, some of which like Anne, see newbies as a source of fresh meat (the filthy harlot!)

As for the buoyancy, I suffer from that myself and whilst I get that they use weights to counter balance you with scuba diving, it means that I’m always extremely cautious in water. The danger would probably be minimum but the psychological terror is crippling.

But glad you’re enjoying it.
Finished the story and left good ratings. Thx for the fun. You ever want to enjoy my work in return, feel free. :)