So much for the FBI's investigation of The Hildabeast

Well, you're certainly the bullshit expert, like your claim Merrick Garland is "an anti-gun nut".

Poor Miles Ben Zonah, ever the Perpetual Victim.

It seems his "but...but...teh EMAILS!" has about as much traction as the last Hillary smear job ("but..but..BENGHAZI"), i.e. only relevant to aging bitter white male bitter-clingers.
Looks like Bacon Boy hasn't had his morning roll in the mud yet.

Maybe you boys can do it together.
Adorable, aren't they? That's Throb on the right.

Well, look...AA is following me around like a little lost piglet...just like his pal Throb.

Fucking creep.
Deciding to open the thread that's at the top of the page, even if it is another of your BS threads, means I'm following you? You really are a bullshit artist. :rolleyes:
"Judicial Watch on Thursday announced that it had unearthed emails from Hillary Clinton's personal email account dated February 2009. Until now, the former secretary of state had maintained she was not using the account at that time."

More irrefutable evidence.

Now they're really, REALLY going to nail her!

Hey Miles, you found any "irrefutable evidence" yet that you weren't lying when you said Garland is anti-gun?
Hey Miles, you found any "irrefutable evidence" yet that you weren't lying when you said Garland is anti-gun?

Pfft. President Obama nominated the guy right? So, he must be "anti-gun". Because reasons! :D

Hey miles? How's the "but....but....Teh EMAILS!" campaign going? Not seeing much traction here in the reality-based world, how's it playing in the feverswamp?
Washington Post editorial page today features a column on how the NRA demands that their minions declare Judge Garland to be "anti-gun". Because reasons.

Don’t believe the NRA’s hype about President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee
Yeah, I'm aware of his record. But apparently Ish and Miles know about some information buried somewhere on the internet, maybe the dark web, because I sure as heck can't find it. But they are just too cowardly share it, I guess afraid the NSA or FBI will come get them if they post the location of this damning information they have.
Life would be SO much easier for "Conservatives" if they could just pronounce Hillary guilty and cart her off to jail.

Needing actual evidence proving guilt is such a burden.
Life would be SO much easier for "Conservatives" if they could just pronounce Hillary guilty and cart her off to jail.

Needing actual evidence proving guilt is such a burden.
Maybe they're trying to make up for their failure with Bill. Afterall, they'd have come away completely empty handed if he hadn't been an idiot and perjured himself about something that wasn't any of their business anyway.
Interesting graphic on Daily Kos about truthiness of pols:

Just a few more months!!!


Of course, it is time for CAIR to start screaming about Islamophobia driving the FBI...
FBI head honcho James Comey says there is no timetable for completing Hillary Clinton's email probe.

No shit!

What a scam.
Will miles' aneurysm come before or after Hillary's election?