The War on Christmas - Tell Us Your Pain


Your Best Friend
Aug 22, 2013
I thought I would create a safe space for all to come and tell us about the struggles you've had at Christmas thanks to those damn commie liberalz.

I'll start - today, I went to Lowes to buy batteries and not one single person wished me a Merry Christmas. It was horrible....I sat in my car afterwards and cried to baby jeezus.

World war 3 starts during the season of the birth of our Loard
Thanks to the liberals, there are people in Amerikkka who aren't even Christian. Many aren't even white. How we gonna have a White Christmas under those circumstances!

Damn those libs and their War on Christmas! I hope Santa brings me more semi-auto rifles this year so I can straighten that shit out! The Baby Jeezus gave me gun rights, so let's celebrate that as God intended.
Dude....pedophiles run the Holiday now

Q will work to eradicate them
What Christmas has become in the US is basically an annual war, an overwhelming assault by corporate media on the public. The war will be winding down as corporate media self-destructs and people become too broke to waste money on gifts of disposable merchandise.
You obviously have not studied the NASCAR film called "Talladega Nights: The Balad Of Ricky Bobby".
No, I didn’t see that movie. Stepbrothers is one of my favorite Will Ferrell movies. They mentioned angels in that one, not baby angels though.
Most of what today we consider Christian Christmas traditions were stolen from the Pagans in an attempt to recruit Pagans to Christianity.

Honestly for me this time of year is supposed to be about kindness, fellowship, showing compassion, love, and yes...understanding. You see it makes no difference to me if someone says Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Hanukah, Happy Holidays, or any other festive greeting. It is the spirit of the greeting not the exact words of the greeting that matters. My response may be Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, or enjoy the Holidays. I figure a positive greeting deserves one back whether it is my version of the holiday or not.

The idea of getting hostile over a holiday greeting different than yours seem so stupid that it is hard for me to fathom. Live and let live.
Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without paganism
(but anyone not totally wrapped in a christian 'god-bubble' would know this anyway)

religious appropriation of wreaths, decking the halls with boughs of green, decorated trees, wassailing and yule logs!
Throughout history, the winter solstice − the shortest day and longest night of the year − has been commemorated with light-filled festivities, to remind us that the dreary, cold depths of winter don't last forever, said Brent Landau, a religion professor at the University of Texas at Austin who teaches a class called History of Christmas.

These days, Christmas roughly coincides with the winter solstice on Dec. 21.

In ancient Rome, when people used a different version of the calendar, called the Julian calendar, the winter solstice fell on Dec. 25 - so the two holidays were on the same day at one point in history.

"The connection between the birth of Jesus and the winter solstice in the ancient world was even more in your face and obvious," Landau said. "Like, it's the same day."

Ancient Romans also celebrated their sun god, Sol Invictus, on Dec. 25,
according to Landau, because the winter solstice marked the real sun's annual rebirth from fading during fall and winter to being in the sky longer during spring and summer.
The painful part was the Biden White House presentation of the dancing Marixist fag group as somehow being related to the Christmas spirit.
Here it is two days to Christmas and we STILL don't have any snow, dammit! Goddamn marxist libruls ruin everything for everyone!

Yeah, yeah, of course I live in Australia and it's summer here. What's your point, commie?!
The MAGAts have stepped up their war on Christmas again. The only things they love are control, conflict, and violence. None of that Christianity stuff is going to stop them from punishing women, immigrants of color, and sexual minorities, even during each Christmas season. Just read their violent posts on the recent threads

But, at least they coined the term "The War On Christmas" so we would know about their plans.