The "Fuck you cancer!" thread

fuck you cancer.

fuck you up the arse with rusty razor wire, followed by a vinegar enema.

D's family doesn't need another member blighted by your existence.

fuck off and die already.
fuck you cancer. you took a 19 year old on tuesdayShe was fighting with everything she had. and a brain tumor in my friend, after he made it through the chemo and they said he was good? Fuck you.
Cancer, you are a fucking bastard! She is too young and too nice a person.
I spit on you!

Fuck you cancer!
Come on... Penny? Really?

She was so far ahead of the game for so long now.
I'm really going to miss her smiling face, and the friendship (and mayhem!) that we shared not so long ago.

Be at rest my friend, I'll drive by and check in on the garden...

RIP Chris, safe travels to where your path leads you.

Cancer you fuckweasle. You just need to die, soon!
I have to go to my friend Penny's memorial service on Saturday.

That was NEVER in the plan, just so ya' know.

She beat you twice.

With that mega-watt smile placed squarely on her bright face, always.

FYC - yeah...I'm still pissed.
just found out my aunt's breast cancer came back after 2 clean years of remission... in the form of being metastasized to her lungs and brain.

fuck you, cancer, you heartless piece of shit.

we have weeks, maybe months.

I'm not ready to say goodbye.

It's constant battle. The war still plays on.

Fuck you cancer.
Both of my parents have had cancer. It's what killed my mother. If I've learned anything it's that with cancer we have to go on the attack. Do not be afraid of this thing, as scary as a diagnosis is. As with any bully you have to come out swinging with whatever your doctor and your homeopathic practitioner has to offer by way of medicine and supplements. Your state of mind is vitally important and so be around positive people and a good spiritual advisor.
Fuck You Cancer! :mad:

You almost had me at 26 with 3 very young children in the house. The year of chemo I dealt with afterwards I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I will always have the scars to remind me after all these years. But you didn't beat me, I beat YOU.

Fuck You Cancer!

And to all those dealing with the shit cancer has given you in your life, my prayers are with you.
God this thread makes me sad. Cancer is so prevalent. I doubt there is a person here who hasn't had somebody in their lives touched with cancer.

I have some degree of understanding. About a year and a half ago I started having serious abdominal pain. I kept putting it off until one night the pain was so bad I started vomiting and then blacked out. Several hours in the ER and several tests later I was told I had a tennis ball sized cyst on my left ovary that had twisted and cut off the circulation to my ovary and part of my Fallopian tube. With the circulation cut off my ovary had started to turn gangrene.

I was taken into an emergency surgery where it was discovered that what was thought to be a cyst was actually a tumor. My left ovary and Fallopian tube were removed. The pathology later showed that the tumor was malignant. Thankfully the tumor was well confined so my doctor's felt that its removal was enough and I wouldn't need any further treatment. Not so fortunately I have had two other tumors appear in the last few months that are called borderline ovarian serous cystadenoma - these are tumors thats genetic makeup allows them to turn into cancer. I have also had to have them removed surgically. I've spent a lot of time talking to my doctor who would like to remove my other ovary as a precautionary measure but at 24 years old and having no kids I'm just not ready. I get so frustrated and confused over it all, I mean I have two choices - lose the ability to have a child OR probably get cancer.

The scariest part of the whole ordeal is that I was given the CA-125 test and my levels fell with in a normal range. If that tumor had not twisted I would probably be in a very different state.

Cancer does fucking suck! Watching your loved ones deal with it sucks! Trying to keep it at bay sucks and knowing that you can take all the preventative measures in the world and still get it - that really fucking sucks.

My prayers and thoughts are for all of you here who have been touched by this terrible disease.
Saying goodbye to a friend today.

Fuck you cancer!

prayers are with you, SDM <3

thanks naughtabell :)

Cinner- great advice! aggressive treatment is best, in my opinion :)

ScentofaWoman- C&H is always chock full of the best life lessons. :) Thanks
To and for all who are, have been or will be affected by this bastard of an illness, in whatever form(s):

One of YK's co-workers, who herself suffers from MS, e-mailed YK and asked for my last name because she planned to walk in the Relay for Life Walk a couple of weekends ago (We didn't even realize it was that time of year!) and wanted to put my name put down as one of her "beneficiaries" in the Relay. (Yeah, it must be the dust in here has gotten in my eyes. :rolleyes: )

She also got me a Relay shirt. Here's the front side:

Yesterday, I went back to BFE for blood work and an MRI and consults with my oncologists (chemo and radiation). Both seemed very positive about the blood and MRI results. The chemo guy, of course, is not my favorite, since he pointed out that next Monday starts the second of multiple rounds of double chemo, one week on, three weeks off, with visits to him in the hinterlands each month. The radiation guy says he doesn't need to see me for about four months, so I like him better ;)

Anyway, with those visits over, I guess it will be appropriate, at least for now, to *wear* the Relay shirt YK's co-worker got me, with the message below on the back. I wish one for each of you and your loved ones.

To and for all who are, have been or will be affected by this bastard of an illness, in whatever form(s):

One of YK's co-workers, who herself suffers from MS, e-mailed YK and asked for my last name because she planned to walk in the Relay for Life Walk a couple of weekends ago (We didn't even realize it was that time of year!) and wanted to put my name put down as one of her "beneficiaries" in the Relay. (Yeah, it must be the dust in here has gotten in my eyes. :rolleyes: )

She also got me a Relay shirt. Here's the front side:

Yesterday, I went back to BFE for blood work and an MRI and consults with my oncologists (chemo and radiation). Both seemed very positive about the blood and MRI results. The chemo guy, of course, is not my favorite, since he pointed out that next Monday starts the second of multiple rounds of double chemo, one week on, three weeks off, with visits to him in the hinterlands each month. The radiation guy says he doesn't need to see me for about four months, so I like him better ;)

Anyway, with those visits over, I guess it will be appropriate, at least for now, to *wear* the Relay shirt YK's co-worker got me, with the message below on the back. I wish one for each of you and your loved ones.

Wear it every day. :)
This is such great news to read and a beautiful T shirt, SW! I will keep sending good thoughts and well wishes while you work through these next parts.

Hug! :rose:
Wear it every day. :)
I plan to, emotionally at least. But I don't do laundry every day, so that could get kind of gnarly, yanno? :p

This is such great news to read and a beautiful T shirt, SW! I will keep sending good thoughts and well wishes while you work through these next parts.

Hug! :rose:
Thank you, Curi. :rose:

That's great SW!
About the only thing better might have been, "It's all gone, you're done with us." But I'm not gonna be greedy. I just wish I could share with everyone else.
Fuck you for taking my dad when I was 7 fucking years old. Without any fucking warning. OH and FUCK YOU DOCTORS for telling him he had pneumonia when it was fucking CANCER. For fuck sake February he was told pneumonia and October he was dead. The tumor engulfed his lungs and liver! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU MISS THAT? FUCK YOU CANCERS and Doctors that don't know JACK SHIT!

Fuck you on behalf of all the other kids that had to grow up without a parent because you took one of them away.