What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Conservative Christians disproportionately homeskool their wretched offspring.

Rapepublicans at this point cannot alienate any of their dwindling demographic.

Funny the way the conservative mind works. Hypocrisy at its finest. You think the families who this law effects are going to roll over and then vote for Republicans after this? The GOP: dumb and dumber. What a bunch of crapsters.
Tennessee just passed legislation, awaiting the governor's signature, to dock welfare benefits for every grade below C that a student whose family receives welfare.

Jesus wept.

...and speaking of Jesus, the bill didn't pass until homeskooler were exempted.


That is massively fucked up. Massively.
Some folks believe an education is more important than a Marxist indoctrination.:rolleyes:

Interesting excuse for subverting a law to benefit one's group all because the group believes they''re above the law that they enforce on others..Don't push me on this, Vette. As you strongly hold to your beliefs, I do the same. Even more so where women and children on welfare are concerned.
Forget PLASTICS, young man


I know


HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: There were 284,000 college grads working minimum-wage jobs in 2012, including 37,000 with advanced degrees.
Vette has told us for 4+ years that economic improvement is a bad thing when Democrats are in office.
Here's a prediction for ya, about the sorry end all of that "welfare" for the special interests have bought us to:

Sundown in America

Published: March 31, 2013
<derp snip>

Here's a response for ya, by Paul Krugman....

Cranky Old Men

Shorter David Stockman:

"We’ve been doomed, yes doomed, ever since FDR took us off the gold standard and introduced unemployment insurance. What about those 80 years of non-doom? Just a series of lucky accidents. Now we’re really doomed. I mean it!"

Actually, I was disappointed in Stockman’s piece. I thought there would be some kind of real argument, some presentation, however tendentious, of evidence. Instead it’s just a series of gee-whiz, context- and model-free numbers embedded in a rant — and not even an interesting rant. It’s cranky old man stuff, the kind of thing you get from people who read Investors Business Daily, listen to Rush Limbaugh, and maybe, if they’re unusually teched up, get investment advice from Zero Hedge.


"Cranky Old Man Stuff" indeed.
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Here's a response for ya, by Paul Krugman....

Cranky Old Men

Shorter David Stockman:

"We’ve been doomed, yes doomed, ever since FDR took us off the gold standard and introduced unemployment insurance. What about those 80 years of non-doom? Just a series of lucky accidents. Now we’re really doomed. I mean it!"

Actually, I was disappointed in Stockman’s piece. I thought there would be some kind of real argument, some presentation, however tendentious, of evidence. Instead it’s just a series of gee-whiz, context- and model-free numbers embedded in a rant — and not even an interesting rant. It’s cranky old man stuff, the kind of thing you get from people who read Investors Business Daily, listen to Rush Limbaugh, and maybe, if they’re unusually teched up, get investment advice from Zero Hedge.


"Cranky Old Man Stuff" indeed.

I thought Stockman was hated by the extreme right because he's thought to be a RINO. Am I missing something? Nice response by Krugman.
Has there been any economic improvement in the last four years???:rolleyes:

You tell us:

How bout the broader s&P 500?
All that phony stimulus generated by the Fed will be over at some point.

And at that point the economy will have long since recovered and you'll still be wrong.

But I love the change in your narrative. First there was no recovery, now there is one but it's not real. Romney is going to win the election too because the polls are phony, right?
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And at that point the economy will have long since recovered and you'll still be wrong.

But I love the change in your narrative. First there was no recovery, now there is one but it's not real. Romney is going to win the election too because the polls are phony, right?

how nice

after 4 PLUS years of NIGGER ON ICKS, and trillions of dollars wasted


WHAT COULD GO WRONG? WaPo: Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit.:cool:
Stockman is an economist, you need to worry about whether he's right or not. I think he's right.

He's a fair-weather economist at best. When supply-side economics looked groovy, he supported it heart and soul. When supply-side went sour, he ditched it.

Now he's peddling a book, and he knows gold bugs buy books, particularly books that reinforce their perpetual doomin' and gloomin'.

He's more of an opportunist than an economist.
Stockman is an economist, you need to worry about whether he's right or not. I think he's right.

Being an economist, regardless of party, is a crapshoot. If economists were so great, our economy would be in much better shape. Most of them talk to get a paycheck or cred, not because they really believe what they're saying.
Nearly 50 Million Americans Below the Line...

Child Hunger Rates 'Alarmingly High'...



But the ECONMY




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