The Raven (closed)

"I know, love... I know." Boar leaned down to kiss her forehead. "You sleep all y'want... y'more than earned it. I'll be 'ere." He struggled to keep worry from coloring his words, not wanting her to know she was still on death's doorstep.
Emma didn't like that tone. She hated the way that Boar held her like she was so fragile. Kitty's words came back to her right then, nearly haunting her. Boar needed her so much and she was about to fade away forever. She didn't want that to happen. Not now.

"Baby?" She asked him, her strength already fading as he brushed her hair from her face so gently.
"Two strong boys, healthy as can be," he assured her. He was genuine with that news. The thus far-unnamed boys had come out unscathed and hearty as any of their broad uncles and their father. "Y'can see they're Ghis at a glance," he murmured.
Relief flowed through her as he announced that the babies were alright. Then she was truly stunned that she had two sons. Twins were in Boar's family, but she had never thought that she herself would have them. She felt so incredibly tired too. No wonder it sounded like Boar was scared still.

"Love you." She murmured softly before the darkness that she had swam out of came to greet her once again.
Consciousness was an elusive thing for longer than Emma's nearly-comatose mind could track. A few waking moments for soup and water here and there gave her no sense of time until the day she was finally able to open her eyes and sit up to see a bright morning sun's light streaming in through the half-open window. She was in the keep and all was quiet except for the usual light buzz far off in the main hall.
The first day her eyes were open, Emma took in the world around her like it was her first day on Earth. Everything seemed bright and new, the sun streaming in through the half drawn shades. There was activity in the keep, the buzzing in the main hall barely reaching her ears. Her gaze was drawn to the cradle next to the fire, the one that was empty at the moment. That meant that Boar was with his family and the babies were with him. She wanted to hold her sons, to see them. It seemed that she was the only person who had yet to do so.
However, Emma was not alone. Of all people, Durban was sitting off to the side writing while he watched over her. When he saw her move, he laid aside his writing and rose. "Em?" He asked softly, stepping over to her side. "Hiya, sleeping beauty." He gave her a smile and sat down on the edge of the bed beside her.
Emma was surprised when Durban stepped into her view. Of all the people she had been expecting to see, he certainly wasn't on her list. Perhaps they had been taking her turns, making sure that she wasn't alone so that Boar could rest. That seemed like something that the Ghis family would do for one another.

"Where's Boar?" She asked softly as he sat down at her side. "And the babies."
"Boar's asleep. Hasn't been able to sleep hardly at all fer... well, this migh' shock you, Emma, but it's been about a month," he told her slowly. "Th'boys're with Ma an' Julia today."
"A month?" She asked him, not really understanding what he was telling her. "It can't be."

Emma had missed a month of her boys' lives. How was that even possible? She suddenly felt like less of a new mother and more of an invalid.
"Nearly. Three weeks and a few days," he told her. "Y'woke up here an' there, saw the boys, but y'never remembered it. An' Boar gave 'em th'names y'liked so much. Caerleon an' Elijah." He touched her hand. "Would y'like me t'get 'em?"
Caerleon and Elijah. Those were her sons. Boar had named them after the names that she had picked out before their birth. It touched her deeply that her husband remembered something so minor and she let out a long sigh as Durban offered to go and get the babies for her to see.

"I want to see Boar first, please." She said softly, needing to see her husband and show him that she was alright.
"Sure," he nodded and rose to fetch his brother. He had to keep Boar from outright sprinting to Emma, and Emma could hear them in the hall as Durban calmed him down and told him excitement wouldn't be good for Emma.

Finally, Boar stepped in and was immediately at his wife's side. The relief he felt at seeing her eyes open and clear brought tears to his own gaze.
Her arms couldn't get around her husband fast enough, even if her grip was as weak as a newborn. She pressed her nose against his shoulder, breathing in the scent that was unique to him. She had missed him immensely and she hoped that he knew that.

"I didn't think I would get to see you again." She murmured softly, her eyes clenching shut against the painful thoughts.
"I was startin' t'worry I'd lose you too," he whispered in return, kissing her forehead and wrapping her up in his embrace. He was incredibly gentle with her fragile form, and it was clear that when she was finally able to handle it in some weeks' time, he'd hold her as tightly as possible.
She was quiet as she held him, letting him hold her as long and as tightly as he wanted to. It felt so good to be in his arms again. She had fought so long and hard to be back in this moment.

"You didn't have to name the babies what I wanted. You had your heart set on Bear." She murmured softly, her thoughts finally turning towards these mysterious sons.
"I still kinda had my way. Caerleon Bear and and Elijah Hart," he gave her a smile. "But I decided t'call 'em Eli an' Leon. Suits 'em better." Durban had brought the boys in and they were entirely identical at first sight except for their blankets. Laying one in Boar's arms and one on Emma's lap, Durban left them alone to enjoy their first time all together. Boar smiled down at the boy on Emma's lap. "Tha's Eli. See, 'e's got a white birthmark under 'is jaw there. Leon's got one on 'is palm, an' 'e already decided 'e's callin' the shots fer th'two of 'em since 'e came first. Picked 'is own blanket too." The two blankets were complete opposites. Leon's was a gift from Durban, a soft woolen Mongolian-style blanket. The other was from Kitty and Julia and was a slightly softer knitted blue blanket with a white hound in the corner like the dogs Boar loved and would probably be getting once the boys were old enough to help take care of them.
Emma was quiet as she stared down at the boys. She had a hard time believing that she was a mother, but the boy slumbering in her lap and the one in Boar's arms were the spitting image of their father. They were already so big, much larger then she would have thought. She had to remember that she had missed nearly a month of their life.

"Hello, my loves." She whispered softly, tears coming to her eyes as she leaned in to kiss them both on the forehead. "You have no idea how sorry your mummy is for missing so much already."
At her words, Eli opened his bright eyes and looked up at her, recognizing her voice after she'd carried them for those nine months. Leon looked over to her too as if shocked to hear that voice again.
"Hello babies." She murmured, a happy smile coming to her lips as the twins looked towards her as if they knew her already.

"Thank you, Boar." She said softly, looking towards her husband with tears in her eyes. "For giving me a family."
"I ought t'be thankin' you, Em," Boar murmured, leaning in to press an adoring kiss to her lips. "You did all th'work an' risked everything. I'll never be able t'tell ya what these lads mean t'me..."
Emma gave him a weary smile as he kissed her lips, thanking her for what she had done to bring those babies into the world. She hadn't done much at all. It had been Valentina and Marri who had saved her from fading into the darkness.

"Will...will I be able to have more children?" She asked her husband softly as Eli started to squirm in her lap.

She didn't have the strength to pick him up, even though she desperately wanted to hold him tightly against her chest.
"I don' know," Boar muttered as he looked down to Eli. "Ye'd have to ask Val." He moved closer beside her, helping her sit back so he could lay Eli against her chest and shoulder so she could hold him but didn't have to struggle to support the weight.
Emma let out a long sigh as Boar helped her to hold Eli. She pressed her nose against his soft hair, taking in the sweet scent of her little boy. She was instantly in love and she thanked her lucky stars that she got to have that moment after such a long struggle.

"Thank you for being such a good husband." Emma murmured softly, her tired eyes turning towards Boar as he held Leon tightly. "For taking care of them and taking care of me. I wish that I could have been here for every moment."
"What matters is tha' yer here now, love, an' ye'll be able t'watch them grow. Fer a while, I was afraid I'd be doin' tha' alone. I don' think I could do right by these lads by myself." Boar sat back beside her.