What's your mood today?

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impressive said:
Good morning, friends.

I'm surprised how rested & refreshed I feel this morning -- after too much caffeine & too little sleep. I figure I'll hit the wall this afternoon. Better do what needs doin' this morning so I can sneak in a power nap before the kids get home from school.

Looking forward to the weekend road trip. If anyone's in the Bethesda, MD area ... stop by the South Beach Restaurant & Loft Lounge on Saturday afternoon!
six years ago, that would have been a no brainer as that was less than 30 miles from my house.

moanin all.
trying really hard to be positive and upbeat.
step father is coming for the weekend. hrm...crossing fingahs about this. could be really good...could be hard. only time will tell.

applied for admission at a four year that teams with the college i work at...was surprised that i have so much to do to obtain next degree up. 35-40 credit hours. :eek: that will take me a while since i'll only be able to do 2 classes a semester.

heard back re: teaching. right at the moment the college does not offer this but since i've asked, they are looking into working with the women's resource center and area communities to see if there is a need/sponcership...maybe this fall.

ever seem like just when you think you're caught up with life, it turns and spins out of your grasp?
im there.
vella_ms said:
ever seem like just when you think you're caught up with life, it turns and spins out of your grasp?
im there.

I wouldn't know how to behave if I ever "caught up with life."

:kiss: G'morning, lovely.
impressive said:
I wouldn't know how to behave if I ever "caught up with life."

:kiss: G'morning, lovely.
morning gorgeous.
i miss your leg av... strange how attached i got to it.
Mornin Imp, vella, EL, mat :kiss: 's

Catching up with life would be...what? Dull, me thinks.

Kind of pissy today - feel like bitch-slappin one of our suppliers.

I love our new kittens, but I wish they'd stop thinking that 4 AM is a good time to play.
lil_elvis said:
Mornin Imp, vella, EL, mat :kiss: 's

Catching up with life would be...what? Dull, me thinks.

Kind of pissy today - feel like bitch-slappin one of our suppliers.

I love our new kittens, but I wish they'd stop thinking that 4 AM is a good time to play.
morning handsome. :rose:

i could use some dull time, honest.

hard to want to bitch slap a supplier... catch 22. bummah man! i feel fer ya. had a supplier from india that did some beautiful fabrics but they were always late and always got the order wrong...still...i couldn't drop them.

sounds like the kittens need a space all to themselves at night... say a fabric sack? :devil:
im kidding... kinda. :kiss:
I'm in imp's boat.

About three hours sleep last night. Been up since two-thirty. I'll probably hit the wall as well.

But now I'm wide awake and feeling not bad at all at all.
Howdy, folks. I refuse to say Good Morning to y'all at 2 in the afternoon, but there you have it.

Mood is carefully optimistic. Things are almost looking to be going my way for a change.
Liar said:
Howdy, folks. I refuse to say Good Morning to y'all at 2 in the afternoon, but there you have it.

Mood is carefully optimistic. Things are almost looking to be going my way for a change.
i love it when youre carefully optimisitic, its so close to being dangerous without all the added muss.


howdy RG! :kiss:
Lunch time, more packing to do after emptying the nosebag.

Gosling keeps distracting me - in the post delightful ways. ;)

I'm being strong and resisting - for now. :devil:
Morning, it is morning right?

What a night, 34 degrees out and the hydro goes out in a thunderstorm. The main hydro line from our town from a larger city got hit by lightening. It took a matter of 15 mins after our hydro went out for Hubby to be called into work. He is an Industrial Electrician. Their company is so big it has its own power station, but they get their hydro from the same place.

Trying to entertain two teenagers that couldnt just find a book and a flashlight to read. Head was pounding, chest was so tight it could crush peach pits. I decided enough was enough, grabbed a lawnchair cushion, and umbrella and went and sat in the rain to releave the stress on my chest.

6 1/2 hours later the hydro comes back on. Im sleeping upright on the couch when the lights come on, the ceiling fan starts to blast, so guess who gets up to shut everything off- Me!

I hate being sick, drs appointment tomorrow morning to see if I can have real drugs before leaving on the school trip. I dont want to hack for 10 hours straight on the bus ride.

Right now Im too tired to address everyone individually, but I wish everyone success in all their situations, you guys rawk!

Keep smilin'
matriarch said:
Lunch time, more packing to do after emptying the nosebag.

Gosling keeps distracting me - in the post delightful ways. ;)

I'm being strong and resisting - for now. :devil:
I'll just have to try harder :p
Mood: Good. :cool:

Body: Beat-up. :rolleyes:

Spent all day for the last 2 days building a swingset/playhouse for my daughters. It's been a looooooong time since I swung a hammer all day. I am no longer in shape for manual labor I'm sorry to admit. :rolleyes: I'm sore everywhere.
i'm so glad today is... well, today. The kids have already been schlepped off to the inlaws to stay with the RA (who is no longer allowed on this property while i'm here - yay! :nana: ) and will be there for the next two nights.

Today there's the list of things to do. Grcery shopping, get more cleaning supplies, things of that nature, then returning and attacking the kitchen. While i was gone all last weekend the RA decided not to do any sort of cleaning at all. It was less than amusing to come home to fuzzy green glasses, plates, bowls, pots, pans, mildewed towels, overflowing cat boxes and trash cans, etc. But since he's gone it should be easier to thoroughly clean and disinfect the whole place. It won't be disturbing his beauty sleep.

Later this afternoon it's a trip to the town i'll be moving to once i get a job to stay the night with the bodyguard - which is a goooooood thing :devil: - and a day of filling out more applications tomorrow. The last day of apps was spent at places like banks and bookstores, so it's time to take a step down and go to places like Pier 1 and clothing stores. Hopefully i'll get something at either a bank or a school, though. It would work better with scheduling, since the munchkins are coming with me.
entitled said:
Later this afternoon it's a trip to the town i'll be moving to once i get a job to stay the night with the bodyguard - which is a goooooood thing :devil: - and a day of filling out more applications tomorrow. The last day of apps was spent at places like banks and bookstores, so it's time to take a step down and go to places like Pier 1 and clothing stores. Hopefully i'll get something at either a bank or a school, though. It would work better with scheduling, since the munchkins are coming with me.
Sounds like you got some serious forward momentum going. Keep at it and you'll do spledido. :)
Liar said:
Sounds like you got some serious forward momentum going. Keep at it and you'll do spledido. :)
i'm working on it. :kiss:

Just taking one step at a time, with the occasional push from the bodyguard when needed. It's still going to be rough.
After being gone for a day, I login to find EIGHT feedback emails. That's the most I've had ever at one time. It was like Christmas.

And not only were all eight positive, but one new reader even sought out some of my older stories after reading my newest, and sent positive feedback on some of those. I always hope a new story will increase readership of older ones, but it rarely happens.

I am in a really good mood.
Mad horny, but have 4 kids in the house.
Would love to write and take my mind to a different horny place, but we have company arriving tomorrow. Must kick the kids into gear and get a few rooms straightened up. I had a really great PM this morning, offering help on a few glitches in my most recent story. That was really refreshing. Oh, and my dog is in MANIAC mode for some reason. She's simmering in her crate right now. Must get a shower and take her out for a run to knock out some of her insane energy. Also missing my baby. She had some work to catch up on last night, so we really didn't get to spend any time together at all. *sigh* I love that she's such a hard worker, but sometimes I just miss her. It's all good, the weekend is very near.
lucky-E-leven said:
I had a really great PM this morning, offering help on a few glitches in my most recent story. That was really refreshing.


(So totally relate to the "mad horny," too!)
matriarch said:
Oh, and I just saw the say something nice or whatever thread, and the lovely things you said about me. Thank you. You're far too kind, and I'm not as nice as you think. :kiss:

I suspect you're actually far nicer :kiss: and you're welcome.

SC -take care of yourself, love. I'm glad you're going seeing a doc'cos I'm worried about you :rose:

Lucky - *hugs* silly day. tommorrow is a fresh one, though :kiss:

CD -hope you're aching bones unache soon!

entitled -keep up the good work :)

and hugs and kisses all round including apologies if i missed anyone!

What a day! On the positive side I booked a weekend away for just hubby and I :nana: in the middle of August the in laws will have Boo for a weekend whilst hubs and I go to scarborough. It was a great deal, hotel B&B and evening meal plus coach travel for a very small price. I'm so looking forward to it. The last tiem hubby and I went away on our own for any length of time was *thinks* 1999.

Otherwis i've spent far too long stuck in traffic jams and traipsing round the city looking for things. Even the bus stop I usually get the bus to the shopping centre too was out of flippin' order so we had to trek another 10 mins to get to the temporary stop.

Mood :good. Thursday evening is the only night i have several things to watch on telly, I'm looking forward to watching, munching and chilling out :D
I shall need energy and inspiration to meet my deadline tonight- will I find it here? :confused:
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