Show us your style (Pictures with your clothes on)

like the look ... reminds me of young women I knew in the 70s. My fashion sense is questionable, but I fondly recall on young woman with black wide-legged pants with a light grey pinstripe ... and she had a Tuxedo tee-shirt that matched the black exactly.

Thanks for sparking my memory. And yes, you should smile -- you look great in your outfit.
Bell Bottoms
Great outfit!! Please undo one of the buttons? 😈

Is it bad that when you posted this my smart-ass self thought, this is when @AuntieDisco should post a picture with just the bottom button undone, this revealing nothing.

I’ll make note of that for the future 😉

Beautiful smile and a very nice looking to see a couple buttons undone on your sweater mmmm

Deja vu?
The wife....
