Seeking Role Players and Inspiration!

Hello everyone I am a female looking to get into some roles. I want to build bonding between characters before getting into the sex.I would like it to be a couple or more paragraphs.If anyone has any ideas or wants to role play as long as it does not involve bathroom play,hardcore bondage,anything along them lines is fine with me. I can get into anything just basically is what my mood is. Looking forward to hearing from you.

hear are some things I enjoy
neighbor daughter
ex con/victim

and many more
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I am looking for a descriptive female writer interested in a teacher-student thread, involving the older teacher seducing her football playing, flunking student.

Preferably several paragraphs. Pm for more details.
True Blood RP??

I'm looking for an RP that takes place in the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood setting. I would be using my standard character, in this interpretation (sorry, that's the easiest thing to link right now). One idea in particular is that my character (having been a widely-admired musician in, well, "alternative scenes" before his coma) is invited to a vampire bar to play (Fangtasia style vampire bar, not Josephine's style). Whether you want to play the owner inviting him, or insinuate that part and play a vampire in the crowd who takes interest in him, is up to you. Any other ideas relating to my character, and you playing a vampire, are welcome. I'm not really interested in playing with other humans, or, so far as I can tell, other supes.

Note that I'm presently midway through Dead To the World, so I don't want you to use any canon characters (or refer to any events relating to later books). No spoilers! This may change in a few weeks, when I'm up to speed.
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I am looking to see if anyone is interested in taking on any of my ideas. They are linked at the bottom of my signature under Current Threads and Ideas. PM me if interested please.
I'm going to start a new thread, so heres what I'm looking for.

Looking for - Female (One or more)

Setting -
Fantasy/Fictional Empire or Kingdom etc...The main focus of the setting will be set in a Collosseum, Gladiator Arena of sorts.

Characters - My character will be a Gladiator, and preferably the other character would be a Gladiatrix or Mistress (if you are on the dominant side) but I am open to other suggestions.

Basic Story - This all depends on what character you would choose, so we can work it out together. But the basis will be that we are fighters (slaves or willing participants) who fight mythical monsters for the nobilities/citizens entertainment. Whether the sexual involvements happens via a favour for saving another gladiators life, or if it happens between the sexual tension of rivalries, or simply a mistress using her fighters for pleasure will depend on your preferance. I am open to other ideas.

If this interests you, PM me and I will get back to you and we can come up with more details before starting the thread. The only thing I will ask, is make sure you're not a two-liner.
Hello all, I'm looking into starting one or two more threads. I have varying interests so PM me with ideas.

I would like to play a woman who has to stay with her sister. It turns out that her brother in law is very dominating and forces her to submit to him.

A mother (mid 30s) finally meets the star that she sees on the big screen. She is ecstatic and eager to do whatever he asks. Even when he demands her and her 18 year old daughters undying loyalty.

A young girl begins classes at college and begins an affair with her professor.

A woman starts cheating with a young employee at her husband's business. They turn the tide on him, humiliating him while they take control.

I am always open to new ideas. I love playing busty characters no matter the age (over 18 of course) and can play multiple characters. I wouldn't mind starting threads on master/slave, breeding, blackmail and humiliation, son's best friend, daughter's bf.
Hello everyone.

I'm looking to start a plot line involving a man encountering a younger woman (18+). My character would interact and manipulate the younger woman, guide her into a sexual relationship. The female must be comfortable with Daddy/daughter play.

Please be a well written, detail oriented partner and I shall do the same. Feel free to whisper me and we can hammer out the details!
Hello again,

Let me start off by saying I'm not looking for anything too deep. I'm just looking for some descriptive writers out there that enjoy a good story along with an ample amount of sexiness. I’m interested in creative characters and concepts, simple but engaging storylines, and above all sex. I’m also very interested in description. I’m not expecting novels mind you, but a few paragraphs can do wonders! Even with that little you can do amazing things, and that is what I am searching for. Male, female, whatever…I’ve played all sorts of characters of varying genders and had a blast. I’m looking for anyone who finds what I’ve stated above even somewhat interesting. I’ll gladly play in either PM or thread, though due to time constraints I can’t do IM’s or anything of the sort.
Here are a few things that I really enjoy:
Creative and well thought out characters, both male and female.
Settings include fantasy and sci-fi, though I’ve been in a particularly high fantasy mood as of late.
Sexual Encounters – Story ideas are all well a good, but they should lead to the fun parts sooner than later.
Here’s the list of the things I hate:
Submissive – I’m sure its high on the list of a lot of people, but not here. Male or female submissiveness is just boring so go find it somewhere else.
Incest/scat/watersports – Do I really have to say anything about these?
So PM me away and tell me what you think. If you have any ideas please let me know and we can work on something together. I’m sure we can hammer out something mutually enjoyable to us both!
I want to start up an old roleplay of mine, Seems like my partner disappeared.

I need a girl that Is flirty, fun, serious.. If anything, Look at the past thread of it and kind of get an idea from there.

PM me if you are interested!

Name: Brian DeSargio
Age: 22

Brian DeSargio sat in the cafe, he had his homework from his college literature class. 2 more months... two more months until college is over, and I'm out of here... he thought to himself, his ipod playing while his earphones were in his ears. He had all good grades, and a promising job once he was out of college. But, the thing was, he didn't have a girlfriend. It was three months since his high school sweetheart told him she was sleeping around on him, and ended it. He was crushed, because deep down he knew himself that he was falling for another girl, and she was on his thoughts all the time lately. Her name was Megan Smith. She was in his Business class, and she sat in front of him.

She was also in the Sister Sorority of His Fraternity. She was about 4 months younger than him, and he was almost 23. He saw her at parties, she was beautiful to him, and she was also the main subject of his dreams. He was the Vice President to his fraternity, and He thought that she was the President of hers, he wasn't that sure. Brian sighed, changing the songs as he finished up his homework, leaning back into his chair, moving his hands over his face. He was wearing some light blue loose jeans, held up by a black leather belt. He also had a Maryland t-shirt, his college, on, that fit just right. He had a tattoo on his chest that read "Live as if you were to die Tomorrow" right above his left nipple. he also had one ear pierced with a diamond stud.

He picked up his book and notebook putting it into his bag, standing up and putting the chair back where it was. He started walking out the door, taking a deep breath as he stepped out, running into someone causing their books to fall down. "God, I'm so sorry!" He said, bending down, picking up their stuff looking up, a shocked expression falling across his face.

"Megan..." He barely said, standing up, about 7 inches taller than her seeing he was at 6'4. "I didn't know it was you.." He added, stuttering holding out her books.
2 words...

Brütal Legend

Who wants to be my rock deity? An axe wielding, death riffing, fast talking, Deuce driving, ripped Jack Black with a latent and hitherto unexplored dominant/sadistic streak?

Pm me.

Ophelia :kiss:
I'm looking for a female for my new RP idea. A guy breaks into a women's home and keeps her their as his sex slave for a week. If you interested PM me...
I want to start up an old roleplay of mine, Seems like my partner disappeared.

I need a girl that Is flirty, fun, serious.. If anything, Look at the past thread of it and kind of get an idea from there.

PM me if you are interested!

Name: Brian DeSargio
Age: 22

Brian DeSargio sat in the cafe, he had his homework from his college literature class. 2 more months... two more months until college is over, and I'm out of here... he thought to himself, his ipod playing while his earphones were in his ears. He had all good grades, and a promising job once he was out of college. But, the thing was, he didn't have a girlfriend. It was three months since his high school sweetheart told him she was sleeping around on him, and ended it. He was crushed, because deep down he knew himself that he was falling for another girl, and she was on his thoughts all the time lately. Her name was Megan Smith. She was in his Business class, and she sat in front of him.

She was also in the Sister Sorority of His Fraternity. She was about 4 months younger than him, and he was almost 23. He saw her at parties, she was beautiful to him, and she was also the main subject of his dreams. He was the Vice President to his fraternity, and He thought that she was the President of hers, he wasn't that sure. Brian sighed, changing the songs as he finished up his homework, leaning back into his chair, moving his hands over his face. He was wearing some light blue loose jeans, held up by a black leather belt. He also had a Maryland t-shirt, his college, on, that fit just right. He had a tattoo on his chest that read "Live as if you were to die Tomorrow" right above his left nipple. he also had one ear pierced with a diamond stud.

He picked up his book and notebook putting it into his bag, standing up and putting the chair back where it was. He started walking out the door, taking a deep breath as he stepped out, running into someone causing their books to fall down. "God, I'm so sorry!" He said, bending down, picking up their stuff looking up, a shocked expression falling across his face.

"Megan..." He barely said, standing up, about 7 inches taller than her seeing he was at 6'4. "I didn't know it was you.." He added, stuttering holding out her books.

So then! I've started one thread that's doing rather well. I think I'll start another in a couple of day.

I was playing around with the idea of a woman and a man who are in some sort of elite program...maybe like S.W.A.T. but beyond that. Along those lines anyhow, the ideas are still muddy. Anyhow, these two are dedicated members of this squad, best at each of their separate duties. They've been assigned t work together undercover as husband and wife. infiltrate a community if you will. Problem is, they hate each other. I mean seething hatred, not flirty squirty omg I hate you, kiss me hatred.

They never work together for that fact alone, and their superiors had never teamed them together for that reason. But in this case(whatever it may be) it had to be them. Because they are the best and blah blah... Heh. So yes. They have to preform as husband and wife as well because this community is very skeptical of strangers and they are under constant watch.

So, they hate each other but they must love each other. Convincingly. Like I said, it's only a shred of an idea but if it sounds like it'd be fun to play out, gimme a PM.

Incidentally, I'll play with either a male or female but your character must be male. So far I think there's only gonna be room for two people but if I get more than one person that's interested I'll do another group RP. Happy Writing.

Mkay that's all. is a pretty flower: :rose:
The Toy

It's probably terrible that this came to mind while watching a film with family.

I recently was watching "The Toy" (Richard Pryon film from '82). A very rich man hires another guy to work as a cleaner in his store, but ends up getting fired. He's told to stay for that night to clean, which happens to be the same night the rich guy's son comes home from school for Spring Break. The son is a rather spoiled thing and demands something new to play with, so dad tells him he can have anything he wants in the store. He wants the cleaner guy to be his new playmate. In the end, Pryor's character makes the kid realize that friendship can't be bought and everyone lives happily ever after.

....Guess which direction I want to go with my version this?
(Obviously NOT that one!)

In this version, it's a young woman that is hired to work at the store. The store owner's arrogant son is returning from college for break, and complains to dad that everything is too boring. When dad says to go pick out something interesting from the store, he wants the cleaning girl. Dad offers to pay the girl as much as she wants if she agrees to entertain his son... but she doesn't bother to read the fine print. As soon as money is exchanged, she's not simply coming for a "playdate"; she's agreed to be his son's Toy, no matter what... and he doesn't play gently with his toys.

If interested, please PM me.

Looking for a well-written guy with some twisted ideas to join me.

Link to thread!


Got some PM's that were a bit confused on what exactly I meant by being his toy. The contract dad tricks her into signing makes her officially his son's- she belongs to him. She is basically his fuck toy, working in the house as a maid, but on call for any of his twisted needs and wants throughout the day.
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Im finally putting this on here, im a huge fan of star wars and love Vader, im looking for someone to play him, my idea is creative so I need someone open for new things, because the thread will start from the last movie, padme will be no more and his best friend stays by him always, she will be able to kill Obi Wan but not for a long time..

I hope to find someone.
Hmmm turns out private messages are turned off as a default. Well I fixed that in case anyone tried to contact me. Heh.
Hello everyone.

I'm looking to start a plot line involving a man encountering a younger woman (18+). My character would interact and manipulate the younger woman, guide her into a sexual relationship. The female must be comfortable with Daddy/daughter play.

Please be a well written, detail oriented partner and I shall do the same. Feel free to whisper me and we can hammer out the details!

Firm..I dropped you a PM if you don't get it drop me one I think I have a story idea you might be into. :)
I'm looking for a lady to join me in any of the following rough ideas. Feel free to expand them in your PM to me.

Incest- Daddy/Daughter Brother/Sister

Celebrity- You play a famous female celebrity. I can be a fan, reporter, photographer or anything else you can think of.

Office fun- Boss/Assistant (You can be the assistant or the boss)

TV Show and movie based fun- Including but not limited to NCIS, 24, Star Wars, Star Trek, Buffy, Angel, Lost, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and X-Men

PMs and messages via AIM and MSN welcome.
The Mis-Adventure's of Mae Van Duran

I'm trying to get some threads going for an old character I have tried time and again to get going. Here is an example of just who I speak of:

With a throaty purr of laughter Mae Van Duran slammed her fist down upon the flimsy wooden table. A half empty clay tankard bobbed precariously upon its surface from the fierce gesture. The neat rows of gleaming golden coins scattered across the table as well, though Mae didn’t seem to mind. Gleefully she meticulously restacked the coins one by one, admiring the way each one shone in the hearth light.

“What a haul;” She commented to herself as she held aloft the last gold coin clenched between her thumb and index finger. A coy smile began to spread over her oh so kissable lips as she added the last coin to the pile. Shimmering orbs of piercing jade looked out from underneath silken bangs of crimson. The rest of her hair was kept cropped short, lest it be snatched up in melee. Her features were both striking and achingly beautiful. An elegantly arched neck lead down to a voluptuous and ravishing figure, taut and toned from a life of battle. Her more than ample breasts were held captive by a bluish-silver breastplate, no doubt made of mithral, exquisitely crafted and polished to a gleaming sheen. A cape of deep verdant green lay draped over her proud shoulders, a vivid contrast to her shocking red hair. Resting comfortably against the table at her side was a massive battle axe, its wooden haft wrapped in blacken leather and double headed axe blade gleaming with intricate runes. Mae sat with one leg crossed over the other, those long and toned legs clad in a pair of skin tight black leather breeches. A pair of dusty brown, calf high boots completed her rugged warrior’s outfit. She seemed out of place in such a dirty and filthy inn, her clothing too clean and her posture too straight. Perhaps she could have been mistaken for a noble…that is unless she opened her mouth.

“Hey lard ass! Another round here!” She called out to the bartender in a rather impertinent tone. Her gaze flared briefly in the fat bartender’s direction. He knew better than to retort, or even spit in her ale. Mae was far from type to throw around insults without backing it up with fist or steel.

Obviously any threads/ideas would be of high fantasy in nature. I'm looking to get Mae in some trouble, have adventures, and bed several handsome men (or beautiful women) across the land.
See my original post for my likes/dislikes, etc if you are interested:
Description and original ideas are the key! If you are interested shoot me a PM and we will discuss it further.
Hello everyone I am a female looking to get into some roles. I want to build bonding between characters before getting into the sex.I would like it to be a couple or more paragraphs.If anyone has any ideas or wants to role play as long as it does not involve bathroom play,hardcore bondage,anything along them lines is fine with me. I can get into anything just basically is what my mood is. Looking forward to hearing from you.

hear are some things I enjoy
neighbor daughter
ex con/victim

and many more
Hello All :)

i was dreaming last night and it gave me an idea for a thread. i just wanted to see if there would be any interest in it.

the basic idea is this.

a cult of wanna be vampires kidnap a young lady and her friend to use as "food" with the idea of draining them of their blood resulting in their deaths. but a family of real vampires hears about it and when they discover who the young girl is the master vampire goes on a war path and hunts down the cult to stop them. the girl in question is his great great great great great great great great great granddaughter. he had been searching for the girl for years when he discovered she was living in the small town and he moves is family there to watch over her which is when they are made aware of the cult.

this would be a large rp. with many charectors.

the grandaughter
her friend

the master vampire
his best friend and second in comand
and at least three other vamps in the family.

there would also be the cult

the cult leader
and 4 followers.

if anyone is interested or things this is a good idea please message me and we can talk. im willing to make changes in the storie to a degree.
Im in need for someone who is a fan of "The Sopranos" Someone to play Sil Dante, who has a if interested.