The Friendly Neighbors (closed for bustymaturelady)


Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2002
Jack Robbins rose from his chair in his home office, stretching his 6'2" frame and then running his fingers through his light brown hair. It was early morning and he smiled hearing the sounds coming from the kitchen. Venturing into the kitchen, he smiled seeing his wife, Crystal, cooking breakfast. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him. Her 5'7" frame fit perfectly against his and he couldn't resist cupping her 34D breasts as he nuzzled his lips into her long blonde hair on the back of her neck.

"Good morning, babe, thanks for last night," he whispered softly feeling her push back against him and emit a soft moan.

Crystal chuckled and turned to face him, her sparkling blue eyes staring into his brown orbs. "It was utterly fantastic honey." She rose up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around neck, bringing his lips down to meet hers. The sizzling sound coming from the stove interrupted the deep kiss and she smiled as she reluctantly pulled away. "I have a busy day and remember I won't be home tonight. I have that Women in Business Conference tomorrow and I'm the keynote speaker." Giggling she added, "Are you sure you'll be alright for one night."

Crystal turned back to bacon sizzling on the stove as he responded. "You know I'll be fine but I will miss you .... not having you in our bed."

Jack thought of how successful his wife had become since taking the job as Regional Director of Sales and Marketing for Albright Industries. It was the reason they relocated to Central City, the corporate headquarters. For him it was no big deal to relocate. At the time of her promotion, he was working for an investment banking company. He realized he could work from home with his clients and that suited him just fine. He knew Crystal was a bit jealous he got to stay home and work. But she didn't argue with the income they both were bringing in.

They were both in their mid-thirties and had put off having children. But lately the discussion of having children was becoming more common. They both knew that if they were to have children, they would have to start soon. But they also liked the freedom and their life style with no kids.

Early on in their marriage, they discovered sex toys and it became a part of their playtime in and out of the bedroom. They had a number of different toys for their enjoyment and when they moved into their new house a few months ago, he had rigged up some equipment in the basement for their sexual enjoyment. They had also dabbled in swinging in their other city and enjoyed what little they did. But since the move to Central City, it put a damper on the opportunities to meet other couples.

Crystal was eating her breakfast and thought of the package due to arrive any day. "Do you know when our new shipment of toys are going to arrive Jack?"

"I thought it was going to be either today or tomorrow. I promise not to use them until you come home." They both laughed, knowing there were some toys in the package that were meant only for her.

After breakfast, Crystal kissed Jack and headed to the office. Jack retreated to his home office near the front of the house. He had a good view of the neighborhood and especially the house across the street where the Potter's lived. He and Crystal met Mary and Ralph Potter at a neighborhood gathering about a week after they moved to town. Over the last few months, they waved when they saw each other and said hello, but up until now nothing more than a pleasant greeting.

He and Crystal only knew a little about them. They were about ten years older than them but you couldn't tell it by the way they looked. They both looked younger than mid-forties. He remembered Mary telling him and Crystal at the neighborhood event that she was a teacher, but he couldn't remember what Ralph did for living. During the summer, as it was now, he left early for work and she was home every day.

One thing Jack enjoyed, watching her spend time pruning the flowers in front of their house. Her tight tops showed off her well-developed bosom and when she bent over, he enjoyed seeing her nicely formed ass cheeks. Sometimes he fantasized about stuffing his cock between her buxom breasts. She wasn't out this morning as looked out his office window and smiled when the UPS truck pulled up in front of his house.

Jack knew Crystal would be pleased to come home tomorrow to a box of new sex toys. But his smile faded when the driver walked up to the Potter's house with a package. 'Well maybe later today,' he thought as he returned to the investment portfolio of a client.

Jack worked a few more hours and then looked at his phone, seeing a text message had come in earlier. "Your package has been delivered."

"What .... surely this is a mistake," he called out to an empty house. Then it dawned on him that it was possible the package delivered to the Potter's house should have been delivered to his house. A sudden chill ran down his spine. What if she thought the package was for them and she opened it? If she did, she was in for a big surprise.

Jack and Crystal had gotten in on a promotion and ordered more toys than usual. He opened the website to see what was in the package. He sat back in his chair and looked over the list of sex toys they ordered and it was long and included, a multi-colored flogger .... gray vibrator ..... anal plug .... purple dildo .... pink wand massager .... thrusting rabbit .... nipple clamps .... riding crop .... heart paddle .... passionate paddle .... red ball gag

"Shit ..... shit ..... shit ..... what the fuck are they going to think of us if they see all the toys?" Jack sat in his chair staring at the Potter house, not knowing what to do next. It had been two and a half hours since the package was delivered. 'Maybe she didn't open it,' he thought as he got up and walked to the door and then across the street to see Mary Potter.
Mary willingly took the package in, particularly when she knew it was for the Robbins’. He was nicely tall and she was rather petite and cute. Mary was a little envious of the wife’s trim figure and had from time to time wondered whether her hubby might fancy a rather more mature experienced woman with some more flesh and a willingness to please her man. That was her fantasy at least and was a lady full of fantasy. She needed that given the way her life was.

Ralph her husband always seemed to be working or pursuing his hobbies of golf and on line gambling.

“I’ve got to practice”. “I’ve got to study the form darling” “I’m on a hot streak now, got to keep going” were phrases that she too often heard.

Money was not really a problem for his accountancy business was doing well. He was analytical and incisive. He had good judgement. These were qualities which had initially appealed to her but now with age and with them in their 40’s they could be barriers to fun. Particularly given that he was a serious hard working guy.

To his credit Ralph had always liked the look of her. She had been a bit of a wild young lady and he had settled her down and got her on the straight and narrow. She had always liked to flirt and he accepted that. She was grateful that he was the kind of guy who did not mind men looking at his wife. In fact she had even got him to agree to a profile and some meetings off of a national swinging site. He had needed to vet the couples of course and make the necessary arrangements. She was happy to go along with that and also the trade-offs that she had to give. Such as his golfing weekends away with his close friend and a visit or two to the race track. She liked to accompany him there. Why not? It was her opportunity to dress up and show off.

As their son and daughter matured Mary went back to her career of lecturing at the local university. She was grateful of that for it gave the opportunity of meeting people and making a connection. She loved the banter of the staff room and found the minds of the students lively and entertaining, well most of them!! Now her children were living with partners, albeit nearby she was glad of that purpose in life

Once in possession of the package Mary became a little curious. Not particularly heavy but it had been battered a bit and was partially opened. She thought “well it would be polite to seal it up but perhaps she could open it first, she what they are about!” Mary was at home researching and could do with a break, so she went ahead.

“Wow” she thought to herself. “I would never have guessed” she said as she went through all the items. “All they’ve got missing are the cuffs and a blindfold” she thought as she mused to herself “and this thing, I could do with a bit of this” she said as she handled the dildo.

Then came a phone call from work and Mary needed to research her papers, which she scattered over the table. Her attention became distracted as it was a problem she needed to solve. It stayed on her mind as she cleared up. She was always professional and her work came first. She gathered the sex toys and put them back into the box, nicely. She taped it up and told herself that she was going to take it over to the Robbins’ when she had finished her work. Unbeknown to her the dildo had slipped underneath some papers where it remained.

It was a pleasant surprise when the guy came to the door. Mary was all smiles and bosom pushed forward as she carried the box and handed it over to him. Knowing what was inside it, made the simple task something rather special and there was a feeling of tension and excitement inside her body, just simply knowing what she was carrying.

Mary lectured and was thus used to the sound of her own voice and saying the right things at the right time. Even she now felt a little strained as she said

“They’ve not taken much care have they? Delivering to the wrong address and in this battered state. I hope there’s no damage” she said as she handed it over the package carefully.

She made eye contact with the guy and tried to read his thinking. For her part she was trying not to blush. She didn’t normally but this was all a little bit different. If only she hadn’t been so nosey, she wouldn’t be feeling like this. It was though a nice bit of fun for the working day.
Jack waited patiently at the Potter's door wondering if Mary had not read the shipping label and opened the package thinking it was for them. He hoped not. When she opened the front door, he saw her bright smile and she was holding the package in her hand. Glancing upward, he couldn’t help but notice the deep cleavage exposed by the low cut t-shirt she wore. Evidently she felt comfortable not wearing a bra at home as evidenced by the outline of her nipples. He quickly recovered and looked into her smiling face seeing her eyes shining.

"Hi Mary ..... I see you have my package." he said, seeing the battered box and with what appeared to be retaped.

He heard a bit of a strain in her voice when she replied, “They’ve not taken much care have they? Delivering to the wrong address and in this battered state. I hope there’s no damage”

Jack took the package, noticing that the new tape over the existing tape seemed a bit loose. As if it had just been applied. But he didn't say a word about what he thought. He looked at Mary’s face and saw what appeared to be a slight reddishness, almost a blush.

"Thank you Mary. I sure hope nothing is damaged. Sometimes we get damaged packages and if there is anything damaged I’ll report it," he said with a grin. For a moment he hoped she would invite him in but then reasoned….. how would it look if another neighbor saw him entering her house with her husband at work. "I'll let you get back to what you were doing," he added.

There was an moment of silence and then they said goodbye and Jack turned to leave. As he walked back to his house, it seemed her eyes followed him.

At home he opened the package, smiling at the sex toys. Crystal was going to be very happy when she returned home tomorrow night and they would enjoy playing with them well into the night.

But for now, Jack took each item out and inspected it, checking it for damage. When he got to the last item, something seemed wrong as if an item was missing. He checked his list, realizing the purple dildo was missing. He checked the box again with no luck, it was missing. "Did they not pack it," he mused to the empty room.

Jack contacted the company and chatted online with a person who assured him the items he ordered were packaged and sent to him. They suggested contacting UPS before they would send a replacement. He thought of the retaping, wondering if Mary had resealed it after looking inside.

Jack was not sure what to do. Should he return to Mary’s house and ask her directly if she opened the box and kept the dildo? Or should he just ignore it and order another one? He wrestled with his conflicting thoughts and finally decided to go back across the street. But what would be a good way to ask her? If she did open the box and saw some their sex toys, would she think he and Crystal were sex deviants or weird or kinky? And where was the missing dildo?

Crossing the street, he thought of turning around, not sure how to handle the situation. What if he was wrong and she didn’t look in the box. Wouldn't he feel like a fool? He kept walking and when he got to the door, he put his hand up to knock when he heard what sounded like a moan. Was Mary in trouble? He put his ear to the door, listening and heard a moan but also voices. Was Ralph home early?
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It was on the table and she just looked at it. Thoughts swirled around Mary's brain, "How could she have been such a fool and left it out, left it behind. OK it was under papers but she should have checked and now what? Just what was she going to do? Walk over with it, to the nice neighbour who she rather fancied. Could she just say that the dildo had fallen out of the box? But how embarrassing and she doubted he would believe her. It would show her to be a liar and surely destroy any relationship they might have. And how would he know that she had got it anyway. it could easily have been a packing error, that was the simple solution. It happened all the time after all. She would keep it and he would be none the wiser."

Mary went back to her work but she couldn't really concentrate. It was the size of the dildo. "Did Jack's wife really need that much or conversely was he that big? Was she used to that size of cock?" she thought to herself.

Her mind went back to Joel. It was months ago now, probably a year or more. Ralph had booked a hotel room and they'd had dinner. She first met Joel in the bedroom as she stripped in front of him. It lasted for barely 30 minuets, whilst Ralph watched. as the stranger fucked her The guy had produced a manhood which she could barely fit into her mouth, she certainly couldn't take it right down. As soon at it touched her pussy though it really hardened and within minutes she was showing her quality and taking the full length, her moans sounding throughout the room and probably the floor of the hotel with each thrust. She just lay back, her bum on a pillow, a towel on the bed, whilst he pushed his thing deep up into her belly, again and again. They adjusted and adjusted again but he was relentless as she just looked up into his face and focussed as best she could before her eyes closed and it happened, again and again as she hit her orgasmic phase. Finally when he was ready, their lips joined and her mouth opened to receive his tongue. She stroked his back and pulled him to her as he climaxed, sending waves of thick white sperm, up along his trunk and into the depths of her vagina. He simply got off her body, dressed and was gone to be replaced by Ralph who she was only too happy to ride into the night, his hard cock lubricated by the stranger's sperm and her orgasmic juices.

It was no good, Mary couldn't work, she needed attention, she wanted pleasure. On went the screen in the lounge and she hit on the link 'bbc and bbw' before she made her choice. Down went her jeans to her knees before she reached out for that dildo. It was hers now and she just needed to try it out. What better time!

It was not Joel though, or the pictures on the screen which were in her mind as she rubbed her clit and began to explore the length of her vagina. They had started her off but it was Jack who she was fantasising about, unzipping and producing his mammoth cock as he looked at her, her thighs apart and masturbating, finger fucking her own pussy in front of him. It was his cock she wanted. His cock deep in her cunt. She began to sigh, her eyes closed, one hand on her bosom, the other pushing the dildo up and inside her.

"Oh Jack, I want you" she whispered as she fucked herself to orgasm. It was Jack who was her masturbation fantasy.
Jack felt nervous, straining to hear what was going on inside the Potter household. Was Ralph really home? He was sure he would have seen or heard his car from his office. It was mid-day and he reasoned Ralph was still at work. He closed his eyes and tried hard to listen to the soft words being spoken inside the house. A car drove by and Jack jumped at the unexpected interruption, breaking his concentration. He looked at his house and knew he should leave and walk across the street, but a thought kept him rooted to the Potter's front porch.

The memory of playing a game of peeping tom flashed through his brain. A couple, Gayle and Ben, wanted to make a fantasy of Crystal's come true. He hid in the closet looking through the slats in the door as Crystal lay on the bed, pretending to sleep. The couple came into the bedroom wearing bandanas over their mouths and as Crystal struggled, they tied her to the bed and stuffed a ball gag in her mouth. They kept asking about her husband, where was he and when would he be home. She acted terrified, telling them she didn't know and they needed to leave. He remembered how erotic it was seeing them rip off her nightdress and then ravage her body. It was a memorable evening watching his wife forced to suck his Ben's cock while Gayle ate her pussy. And then Crystal forced to eat Gayle's pussy while Ben fucked her rough and hard. He remembered wanting to open the closet doors and join them but instead he watched stroking his cock. When the couple left, leaving her tied to the bed, Jack smiled remembering leaving the closet and leaving her tied to the bed while he teased, played with her body and then fucked her hard while she moaned she wanted more. And he gave her more until the wee hours of the morning.

The sound of another passing vehicle brought him out of his erotic memory. He knew he should leave but curiosity, hearing the sounds coming from Mary's house, got the better of him. Walking to the side of the house he peeked into a window and the sight he saw made his jaw drop. Mary was sitting on the sofa looking away from him watching some bbc and bbw fucking on the television screen.

Her jeans were around her knees and she was rubbing a purple dildo ..... his dildo ..... over her pussy. He felt his feet were cast in concrete as he watched her thighs open wide and she shoved the fake cock into her pussy while her fingers diddled with her clit, her eyes never leaving the screen where the black man was really fucking the woman.

Jack's hand slid down to caress the outside of his jeans which now revealed a large lump. What would it feel like to have his cock buried in her pussy? He felt a shudder course through his body as he rubbed his covered cock and fantasied about fucking Mary. He had those thoughts when he saw her working in her front yard but now being so close and seeing what she was doing, got his erotic thoughts into high gear. Should he bust in the front door and take her like a wild animal?

He heard a noise and looked around and knew he had better not stay there very much longer. But the sight of his neighbor using his dildo to get off was mesmerizing. He never figured he would watch his neighbor masturbating in mid-day. Now he was rooted to the spot, rubbing his hard cock and knowing he should leave but fascinated by what he was seeing inside the Potter house.

As he watched her, he wondered how he would get HIS dildo back that was now covered with her juices. He didn't know what he would do to get it back but as long as she didn’t turn her head, she would never know he was watching.
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Mary heard the doorbell which instantly took her attention away from the screen and what she was up to.

"Oh fuck" she said to herself as she rather frantically got herself up from the sofa as she glanced behind her whilst she pulled up her jeans. She saw the guy, of course she did, he had been looking. It threw her, her mind went into a whirl but first things first she needed to deal with the person at the door. She put the dildo aside on the sofa and called out

"just coming"

as she checked herself out in the mirror and straightened her hair. Her cheeks were red but so be it, she looked healthy!

She opened the door to find it was Martha, a neighbour, some 15 years her senior.

"I just thought I would pop in and see you" were the words Marth uttered and she walked in through the opening. Martha was not a lady used to refusal. Her husband was an ex Army officer and she was used to privilege and obedience.

"I'll get the coffee on" said Mary whilst Martha made herself comfortable in the lounge. She looked around her and saw the toy, which brought a big smirk to her face. Now Mary's rosy cheeks made sense.

Once Mary had returned Martha engaged

"I didn't mean to interrupt, having a crafty one during the day then?" she asked as she she pointed to the dildo

"Sorry, I shouldn't have left it out, I mean.... embarrassing like" Mary coloured up

"No need to apologise, we all do it, although I have so say it has been ages since I have been stuffed by one of that size" She now understood what the guy at the side of the house had been looking at.

Martha reached out and picked up the dildo, playing with it in her hands. She put it into her mouth playfully and so tasting the juices of Mary. Her eyes widened.

"Shame to waste it" said Martha playfully taking a few seconds in thought looking over at Mary. "Why not?" she said quietly as she stood and put her hands up under her loose skirt to pull down some large motherly panties. Sitting back down on the seat she lifted her skirt to her waist and pushed her hairy pussy forward to the edge of the cushion

"You don't mind watching do you? It will give me a sort of kick" explained Martha

"No not at all, I'll put some porn on" replied Mary as she switched on the screen to continue with what she had been watching.

Seeing her friend's very hairy cunt was a treat for Mary, watching her fuck it was a real pleasure. At first Martha just diddled her clit as she watched the screen and looked over at her friend. But after a short while the dildo came into play and the lady used her right hand to push it up and down her vagina whilst her left hand seemed fixed to her bosom. Faster and faster she went fucking herself whilst at the same time massaging and squeezing her nipple. Eventually her hips buckled and she lifted her body to send a little fountain of spray onto her thighs. A deep groan announced her forthcoming orgasm as she frantically fucked herself in front of Mary.

"Glad I called in, I needed that" said Martha, without shame as she tidied herself. She looked over to the window and hoped the guy had stayed and got a good view! She liked attention did Martha.

Now very relaxed, Mary chose to explain to Martha the story of the dildo. They were onto their second glass of wine and quite lively. They laughed and laughed.

"So you mean I was fucking myself with a neighbour's huge sex toy.?"

"I think you should take it back Mary for it looks like he is missing it already" said Martha.

"OK, I will" said Mary but before she could do that the doorbell rang again.

"I wonder who that might be?" asked Martha smiling. "I really ought to be going"
Jack was busy watching Mary through the slats in the window blinds and rubbing his now very hard cock through his jeans when he heard Mary's doorbell. "What the fuck ...." he whispered. He watched Mary frantically look around, stunned that someone would be calling on her while she was in the act of playing with her pussy. When her head began to turn in his direction, he ducked down hoping she didn't see him.

Did she see him? His heart was racing a mile a minute. Who was at the door and did whoever came knocking see him, the peeping tom standing outside Mary's window? Should he run away?

His feet were frozen to the ground as he thought of what his next move should be. He reasoned that the person at the door didn't see him. If they did wouldn’t they have yelled at him? Jack felt some perspiration forming on his forehead as he wondered what to do. Should he stay or should he try to sneak away and go back to his house. His military training told him to stay and assess the situation before making a move.

He saw Martha, one of their neighbors, walk into the lounge area wearing a bright smile. Martha was in her early 60"s and not a bad looking woman. A bit on the plump side but never the less, a very good looking woman. Jack knew Martha's house was on the side of the street where, if she were walking, she surely would see someone between the houses, peeking in the window. He knew he had been made. "Shit ..... what the fuck am I going to do?"

He thought back to Mary getting up from the sofa and turning her head toward the window. If she saw him, he was pretty sure Martha saw him, too. But what was he to do. Frozen to the spot for a moment, he glanced back into the house seeing Martha holding the dildo and a big smile on her face. "What the fuck is going on?" he whispered and then he saw Mary come back into the room.

Her cheeks were rosy as if embarrassed, seeing Martha holding the purple dildo. But then Jack was shocked when the older woman smiled and put the sex toy into her mouth. He watched as Martha pulled it out and then ran her tongue up and down the entire length as if cleaning it like she would do with a human cock. A shudder shook him when he saw them talking and then Martha pulled up her skirt and began to fuck her pussy while Mary watched.

Jack couldn't believe his eyes. Martha was fucking her pussy with his dildo while Mary sat across from her watching her while a porn movie played on the television. But one thing he noticed was every few moments, one of the other woman would glance in his direction. Even though the blinds were down and he was staring at them through the slats, much like when Gayle and Ben fucked Crystal, he was pretty sure they knew he was watching them.

But another thought crossed his mind. If they knew he was watching and they didn't call the police or scream out, that just reinforced the thought that they enjoyed being watched. He smiled. They liked him watching them. If they liked being watched, why not join the party. His jeans were bursting at the seams and his cock wanted to join in the fun. He saw them sipping wine and heard their laughter and it gave him an idea.

Rushing home, he grabbed two bottles of wine and then walked back to Mary's house. He was sure they were still drinking and laughing as he rang the doorbell. When Mary opened the door, he saw what appeared to be a look of surprise with Martha standing in the lounge behind her.

Jack wore a mischievous smile and he was never shy to say what was on his mind. And there was no hiding the huge bulge in his jeans as he addressed the women. “Hello Mary ….. hello Martha……” Before the women could respond he continued, “First off Mary you have something that belongs to Crystal and I think you know exactly what it is and I'm here to collect it ..... and ..... and I know you saw me watching you using it."

He looked past Mary. "I know you saw me watching you too Martha. And Martha you interrupted Mary before she could finish playing with Crystal's toy." The look on Martha's face was priceless as he added, "I watched you too drinking and laughing so I brought some more wine over and thought we could all get to know each other just a little better."

He stopped for a moment and looked back at Mary. "What do you think Mary? I personally don't think you should return the toy until you're totally satisfied with it." And then looking at Martha he laughed, "what do you think about you and I having a glass of wine and watch Mary finish what you interrupted?"

Jack stood holding the two bottles of wine waiting for their response.
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Mary just looked at him. Good looking for sure and cheeky. That could be a plus, making him interesting but what the fuck? Here he was spying on her and her friend as they engaged in some personal time together. Not satisfied with that he comes over and presents him, spreads the gossip and says he wants to be part of it and .... well fuck her. That is what he really means isn't it? Or does he just like to watch? Well he has watched already hasn't he and he doesn't really look as if just watching is his total game.

"If you want to watch someone masturbate in person, it means you want to fuck them right?" This went round and round in Mary's head, just in the few seconds of silence.

'Well um......". Mary started to speak before Martha rescued the situation. Perhaps it was the age gap and her desire for male attention. Perhaps she did even wanted to actually watch Mary masturbate with the dildo herself.

"Oh Mary come on, I think it's only fair. You have after all watched me and I think I should be able to watch you as well and this young man. Well I am sure he has all the attributes to make him a worthy visitor!" she said with a smirk all over her face.

"You can sit with me and we'll watch together" said Martha as she sidled up to Jack in an effort to be particularly friendly.

Yes Martha had made it clear that she was on offer and Mary did not want to deny her friend and visitor if Jack wanted her too. Watching couples together always brought a thrill to Mary's body. That kink had never left her right from her student days of impulsive group fun where she and her girls laid back together and took the frantic thrusts of young men, eager to keep the cum in their balls, but spectacularly failing.. She hadn't forgotten to this day of how they sighed and pumped their cocks up and down what was then a tight little hairy cunt. She often dreamed of going back there was she was now, bigger, more curvy, more experienced. She'd let them all wouldn't she? Spunk and pull out, spunk and pull out, one after the other.

Mary didn't feel she had much alternative but to Invite Jack in and after all he had the wine. She found glasses and they drank, Martha all the while flirting with the young neighbour. It gave an atmosphere to the place and Mary didn't look to interfere. She enjoyed her guest feeling able to express herself. Although past 60 Martha had an attractive curvy body with large soft round bum cheeks and a bust which her bra struggled to cope with. Her areola were so attractive, large, attracting attention to the whole of the full, heavy bosom, that hung so invitingly down her body. She was all woman.

Mary had given the watching pair a nice little sexy strip before she tossed her bra their way. The couple watched intently as she picked up the dildo and slowly inserted it deep into her body. Then they helped her greatly as they came together. Yes Martha with Jake. She watched them, she could not take her eyes of them, but she didn't stop fucking herself, she just fucked herself harder.
Jack could see the concern on Mary's face as she tried to decide what to do with her peeping tom neighbor. But then Martha, who appeared very interested in his offer said, "Oh Mary come on, I think it's only fair. You have after all watched me and I think I should be able to watch you as well and this young man. Well I am sure he has all the attributes to make him a worthy visitor!" Martha walked to Jack and hooked her arm with his as she added, "You can sit with me and we'll watch together"

Jack saw the resignation on Mary's face as she invited Jack into her house. She left them to find more glasses and Martha led him into the lounge area and directed him to the sofa. When he sat down, she plopped down next to him, their sides touching. And when Mary returned to the lounge area there was no doubt she saw Martha's hand on Jack's thigh as she asked, "So how are you and Crystal getting on Jack? Are you getting settled in your house?"

"We are getting settled in very nicely," he said seeing and feeling her fingers rubbing his thigh a bit closer to his bulge which had receded but began to grow again. "Crystal is at a conference today and won't be home until tomorrow." He glanced at Mary and then heard a soft, "Mmmm. Is that so," slip from Martha's mouth and then she squeezed his thigh harder. Did she have something in mind?

Mary poured the glasses of wine and as he sipped he found both Mary and Martha to be very attractive. It was clear that Martha, at her age, took care of herself. And there was no doubt in his mind about Mary and how attractive he thought she was. Hell ...... didn't he have fantasies about seeing her naked and fucking her.

When Martha leaned closer to him, brushing her large breasts into his side, he felt a bit of a tremor inside him. He looked at Mary who was observing them, sipping her wine as if she didn't want to interfere. Jack would have loved to have Mary on the other side of him, caressing his thigh. And while he saw Mary casting her eyes on him, he also saw them stare at Martha. Did he stumble into two women who were already intimately acquainted with each other.

Martha's hand moved a bit higher and then to the inside of his thigh when Mary got up and began to sway in front of them. He felt his cock get harder as he watched Mary discard her clothes until she was standing only in her bra. By now Martha's hand had moved to slowly rub Jack's large bulge and Jack let out a low whistle when Mary took off her bra, exposing her large sexy breasts. They were just as he pictured in his fantasies and he knew that at some point he wanted to bury his face in them. He was distracted by Martha when she moved on the sofa.

Jack knew what was coming when Martha sat up and pulled her clothes off and then turned to him. Her large breasts swayed in front of him. He reached out to touch her big breasts, hearing Martha moan when the tweaked each nipple. But he knew she had another mission and Jack didn't argue as he watched Mary rubbing the purple dildo over her pussy as Martha pulled off his shirt and then unbuckled his pants.

"Lift up those hot hips honey," Martha said as she helped push his jeans and boxers off until they lay in a heap at his feet. "Oooohhh my god Mary look at that fucking cock," she sighed as her put her hand around his thick cock, holding it like a prize you'd win at the carnival. "Oohhh honey I need to taste it," she whispered as she lowered her mouth to kiss the tip and then lick it. Pulling back, Martha looked at Mary, seeing her thrusting the dildo into her pussy. "I bet you'd like a taste of this big fuck stick after you get yourself off?"

And then Jack let out a loud moan as Martha's mouth slid down his cock, sucking it while he watched Mary bury the dildo deep into her pussy. Jack wondered what lay in store for him as sensations filled his body, wondering what it would feel like to be the dildo, buried deep inside her hot pussy.
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Martha made everything so easy. She seemed to just take control of the three of them and created the atmosphere in the room for them to thrive in. As Mary loved to watch, Martha's actions brought the necessary desire for her to use the dildo not so much as to put on a show but to pleasure herself. Martha and Jack seemed to be fully concentrating on each other and Martha was giving him such a wonderful time.

Whilst she had known Martha for a long time and got used to her confident controlling manner it came as a surprise to see it with a man, a stranger even. She certainly knew what to do with cock. It looked as if she was pretty well experienced. Was that just with her hubby Mary wondered?

When Martha produced Jack’s cock it was very apparent to Mary why Crystal needed such a sizeable dildo and Mary found difficulty in taking her eyes off of it as she fucked herself with the toy. She was juicing as she went deep. It was not just the dildo though, it was the thought of what that cock might feel like and do inside her body. She sighed and moaned gently. It was as if Martha knew what was in her mind for she pulled her mouth away for their trophy.

“Here he is for you” explained Martha as her hand stroked Jack’s manhood which was now pointing firmly towards the ceiling.

Mary pushed herself up from the chair and with a smirk towards Martha passed the dildo over to her as she advanced on Jack. Hands around his neck she gently lowered herself onto him.

“That’s the way” Martha explained as she looked at Mary whose eyes closed and mouth opened giving a little sigh as the erect cock pierced through her vaginal muscles and up into the depths of her sex. She she sat in the Jack’s lap facing him. Fully penetrated her natural reaction was to move her lips to his and slide her tongue deep into his mouth.

Mary’s hips moved as she wanted more, more of the feel of his cock stretching her cunt and stretching it so deep. To and fro, up and down. She moved gently until she got into rhythm, she wanted it, she wanted more of it.

“Ohhh it feels to good, it feels so good to have your cock inside me” she whispered as she fucked Jack. Martha was helping, Martha was stroking her back, feeling her breasts. Then Martha’s hand came to her head and turned it. Her lips met Martha’s and their tongues touched and kept touching. She gently snogged her friend as she fucked Jack.

They needed to look after him, to nurture their prize. Mary didn’t want him to come, not just yet and she didn’t want to be greedy.

“Fuck Martha now” Mary whispered as she dismounted. Mary could see there was a connection between the two as their bodies moved together. Mary reached for the dildo, she knew that she might need it as she watched them
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Jack watched Mary rise from the chair, her eyes firmly fixated on his prominent cock standing at attention. Mary stood over Jack and Martha, dildo in hand and he knew what she wanted. He smiled when she put her arms around his neck and lowered herself onto him.

Seeing Mary close her eyes as she settled on his lap, Jack let out another low groan when her pussy accepted his long thick cock. Jack saw her eyes open and they stared at each other before her lips met his in a torrid kiss. Their tongues fought back and forth ..... his mouth accepting hers and hers sucking on his tongue when it slid deep into her mouth.

Martha lay on the other end of the sofa, dildo in hand, rubbing it over her pussy lips. "Yes honey .... oohhhh yesss honey fuck his big cock ...... oohhhhh fuck this dildo feels good but it's not the real thing," she moaned as she plunged the fake cock deep into her pussy and let out an animalistic cry.

When the kiss broke for a few moments, Jack watched the older woman fuck herself with the dildo as his hands circled Mary’s back, his fingernails digging into her shoulders and moving down her sides to cup her nice round ass cheeks. He felt her hips moving faster on his lap and his cock fit so well in her tight cunt as she began to rise and fall on his sword. Her pussy muscles were pulsing around his cock as if wanting to draw out the creamy seed he had in his balls.

He heard her hoarse whisper, “Ohhh it feels to good, it feels so good to have your cock inside me” and it sent a tremor through him. He had fantasied about fucking Mary and now it was a reality. His hands, on her butt cheeks, squeezed hard, helping her piston on his cock.

"Your pussy is so fucking tight," he moaned as his hips began to thrust upward feeling her pussy swallow his cock each time it descended deep into her. He had forgotten about Martha for the moment but then saw her next to them caressing Mary's back and squeezing her nice big melons.

When Jack and Mary's lips parted, he saw Martha's hand grab Mary's head and turn it toward her. Jack smiled seeing Martha take control of Mary, her lips claiming hers. But Mary's hips were not to be interrupted as they rose and fell on his cock while his hips thrust upward.

He was beginning to feel the onset of small waves washing over him and he knew those waves would grow bigger as his orgasm built up in his body. But then Mary pulled off his cock and he wondered what she was up to as he looked down at his cock seeing his shaft swaying and covered with Mary's juices.

He saw the glee in Martha's eyes when Mary announced, “Fuck Martha now” Martha had the dildo deep inside her and they heard a "pop" when she pulled it out showing them the glistening juices. She was not about to argue with Mary about having Jack's cock deep inside her hot tunnel.

"You don't have to tell me twice honey," Martha chuckled as she handed the dildo to Mary. Martha started to rise up when she saw Jack stand and then kneel on the sofa.

"Stay where you are Martha and Mary, I want you standing next to the sofa near Martha's head so you can watch my cock sliding in and out of her juicy cunt."

Martha smiled and spread her thighs wide apart for Jack. "Come on young man ..... give momma your hard piece of meat." She turned her head to look up at Mary. "And you my sweet honey. I want to watch you fuck yourself and then when your quite ready, I want your hot box on my face so I can lick your pussy while you cum."

Jack's face wore a bright smile as he scooted between Martha's open welcoming thighs, holding his cock and then rubbing it over her clit before lining it up with her entrance. He didn't have to be told what to do. With one lunge, he thrust his hips sending his cock deep into the older woman's remarkably tight pussy.

"Holy fuck," Martha screamed feeling Jack's cock split her pussy open, feeling it slide deep inside her while her muscles massaged the thick member. "She looked up at Mary with half-lidded eyes. "Watch his cock honey ..... watch that big thick cock fuck me." And then she let out a howl of delight as her hips began to undulate on the sofa.

As he began to thrust faster, he watched to see what Mary was going to do. Would she follow Martha's instructions? He had a pretty good idea Martha would make sure that when it was his time, her and Mary would gladly share his load.
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Mary had no idea about Martha, at her age too,. Such a willing, wanting cunt and a lot of mouth to go with it. Gone was the bossy respectable senior, here was the mouthy sexy body which wanted fucking by the young man. Her thighs were spread as wide as they would go to invite and welcome that eager cock. There was novelty for Mary in watching that cock enter Martha's body. The way her friend moved those hips gave every indication that she was comfortable with fucking and it did cross Mary's mind "how did she keep in practice like that?" Perhaps there was more to Martha's life than she thought.

Mary loved to see a cock poke and the faces it brought from a lady as she received and coped with male lust. There was no question here that Martha wanted it and she wanted it bad. She had no shame. Jack was good, very good, he kept fucking the older lady whose words disappeared as her body responded. Mary could see the lady was in trouble, real trouble as she tried to control her body. The moans were there, then the sighs and then the groans. It wasn't taking long.

She was fucking herself, of course she was. Martha and Jack were putting on a show in front of her. Mary could see Martha was not used to this, not like this.

Mary was panting too as she fucked herself, looking at the pair, looking at that cock. She encouraged Martha

"go on Martha, cum for him, cum on that cock you dirty bitch"

"omg yes, I am a dirty bitch, a dirty dirty bitch..... agghhhhhhhhh"

and then her body crumpled.

Mary her nipple in between her fingers and her eyes closed and moaning, gave herself one deep thrust of the dildo before she pulled it out and tossed it onto the floor. She wanted the same, wanted the same as Martha and he had promised. She put her fingers to her vaginal lips and pulled them apart. She then thrust forward towards Jack's face. She held his head, she pulled in onto her. She wanted it, she needed it and she got it.
Jack’s hips were plunging forward, sending his cock deep into Martha as his eyes watched Mary rubbing the dildo on her slick pussy lips. Her hand, gripping the purple dildo, got the sex toy well lubricated with her nectar and shoved it inside her, hearing her moan of pleasure. And as Martha told her, Mary’s eyes were fixated on Jack’s cock as it appeared and disappeared into Martha’s welcoming cunt.

As he pumped his cock inside Martha, he was amazed at the events that had unfolded today. His and Crystal's sex toys were delivered but to the wrong house. When Mary gave him the tattered box, it was missing a purple dildo, and when he went to retrieve it, he spied on Mary, seeing her using it. And then Martha showed up at Mary's house and he got a huge surprise when she used HIS dildo. He knocked on the door, thinking he was going to get his dildo but things changed. First Mary rode his cock and now he was pumping his cock into Martha while Mary watched and shoved the dildo deep into her pussy.

Martha's breathing became more labored as she felt her orgasm begin to take over her senses. Her eyes shifted from Jack to Mary and her hips began to buck harder against each of his thrusts. She moaned loudly when Jack reached for her breasts, grabbing and squeezing them as she found it harder to concentrate. It had been some time since she had a young cock like Jack's big shaft and she was thoroughly enjoying the sensations overwhelming her body. And when Jack's hands found her erect nipples, squeezing and pulling on them she knew she was near the end. She heard Mary call out to her, "go on Martha, cum for him, cum on that cock you dirty bitch"

"Yesss ...... I'm a dirty bitch and I love his cock," she cried out as her eyes closed tightly, her body preparing for the oncoming climax. She opened her eyes, panting as she looked at Mary who was also panting hard as she fucked herself with the big fake cock while her eyes were trained on his cock, sliding in and out of Martha's well lubed cunt. And then she lost control of her body as it shuddered on the sofa and she screamed, "omg yes, I am a dirty bitch, a dirty dirty bitch..... agghhhhhhhhh"

Jack watched Martha's body tremble and squirm as her orgasm completely overtook her. He could feel his cock throbbing inside Martha's pussy as her vaginal muscled squeezed it. As he fought to control his own orgasm, he saw Mary drop the dildo and climb over Martha's prone body and sit on the back of the sofa. He saw her fingers pry open her pussy lips and then her hand was on the back of his head, pulling it to her wet pussy.

Jack welcomed the juicy pussy to his lips, feeling her hand hold it tightly against her. His cock was still lodged deep inside Martha while his tongue flicked over Mary's sensitive love button. His lips found her clit and sucked on it, feeling her hips sliding up and down. He loved sucking pussy and Mary's pussy tasted divine. But then he sensed Martha moving, letting his cock free of her pussy.

Martha wanted his cum and she shifted her body until she was free and then she called out. "Jack .... honey ..... lay back on the sofa and Mary ...... dear ..... I want you to turn around and sit on his face." After making the switch, Martha giggled, seeing Jack flag pole standing straight up for her and Mary's attention. "That's it baby ...... mmmmm we can have fun with his fuck stick while he eats your cunt."

Jack welcomed Mary's pussy back onto his face, wrapping his arms around her thighs and started to lick and such her delicious juices as two mouths and four hands began to devour his cock. He knew it wouldn't be long before Mary was on the edge of orgasm and he too was feeling the waves that washed over him, grow stronger.
Mary looked on at Jack. “Well” she thought, “he’s certainly enjoying things”. His cock was an impressive sight. Then there was Martha so seemed to have taken control of everything. True she was in her 60s but her body was curvy with heavy breasts and she was sure enjoying the sex. She wouldn’t have been out of place as a madam or perhaps more realistically a director of a porn film. Maybe she had that experience!!! Homemade, who knows, anything possible. They had certainly moved on from a toy missing from a box. Then there was Jack. He had been needed to pluck up courage and approach the house or looking back further, to be sufficiently pervy to look through the window and follow up his interest.

Yes Mary felt an obligation to contribute to the threesome. After all she was the good looking sexy one wasn’t she? The lady who swingers loved to fuck at their leisure. The girl who took cock and gave that feel that guys were only too ready to experience. So yes, she gave her cunt to Jack and his mouth and fingers. She wanted it, wanted it badly, the orgasm and what better way to have it with a cock in one’s mouth. Martha understood that and they shared equally the prize stick of the neighbour. Mary and Martha smiled at each other as they licked and sucked. They took turns. Also they kissed though, with lips and tongue. That afternoon an affection, an intimacy had built up between them which would surely lead to fresh adventures. When this was done Mary would find out about Martha, find out what she was really about and they could move forward together. Martha needed to know that Mary was available and willing. They could give each other strength and support and have fun.

It was tasty, the pre cum on the cock and Mary’s hips were going. That was always a sign of an impending explosion. When it came she gave his face no mercy. She loved his fingers and she loved his tongue and

“omg yes, yes yes!!!!!!!£

She grasped her breasts and then her nipples. She tweaked them hard. Her back arched and she groaned and groaned again. She had an audience. She liked that with Martha looking on and kissing her nipples, holding her breasts, soothing her as her body went into spasm. Jack clearly knew what to do down there. She thought about him as she came, her eyes closed and then she gestured to Martha.

“Finish him Martha” she told her. Jack deserved the soft wet mouth of Martha, to expertly slide up and down his length whilst he shot his load, ropes of thick white come to the back of her throat. They owed him that and Mary could see that Martha would be very much at home with a man’s spunk inside her body.
Jack felt Mary's pussy gyrating on his mouth, grinding against his lips and tongue as he sucked on her precious sensitive clit. As his tongue slithered over her clit, her hips pressed more firmly against it and he knew she was not that far off from washing his face with more of her delicious nectar. But grinding her hips against his face was not the only thing she was doing.

He felt lips and hands on his cock ..... kissing ..... sucking ..... and stroking. At first he was unsure if it was Mary or Martha sucking when they took turns. He felt their sweet lips together sliding up and down his hard pole and suspected they were kissing when he didn't feel either of their lips on the head of his cock.

Crystal was going to love the story he would tell her when they talked later that evening. He smiled into Mary's warm pussy thinking how Crystal would love to be in the same position ...... sucking and making love to her pussy with her mouth and tongue. From the events of today, it was only a matter of time before Crystal got her greedy mouth and hands on Mary's wonderful body. And what about Martha?

Jack never suspected the older woman to be such an eager participant. He was surprised when he peeked in the window and saw her and Mary going at it earlier. She definitely had the experience as did Mary when it came to sucking and devouring a man's cock. And what about their husbands? Was Mary's Ralph into the swinging scene? He was a good looking man but again he never suspected anything like this with him? Jack couldn't think of Martha's husband's name but surely he had to know his wife was a cock hound. And what about Mary and Martha? Jack got the impression this was the first time for them to get together? Did a special bond form between them?

Jack felt her pussy begin to quiver ..... her thighs tightening around his head and knew she was close ..... very close to washing his face with more of her succulent nectar. He could tell she wanted to let go ..... to dive into the climatic chasm of pleasure. Martha must have known because there was only one mouth fucking his cock as her hips began to jerk against his face. And then he heard her animalistic grunt when she pulled off his cock, “omg yes, yes yes!!!!!!!£

Her body shook violently and her juices seem to pour out of her cunt as she moaned with his cock stuck in the mouth. Jack tried to lick and suck all her juices but there was so much. Every time he licked at her clit, her body jerked as she tried to pull away. But his strong hands held her ass cheeks tightly against this face, holding her until her body began to quiet. Only then did he release her feeling her body sag on top of him.

He heard Mary hoarse voice, “Finish him Martha”

Jack had a feeling Martha was an expert as he felt her hands grip his cock. Mary slid off Jack and knelt next to the sofa watching the older woman do what she asked ..... finish him. He looked into the adoring eyes of Martha and Mary both of whom were looking at his thick cock like it was relic to be cherished. And then he saw Martha smile and begin to slowly suck more of his cock into her mouth until he felt it at the back of her throat. It was a trick Crystal used on him .... teasing the head of his cock and then pushing it past her muscles and into her throat. When Martha did the trick, he felt his cock throb and his hips rose up while her fingers around the base of his cock tightened. He saw Mary looking, licking her lips, and he wondered how it would feel to explode into her mouth.

When Martha released her fingers and began to stroke his cock, he knew he was lost. "Ooooh fuckkkk," he grunted as his cock pulsed inside Martha's mouth and then it exploded. His hips jerked and rocked back and forth as he filled Martha's mouth with what felt like a ton of creamy seed. He saw her eyes go wide and some of his cum was leaking from her mouth.

When he was done, he saw her smile as she pulled her mouth off his cock, some sperm dripping from her lips onto her chin. He smiled when he saw her turn to Mary and pull her lips to her, giving a deep kiss and sharing Jack's load. He watched as they kissed and then when they pulled back, Mary licked whatever she could from Martha's face. Then the two women looked at him and he smiled, seeing them lick his cock until all his seed was cleaned off his still hard cock.

The trio were still breathing a bit hard and Jack was unsure what to do next. Should he collect his toy and go home? Was Mary and Martha want another go round? One thing was clear to Jack, he wanted more of the two women. Mary knew what was in the package but Martha didn't. Would either one or both of them want to learn how he used the other toys and also what he had built in his basement? He knew Crystal wouldn't mind. In face she would be jealous not being in on the play time.

"That was wonderful ladies." Looking at Mary he chuckled. "So you know what else is in our package and Crystal won't be home until tomorrow." He saw Martha's questioning look. "Crystal and I like to swing and we have a lot of toys we play with. You both are welcome to come over anytime and we'll show you." He thought of their husbands. "That is if your husbands won't object." He was hoping to find out if their husbands were swingers or if these two ladies enjoyed sex on the side.
"I have got to get back, I didn't expect to be away for so long or to have such excitement" said Martha. "I am going to ache tomorrow and no doubt be a little sore"

"You were really a bit like a cage animal who had been let loose" responded Mary with a relaxed smirk

"Well thanks for that Mary" responded Martha " but yes you are right. I don't how shall we say, get out much and my husband is not what he was, dear man. It's mainly self pleasure these days and when I can get a bit on the sly. The young are very resourceful and are usually no trouble. They take what you give and move on"

Martha looked towards Jack and said "so it you have any free dates give me a call. It would likely need to be daytime, you know where I would normally visit someone for coffee. Weekdays only"

Then it was hugs all round and the lady was gone.

"Well she was like a breath of fresh air wasn't she?" said Mary to Jack trying to work out his body language. They'd had no real time together alone and Martha had largely been directing activities. She moved towards the guy and put her arms around his neck as if she was going to kiss him.

"Now you were very impressive there. Could I interest you in a little visit to my comfortable bed or do you have to go too?" She was quite enjoying herself giving him little lip kisses as she waited for his answer. There was a warmth within her, she was relaxed and happy. She wanted that to continue.
Jack sat naked on the sofa, watching Martha rise and begin to dress. When she told him and Mary that she needed to get back, he understood that her husband may be wondering what happened to her. He smiled at her when she told them she was going to ache tomorrow and no doubt be a little sore.

He turned to Mary who didn't attempt to put on her clothes, hearing her tell Martha she was like a caged animal who was let loose and Martha telling them she didn't get out much and implied her husband did not take care of her sexual needs. He smiled when she looked at him and added that it was a pleasure to get out on the sly and that the young are very resourceful and usually no trouble. Was she talking about him?

He looked at the older woman, wishing she would stay but knowing she had to get home. "Yes, Martha you really were like an animal let out to enjoy something she had not had for a long time. I'm glad you had an exciting time and I hope we can have more fun together soon." He rose from the sofa, seeing her eyes on his now flaccid cock.

He smiled when she said, "so it you have any free dates give me a call. It would likely need to be daytime; you know where I would normally visit someone for coffee. Weekdays only"

"Give me your number and you also know where I live ..... right across the street," he chuckled pointing toward his house. "I work at home as an investment advisor so I'm home almost all the time. So whenever you walk by and want to have some coffee, feel free to stop by."

"I'll do that," she whispered in his ear and then taking another glance at his manhood. She smiled as she pulled out a pencil and pen from her purse and wrote down her phone number. "Remember to call and it's ok if the hubby answers the phone. I can always tell him you're a salesman."

After Martha left, he turned to Mary, hearing her say, "Well she was like a breath of fresh air wasn't she?" He saw the cute smile on her lips as she walked to him, putting her arms around his neck, feeling her naked breast pressing against his chest. "Now you were very impressive there. Could I interest you in a little visit to my comfortable bed or do you have to go too?"

Jack put his hands on her hips as they traded soft kisses on the lips. He was in no hurry to leave Mary's house. He thought of Crystal, knowing she would have wanted to be part of the action with Mary. But he was home alone until tomorrow so why not have a bit of fun.

"I would be more than happy to accompany you to your comfortable bed," he said in a low sexual tone. He pulled her hips against him, letting her feel the beginning of another hard-on. He felt her arms around his neck tighten and their lips met in a moist hot kiss ..... their tongues surging forward ..... retreating .... and then searching again as they traded tongue sucking.

When the kiss ended, he reached up to cup a breast, squeezing it and saying, "Show me the way to your bedroom Mary. I want to make sure that when I leave here today, you'll be more than satisfied with me and want more, much more."

They walked hand in hand to a large bedroom with a king-sized bed. They stopped at the edge of the bed, he turned to her and they embraced, her breasts crushing against his chest and his aroused cock pressing against her abdomen. They fell into another deep kiss, while their fingers and hands caressed each other. He was really into the deep kiss when he felt her hands on his chest, pushing him backwards onto the bed. The gleam in her eyes as she surveyed his body told him this was going to be a fun and long afternoon. He knew he would not be going home for a long time this afternoon.

"Do you see anything you want to play with?" he asked, his cock standing straight up like a flag pole.
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Mary chuckled as she looked down at his penis. It was quite clear what he was offering and she was going to take. There had already been a load of foreplay and more, so the next step was rather natural. They already knew each other's bodies and it was a question of enjoying sex together however they wished to do it. Martha had been wonderful but someone like her was best enjoyed in small doses at least as far as Mary was concerned. There was a sense of relief inside her body when the senior lady had departed, which rather encouraged her towards Jack. She knew what she had to do.

Yes she put a hand to that flagpole and guided it between her thighs so that it slipped in naturally. Her body was prepared and she now showed the actions of a seasoned swinger. The cock inside her for what it was meant for, she relaxed and took things quite slowly as she set out to enjoy these moments. She feasted on Jack’s looks and the manner in which he deployed his hands. He had obviously been on his back many times before so it was a practised art for them both. Perhaps more interesting were their words as they fucked together. This was certainly one way of ‘getting to know’ each other.

“I’ll admit it Jack, I opened the box and had a good look inside” Mary said as she increased the pace somewhat. “All those contents though, are you toy virgins just trying them out or are they to assist and polish your practiced playtime. You don’t seem a novice to me! Well then Jack?”

Her hips gained pace as she fucked the man under her. Before she pulled herself off of him and passed on the words “well I am all yours”. In other words “fuck me as you want to!”

Meanwhile Martha was on the way home happy with her lot. She had struck gold, at last an opportunity for some local play. In recent times she had been using her connections with the local university and their counselling services. Not that she needed counselling, it was the young guys away from home who welcomed female company and an experienced head to show them around the area. The last guy was a virgin, or at least when Martha first met him. That didn’t last though and Martha was more than happy to let the young guy gain some necessary experience on her body. It gave her a thrill to watch a young cock so erect due to her and then go poking between her thighs until it found the hole. Then came nature and of course the first pushes the guy made inside her vagina before he came gushing. Of course a condom was not necessary and they had a nice chat about things before they tried again and again. She introduced him to positions and the female orgasm. Perhaps she was too good for he found a girlfriend, more his own age. Job done by Martha.

Fantasy for Martha. Well all her student conquests could visit at the same time. Now there would be fun for her.

“Hi love I’m back” she said to hubby. “Yes Mary’s fine”. Very fine she thought. “What are we watching on TV tonight?” she asked.
Jack smiled seeing Mary's eyes widen, never leaving his stiff rod. They had fun with Martha but now it was just the two of them. He thought she would take her time to kiss and stroke it but he was wrong. Her hand wrapped around the thick muscular tube as she climbed up on the bed and over his hips. Evidently she wanted to feel it inside her and that was ok with him. He felt her pussy lips split open, accepting his rigid cock, feeling her muscles pulsing around it as it slipped all the way up inside her.

As she settled on his cock, he saw the look of pleasure on her face and rather than begin to rise up, he heard her soft moan mix with his as she simply stayed still on his cock. He didn't expect it but he was not about to complain. His thick cock felt good in the confines of her hot pussy as he saw how her eyes scanned his body. Did she do this with her husband Ralph?

His eyes enjoyed watching her breasts giggle and sway a little when she moved. Resting his hands on her thighs, he squeezed them before sliding them upward to her waist and then along her side until they were level with her breasts. Then his hands covered her breasts, squeezing and pushing them together, seeing the deep cleavage that seemed to crave for his cock to be between them. He loved breasts and enjoyed tweaking her hard nipples in the center of the dark areolas, listening to her soft moans grow louder. As he toyed with each nipple, pinching and pulling on them, he listened to her as her hips began to move more insistently.

“I’ll admit it Jack, I opened the box and had a good look inside ........ All those contents though, are you toy virgins just trying them out or are they to assist and polish your practiced playtime. You don’t seem a novice to me! Well then Jack?”

"All those toys you saw were just to add to our collection. I bet you got excited looking at them and wondering how it would feel to use them." He let out a groan when she squeezed his cock. "Crystal and I love to play with our toys and we would love to have you come over and we'll show you other toys that I know you'd enjoy ..... that's it baby keep fucking my cock while you think how nice it would be to let me use my toys on you, teasing you until you beg for me to let you have an orgasm."

Jack could see his words were having an effect on her as her hips began to move faster on his cock while both their breathing became more ragged. "And maybe your hubby would love to be tied up on a chair and watch as Crystal and I fuck you silly." He wasn't sure about her husband but from what he learned today with her and Martha, he had an inkling her husband, Ralph, would be game to play with Crystal.

He could tell she was mulling over his words and then she pulled off his cock, flipping onto the bed and telling him, “well I am all yours” ......... “fuck me as you want to!”

Jack grinned at the challenge, getting up on his knees and looking down at his neighbor. He hovered over her like a hungry animal that just caught his prey. "Mmmm such a lovely sight," he moaned scanning her body as he decided how to take her. Pulling her thighs apart, he scooted between them and rubbed the head of his cock against her wet entrance. "So many positions to make you cum," he said as his hips thrust forward, burying his cock deep inside her. His hips moved quickly, feeling her hips join his as he leaned over and grabbed her wrists, pulling them over her head.

His face was close to hers and he brushed his lips over hers, letting his tongue swipe seductively before plunging inside for a deep kiss. She tasted so good as his hips continued to grind against her. When the kiss broke, he smiled as he pulled his cock from inside her.

Grabbing her legs, he flipped her over onto her stomach. "Get up on your knees and put your head on the bed." When she didn't move fast enough, he swatted her butt and then grabbed her hips, helping her. He looked at her nice ass cheeks and ran his hands over them. "Hmmmm these are nice," he said as he squeezed them and then gave them another smack. "I bet you'd like me to use my new paddle on your ass wouldn't you?"

He didn't wait for an answer as he swatted them a few more times and then bent down to kiss each cheek before running his tongue down the crack and teasing the tight anal opening. He wondered if she had ever been fucked anally as his tongue poked at the tight opening. Attacking her ass would have to wait as he sidled up behind her and rubbed his cock head on her pussy.

Shoving his cock back inside her pussy brought the expected moan from both of them as he grabbed her hips and began to fuck her from behind. He saw her head lying on the mattress and grabbed a large hunk of hair, pulling her head back to him. As he wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her back against him, he whispered, "do you like this ....... does your hubby fuck you like this? ...... tell me how much you like being fucked from behind!!!!"


Martha could tell her hubby was not really interested in how Mary was by the way he never took his eyes off the television. Their marriage, at one point, was exciting but now her husband, retired from the accounting position, just didn't seem to have the get up and go. Now he was more interested in watching hum-drum shows that held little interest for her.

"Just the regular lineup dear," he responded as he looked at his wife and then back at the show playing on the television.

Martha sat in a chair, appearing to watch with him but her mind was on other more stimulating action. The new neighbor, Jack, up until today was just a man she saw when she was on her walks. And Mary, who was a dear friend, surprised her when she found the large purple dildo on her sofa. Today changed everything between her and Mary and with Jack so agreeable to meet her again, she knew she would visit him soon.

As the evening wore on, Martha wondered if Mary and Jack had gotten it on or did he go back to his house. And didn't he say his wife was gone until tomorrow evening? She could feel herself getting a bit moist between her thighs thinking about Jack's cock and what she would love to do with it.
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"Of course he does. That's how men like it isn't it". I mean for shagging, giving it good with lust. Not so much for love making but it is a good start? He likes lifting a dress up and pulling my briefs down and doing it outdoors. In public, you know against a wall, in the dark, treating me as a slut. Is that how you would like to fuck me sometime, out at night in public, maybe with someone else watching.? Do you fancy others seeing your handiwork Jack, watching how you fuck a woman who bends over for you? We're a real horny pair you've struck on Jack"

Mary just about managed to get the words out as Jack gave his attention to her body. It was as if what she said was having a motivational effect.

"Good job he's not here I reckon, missing out I know but well, you've got me and there is no Crystal. I think she would be an attraction. What are her kinks then Jack, what secrets can I let Ralph into?" she asked him.

By now his thrusts were becoming very thought provoking. Over and over, hitting the same spot. It was as if he knew her body. He was that good at this. He was an active guy in bed, that was for sure. She told him

"I'm liking this Jack, I'm liking this"

She wanted him to know. She wanted to encourage him, she wanted an orgasm with his cock inside her fucking her. She wanted his cum inside her. She wanted to feel his body collapse after giving her everything.
Jack smiled as he continued to plunge his cock into her from behind as he listened to her tell him how she and her husband liked fucking in public. "Yea I'd love to fuck you where other people are watching ..... loving the way I impale you on my cock and yessss I like people watching and sometimes cheering me on to fuck you harder."

He felt as if he'd hit the mother lode, knowing now that Mary and her husband, Ralph, were swingers. He pulled his arm from around her neck and found her ripe tits and the hard pebble. Twisting it as she told him her husband along with his wife were missing all the fun. "Yes she would be an attraction and I'm willing to bet you couldn't keep your hands and mouth off. She loves sex with almost everyone and I'd bet if your hubby and she were here, they would be watching while they were fucking their brains out."

Jack pushed his cock deep into Mary, twisting her nipple, hearing her moans increase. "She has a lot of kinks Mary," he said with a bated breath. "She would love to have you sucking on her pussy while she is sucking off your husband .... and she would love to be tied to a bed and have you fuck her with one of her strap-on dildos. She has so many kinks and I can't wait for you to meet her."

With one arm around her neck, pulling her back to him, his other hand snaked down to rub her wet pussy. Finding the aroused clit, he whispered in her ear ..... "Cum for me Mary and then I'm going to fill your nasty cunt with a large load of my hot creamy seed."

He started to really fuck her hard with thrusts that shook the bed while breathing hard in her ear. "Cum for me Mary .... think of us in an alley outside the pub and I'm pressing you against the cold wet wall while Ralph and is doing the same thing next to us. Ohhh fuck that would be so hot."
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"And yes it would be Jack, to have your cock inside me, like it is now, Fucking me so hard in front of Ralph to make me cum. He likes to watch me fucked, by others, by strangers. I am not sure he is the one for Crystal though, he is a reluctant fucker"

There it was she had said the truth and then maybe that would galvanise Jack, encourage him towards her Mary in the knowledge that she was needy.

Her orgasm came and she made sure she acted the part and gave full expression in her vocals. She was so good at that he, Jack wouldn't notice how much of it was an acting performance. She'd had plenty of practice of such things in the past. To her surprise though this was unbelievably good and not really what she had been used to. Maybe it had been his dirty chat or the way he poked inside her, her body came and came good and strong. OK maybe the groans were a little accentuated but by golly she had felt like giving them as his cock seemed to give her cunt just everything it needed. Her response was a holding motion before wild abandon with shudders and writhing which seemed to go on and on as if Mary was trying to get something out of her system.

As she rested in his arms she said to him

"promise me you'll do it. I mean take me out and watch me fuck a stranger. We could even do it tonight, if you've got any energy left"

Mary didn't want the guy to lose interest and wanted to make it clear that she was not speaking idle words. She was a lady who liked to put her fantasies into practice. Perhaps now she had found a man, maybe even a couple who would help her do that.
Jack felt her body respond to his words in her ear and his cock plunging violently inside her. He felt her body begin to quiver and her loud moans of excitement filled the bedroom. One thing for sure, Jack knew she was not a quiet one when it came to her orgasms. He had been with women who were like statues, enjoying the ride but never expressing themselves. But Mary was different. How much of it was an act and how much she really got turned into the very needy woman was to be found out.

But there was one thing she couldn't hide and Jack felt it when her pussy pulsed hard around his cock. Her vaginal muscles clamped hard, like a vise, around his cock, encouraging him to give up his seed. She could be quiet or loud, but she couldn't disguise what her body really felt. And the way her pussy gripped his cock, while her hips met each of his hard thrusts, gave away the pleasure she was feeling inside.

"that's it baby ..... ohhhhh yeah ..... I love the feel of your hot cunt ....." His voice was haughty as he confessed, "I'm going to fill your nasty hole with my hot cum." And then her body began to quiver with wild abandon, shudders and writhing which spurred his cock to give up all it had for the moment, unleashing a huge load deep into her pussy as their collided against one another in pleasurable desire.

Afterwards, they both lay panting hard trying to catch their breaths. Their sweaty bodies touching as they both tried to come down from a fantastic orgasm. He was still breathing hard when he heard her say, "promise me you'll do it. I mean take me out and watch me fuck a stranger. We could even do it tonight, if you've got any energy left"

Jack smiled and smoothed a hair out of her eyes. "I have plenty of energy left and I would love to take you out tonight and help you find a stranger to fuck. And when he or she is done with you, I'll be there ready to put my hard cock into your pussy and make you cum all over it."

He assumed Ralph was not invited as he said, "What time do you want to me to pick you up? I assume your hubby is not invited or should we let him watch the show you're going to put on for me?
"mmm yes I hope your cock will be extra specially hard to let me know what an absolutely dirty girl I have been Jack"

Mary chuckled. "Sure you can have me after, that's all part of it, getting you big and strong and then enjoying the full benefit. We're on the same page Jack. Ralph's back late tonight... as normal.. but I'll need to get back before midnight. I'll take a cab back. I'll work on him after for a foursome, I shouldn't have much difficulty with that"

"Call for me around 7 but where are you taking me?" Mary asks, wanting to know Jack's ideas and indeed whether she needs to provide some of her own. She'll be happy to go with whatever he suggests mind, she is used to a guy being in charge.

Come 6.45 am Mary is ready and waiting. Of course she is in heels, black stockings and suspenders with a short black skirt tight and way up her thighs. On top is a white blouse with buttons and a black bra. In a way she looks a bit like a maid but she knows guys tend to like that look and the black bra under is a trifle sexy, even if she says so herself. Oh yes and condoms regular and also large, just in case she really strikes lucky.

In truth Mary feels dressed rather the way of a slut but that is probably the best idea and to follow that up with overt flirtation so it is clear what she is out for. To bring on the men and enjoy cock. Yes well that way she'll get it quick which will give her time for Jack after and to get home in good time for Ralph.

Of course she has a long coat to wear to cover up and make what is under a bit of a nice surprise.

There is a glass of wine in front of Mary, to calm the nerves and relax her. She never has any doubt about whether Jack will arrive. She's hit gold with him, a horny guy with lust and real stamina. She hears the door bell ring and goes to the door. Of course it's him,

"Will I do?" she asks.
"Call for me around 7 but where are you taking me?" Jack only smiles. "Oh I think you'll like where I'm planning to take you. There will be a lot of hot men for you to choose from and for now you just have to be patient. I want you to wear something that will turn the men's eyes and get their blood boiling." Jack gave her a kiss and then he left.

At 7 pm Jack rings the door bell and when she answers the door he lets out a soft whistle. He opens the coat and smiles adoringly at her outfit. He starts at her heels and black stocking that disappear under a short black skirt and then her white blouse and he can see a hint of black which he knows is her bra.

He can't stop staring at her when she asks, "Will I do?"

"You'll do nicely Mary. The men are going to love you," He saw her questioning look and then added, "We're going to the 4-Diamonds Club where I'm very confident you'll find a man or two that can satisfy your hot sexy urges.

At the club, the music was already playing and they found seats at a front row table he reserved earlier in the day. It helps to know the owner. The lights were low and the music was filled with insistent drum sounds. "Time to dance before some man or men find you and take you out back," he said pulling her onto the dance floor.