Tom's Tavern (Post-Apoc)


Benevolent Master
Apr 1, 2004
This is a parallel universe, set in the year 2015. So it's not that futuristic, lol.

Tom Anderson has owned his tavern since 7 years before the Great Pulse of 2010, and he'll be damned if he lets global crises drive him out of business. It's a classic cocktail lounge, complete with plenty of pool tables, games, karaoke, cocktail waitresses, etc. And a lot of great, greasy food to go with the beer. He has the nicest joint in his part of Oregon, and he's even used the political uncertainty to start betting pools on current events throughout the world.

Thankfully, enough loggers frequent the place that no politician in the Free State of Oregon would dream of trying to shut it down, even the most vehement anti-booze sort. It is, after all, a nice, warm place in the rains of the Pacific Northwest. Due to a customs union with Washington Free State and the Commonwealth of British Columbia, there is plenty of cheap beer and whiskey from those countries available, not to mention some fine California wine (though subject to slightly higher tariffs than the WFS and CBC imports). And a surplus of Alaska seafood helps as well.

So, what does Tom need, beside plenty of patrons to show up?

One or two cocktail waitresses. Another bartender (either sex). And his feisty ex-wife Sherry, who due to their divorce settlement is 35% proprietor of the joint and thankfully buries their personal differences by serving as the unofficial security guard/bouncer. While small, she is skilled at tae kwon do and judo, so she is quite effective at guarding their shop.

Anyone interested?