Smexilicious Idea Thread


Eternal Brat
May 5, 2008
SRP Profile

Gender: I only play female characters.

Age: For human characters, I can do anything from 18-30. Non human, it all depends

Orientation: heterosexual, will sometimes play bi if i connect with the other writer

Power Exchange: Submissive I can do submissive, but stubborn

Race:I can play any race... I mean, its just role play right?

Bodytype: Doesn't matter, I can play any type of body type from small bust size to big bust size. From petite to curvy

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I can do fantasy races with the exception of furries.

Settings: historical, current time, fantasy my favorite is historical and fantasy though

Likes/kinks:BDSM (light and sometimes hard), rough sex, spankings, non-consent (depending on mood), large cocks, masturbation, oh and if I do lesbian/bi thread chicks with big tits, cumplay yeah thats about it.

Hard limits: minors, furries, piss play, humiliation

Availability: I am available for the time being. It all depends on my schedule so again, just ask because my availablity differs. Also, I only post during the week days unless I can find time during the weekend to respond but more than likely you can expect a response on a weekday.
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One on Ones


Angelica Blackthorn is a news reporter who is bent on trying to find a good story, one that doesn't involve animal adoptions or the latest local community theater production. When she hears "shop talk" around the news station about an underground club, she takes it upon herself to go undercover and steal the story herself. Of course, this means she will have to avoid any co-workers that decide to also go undercover. But what happens when she gets pulled into the world of sex, lies, and drugs and begins to forget that she's undercover? And the real twist is the owner of said club already knows who she is.

Picture Perfect:

Rose was an average girl. She wasn't a beauty queen but she wasn't ugly either. Nothing exciting ever happened to her. One could even say she was a plain jane. Then..her grandfather died and she is in his will. At the hearing she finds that she does not get his ritzy mansion but a painting. Amazingly, the painting has a woman there who looks similar to Rose. That was probably the only exciting thing that happened to her, then...Halloween night arrived and her whole life changed.

Lost In Darkness:

(pm if interested, this is a supernatural type rp. I have a few ideas rolling around in my head for it and would prefer an experienced writer for this) Amethyst, the angel of hope is sent to earth to save all human kind from their own selves but in her journey she meets Satan who attempts to lure her into a darkness of her own. Can she survive and save the world or will she become a slave to the human lust that oozes off of Satan.

Strictly Business

Angela and Kevin were undercover cops playing husband and wife. They lived next door to two bank robbers who also lived next door who actually were husband and wife. It was supposed to be strictly business until one night they are attacked and both cops lose their memory and one of them believe they are actually married. (Can be one on one or group)

Anyone You Can Be, I Can Be Better[/B]

Summary: Alexis and Jenna are twin sisters but complete opposites. Alexis is the more studios twin while Jenna is the party girl. After making a bet with one another, they switch places for a week.

Genre: Comedy, Romance

The Darkness Within:
(loosely based off True Blood)

A Fae(Fairy) princess is captured by a Vampire King. There is a legend that says that in order for vampires to day walk, they must taint the purity of a a Fae Princess. This story can take place in a supernatural world or in the current times. We can expand on the plot

Sorority Sisters:

This is probably the only lesbian plot I will do unless you REALLY impress me as a writer.

In College, Madison is set on joining a sorority. However in order to do so, she had to go through a bunch of tests. One of those tests involved getting secretly involved with the leader of the sorority, Teresa. Ten years later, everyone has moved on brushing it off as just experimenting in college and then suddenly Teresa walks back into her life and turns her world upside down.

Can be discussed via pm, this will have some sort of storyline to it. IT WILL NOT BE JUST PURE SMUT

My Little Secret

Summary: Meagan is everything a guy could wish for, shes sexy and well...what more could a guy want. Enter Gregory Williams, he's your typical nerd. He enjoys comic books and other nerdical things. However, behind that nerdy facade lies something that Meagan never thought she'd see

Recycled Ideas

You Belong To Me
Synopsis: Alison didn't know it but her boyfriend had a secret kink. One, he'd never actually shared with her before. That is, until one night when he comes home extremely drunk and incredibly horny.

The story needs to be fleshed out but it's basically about a boyfriend turning his girlfriend into his little sex slave

Genre: BDSM

And The Winner Is....

Synopsis: Kristy is a frigid bitch...or thats what she has everyone believe. It isn't until Brett Halliday comes along that her true nature is revealed.
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Princesses Library 2023


Daddy’s Little Nympho Co Writer: Homerun2611
Angelica, Eliza…and Peggy The Schuyler Sisters Co Writer: Homerun2611
The Super Hero Corporation - (AU Starlight and Homelander) Co writer: ERedBoyd
Corrupting Joke: Running Gag (A Batgirl/Joker Tale) Co Writer: LitShark

Real Life Co Writer: LitShark
A Series of Unwelcome Encounters Co writer: LitShark
Hashtag Homelight Co writer: LitShark
By Hook and By Crook Co writer: LitShark
A Familiar Conception Co writer: UKStud69

Cumming Soon:

Discontinued Roleplays:

Surrogate Lifestyle
Addicted To Comfort
Finished Roleplays:

Happy Reading! All of these are ongoing until they are not.​
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Finished RPs:

Til Death Do Us Part
Co Writer: Tirithire
Angela and her husband used to be happily married but unhappy circumstances broke them apart. Now, they can't stand each other. Unfortunately, they work together and because the pay is so good neither one of them is willing quit their job. During a business trip, Angela and her husband get stranded on a deserted island. Will they kill each other? Or will their passion reunite?

So I'm Dating a Murder
Co Writer: Fr33ks33k
Summary: Stephanie is talked into speed dating where she meets the man of dreams, but what happens when she finds out a little secret about him that could turn the man of her dreams into the man of her nightmares?

Lost In Darkness:
Co-writer: Shizz

An angel is sent down to earth to prevent a lust demon from trying to taint the world. Will she succeed or will she be tainted instead?
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I could probably think of a story for this...
Anyone You Can Be, I Can Be Better

Type of role play: Group of 4-6 people

Summary: Alexis and Jenna are twin sisters but complete opposites. Alexis is the more studios twin while Jenna is the party girl. After making a bet with one another, they switch places for a week.

Genre: Comedy, Romance
Lost in Translation

Type: One on One

Summary: A neko princess is captured by a foreign species( what species is up to you). However, they cannot communicate with one another using words. The capturer must find ways to get the neko princess to understand until she can understand his language.

(needs more fleshing out)
Batman: School of Crazies

This is based on the Harley and Batman picture up above. I got this idea because it looks like she is putting the loser sign on Batman's head and that led me to think of highschool.


Summary: The Batman crew is in highschool, their last years. However, it's sort of segregated so to speak. The villains on one part of the campus and the heroes on the other side and the undecided people somewhere in between. Since it's their senior year, this is where they decide 'hey I wanna be a good guy' or 'hey, I wanna be the villain.'

Please pm if interested in starting this story

Type: Group 4-6, maybe more if lots of people are interested
Falling For the Enemy

Type: One on One

Summary: She was a witch yet her technique was terrible. She comes from a very highly recognized family of witches. He was a werewolf. However, when these two meet sparks begin to fly. There is only one problem, werewolves and witches are sworn enemies. Will their love survive?

Genre: Romance? Action? Magic/fantasy

Plot to be discussed and can be tweaked.
Note to all my co-writers: I will most likely not be on for the rest of the day, going out of town. I have responded to some of my rps but some will have to wait til next week.
For those of you who haven't noticed I am back. Will be catching up with role plays shortly.
Yes I am SORT of stealing this idea but sorta twisting it into my own because this idea has ALOT of potential...

Into the Bat Cave.

Allison Wayne, great grand daughter inherits the Wayne mansion after her grandfather dies. She is the daughter of the famous Bruce Wayne and infamous caped vigilante, Batman. Along with the mansion, she inherits his secrets. Is she ready to become the masked woman?

Jeremy is the great nephew of the Joker. His family rich in wealth had always been a bit..nuts. His uncle had been forbidden to see the Joker but somehow he'd always managed to do so, the sneaky son of a bitch and now that crazy gene has been passed along to Jeremy.

Combine the years of pure and unadulterated hatred between the families, revenge, and lust then the story is set.

NOTE: PLEASE only pm me for this roleplay if you are a writer interested in a story and not just sex. We can discuss further details through pm.

Any rps in here that are on HIATUS, feel free to ask me to revive them if the idea appeals to you.