The Hot Crazy Matrix: something all boys should be warned about in sex-ed.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010

From a Tumblr post I made previously:

Men are definitely as fuck attracted to Dark Triad aka Bad Girls type women who are good looking. Everything we say about women loving Bad Boys and Jerks is true - but it also applies to us men.

The Red Pill is out there hauling in throngs of men and instilling into their heads that All Women Are Like That. Well, they may be mostly right, probably 95% of women out there take a brutally mercenary approach to dating. I do believe that, 100%.

But the fact is the Hot Crazy Matrix is true, we men fall for hot babes and we fall for the more unstable women. It’s bad enough that most of us men ignore a woman’s moral character or her personality - if she’s fat, she gets a hard pass. If she’s not good looking, hard pass. If she is good looking, though, it doesn’t matter what the fuck kind of degenerate toxic human being she is, dudes will go for that, even so far as to SIMP for that. <--- see that disgusting nonsense? She’s got over 700,000 likes, all from men! Why? Because she’s conventionally good looking!

The Hot Crazy Matrix is how we men contribute to Women Being Like That.

See, when you tolerate the lowest common denominator (LCD) of behavior in human beings, guess what? The LCD flourishes and crowds out everything else! LCD behavior is zero effort, it is the act of bowing to one’s basest animal instincts rather than reaching for one’s highest angels. When we tolerate LCD behavior the law of gravity takes over and drags the whole population’s average behavioral standards down.

And that, folks, is why 95% of women Are Like That: hypergamic, mercenary, manipulative, cold blooded, and downright devoid of empathy. We men helped create this environment for women and ourselves. Make no mistake, this evil that dominates the dating scene was always in women - but it’s also in us men. That’s why “pickme” is such a derogatory term to describe those few women out there who simp for their man: they get taken advantage of, horribly, by degenerate men. The LCD factor is rampant among Chad men for the same reason it runs rampant among women: because no one assigns these people boundaries.

Women who don’t enforce boundaries get run over. We men don’t enforce any boundaries with women, which is why we get run the fuck over.
Want to know why? Study the Hot Crazy Matrix, and you’ll understand why.

Take the real red pill, my dudes. Learn to vet your date based on her personality and moral character more than her looks. Men need to stop chasing Ms. Exciting and stop overlooking Ms. Stable just the same as women need to do the same with men.

Stop being the architect of your own suffering. Set boundaries and enforce them and don’t be afraid to get dumped or rejected for doing so.

Excessive male thirst is the enemy of men. Get it under control.