To control your pussy

You've been here since, um, March, and you're telling someone who has been on this site for eighteen years to think before posting?
What is this, high school, knuckle dragger on
What he described is basic intercourse. Every time. Unless you are his alt, your white-knighting is mystifying
You get called out for being a jerk and it’s “White -knighting”?? LOL
I ain’t squeezing my lips for anybody. I would more than likely fart and make a hole in the bed 💨

Slip and slide is the only way for me
My ex wife has the ability to please me with her pussy lips by making it wrap around my cock especially when I'm having an orgasm. She drained every drop of cum.
Oh my i only had one older woman able to squeeze milk my cock with her pussy. You have an amazing x wife.