The One Night Stand (closed)

"Uhhh make it two," Yvette said quickly as she jumped out of bed, scanning the mess that was her hotel room.

There was nothing worse than two girls sharing such a small space. There were all manner of clothing strewn everywhere, and the sink was covered with every kind of makeup and hair appliance known to man. Lucky for Yvette and Mandi, they were the same size, though Yvette was admittedly more curvy and what Mandi lacked in shape she made up for with height. The only thing they didn't share was makeup since Mandi had the typical fair skin of a girl with Scandinavian ancestors while Yvette's skin was a warm caramel.

"Unfortnately I have no idea where Mandi is and I'm not exactly dressed," she said as she ran around the room tossing things around to find a presentable outfit. "So about you let me go so I can get to it."
He laughed a nice warm laugh that rattled off his chest “Will do beautiful though I’ve seen you in the morning after a hang over and trust me you still look stunning” He told her then hanging up before she could protest or say any thing else. He gave a triumphant whoooop and ran into his closet trying to find his own acceptable outfit.

He finally settled on his black leather jacket and grey fitted undershirt, his sexiest pair of jeans and matching black sneakers. He put on his favorite Prada cologne and ran a hand through his hair giving it that sexy disheveled look that he could thankfully pull off. He rolled his shoulders and turned grabbing his keys and once again giving one more whooooop before he left.

He had an hour left to go so he decided to get her and her friend a thing of flowers each. He knew enough about girls that their best friend was a major ally or enemy and resolved to be on his very best behavior. He got his friend Max to join them at the restaurant before finally heading over.

He told the man in the lobby t tell them he was here and waited balancing both things of flowers and putting on his most charming grin. He tried not to panicky but he couldn’t help the slight bounce on his legs as his more jittery behavior took hold.
After a frantic call to Mandi, Yvette showered and got to work on her mane of curly brown hair. It random flecks of red and blond that occurred naturally, just like her father's. She started to straighten it and decided there wasn't enough time so she put a little mousse in it and let it dry naturally, while she ran around the room trying to put together an outfit.

Mandi can back just in time to help and together they assembled a outfit that said casual but I still put in a little effort. Dark skinny jeans, a fitted plaid shirt that she left mostly open with a fitted tank top underneath, and a light canvas jacket. Mandie added a scarf that Yvette thought was overkill but she dare not take it off. On her own she chose her go to black on black chucks. She'd had them for years and they were broken in perfectly, it was almost as good as going barefoot. A little eyeliner and lip gloss, she stepped back from the mirror and smiled.

"Yeah you look hot," Mandi said from behind her and gave her ass a hard swat. "Come on let's not keep him waiting. I don't I can take those puppy dog eyes again."

Yvette was nervous as they made their way downstairs. Her palms sweat as she fiddled with the zipper on her jacket, until Mandi grabbed her hand and smiled. "Chill Evie we're just gonna go have some fun with some strange European men...One of whom has already been inside you...hey don't look at me like that it's true. I'm just trying to say don't be nervous is all."

She wouldn't admit it, but Mandi was right. It wasn't like anything permanent was going to come out of tonight. Just something fun to pass her time in London.

Then she saw him in the lobby with two bouquets of flowers and that silly grin on his face. He was adorable and Yvette didn't know how long she could keep up the whole nonchalant thing.

"Flowers twice in the same day. You have to be the world's sweetest stalker," she said, then cringed when she heard how it sounded.

"She means thank you," Mandi said with a nudge and mumbled, "Don't be a jerk," under her breath as she reached to take the flowers from Ian. "I'll go run these up to the room. You guys talk."

"I'm sorry," Yvette said as soon as they were alone. "I don't think you're stalking me or anything. I say fucked up shit sometimes...and I swear, like a lot. Too much I've been told."
“Your fine” He said shaking his head and laughing taking her hand and watching her friend disappear “I did stalk you a little remember” He said giving her hand a squeeze before reluctantly dropping it. His eyes went up and down her body again the jade in his eyes sparking with pleasure and lust as he stepped back to admire her.

“And you my dear look positively divine” He murmured giving her a charming smile “I am glad I get the pleasure of your company” He said noticing Mandi was coming back downstairs.

“Both of your companies” He said smiling at her friend “I managed to scrounge up a half decent date for you Mandi he will meet us at the restaurant where I will have the pleasure of being your chef for the evening” He said taking Yvette’s hand and kissing it “shall we go beautiful? The night is young” He said leading them both out to his car and opening the door for her. He grazed Yvette’s arm softly and made sure there eyes locked before he got inside and started towards the resteraunt.
"As long as he has all his teeth she's fine," Yvette said, teasing Mandi to distract Ian from her blush and Mandi reached up to yank a chuck of her hair. "Oww...What?! It's true. You're not picky..."

"I'm not but you don't have to say it like that," was Mandi's laughing response before she took out her notepad and busied herself writing, giving the two of them a barest amount of privacy.

"This is really sweet of you Ian," she said after a while, keeping her voice low so it seemed that she was only speaking to him. "It'll be even sweeter if you can make something other than omelets," she added with a smirk as she glanced over at him.

The more they rode the more comfortable she felt. Her favorite song came on the radio and she didn't hesitate to sing along, not as loud as she would have if it were just her and Mandi but still she sang, even attempted the high notes that made her raspy voice crack.
He laughed shaking his head at her teasing words “Oh ye of little faith” He said smiling “I can not wait to wow you both” H teased turning up the music and noticing she was signing along. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching over and placing his hand on her leg rubbing it and singing along with her.

A few seconds later they pulled into the restaurant a modest little brick hole in the wall. He pulled into the parking space and got out going over to her door and opening it. He flashed her a smile and jumped out moving over to her side to open her door and her friends.

“Here we are” He said taking her hand and helping her out. He slid his arm around the small of her back. He walked into the building with them not letting her go. The inside was slightly dark with the recessed lighting setting the mood there was a coffee/ barista area and a large section where people chatted on couches and typed away at their laptops. Ian ignored all that though and brought the pair over to the resteraunt.

“There he is” Ian pointed as Marc came into view. He was a handsome attractive man around their age with sandy blonde hair and attractive blue eyes.

“So this is the girl Ian cant stop talking about” Marc said smiling at Yvette “A pleasure to meet you my dear” He said dipping his head before turning to Mandi.

“And you most be the beautiful girl I have the pleasure of accompanying tonight” Marc said taking her hand and giving it a kiss “Ian didn’t tell me just how beautiful you are”

“Don’t lay it on to thick Marc” Ian said grinning “he’s a charmer”
"Don't listen to him Marc," Mandi said as she hooked her arm in Ian's friends once he let her hand go. She gave Yvette a wink before she pulled her date a few steps away so she could be alone with Ian.

"So how exactly is this going to work," she asked him, stepping closer to him so his hand slipped all the way around her. "If you're in the kitchen cooking how are we supposed to you know...conversate? I hope you don't think I'm gonna come back there and help because that is not what I signed up for," she said folding her arms and raising an eye brow a moment before she nudged him with her elbow. "I'm just kidding...well sort of...I mean I'm not that great of a cook...I'll probably just get in your way but I mean if you want me to keep you company that would be cool..."

Yvette cut herself off abruptly and took a deep breath, before she turned her face up to look at him as she slipped her arm around his middle. "I'm sure whatever you have planned will be fun. Don't mind me," she said with a nervous laugh.
“Trust me” He said pulling her back to him and kissing her quickly “You wont have to do either” He said nodding at Marc that they were good to go in. He pushed open the door and let her in smiling as he waited for them all to step out of the small little writing nook and into….. an up class hibachi restaurant.

“Crazy huh” He said smiling at Yvette “but since I will be cooking at the table I wont be having a problem” He said giving her a wink and watching as Toku Korimauto the head chef rushed over. He let go of Yvette and shook the mans hand talking to him in Japanese for a few seconds before turning.

“This is my good friend Toku” He said nodding at Toku who gave a sort of bow and said a few more things in Japanese to Ian before turning and leaving “I came here for the coffee a few years back and stumbled upon the restaurant I fell in love with Hibachi cooking and begged him to take me on I worked here and learned Japanese up until I started my residency” He explained taking her hand again and leading them over to a table in the back with a attached grill.

He helped her into the booth and turned grabbing the hat and plopping it on his head before tying his apron on. He checked his knives and smiled nodding at the waitress who came up and asked them what they wanted to drink.

“I’ll take a water” Ian said winking at Yvette clearly in his element “If I end up in bed with a beautiful woman again I want to be very clear headed for that”

“I on the other hand will have a vodka” Marc said slipping into the booth with Mandi “and trust me ladies your in for a treat” He said flashing his friend a kind smile.
Yvette tried her best to keep her skepticism in check as Ian sat her down, ignoring the looks Mandi shot her from across the table. She toke his lead, for now and ordered a coke, curious to see if they had the same connection she remembered from the night before.

She watched him in silence as she donned his hat and apron, checked his knives. Something her mother would have done, and Yvette took that to mean he might have had a vague idea of what he was doing. She glanced across the table and watched Mandi and Marc already engrossed in conversation and smiled. It was a weird role reversal with her being the wingman, Yvette thought she might not be that interested in playing along. The realization only served to make her more relaxed and she turned her smile to Ian.

"As long as you don't set me on fire. I'll be impressed," she said with a smirk as she leaned her forearms on the table, unintentionally pushing her over shirt open a bit, exposing more cleavage. She didn't want to tell him that she already was.
He smile at her flipping the knives expertly as he began to prepare the grill “I make no promises” He joked laughing “didn’t you read the disclaimer on the restaurant door?” He said giving her a sly wink before dumping the bowl of rice onto the grill. He listened to the simmer and pop of the ingredients and nodded pleased with himself he began to arrange the rice all the time keeping his eyes on her.

“So it would seem our love connection work” He said nodding at the other two and ignoring the finger Marc gave him “I have to tell you its so much better getting to talk to you instead of you running from me or into me” He told her arranging the rice into a heart. He blew her a kiss and then pushed his spatula under it making it do ba bump ba bump sounds.

“And then when I think of or see you” He said knowing it was a cheesy line but increasing the ba bumps of the heart “I know it’s cheesy but come on how many times does a guy get an opening like that” He said a charming infectious grin on his face as he sipped his water and threw some more ingredients on like shrimp and glazed carrots.
"You're such a dork," Yvette couldn't help but say at his heart beat trick. "But I mean that in the most endearing way," she said with a smirk as she watched him maneuver the knives and utensils expertly.

"I have to say though you're way better at this than I expected. I'm not at all worried about third degree burns..."

"Really Evie," Mandi chimed in out of nowhere with a scalding look on her face.

"You mind your business...I think he knows I'm kidding...Right?" she asked all of a sudden nervous that she might have put her foot in her mouth.
“You know your friend here likes to guard your mouth” Ian aid dipping his head at Mandi “but there’s no need I happen to think the things she says our cute and endearing” He said giving her a teasing smirk as he began to expertly cut the chicken and steak and placed them on the grill.

“And I will have you know I’ve only ever given my self third degree burns” He said juggling the pieces of meat with his knives “I once burned my eyebrows off as well but I don’t like to speak of such dark times” He aid doing his best sad voice as he browned the rice and then put the egg in.

“So when your not taking pictures and giving handsome foreign guys a hard time who are trying to woo you do you have any other hobbies?” He asked trying to resist the urge to smile as he glanced over at her.
Yvette licked her tongue out at Mandi who rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Marc. "See he gets me," she said with a smile, meaning it as a joke but as soon as she said it, Yvette realized that it might actually be true.

She watched him with unconcealed awe as she deftly flipped the food along the flat top. Aside from how good it smelled, Yvette was genuine impressed by his skills. So much so that she almost didn't realize he was talking to her.

"You're succeeding," she mumbled before she looked up at him, hoping that he didn't hear. "Hobbies...well photography is a hobby according to my parents but I figure why not try and make money doing something that I love. But when I'm not doing that, I'm a big fan of naps, music, and I'm a huge dork for creepy stuff. Scary movies, ghost stories, paranormal TV shows. You name it I'm probably into it."
“Oh a paranormal nut you say” Marc said laughing “right up Ians Alley!”

“Thanks mate” Ian said beginning to combine the food together and adding the seasoning “I went through a phase a few years ago where I was obsessed with the paranormal I wanted to find inclusive evidence that ghost existed”

“Tell her about the infamous incident” Marc said egging him on.

Ian glared at him for several moments before continuing “so I decide to go to this run down mental hospital abandoned spooky stuff and set up the definitive experiment that would end the debate I stole one of my parents credit cards ran up this huge debt in equipment and go a bunch of my friends including this putz to go with me so we get there get all set up and I perform this ritual I found on the internet to attract spirits but I accidently get a bit to excited with the candles and start a fire which attracts the fire department and of course the cops.

“His parents had to bust us all out of the lock up” Marc said unable to stop his laughter as he snorted “they were pissed sent him to all sort of self help and doctors to try and figure out what was wrong with him”

“And so ended my brief affair with the supernatural” Ian said shaking his head and smiling “I still have all the stuff though” he said winking slyly
"I think I just fell in love," Yvette said with a dreamy look in her eye that was all too sincere. She didn't even realize how it might sound given the situation of how they met, she was too excited to care. It wasn't every day that she met someone was into the same things she was, at least none that looked like him.

And he cooked, was well educated. He made her laugh effortlessly. And the sex was the only clear memory she had of the night they met. But, she was only visiting so she couldn't let herself fall for him. All she could do was make the most of what little time she had left with him.

She found herself blushing and looked away bashfully. Her eyes passed over Mandi and she lifted her eyebrows ever so slightly. "Screw whatever touristy thing you had planned I want to go on a ghost hunt," she said with a wink at Yvette and began to chant. "Ghost hunt...Ghost hunt...Ghost hunt..."

It didn't take Yvette long to join in and some they were both saying it, banging their fists on the table, drawing looks from the few other guests in the restaurant.
He raised an eyebrow at their table banging and laughed putting the finishing touches on the food. He moved her rice into the shape of a ghost before spooning it onto her plate and doling out the rest. Once he wa sure very ones plate were full he gave a bow and stepped down fixing his own plate and chatting with the cleaners for a second before he slid in next to her.

“Ghost hunt it is” He said leaning in and kissing her cheek before stepping back.

“Yeah we can let Ian set fire to a few more hospitals” Marc said snorting and winking at Mandi.

“Uh huh” Ian said sticking his tongue out before turning to Yvette “There’s this place called the Bloody palace it’s a old abandoned hotel that is said to have a few haunted rooms attached its still decent enough we could go grab my gear and explore it if you guys are interested” He aid starting to eat hi food slipping his hand into hers wit his free hand.
Both girls hooted and hollered at that, drawing a round of shushes from the other patrons. Yvette was clearly embarrassed, her caramel skin turning a bright shade of crimson while Mandi on the other hand flipped people off. And when Ian took her hand, it only furthered her blush.

"As old as London is I'm sure there's creepy shit all over this city. I bet you could take me someplace new every month and never go to the same place twice. Jack the ripper, the tower," she said giddy as she leaned in for her first bite, not even realizing he still held her hand. Her eyes bulged at that first taste, and she moaned around the bite, savoring the flavors on her tongue.

"Dude you are in the wrong business," Mandi said around her first mouthful and Yvette nodded in agreement.

"Granted I might need a full physical to compare but I'd have to agree," Yvette whispered to him with a wink as she dug into her plate.

There was silence at the table while everyone enjoyed the meal Ian had prepared. Yvette found herself stealing glances at him and she couldn't stop grinning. 'Just have fun,' she kept thinking to herself. 'You deserve it.'
“His friends have been telling him that for years” Marc said rolling his eyes and looing over at them “did you know Ian over here won two regional food contest? And got offered a scholarship”

“Dude” He said eating his food and blushing at every ones compliments “you know I don’t like to brag”

“I mean he is a bang up doctor don’t get me wrong” Marc said ignoring Ian “but trust me dude was meant to cook”

“Uh huh” Ian said looking over at her and winking “I can show you with that physical later” He said causing Marc to make fake gagging sounds to which Ian promptly flipped him off.

“Well I am glad every one liked it” Ian said desperate to change the topic “so you guys down for getting spooky after dinner?” He asked glancing over at her
"Hell yeah I am," Yvette said excited around her last bite. She leaned over a little to whisper, "Maybe we could play doctor later?"

"I don't know. Only if you promise to protect me Marc..."

"I think you made a good pick," Yvette said quietly to Ian with a little smirk on her face. She hesitated a moment, tipped her head to the side as she looked at him. "This was really fun," she told him, instead of giving him the kiss she wanted. "I'm in London three more days. I hope you'll cook for me again.
“Oh we could definitely play doctor later” Ian said waggling his eyebrows suggestively. He flirted with her touching her hand eating and keeping her smiling the entire time. Marc did the same with Mandi throughout the entire meal.

“Come stay with me and I will cook for you every day babe” He said smiling and getting up giving her hand a quick peck before pulling her up.

“You guys ready to go” He asked pulling Yvette to him

“Sure boss” Marc said taking Mandi by her hand and helping her up “to the hospital then?”

“Seems that way” Ian said kissing the top of Yvettes hair “meet you there?”

Marc nodded whisking Mandi away

“Well looks like it is just you and me” Ian said tipping her head up and leaning in “and I cant resist any more” He said before giving her a deep kiss.
Yvette moaned into his mouth and her arms went around his back to grip fistfuls of his shirt. She couldn't help it, her body ground against his as scenes of the night they met played in her head. It wasn't just the booze, she wanted him. From the moment she saw him, the alcohol only served as a buffer to allow her to let loose her slight shyness. And forget that she was engaged.

But now that she wasn't there was no reason why she shouldn't enjoy his company for as long as she could. "Apparently neither can I," she said with a giggle as she wiped the smear of lip gloss off his bottom lip with her thumb.

"So I've got my camera and Mandi's got a digital recorder. Do you think we need anything else," she said as she slipped her arm around his waist, unable to deny that she wanted to keep him close.
“I got a lock up full of paranormal shit” He told her leading her out to his car “We can swing by and get it” He said opening the door to his car and touching her arm briefly. He closed it behind her and went to his side stepping in and stating the engine before pulling out. He put on some old rock and cruised out racing down the high way and humming along.

“So are you having a good time?” He asked reaching over and rubbing his palm up and down her leg “I’m glad Mandi and Marc seem to be getting along” He remarked as he pulled into a small storage place.

“Welcome to the place all my hobbies my parents didn’t approve of go to die” He said a little joyfully and a little sadly as he punched in the code. Soon they were pulling up to a rather large storage unit. He opened it and stepped in turning on the light as he began picking through an odd assortment of stuff.
"Better than I expected," she said with a grin she didn't bother hiding as she took his hand from her lap. And she didn't let go until Ian needed to lean out the window to punch in the security code. "She's easy...wait, no...I mean she's always been like that. Friendly, I mean. They called us the drama twins in high school, cause she's always so cheery and I'm...well not," she said with a shrug. It didn't bother her then and it surely didn't now. It was what it was and Yvette had no qualms with who she was.

Yvette gave a whistle as she set eyes on the shelves full of stuff. There was a lot of equipment, more than the box that was stashed in her parents basement in union city. As much as she wanted to, she dare not touch anything, too afraid to break anything.

"Some pretty expensive hobbies you got here Ian," she said as she came up beside him and leaned against him as he gathered up what they needed for the night. "One day you'll have to give me a more extensive tour."
“O please” He said laughing coming back with a big duffel bag swung over his shoulder “I probably com off as a spoiled rich kid who had a million different hobbies”

He smiled and walked back to the car throwing the bag into his trunk “I wasn’t just trying to blow my parents money I just I like to try things I don’t like to be tied to any thing like their dance lessons and music lessons don’t get me wrong I still to this day like playing the piano but I chaffed under it so I tried different stuff” He said going over and kissing her cheek before pulling and locking the storage unit.

He opened her door and helped her in before getting in on his side. Soon they were off again racing down the street. He held her hand driving with one hand and running his thumb up and down her hand slowly.
"As much as this stuff fascinates me, this is the first real ghost hunt I've ever been on," she said, blushing a little as he took her hand. "This is gonna be awesome."

It already was awesome. Her fiancee was her only guy she dated as an adult so she understood her experience was limited but she couldn't help but declare this the best date she'd been on so far. From the food, to the spontaneity of this little excursion, Yvette was already impressed.

It helped that Ian seemed to have trouble keeping his hands to himself. There wasn't as much touching her her previous relationship, her ex always seemed to find a way to avoid it. Even when they had sex, as soon as he came, he was off to shower. No cuddling after, barely a kiss on the top of her head. But she didn't know anything else until Ian.