What you do on waking up...


Dying Truth seeker
Jul 3, 2002
Instead of lovetoread's thread, here is one about just your morning routine.

For me:

I get up, wash, clean my teeth, take my blood sugar reading for diabetes II, take four pills, crawl downstairs. Take seven more pills with my breakfast, jab long-acting insulin into myself, and only then am I ready to face the day..
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Fart, scratch, snort, cough, groan.

Not always in that order.
I do not have a rigid routine when I wake up. It all depends on the season, where I am when I wake up, and whether I am sleeping with another person.

Like in the hottest part of the summer, I just roll out of bed, take a leak, and head straight to the garden to get that done before it gets too hot. In the winter, I stay inside until it warms up enough to work outside. If I am on the road (which I am for a couple months each year), it all depends on where I am camped. If I am at my girlfriend's house, I have a whole different routine than when I am at home alone.

The only thing consistent is I always need to pee when I first wake up. Tooth-brushing, breakfast, and everything else is subject to different schedules depending on the situation.
I sleep nude, so when I get up I pee, brush teeth and hair, take meds, grab a T-shirt and shorts, but don’t dress. I get the dog up, give her plenty of attention and let her outside. Often I go out the basement door nude and pee in the yard. Back inside I fill the dog’s water and food, make myself some coffee, fill the dog’s outdoor water dish and settle in with my iPad for a couple hours. In warm weather I spend the morning on the deck nude, soaking up the sun. Now that it’s cooler I just hang out in the den and don’t dress until I hear my wife stirring.
Get up and hit the snooze button for another ten minutes. Finally get up and let the pups outside. Stumble to the bathroom and shower. After washing brush my teeth, hair and makeup. Then it is time for clothes. Then it is time for a breakfast shake and checking out my phone. After that I head off to work.
i wake up, take my pills, then watch cartoons and read until its time to shower and go to the desk to do some work.
The normal work day morning:

Up at 5:20a. Bathroom stuff. Head downstairs once clean smelling and presentable. Make coffee. Check email. Make breakfast. Pack backpack with lunch stuff, if needed, plus laptop. Eat. Wash the pans I used. Leave between 6:15 and 6:25 for work. Sip coffee on the woad.

If I'm working from home, I adjust the "up" time to 6a.
Check phone for messages
Lay in bed surfing the usual socials
Check news headlines
Get up
Start water for coffee
Let dog out
Fill dogfood bowl with his breakfast
Let dog in
Daily vitamins ect...
Toast in toaster
Poor water over coffee
Butter toast
Sit on couch with said toast and coffee
Maybe write a thing or two
Send messages
Psych myself up to do daily chore list
Tackle day.
Oh yeah... somewhere between getting out of bed and heading outside I take a shit.

And sometimes before getting out of bed I'll masturbate.
Just don't take any of mine, I only have two left to last the weekend.
This past month On weekdays I get up and go make coffee and start breakfast then wait for my wife to come down.
1. Find an excuse to go back to sleep, and fail to find one because I'm an adult and apparently adults are supposed to be productive.
2. Get coffee. Every sip turns down my bitch level to human manageble level.
3. Then rest of the day continues
Usually, I wake up and curse my existence. Then, I do the normal things (brush teeth, etc), feed my cat, check on the parrots, and go to my day job.
This morning, I heard the quake coming at 2a. The sound woke me up. Then, the quake hit the house, shook things, and then, I went back to sleep.
Up at 4am
Brush teeth and wash face
Pack my work bag
Feed the dogs
Make coffee
Get dressed
Go to work
I'm usually up between 4:00 and 5:00 AM and it's pretty much the same routine:

Get dressed, take a piss, wash hands and remove my TAP3, which helps prevent snoring, clean it.
Start the coffee, feed the cats, take my blood pressure, pour my coffee, turn the news on, go through a period of ranting and raving.

Get out of the house and start my day; and since I'm retired, it's usually doing various house, garden or timberland projects.

All in all...pretty boring stuff to most, but enjoyable for me. :)
Wake up and hit the snooze for another 15 minutes.
Wake up for real and go let the dogs outside.
Go use the bathroom and shower, do makeup and hair.
Feed dogs and take my daily crazy pills.
Get close on.
Go up and tell my husband to wake up and stop hitting snooze.
Have breakfast and gather my stuff.
Leave for work.
Hit snooze on first of multiple alarms, get up within 9-45 minutes of the first alarm
Roll out of bed, go to the bathroom and check socials, messages, etc
Start the coffee
Let the dogs out
Drink the coffee
Brush teeth, get dressed
Head to work
Wake up, check internet things for about ten minutes in bed, get up, use restroom, attend to pets, make tea, do my skincare while it cools, read while having my tea for a half hour, brush teeth and wash up, get dressed, pack lunch, out the door to work.
Check time
Make enough movement to wake husband so he'd go down and brew coffee
Check messages, tumblr
Coffee time. I turn into a resonable human after this. Before coffee I'm a bitchy witch
Shower time
Get more coffee
Pretend to be responsible adult
Look at the time, decided if I should sleep more or get up.
(Repeat above until I decide to get up)
Turn on light.
Turn off CPAP and remove mask.
Remove wrist braces
Scratch Baba Yaga, my dog.
Go take the long morning piss.
Go let the dogs out.
Fire up IHeart radio.
Put today's clothes in the bathroom.
Let the dogs in and give them their morning biscuits.
Take a shower.
Pee again.
Put on Unders.
Put on deodorant.
Take meds.
Pee again.
Finish dressing.
Decide and prepare breakfast.
Pack lunch.
Pee again.
Brush teeth.
Get in vehicle and head to work.
A Litster's sexy head of long silver hair. His voice isn't bad either.