Seeking RPers & Inspiration 2012

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A female writer for a long story

Greetings lady role-players,

I am looking for someone to play a long story with me in the modern setting. Fair warning, the story might go on an on and it might take quite some time (maybe more than a year) to complete it. As of now there are 14 characters in the story and it is open for more. Don't worry too much about the level of complication - we'll start slow with only a few characters and slowly build it up from there.

Also, I intend to role-play the story through email due to certain reasons.

I am looking for someone who can express herself well while roleplaying. She must be creative enough to come up with new plots and twists in the story. Grammatically correct and aesthetically pleasing English is a must. She must also be able to post regularly (say at least, 3-4 posts a week - this is not a hard requirement though), and since we'll be playing via email, it won't take too much time, I hope. Posts need not be long, but they should not be just a couple of lines either. She'll also need to be patient, as for me, sex is just one part of the story, the most important part, no doubt - but story-building, character-development, scene-settings, etc. are also crucial.

If you are interested, do let me know (you can reach me either via email, to which I tend to respond more promptly, or via PM on here) and I'll let you in on what the story involves. Then, if you are comfortable and agree to all of it, I'll send you the plot.

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looking for more writers to play with..check out my threads to see what I like.can re start those ideas for you also looking for threads to join.
Bride To The Supernatural

There has been a war between vampires and werewolves for years, the humans use to be involved with the war. But with much betrayal there was only one human that would step foot on the supernatural ground. It said in a prophecy older then humans, vampires even werewolves. It spoke of a figure who would be able to curve war and to stop it. It is said one being will rise up one who is highly intelligent. One who had lived fifty life times, each life remembering what was learned.

But it was also said that in the year 2015 the figure would come back as the only immortal human ever to exist. One who could speak on behalf of any species, customs, languages and fighting ability was something born within this human. Everyone was sure the human would be a male, this human would smell different her blood meaning more to vampires. The perfect soul mate for vampires or werewolves. The humans blood could give immunity to the sun to vampires, her body could birth a litter of werewolves.

And the knowledge that was hundreds of years old, to humans this perfect being was a threat to them. Most humans wanted the death of the vampires and werewolves, they dreamed to being the species that rules over all. It took them eighteen years to find this person, and when this human was found they were stunned that this being wasn't a man but a very young woman. Her name was Eden and her best friend was the leader of all vampires, though Eden does not know what he is yet.

Now the supernatural know if she is lost to them, then they will all die. Eden's best friend has his clan protect her even though she doesn't know it. But he knows he wants her as his bride, and the humans want to destroy her. She can die the same way all vampires do but instead of a wooden stake it would be a blade forged in holy water and made out of the blood of man. Will the humans get her? or will her best friend and his kind protect her? Once she knows the supernatural exist her knowledge will wake up.

PM If Interested.
I have a challenge for the ladies of Lit

Greeting lovely ladies,

I am challenging you to PM me, with a scenario of your choosing. I am looking for a lady to role play with.

I am not asking for a novel, or an essay. I am simply after a lady who is literate enough to write a few paragraphs, and can write descriptively, on a somewhat regular basis.

The choice is yours for a topic.

I hope to hear from some of you soon.

AG :rose:

P.S. I will answer all those who accept this challenge.
Based on a true story.

So this idea goes back to my days in college when I was working as a pizza delivery boy. One day I was told to deliver a pizza to a hotel. At first I just thought nothing of it, I mean tourists need to eat too. But when I got to the door I was confronted by a fully naked woman making no attempt to cover anything. It took me a full minute before I noticed anything else. The tv was playing a porno and there was a man sitting in the corner of the room jerking himself. The lady payed cash (with quite a generous tip I might add) then slowly closed the door, the whole time smiling at me.

I would love a RP where this kind of scene happens, only ends differently. Just pm me to talk about it and we can set up a thread.
Tall Tale Heart

Edgar Allen Poe was one of the most talented writers in human history, though his stuff was very dark and drastic. People loved that kind of thing in the early 1800's. Unfortunately Poe lost his wife to her health. Since she contracted T.B and died a year later from it. And the other woman he fell for died, because she was a target to a killer. The man is an alcoholic and a drug addict, he dulls his senses a lot so that he did not have to feel pain. His friend watches as he becomes more and more consumed, and it hurts her.

Poe only had one friend that believed in him, loved his stories and was just a nice girl to talk to. She lived pretty close to him, he was sweet to her and seemed to be hurting inside as well. But right now he just wanted to die, but he is falling in love with her because she is his only true friend. A curse haunts him, tracks him much like a big black dog. My idea is he has a relationship with the girl, and ends up getting in trouble with the police. Since they think he had something to do with a death of a woman, the girl will help him through this.

PM if Interested
Looking for:
A vampire who buys a fae and eventually falls in love with her (Melanthe)
A vampire who discovers his human mate is being abused by her family
A werewolf saves a human after her village was destroyed by vampires. They fight to stay together as vampires and werewolves wage war on each other (caught in a war)
1-1 female roleplayer required

Recently, I've been in quite the fantasy mood so I'm really looking for a roleplay in that genre. Two heroes setting out on an Epic quest to rid the world of some evil, with some twists and turns along the way. Here's what I was thinking:

Demon's Abound
A King grows steadily more abusive and corrupt, his decrees becoming wilder and more restrictive. The kingdom strains under his rulership, threatening to collapse into riots and open rebellion. Wild rumours fly that the King's sorcerer is somehow corrupting him, but anyone who dares speak out is executed. Two heroes (independantly or together) embark on a quest to discover the source of the evil that lurks, avoiding spies and travelling deep into the unknown for the key to end the darkness.... or something to that affect, it may need a little tweaking.

Corruption in the Adventurer's Guild
The Guild has stood through time and trials and stands proud. Many young men and women come to these grand halls to learn the ways of the warrior or mage. But this years students find something is amiss. Something dark lurks amongst the teachers, and not only threatens to destroy the acadamy, but unleash a torrent of tainted warriors upon the world....

A Modern Day Disaster
An Evil Lord of Magic has opened a portal to another dimension. The world beyond is strange and scary... Earth, 2013. 1) Two heroes have to brave this new world in order to stop what surely no-one in this world is prepared for.. 2) Two ordinary people find and travel through the portal to the fantasy world, in order to bring back aid.. 3)A hero steps through, and together with the help of an ordinary person, attempts to save both their worlds from certain doom..

A Stolen Story
(I read a good set of books and I'm stealing the premise... oh well..) A Kingdom for sale.. so the ad says. It's a lot of money but what a weird thing to sell. Seeking an unusual experience, the character makes the purchase and is taken to a new world where he finds that he really has bought a kingdom.. he/she is the ruler of this troubled land and has inherited all the glory and all the responsibility that comes with it....

Please PM if anything is of interest, or if you have an idea of your own and would like to share.
Hello ladies of lit is any one a harry potter/ ginny weasley fan? I want to do a role play off of after the battle of any ones interested pm me
Just an idea knocking around my empty head - not even sure I want to pursue it - but I'll put it up here and see what people think.

A young woman (20-30) writes stories for lit under a nom de plume; some dark and kinky, others loving and passionate. Unknown to her, someone finds out who she really is and kidnaps her.

She awakens to find herself in a bedroom, dressed as a teen. Hearing pebbles rattling against the window she takes a look out before realising that she is living her first story. As the plot moves forwards, she experiences more of her stories before....

And that's all I got.

As I said, not really sure where to take it or whether I'm even that interested in writing it with someone (the main antagonist - male or female - who kidnaps her would remain a constant, omnipotent presence). Let me know what you think.

Izy x
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Hi All

Seeking an RP about a simple guy who has gotten into some money. His estranged Grandfather left him the run of the huge Fashion conglomerate called Lilith named after his mother!

he has no clue how to run the company or is used to the billionaires lifestyle! He has help in the form of his Grandfathers COO a beautiful woman in her early thirty's. my character will be in his early Twenties.

I thinking she helps him not only in business, but in the new money based world he was in. I think my character will bond with your character, and even push away advances of other girls as he seems drawn to you? Or it could be the other way around, him going out with a few women and sleeping with them than coming back to tell you about it and ask you advice. Than one day depending on the scenario the other has enough they kiss and rut like a couple of dogs in heat.

Than they have to figure out what to do from there. I'm looking for use to start about My characters first week at the company head quarters showing up in a t-shirt jeans and flipflops

PM if your interested or if you like the idea but want to tweak it, Always up for some fun feed back
Greetings lit people. I was just going through ideas and dcided to write them down. Looking for females to apply.

Scooby doo
Shaggy and Velma
I know shaggy had a show wiith scooby and sometimes scrappy to solve cases. I am thinking of just shaggy and Velma doing a similar task.

Scooby doo and the ghoul school.
Ok not exactly as the title says. I am kind of looking for a time when the ghoul school is older and maybe in a different setting. Need a co writer to work out the detaills.

Rescue rangers
Chip and tammy
Tammy is the squirle facinated with chip in episode 7 of season 1. Wondered what would of happen if they started a service of there own.

Dale and Gadget.
I saw a lot of erotiic comics and dale and gadget get quiet kinky. I would love for a relationship to blossom but if you have a idea the way it could go down just let me know.

Inspector gadget.
Penny and Brain
Ok always wondered about something. Brain is penny and gadget's dog wondered if brain turned to a human from the same people who help build gadget on pennies request. She is prob in collage and away from her uncle. Brain goes with her and there detective story begins.

Penny and Gadget

I can't think of a name yet but I am thinking Penny in collage doing her own detective business. A young man from one of her classes has fallen for her but can't tell her. One day she has gotten her self in a pickle and its punks trying to break in to a vault or something odd. The young man gives penny just enough time to make her get away and get the cops. When she returns with cops the young man is brutally beaten. She looks at a journal he had to see if he can fine a name except it tells her not only his name his desire to be a police officer one day. Penny mmakes a request to put I'm in the gadget program to save him. Story and character development for sure.

All grown up
Tommy and Kimi
Chuckie and Angelica
Phil and lil

Honestly I see the mention pairings happening and I think it be interesting. Put them in collage and let the hillarity and fun continue.

Cool Devices.
This Hentai has unlocked cool ideas for me
The Following Episodes were interesting to me. 1 Curious Fruit, 2 Sacred Girl, 4 Kirei, 7 Yellow Star, 10 Binding, 11 Fallen Idol Rina.

I also like Living Sex Toy Delivery and Bible Black
Living sex Toy delivery. This is about a man who wakes up to a bunch of women who have sedated him and paralyze his body for his cum. Apparently the master mind of this plan finds out drinking men's cum will keep her youthful and it works. The women dispose of the men afterwards and kill them. They fail with there latest victim and he gets revenge. After getting revenge on the first girl she pledges loyalty to him just to get his cock in her making her a total slut for him. They slowly begin to get revenge on the other women.

Bible black: This Hentai is odd but i love it. Its super natural and a lot of sex craft involved. I would read up on it more for there is a lot of information. I was thinking of a new class after New Testament
And that is all I know I had more but what can I say oh one more thing

Costume party
I have a idea where it is a big costume party, the atmosphere is quiet entrancing and causes bodies too run hot and emotions to rise with friendly behavior. My character and yours can meet and we explore each other a few times in different ways in the party. From there We can make the party end and you or me can keep throwing these parties to meet each other. or we run in to one another through the internet or something. We get thrills by doing things in parties and such. Not much to it i know but it's something. I got ideas i can throw around still.

Carmen Sandiego
Either Carmen and her Old Acme Partner, or We can be two new Agents sent out to get her

Xiaolin Showdon
Omi and Kimiko , as well as Jack Spicer and Catnappe [Ashley] a little older about 18 at least or we can do a new set of monks

If any one knows megaman in any form any female for the love of god I have rp ideas pm me so we can geek out and rp thank you

On another Note i do rp just about anything. If i do not know it, inform me apparently i play characters well when i get the gist of them. So Pm me for Ideas Message me on a Instant Messenger so on so forth looking forward to rping with you ladies.
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Looking for a female roleplayer with whom to collaborate, PM me any ideas you may have but also have a few of my own.

1. You would play a sitcom star in her 40s or 50s who has always been considered a national sweetheart, but after a public and embarrassing divorce she privately revolts against her reputation and starts a kinky affair with a staff writer in his mid 20s.

2. You would play an 18 year old pop star who is trying to break into movies. She is handpicked by my character, the director, to star in a serious drama. The director didn't just choose her to be his one of his characters, but he has designs on making her his also doesn't help that his ex-wife is playing the lead.

3. You would play a high school senior on pace to graduate as valedictorian who gets an internship at a very successful local company who gets seduced by the VP, who is also the son of the company founder.

4. You would play a high school senior, unpopular with body image issues, who gets propositioned by the substitute gym teacher who said it was love at first sight when he saw her thunder thighs running in her shorts.
Boredom kills

So I'm sitting around, quite bored tonight. I'm looking for something, or someone rather, to spark my interest.
If anyone's looking to plot/write an SRP with a literate, creative individual, please check out my SRP interests and if you're interested in any of the same, don't hesitate to PM me. :)
I am looking for someone to do an incest rp with. The couplings I prefer are motherxson, brotherxsister, sisterxsister, motherxdaughter and, occaisionally, I'll do fatherxson or brothers.

I like all those options...just trying to figure out ages, and reasons. Brother sister I see my character the sister having to come pick up her brother who was crushed by his fiancé after she left him because she hooked up with a group of guys who fucked her gang bang style, and she could never love him like that. I come and take you to your apartment, your about 24-30 and I'm 18-25 depending on the age.

Mother son. I like the fact I take my son on a trip for his 18th birthday in some foreign country. I booked a great package for me and him and find out its a trip for newly weds with couples messages and the full couples experience. She asks if she can alter it and the agency says no. During one of the couples spa things, after you or I see the other naked we jump each other and go at it like animals, and never come back. When we get home we have to figure on what to do from there as you are going away to college and I still have my job!

Sisters I see us getting an apartment after high school, and go to the same college. I would be the older sister who has had a string of failures with men. I than have you move in. I get drunk and kiss you and tease you while you sleep fonfessing my history of stealing your panties and masturbating with them. I though after a good session with you wake up with no memory of sleeping with you.

Mother daughter I see the mother single and kicked out coming to her college aged daughters apartment to live with her. She goes out with you and your friends. She flirts with men and women has made out with your friends and some of your crushes. She wears little and often brings guys back to sleep with and when done often leaves there mingling where ever she walks. One night you confront her and she giggles and says she will punish you you don't believe her but she gets you over her knee and spanks you, she than slips accidentally slapping your pussy and than that's where all hell breaks loose, after the hot love making what do they do now? so any one can pm me for these, I wanted it as a response for tag but since I fumbled and posted here instead I'm willing to take any one up on these ideas :D
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Space Cowboy-A space adventure

LOOKING for new cowritter-Lady

The music thumped so load it gave Rex a head ache. Halo is putting on the moves that had made her a intergalactic star in her hey day, She was no longer a young 'blue' banging out 2k a night in the clubs. Her big time was well past her. And her moves not as crisp as when she had been a headlined for the Star Light Entertanment Group (SLEG). She had been a publicly traded sub-stock HES-(Halo Entertanment Services) selling for a high of 37 credits a share.

Her dancing had been stairway to the very lucrative sexual services sector. She could make 5x-6x more a night servicing young rich women and their daughters, then from her dancing gigs. Suddenly the music stopped and the lights go low. The lover slowly broke from their seats and made their way to the dance floor.

Halo glares at the band leader for breaking her up temo dance patterns. She pouted as she shuffled back to her seat. She knew that Rex would not slow drag with her. They were not lovers, they were crewmates. That is not to say she had never gotten on bended knee and blew him. Once even from under a table in a crowded bar. That had been long ago and many star systems away. It had been a while since Halo blue hue had pulsed and she is ready for some hot girl on girl action.

Rex shifted in his chair. Halo made him a little uncomfortable when she danced. She is so erotic that his dick gets hard just watching her. He has to keep reminding himself that she was his navigator not his private sex toy. Though technically he owner her. He had bought all of her shares when her stock plummeted after her accident.

At 5 credits a share investors were very pleased to sell there shares. He owned her and he had the legal papers to prove it. On the other hand he never treated her like a slave. She is his friend, his lover when both were in the mood. Though mostly they were just very good friends that watched out for one another.

Rex had finished his second drink when Halo finally sat down. "You make me tired just watching you." He said trying to act bored. Halo looks over at him. "Oh yeah Rex and that tent in your pants hasn't gone down yet!" A vioce from behind him gives Rex a start.

"I'm Looking for Rex Lyonheart, the Captain of the Star Dreamer."

Please PM if interested! You can play any part you like.
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Looking for a female partner on this idea

The idea is based loosely off of Terra Nova. Humanity has been the masters of Earth for thousand of years, but they have almost hit the edge. Greed has kept the high players from allowing space exploration or other forms of colonization from being even explored. Because of this, humanity has been forced to live inside domes because of the dwindling resources and irrepairable damage to the world environment. However research has been made into attempts to open a wormhole to the past, in hopes of finding a way to get more resources. The first test is a success and a probe is sent back in time 12 million years. A second attempt is made, this time by sending a scout through the wormhole. However a system glitch sends the scout to a complete new world before he is completely cut off.

I have ideas of where to go, but I am also open to even more ideas on where to take things. Feel free to pm me if interested.
The story is always the same:
She is innocent and vulnerable, and devastatingly beautiful
He is sullen and reclusive, but irresistibly handsome
He rescues her, but then is unable to forget her
He stalks her
He captures and ravages her
They fall in love
The End

Alexa has written a dozen variations of the story, and her audience eats it up. Of course, her real life is nothing like that. In her real life, she just works and occasionally goes out to promote her books. In real life, the closest she had come to passion was the occasional drunk fuck in college, usually during finals week.

Then she is at the local convenience store, buying snacks and coffee to get her started on her next book, when two masked men rush in, waving guns. One of them grabs her as a hostage, but quickly seems to change his plan from robbery to rape. Too afraid of being shot to resist, she is moments from being violated when he walks in.

Irresistibly handsome. Cool and quiet, he disarms and disables the robbers, and then buys a candy bar.

She can hardly believe that it happened, just like something from one of her books. In her books, the hero would start to stalk her then, and she starts to keep an eye out.
So, I have an idea, it's not very formed and it's quite malleable if anyone turns out to be interested, but it's basically the following:
Big city girl moves to somewhere down south, a rural community in the middle of nowhere. She meets a man (maybe two brothers, like I said, it's malleable) and finds him extremely attractive and engaging. They end up alone together, maybe he takes her out into the woods to teach her hunting, and he takes advantage of her. I was thinking non-con for this, but it can work different ways. Really, what I want out of the story is the big city girl meets dominat southern man who has his way with her in some way or another...
PM me if interested. Like I said, it's not even remotely set in stone, but I thought it'd be a fun idea.
(Also, I'm on my phone, do apologize for typos. Autocorrect does more harm than good sometimes.)
looking for more writers to play with or threads to join..please check out my threads to see what I lke to play
Just a couple of ideas.

I just brewed up a couple of ideas tonight while working the grave shift. Neither one is very well formed so I would love to brainstorm in pm before we play. So if you are a female and interested in either of these let me know.

Jinni with a twist
I was thinking our lucky lady (you) stumbles across a lamp and in her hurry to ask for her wishes she misses the catch. The more she demands, the more she becomes attached to the lamp to the point that the jinni is finally freed and she takes his place.

For this one you play a demoness sent to earth to gather mens souls. You are a natural at it, gathering at least one soul nightly. Your MO is going to the local bar, picking up a guy, and well you can imagine the rest. But what you don't expect is to fall for the tall handsom bar tender.

Like I said, these are rough ideas formed by a tired mind. If you can think of a way to improve one of them please let me know. I had envisioned some light BDSM involved in both of these stories, but that in particular was one of the areas I haven't really defined well in my tired little mind.
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