The Wheel of Time

I've got a backlog of stuff to watch; I'll add it to the list. Never rad the books. Thanks.

The Expanse and The Witcher are both back in the next couple of weeks as well. Good month for telly.
Rand's mother's fight on the slopes of Dragonmount while giving birth was very well done.
Hmm. Just watched the season finale. Very different from the book. Be interesting to see how they go forward with some of the key storylines for Mat and Moraine given what happened.
And the Seanchan!
I’ve read through WOT 2 ( and a half-ish) times. I live the series, in particular a lot of the worldbuilding. Obviously as has been stated there were some difficulties in execution. Mostly in the portrayal of female characters, filler and repetition. But still, as OC and many others would say I have loved in despite its flaws.

The show felt like it was toying with me in alternating between brilliant and awful. Now that the season is over I’d plant my overall opinion at 50/50. A large part of what I didn’t like could likely have been solved by not rushing things. Giving us maybe a 10 or even 12 episode season to really let characters and storylines develop. I won’t get on too big of a list of what I did/didn’t like just to avoid spoilers for anyone.
The Wheel of Cheese

The Wheel of Cheese
