Spontaneous Rhyme (or Poetry) Challenge to Myself, or anyone else who'd join in!


a gentle girly girl!
Jan 24, 2023
Just a collection of my spontaneous rhyming thoughts, if you'd like to call them poetry, maybe!
They're written and done at the spur of the moment since my birthday in Feb2022 last year.
I'd collect them here.
Now with the dates when they were written.
I don't know if I'm allowed.
So I'll just wait for a day or two...
See if I'd be interrupted.
I'd have some nsfw stuff too.
putting thoughts in poetry
that'd be us in divinity!
hold us higher in serenity,
with a blended tranquility!

my dreams hug me tight ...
driving me go out of sight!
dreams treasured unburied
hidden by the veil of night
sounds of tick tocks in twilight
lasting to last till morn pours in!

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•Juniper in frozen frost!•

talking to someone,
who thinks I'm fun,
in times we'd been together,
we didn't have much to gather,
the basic value was lost,
like Juniper in frozen frost,
let me keep the hold for now,
as things crawl on somehow!
surely, I ain't gonna open up,
better to be away & shut off!

can you see him in my pic,
be careful he's called bazooka,
he's a voodoo man, with a doll!
I hope he doesn't make you fall!

the talk should flow,
like a ping pong ball
across as to and fro,
as a windmill goes,
round and round,
as it'd pass go!

in the monopoly game...
community chest card it said...
Go to jail,
Go directly to jail,
do not pass go,
don't collect $200!

background dingy forest
it's too scary,
the costume you wear
it's too hairy,
the picture you sent
do talk but barely,
a talk with real you
shouldn't scare me so!

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why won't someone come and see,
I'd love to feel a tongue pass deep,
I'm all alone, it's not time to sleep,
feel my words as if they're real...

I'd like to sit on someone's mouth,
with his tongue deep onto my hole.
especially my ass, nice and warm
and quite surely, the tip of the nose
rubbing on my wet pussy hole.
drive me onto ecstasy cooed she
oh, I want that feeling, I wish it were real!

but will someone be there?
Urgently, if not immediately!
Goddess is waiting for thee!
It's gonna sound so tacky
among the billions of willing
only some get really lucky
when the feeling is swelling

for the right rigid softness
absorptive all night long
legs in a breezy night dress
want to squeeze and throng

tightly compressed like a can
surfing the exalted billows
it's a wild ride, oh man
how I envy those pillows
putting thoughts in poetry
that'd be us in divinity!
hold us higher in serenity,
with a blended tranquility!

my dreams hug me tight ...
driving me go out of sight!
dreams treasured unburied
hidden by the veil of night
sounds of tick tocks in twilight
lasting to last till morn pours in!
My bday is in Feb also
•new bio updated Feb20 2023•
description is here...
for desires & dislikes
you've gotta DM and ask...

what's the Goddess like
• They call her round faced baby girl,
flawless skin, with big dark brown eyes.
• She's a brunette,
her hair crowning her gloriously,
reaching lower than her shoulder,
but her bosoms peep through.
• She's chubby but not fat.
• She's got an hourglass body,
and measures about 34-26-36.
• Her height is about 5ft. 6", and while walking she sways a pouting ass.
• the weight and her height did converse together but didn't agree to differ...
• She's a leap-year baby, 18 to 23;
but she's an age player, so you can be
you may be any age, but not below 18.
• She's from the heavens above,
but happened to land on planet Earth.

what do we have?
that's about all for today!
the sun's shining bright,
it's time to make hay
you've got a beautiful girl,
the rest comes by the way!
previous bio...
checking this out,
I'd see how things proceed,
to move it onto the flowing rest
for the time being, I'll leave it at this!
I'm just started to enter this field!
no bridges to burn.
no grudges to churn,
no foamy venom rose,
positive thinking grows!

I'd love to find a new friend,
find a mentor in you instead!
If someone may proofread,
be it my poetry or a feed!

If that's not to be agreed upon,
new friends indeed don't frown!
Now, all said and done,
the countdown has begun
I'd love to be in my birthday suit,
no clothes at all, nothing to lose,
what a treat it'd be for y'all,
sorry, it's high on floor 6 on the hill,
be the raven, perch on my window sill
on the window with a broken pane,
no great dane, be wary of the dame

It'd be here too soon,
a virtual party coming soon,
on my b-day around the corner,
be there, be my guest of honour!
come one and all, it's fun to invite
leap year baby born on Feb 29,
come on now, just be all mine!
where it'd be, I've yet to decide...

I'd let you know,
dm me for more...
where'd the venue be,
don't forget it's for free!
22May'22, 0049hours...

Wanna be friends?
If you do Follow me,
don't expect a follow back!
We may have a poetic talk,
if you want to have a mock!
It'd give me a practical
as I try to talk in harmonious tune!
while we walk through morning dew!
We'd discover the untold mysteriously
Or we may explore the mystery untold!
In the maniworded multiverse of poetry
we are solar systems dancing in the sea
distanced by dark empty spaces
but now and then a poet faces
the sudden gravitational pull
one constellation so wonderful
a spectrum of reds invading the blues
the whole horizon brimming with hues
for the candy-sweet trickle of time
we lonely ablaze in golden sunshine
before the moment swings by
and the lines once more fly
out of touch
but not for much
we hope on this plane
as orbits tend to cross again
who is this, don't you fuss,
I hardly know him or his buzz,
are you the one who didn't care
broke her heart with no care!
right in the beginning
without a dare
at first the forest seemed stark
it wore just a blanket but so dark!
but you chose to leave a bright spark
the shadow 'twas but with no heart!
I searched to find, but was I blind!
I stood alone, with none on,
how I did long to have someone,
the footsteps though, did stop to follow,
desolate unclad walking through hollow
#11 •come on, be strong•

force me to obey,
achieve it your way,
be stronger than concrete,
you're not here to face defeat,
try to do what you really want.
do it forcefully, almost like a haunt
impel yourself onto me, as if you're free,
attempt to be tough, don't thwart easily!
the goddess of glee
it's a purpose to be,
she'll come out flying
soon gloriously,
a secret chamber is on,
the sawdust restaurant
now wait I'm not to tell
anyone of late
all are traitors,
tedious conversations,
champ troops chants
it said be afraid of men
page writer too defend
all involved in this mess!
"It" knew it all,
It saw the writer,
conspiring with my friend
he said, let me be next!
21st in the line of 20!
how dreadful, how cruel!
but the tables will turn,
you won't see but burn?
A willing mouth, a tongue depressed and pressed deep at a known, unguessed at spot buried sweet and kept in depth, folds of flesh parted by a willing mouth.
