Well, Trump has finally and overtly committed treason

Yes, LBJ was a racist, but he did good for the minorities, anyway, knowing what it would cost his own party. Is that really so cynical? Probably, he did it because he was a patriot first and knew that it was good for the country, whatever his personal feelings.

Guess what? Abraham Lincoln was a racist and it didn't stop him from pushing for emancipation and abolition, did it? People are flawed, human, and yes, racism is bad, but the difference is that these men put their racist sentiments aside and did something good, something that improved humanity, and while society isn't perfect still, they did something to advance the progress of human civilization. What has Trump done to help the march of human progress? What did Bush do, for that matter? Ask yourself that and remember that, in the end, deeds, action, matter more than words and thoughts in terms of actual impact on human society.
Yes, LBJ was a racist, but he did good for the minorities, anyway, knowing what it would cost his own party. Is that really so cynical? Probably, he did it because he was a patriot first and knew that it was good for the country, whatever his personal feelings.

What a lamely gigantic pile of repugnantly apologetic, condescending crap.

Again, the "sometime racist" DEMOCRAT LBJ:

These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.

Those "allies" being Americans exactly like their fellow Radicals 100 years before, who went to ground in the former DEMOCRAT slave States to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with former enslaved Americans immediately after the Civil War so that their fellow citizens might be less intimidated from, eg, running for political office themselves.

And it worked for a half dozen or so years, just on the sheer fortitude and courage of all those involved as Americans who were never even allowed to vote, let alone hold office in DEMOCRAT States, began winning offices not only locally and on the State level, but federally as well.

So what did those DEMOCRAT States then do? DEMOCRATS rolled out murder and intimidation on American citizens in such force that even the politically scandal-ridden federal government had no desire to stop the murdering DEMOCRATS at all. Thus, in a relative historical instant, all that "Reconstruction" Radical political progress was completely quashed as Southern DEMOCRAT States turned to repugnantly quasi-enslaving American citizens, totally enabled by outright murder, violence and intimidation, by their DEMOCRAT State legislature laws, and by an INTENTIONALLY impotent statist federal government.

Which, btw, lasted entirely until "sometime racist" LBJ threw his racist, condescending bone knowing full well the politically tsunami awaiting him if he finally didn't at least face-value pretend to do the righteous AMERICAN thing, after 100 years of DEMOCRAT outright oppression in the South. Racist LBJ had no practical choice in the civil rights matter, other than to continue to stand up for his oppressive DEMOCRAT South.

How do you think that would've worked out for him then in the turbulent rioting times of the '60s?
LBJ... a murderously corrupt slimeball. Had his own sister killed, not to mention President JFK. Racism might have been the very least of his perverse notions.
Did you ever hear me say anything of the sort? No, you haven't.

You must be either ignorant or a propagandist for Putin. Anyone who would refer to Putin's "kleptocracy" as "capitalism" is legitimizing his criminality. In the last ten years of his 18 year reign he has supervised the re-nationalization of the Russian economy. The state sector of the Russian economy expanded from 35 percent of GDP in 2005 to 70 percent in 2015.

By all accounts it would seem that Putin is well on his way to achieve what Lenin called the "Commanding heights" of the Russian economy. All of the major state owned enterprises are operated by his cronies, former KGB officers, and state officers in his administration. His is a neo-feudal form of capitalism where he is the Ruler who dictates policy to his feudal Lords.:rolleyes:

Are you suggesting that you are equally appalled at the subservient manner in which Trump, as president of the United States of America conducted himself with Putin in front of the world?
Sometimes, during television appearances, savvy and experienced negotiators may consider it is wise to act with deference toward their counterparts. President Trump knows how to conduct himself in an International setting. He understands natural decorum, without posing affect or a PC requisite posturing. Thank goodness President Trump is a genuine human being, with reverence for our Nation and our citizens.

Still, the proverbial nattering nabobs of negativism will persist. It's ok. Red Wave november. Trump '20.
LBJ... a murderously corrupt slimeball. Had his own sister killed, not to mention President JFK. Racism might have been the very least of his perverse notions.

Wait a minute. I thought you said the CIA and FBI killed JFK? You mean they actually conspired with the Vice President, as well, in order to kill his boss? When did this happen? Oh, yeah...at that cocktail party the night before.

How many assassination conspiracy theories do you believe?

Wait....I forgot. ALL of them. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Sometimes, during television appearances, savvy and experienced negotiators may consider it is wise to act with deference toward their counterparts. President Trump knows how to conduct himself in an International setting. He understands natural decorum, without posing affect or a PC requisite posturing. Thank goodness President Trump is a genuine human being, with reverence for our Nation and our citizens.

Still, the proverbial nattering nabobs of negativism will persist. It's ok. Red Wave november. Trump '20.

Makin the BIG bucks posting from work, huh?

Are you suggesting that you are equally appalled at the subservient manner in which Trump, as president of the United States of America conducted himself with Putin in front of the world?

No I'm simply suggesting you don't know what you're talking about.
Makin the BIG bucks posting from work, huh?

Tell you what... I'll say I'm not a russian bot if you'll say you're not a CIA (or one of multiple bloated over-staffed 3-letter agencies employing dickheads like Peter Strzok) bot.

Apology for size
Just as a point of information. We (russia) know you guys (U.S.) have much better information warfare than we do. Look at the budgets. Which nation spends more broadly and intensely on surveillance, you guys, or us guys?
WTF is the point of trolling a porn board with political bullshit that has ZERO effect on ANYONE's opinions??????????????????????

Just as a point of information. We (russia) know you guys (U.S.) have much better information warfare than we do. Look at the budgets. Which nation spends more broadly and intensely on surveillance, you guys, or us guys?
Do you suppose Vlad uses an unsecured cellphone?
People sure made a fuss over Hillary’s emails for no reason.

I know. Can you imagine any way that Hillary's emails could NOT be on a server somewhere? Could you even possibly imagine that Uncle Sam, the world's premier communications presence, with the absolute best equipment the world has ever known (5th sun), not having that covered "6 ways from Sunday"? Just drama. Three levels of information in this context, real information, private information, and public information.

Now, I struggle with the reality that a U.S. Secretary of State, running for President of the United States, would undertake such a low rent, backwoods, hillbilly play. Smash the equipment?
Few will deny that Hillary did a thorough job of scrubbing HER hard-drives with bleach-bit "you mean like... with a cloth?" (she actually said to HER congressional inquisitors). And, having the phones/tablets hammered to pieces and deposited in various trash bins. But, the information, if transmitted electronically, is recorded.
All drama; a public power struggle.

The legal processes can be staggeringly complex, limiting and redacting real information, bending,twisting/slanting private information, and we get the public information.

What was the big deal with the emails? Classified info on there? I dunno, somebody thinks it's pretty important. Sure, hacking is what hackers do and Uncle Sam has the best. Thanks ;) TRUMP '20
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Can Prewitt pay us all back then? Thank you in advance.

Scott Pruit EPA? yes I think he should reimburse the taxpayers for his excess expenditures. disgraceful. Not to mention the live animal experiments he directed.
A body was found in the water by Trump’s Ferry Point golf course.

Who will come up with the best conspiracy theory?
Knowing Ollie North... He is capable of ignoring all laws/guidelines in service to his superiors. I wouldn't be surprised if he was still in the drug smuggling/arms trafficking business. IMO, the NRA needs to be completely dissociated from the U.S. military.
I would favor an average middle class lady to head the NRA. It's every citizens responsibility to exercise their rights. "Rights" not exercised are no rights at all. Call it crazy, that's the law of the land. Teach gun-safety/awareness in schools. Encourage responsible firearms ownership.