What Are You Listening To Now? 6.0

My partner loaded a CD of assorted MP3s of Celtic Xmas stuff. It's Micks all the way down.
So I've been so lucky that I've seen Pearl Jam 31 times now. I got to see all of their US shows this past summer, we traveled to Seattle, then to Missoula, home for a couple days, then off to Chicago, back home for a week, and then went to Boston.
It was probably the most amazing time I've ever had in my life.
This was my favorite show probably that I've ever seen. It was the Boston Fenway 9/2 show. Just so special and amazing.
I'm using this song as the theme song for one of my two Valentine's Day stories. "Love Without End" that captures the old 1930's Shanghai music really well. I found it originally on an old CD called "Shanghai Oldies" but its from 1961. Apparently it captures that Shanghai music tho and I do love it. One of my favorites.

不了情 - sung by Sally Yeh (this is the CD I have myself, an old one (picked up in San Francisco Chinatown).

不了情 - sung by Tsai Chin.

"Love Without End" (sometimes translated as "Endless Love") - it's the theme song from an old Hong Kong black and white film released in 1961 and the theme song was a hugely popular hit back then (sung by Koo Mei / Gu Mei).

Here's another version with english subtitled altho the english is a bit chinglish - I think the translation below does a much better job.

And here's a 1980 cover by Tracy Huang from EMI Singapore.

Lyrics in Chinese and Pin Yin, together with translation:

忘 不 了, 忘 不 了 (wang bu liao wang bu liao)
how could i forget, how could i ever forget?
忘 不 了 你 的 錯 (wang bu liao ni di cuo)
how could i forget the times when you have gone astray?
忘 不 了 你 的 好 (wang bu liao ni di hao)
and how could i forget your sweet love and tenderness?

忘 不 了 雨 中 的 散 步 (wang bu liao yu zhong di san bu)
how could i ever forget our stroll in the rain?
也 忘 不 了 那 風 裡 的 擁 抱 (ye wang bu liao na feng li di yong bao)
and how could i ever forget our embrace in the wind?

忘 不 了 忘 不 了(wang bu liao, wang bu liao)
how could i forget, how could i ever forget?
忘 不 了 你 的 淚 (wang bu liao ni di lei)
i can never forget your tears,
忘 不 了 你 的 笑 (wang bu liao ni di xiao)
and i can never forget your laughter.

忘 不 了 落 葉 的 惆 悵 (wang bu liao luo ye di chou chang)
i can never forget the melancholy brought on by the autumn breeze,
也 忘 不 了 那 花 開 的 煩 惱 (ye wang bu liao na hua kai di fan nao)
and the sorrow that embraces me during the early days of spring.

寂 寞 的 長 巷 而 今 斜 月 輕 照 (ji mo di chang xiang er jing xie yue qing zhao)
do you remember the long lane where we used to walk? now only touched by the light of the lonely crescent moon,
冷 落 的 鞦 韆 而 今 迎 風 輕 搖 (leng luo di qiu qian er jin ying feng qing yao)
the swing where we used to play? now only sways with the gentle carress of the breeze.

它 重 覆 你 的 叮 嚀 一 聲 聲 忘 了 忘 了 (ta chong fu ni di ding ling i sheng sheng wang liao wang liao)
over and over again they repeat the words you utter: "forget it, let it go"
它 低 訴 我 的 衷 曲 一 聲 聲 難 了 難 了(ta di su wo di zhong qu i sheng sheng nan liao nan liao)
and yet again they whisper my reply: "how could i? How Could I Ever??"

忘 不 了, 忘 不 了 (wang bu liao wang bu liao)
how could i forget, how could i ever forget?
忘 不 了 春 已 盡 (wang bu liao chun yi jin)
how could i forget the end of spring?
忘 不 了 花 已 老 (wang bu liao hua yi lao)
and how could i ever wipe the memory of falling leaves and wilting flowers from my memories?

忘 不 了 離 別 的 滋 味 (wang bu liao li bie di zi wei)
never can i forget the bitter taste of parting,
也 忘 不 了 那 相 思 的 苦 惱 (ye wang bu liao na xiang si di ku nao)
and never can i forget the emotions of pining for you.
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Feeling the "effects" of last night's celebration, so it's

The 'Stone Flower' album ..... Antonio Carlos Jobim

(good hang-over music)