Signs of Female Arousal (And some myths)

[*]Pay attention

That's it. Seriously, that's my secret. yeah, ask questions, but if you can't be bothered to listen to the answers, then you can't act on that knowledge.

What turns women on? Ask her. I mean, all kinds of stuff, again my best example is a lesbian webmistress of a lebian sex stories site that pretty much can't get moist to anything short of reading about a mother drowning her toddler daughter in animal piss in the most apathic 3rd person PoV possible. (Why i couldn't satify her, I put too much feeling in there, I couldn't turn it off and write passionately about it.)

ASK HER! While you're at it, ask him too. {We got gushing gonads, tingling tushes, harrier balls, and harrier busoms! S&M whips, and chains. Pregnant little ladies with menstral pains. We got hand jobs, and nipple tweaks, fingerbangs, and slappin' cheeks. We got incest, and bestiality too, we got Sade' and The Sweetest Taboo. We got girls who eat their pee, and poo, and guys who'd love to fuck your shoe!*} Why the inverse to Rule #34 is "Someone out there is into it." Nobody knows what turns them on better, nobody. No one else can tell you what they want. Period.

If you're going to pay attention, scroll up. The OP is full of things you can look for.

{* Mr. Bungle, "The Girls of Porn." It just goes on like that...}
Strawman, strawoman, strawfeminist, allusion to a conversation not in evidence with a threat to show us it... Later... You're one imaginary body shy of an Orgy fantasy here, if anyone can get turned on.

Worth reading, though I can only reply to what you wrote for yourself. With a question: How is that not rape?

Now you can tell if she is (Or not faking it.)

Straw feminism?

I think I remember Germaine Greer saying that she really can't be bothered with sex—though she was post-menopausal when she said that—FWIW.

I can't tell for sure what another's emotions are, unless they are very obvious. If I, say, watch porn, I'm going to assume she's not aroused. I'm sure the laughter in the tickling videos is real enough as well as cries in the odd BDSM ones I see, but sexual arousal? I'm not sure.

As for rape, no of course means no, but presumably a woman can have sex even if not aroused, nor is it necessarily rape. Quid quo pro: he does her favours, she gives him the sex—consensually, of course—complete with fake arousal and orgasms.

Maybe take it from one woman here:


"And let's face it the majority of the men here have never aroused a woman other than to pay them an extra hundred to moan louder."
Okay, but this is a thread about how to tell when a woman IS turned on.

Not frigid feminists, not blackmale for fake orgasms, and not men who have no idea because all they ever learned was from porn. Says it in the title.
"The satellite looks down, right now and forever..."

~Spike: The beloved entertainer.

I'm a mistress of allusion.
Okay, but this is a thread about how to tell when a woman IS turned on.

Not frigid feminists, not blackmale for fake orgasms, and not men who have no idea because all they ever learned was from porn. Says it in the title.

Fair enough—though they might not be frigid, just asexual, or at least not into PIV sex.

Good luck to this thread! :)
Fair enough—though they might not be frigid, just asexual, or at least not into PIV sex.

I'm asexual. And a prostitute/sex therapist.

It just might be that he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing with a woman.
I'm asexual. And a prostitute/sex therapist.

It just might be that he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing with a woman.

What man can use his genitalia to please a post-menopausal Germaine Greer?

my bold
The Whole Woman (1999)

Doubleday, ISBN 0385 60016X

This sequel to The Female Eunuch is the book I said I would never write.

A woman's pleasure is not dependent upon the presence of a penis in the vagina; neither is a man's.

Sexy! Well, I guess it's time to move onto the (And some myths...) portion of the discussion.

Any questions?

"Don't look, Marion. Whatever happens, shut your eyes, and don't look..."

~I. Jones. You know, it was decades before I actually watched that scene?

Glad you liked it. I had a little trouble deciding on that one. :)
I do love me some Elvis, and a party dress.

I like a little Elvis too, but not always so easily. When it comes down to it, what cha really need is a little Marving Gaye or Percy Sledge. Or anything Motown.

I find myself singing bits of whatever I know whenever I'm alone and or working away w/sweat. I'm a rocker at heart or I'm rolling w/whatever makes everyone happy to forget about bullshit and just be silly with whatever song we all enjoy in the moment.

If I'm not writing or reading something as an escape, then getting lost in the moment of some soulful music is a welcomed surprise.
LOL, you know that was Elvis Costello, right? I'm sorry, but I have to ask: You did follow the link, right?

Okay, sense weave reached a con-scents-us, (If not the Climax) in this discussion, can we discuss ways to describe a woman's feminine musk, other than the trite, and true feminine musk? That was the original intent here, I mostly put it on GB to have something to field other than arguments starting with "You think..."

Sorry, still a little bitter. So anyway, one of the most difficult senses to put into words is olfactory. So, any suggestions?

(Also, sorry about all those puns.)

I like to refer to her intoxicating aroma, especially when the man's face is buried in her crotch. Also to describe how her clit is so swollen it has pushed its way out from behind its protective hood. Did you mention how her nipples are so erect I can feel their texture with my tongue, along with the pearly texture of her areola?

my bold

Pornography, Men Possessing Women (1979)

Men characterize pornography as something mental because their minds, their thoughts, their dreams, their fantasies, are more real to them than women's bodies or lives; in fact, men have used their social power to characterize a $10-billion-a-year trade in women as fantasy.

Pornography is the essential sexuality of male power: of hate, of ownership, of hierarchy; of sadism, of dominance.

Pornography incarnates male supremacy. It is the DNA of male dominance. Every rule of sexual abuse, every nuance of sexual sadism, every highway and byway of sexual exploitation, is encoded in it.

...pornography is the orchestrated destruction of women's bodies and souls; rape, battery, incest, and prostitution animate it; dehumanization and sadism characterize it; it is war on women, serial assaults on dignity, identity, and human worth; it is tyranny. Each woman who has survived knows from the experience of her own life that pornography is captivity–the woman trapped in the picture used on the woman trapped wherever he's got her.
Introduction, p xxvii.

Intercourse (1987)
A woman has a body that is penetrated in intercourse: permeable, its corporeal solidness a lie. The discourse of male truth—literature, science, philosophy, pornography—calls that penetration violation. This it does with some consistency and some confidence. Violation is a synonym for intercourse. At the same time, the penetration is taken to be a use, not an abuse; a normal use; it is appropriate to enter her, to push into ("violate") the boundaries of her body. She is human, of course, but by a standard that does not include physical privacy.
Chapter 7

But the hatred of women is a source of sexual pleasure for men in its own right. Intercourse appears to be the expression of that contempt in pure form, in the form of a sexed hierarchy; it requires no passion or heart because it is power without invention articulating the arrogance of those who do the fucking. Intercourse is the pure, sterile, formal expression of men's contempt for women; but that contempt can turn gothic and express itself in many sexual and sadistic practices that eschew intercourse per se. Any violation of a woman's body can become sex for men; this is the essential truth of pornography.
Chapter 7
As for the wetness, I can only speak for me but I can indeed get wet instantly. Like if a guy whispers something dirty into my ear or even the sound of a certain guy's voice or the scent of a certain cologne. And yes, it can drip down my legs. Now granted, the wetness was much more profuse from the start when I was younger. Might take a while for it to drip but it sure will! I am also easily orgasmic.

As for thinking people can smell it, I often think they can. Now maybe in reality they can't. But when I get turned on enough, I just feel like nothing but pussy with breasts coming in second. But the feeling and the scent of my pussy will overwhelm me and perhaps I am hyper focused on that.

As for porn, I hate it when I can see that the woman isn't the slightest bit wet and yet she is acting like she is highly aroused.
What man can use his genitalia to please a post-menopausal Germaine Greer?

my bold


Maybe a generational thing although I hate to paint with a broad brush.

I was telling two older friends about a guy in my life who gives me orgasms from hugs, the sound of his voice or even when he is in my dreams. They were both like... Ew, why would you want that? And I was like... Because... Orgasms are free and fun and feel good and I didn't even have to do a thing to get them. They just happened instantly! I feel blessed.

And they were like... Yeah. But who wants an orgasm?

Uh uh. Me! I'll take both of yours if you don't want them.

They can't understand masturbation either. Ew, ew, ew. Who would want to do that?

This is why I have pretty much given up on talking about sex with women. I do have a friend who owns a sex shop. So I do talk about it with her but it's not quite the same as she's a lesbian and I'm not so we don't necessarily do the same things in bed.
Okay, but this is a thread about how to tell when a woman IS turned on.

Not frigid feminists, not blackmale for fake orgasms, and not men who have no idea because all they ever learned was from porn. Says it in the title.

I'm a female who learned a lot from porn. But then again, I am pretty good at reading body language and other things about bodies and I'm not afraid to have a conversation during sex. I think even for long time partners, good communication is priceless.
Strawman, strawoman, strawfeminist, allusion to a conversation not in evidence with a threat to show us it... Later... You're one imaginary body shy of an Orgy fantasy here, if anyone can get turned on.

Worth reading, though I can only reply to what you wrote for yourself. With a question: How is that not rape?

Now you can tell if she is (Or not faking it.)

Sadly, I know a lot of women who feel that a man is necessary in their life but they say they don't really like men or sex. Perhaps they've never been with the right man but... They will fake it to get it over with because they believe they are making the guy happy.