Seeking Role Players and Inspiration!

The New Neighbors at Redhill House

At the end of a suburban street in the unassuming subdivision of Redhill Meadows is a mansion named the Redhill House. formerly the home of the late real estate developer that had started the subdivision. Unfortunately his death left the house vacant and on the market for years. Until Nine and a half months ago someone bought the house. No one knew who though, not even the contractors paid by proxy to renovate and build several customized rooms within Redhill House. However now the work on the house is finished and the people of Redhill Meadows awaited their new neighbors with anticipitory curiosity. Yet no one showed up for weeks until last night several black cars with tinted black windows drove through Redhill Meadows pulling in behind the walls of Redhill House without comment or incident to satisfy the neighborhood's curiosity. Then upon waking the next morning on each of their doors was an invitation to a costume party at Redhill House to meet the neighborhood's newest tenants.

What the good people do not know is that their new neighbors are a coven of Vampires and the costume party is in truth a gathering of the people of Redhill Meadows so the Vampires can single out the most delectable of their new neighbors and stalk them, titilate them, taunt them, corrupt them, seduce them, or in other words just generally play with their food.

So I'll need people willing to play the Vampires and some willing to play the guests in this. If you're interested in playing either please PM me.

little bump
I am a female looking to get into some threads.

my likes are
and so on

things I do not do
hardcore bondage
bathroom play
needle play
anything illegal
Seeking a domme with an appetite for the extreme.

I was told posting my wishes may make them come true by a very strong female mistress on this forum.

I am looking for a female domme to kidnap, train and eventually use me as her toy.

My relationship to this domme, whether we know each other or not.. is up to the domme who will have me. Also, regarding my limitations.. they are up for discussion.

Please message me if you feel like kidnapping an otherwise dominant male and then, changing him.. will work. I may fight for control, if you aren't careful.

do you not know how to clear your inbox?
The Minx is seeking roleplayers!
I wanna branch out a bit! Please click the link in my sig for my ideas, limits etc...alternatively if you have an idea for a thread you think might interest me then by all means pm me or post in my ideas thread!
One or two liners...seriously....walk away from me...I like roleplay not cyber and one to two lines amounts to cyber!
Must at least be able to write three paragraphs minimum....I've already had to exit one thread for that reason and I hate doing it so don't make me!
Returning Player

Hi folks.

Firstly a public apology to anyone who I left hanging with stories. I stopped posting last summer when my professional and personal life seemed to take on a hurrican like intensity. A computer crash that took out all my bookmarks and data didnt help too - let this be a warning to backup frequently!

I'm looking to return and would like to take in some threads. I've done male, and for some reason usually dominant ones. But I would consider a sub role and/or female role.

I will not do child, scat, blood or sniff stories. Those limits are absolute.

Anything else you need a player for just send me a PM. You can rely on at least one post a day, more if I can. I'm in this for a long term thread once more.
I'm a Female looking for a guy to join me. Please pm me if you are interested in any of the following ideas. I like the guy to be dominent and aggressive in all roleplays. I like bondage but no impregnantion, scat. Anyways here are my ideas they aren't very specific. And I don't really like sucking cock that much.

Forced into becoming a sex slave
Neighbors younger daughter
Daughter's best friend
Whore House
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Hello again,

Let me start off by saying I'm not looking for anything too deep. I'm just looking for some descriptive writers out there that enjoy a good story along with an ample amount of sexiness. I’m interested in creative characters and concepts, simple but engaging storylines, and above all sex. I’m also very interested in description. I’m not expecting novels mind you, but a few paragraphs can do wonders! Even with that little you can do amazing things, and that is what I am searching for. Male, female, whatever…I’ve played all sorts of characters of varying genders and had a blast. I’m looking for anyone who finds what I’ve stated above even somewhat interesting. I’ll gladly play in either PM or thread, though due to time constraints I can’t do IM’s or anything of the sort.
Here are a few things that I really enjoy:
Creative and well thought out characters, both male and female.
Settings include fantasy and sci-fi, though I’ve been in a particularly high fantasy mood as of late.
Sexual Encounters – Story ideas are all well a good, but they should lead to the fun parts sooner than later.
Here’s the list of the things I hate:
Submissive – I’m sure its high on the list of a lot of people, but not here. Male or female submissiveness is just boring so go find it somewhere else.
Incest/scat/watersports – Do I really have to say anything about these?
So PM me away and tell me what you think. I got a few ideas rolling around in my head, but if you have any ideas please let me know and we can work on something together. I’m sure we can hammer out something mutually enjoyable to us both!

I'm down. And I can also play both genders...and pretty much any creature. PM me if you wanna go for it.
I've got a new idea for a thread, PM me if your interested.

A man goes through his mail one day and inadvertently opens something that's not addressed to him. It's addressed to a woman who street name is similar to his. He uses his connections and finds out she is deep in debt. He offers to settled her debt if she's willing to move in and become his housekeeper.

What she doesn't know when she signs the employment contract is that she is actually giving him power of attorney over her. After a few months of housekeeping he starts to train her to be his slave.
Looking for Co-Writer: Reflective Inverted

I have found a co-writer for this story. Thank you all for your interest.

An introduction to whet your appetite...

~ ~ ~

Bare feet on rough concrete, she tiptoes to the corner of the building. The heat from the flames is both welcome and terrifying; the building burns behind her, above her, though it never is consumed by the infernal conflagration boiling within. Hugging to the flickering shadow beneath the windows, making herself small, just a tiny mouse, she creeps forward. Every gust of icy wind sends shivers down her spine though not merely from the chill. She knows, without any doubt, that something is stalking her through these midnight streets. No, not even just one thing, but many hunt her and she knows it is only a matter of time. She holds back the scream that begs for release. Only stealth has kept her from their clutches this long.

Freezing cold, she shivers relentlessly and her teeth chatter loudly in her ears. The burning building so tempting, its siren warmth calls her inside, dares her to reveal herself in its ardent light. So cold, ever so cold. Torn by indecision, panic rises, catches in her throat; that scream she fights to control vies for breath and voice. A hot ember lands on the bare skin of her arm, searing flesh. She yelps, frantically brushing the burning fragment away.

She yelped. She knows it. They know it. Warmth gushes down her legs and pools at her feet, tears well in her eyes. She cannot stop the scream...

She snaps awake in cold sweat, shivering violently in the darkness of her cabin. Her optics adjust rapidly and the room outlines in white and shades of fluorescent green as though a thousand tiny stars had settled on the edges and folds of reality. Breath comes rapidly, short and sharp, her heart pounds in her ears. Training kicks in automatically, panic control, and she forces herself to take longer, slower breaths. Her heart follows suit, naturally synchronised.

By her bed side, her data pad beeps once, quietly. Still shivering, she pulls it over and accepts the incoming call.


It's the ship's Virtual Intelligence, called Aura.

"Captain, I'm reading elevated stress levels from your bio-signs. Are you alright?"

Always watching, never understanding, her starship's VI presents a concerned face on the video feed.

"Yes," she replies, suppressing a shudder, "Yes, I'm alright. Just a dream, Aura... only a dream."

"Understood, Captain. I can provide something to help you sleep more soundly, if you like?"

It hasn't understood. How could it? It doesn't know what it is to be so completely terrified. Even if it did, how would it rationalise that with her service record? Decorated naval captain, SERE trained, no less than six combat operation commendations. How could this prodigy of military duty be afraid? Of a dream, no less.

She shakes her head, reluctantly, "No. No, Aura, I'll be fine." She draws a long breath, "Give me a sit-rep."

"We are continuing in slip space as per your instructions. All systems within operational parameters. Estimated arrival at the Cerberus Rim in four hours."

"Thank you, Aura. That will be all." She closes the connection and the room collapses into darkness once more. Involuntarily, she shivers once more. Her dream still haunts her, hiding just past the edges of her vision, dancing away too fast for her eyes to catch. But she knows they're out there. Waiting.

~ ~ ~

What is this about?

I see this as a story in two parts.

The first is set in a sci-fi universe where a Naval Captain is on a mission somewhere out on the edges of known space. She's confident and strong, a leader, in command and in control. Her ship is quick, agile and stealthy, crewed by the best. The mission I'm not yet clear on but I imagine it has some reconnaissance edge to it. Her second in command is also her lover; like the Spartans of old, the military she belongs to believes that emotional and sexual bonds within the unit is a strength to be encouraged.

The second is set in an alternate reality. In a way, I imagine it to be a hell dimension, though not following any particular religion, creed or fiction. I imagine it may be many things at different times. It might also just be in her head. Whatever the case, in this reality her strengths have somehow mirrored or inverted. Where she would be confident and strong, she is fearful and powerless. Where she would lead, instead she loses her nerve. It is as if she can hear the voices in her head that would make her stronger, give her confidence, but cannot find the inner strength required to take them to heart. And in this reality she is utterly alone. Except for the things in the darkness.

The second part is my prime area of interest, but one I'd lead into carefully depending on how well I gel with a writing partner. See my interests below. I'd look to use the first part as both a platform to build from and a way to introduce ourselves to each other's writing.

Who is this Captain?

The Captain is my character. She's called Caitlin Ayres. Kate to some, including her family. Cat to others. Captain Ayres or Ma'am to most of the rest.

What aspects do I want to explore?

In the real world (the sci-fi one), I'd be happy to mix a little action-adventure with some hardcore, hard bodied sex. I imagine it'll be fairly straight, albeit rough at times. Kate wants to, even needs to be in control but she doesn't have time for people who don't know what they want. Direct, forceful, passionate.

In the hell world, I want to explore a range of darker themes. Non-consent and force, humiliation and servitude, loss of control, kink aplenty. As mentioned, this is my prime interest but also something I'm just ever so slightly hesitant about. Expect discussion and please see my bounds below.


My hard bounds include snuff, mutilation and similar gross deformity, necrophilia, spiders and scorpions, in addition to the subjects already banned by Literotica (paedophilia, etc).

I'm unlikely to warm to extensive piercing (see mutilation), scat and watersports.

I suggest avoiding anything that will make it hard for me to role-play anything but a one-line response. Absolute bondage, for example, just makes for internal play and while I can post some internal dialogue for that I'll really be wanting to interact with the scene.

Aside, I can be game for a great deal of kink but I suggest taking it carefully for fear of scaring me off. If in doubt, talk to me first. :)

[ Edit: With thanks to vin_26m, a more detailed profile at The Rabbit Hole: ]

Who are you?

You enjoy writing, and you enjoy making it flow. You know that sometimes a single well written paragraph is all that's needed yet can rise to something of the order of my introduction above, and perhaps a little more, if the need arises. You are patient, so if work prevents me posting for a day or two you won't take a huff. You can make me squirm and pant as much by what you didn't write as what you did. You can take control in character while holding equality out of character. You appreciate the value of grammar and punctuation but can accept a mistake from time to time. You can conjure, cajole and puppeteer into being a storm of kinky ideas ranging in weight from pink fluffy handcuffs through to degrading sexual slavery but know when and how to ask or suggest them. Moreover, you have a hell of sexual depravity you'd like to introduce me to (through Kate, of course). You could be male or female and being one but playing the other, or playing both, or playing many might all be options for you; you might even be two, though likely no more, and then only if two would be better than one. You are content to know that I respect your privacy but request the same in return. But, most importantly, you want to have fun with this story and see potential for both you and me.

Who am I?

I walk a line between forceful and pliant, finding that when I stay one for too long that the other pulls at my senses, an itch begging to be scratched. Just now, the pliant side seeks a stage. I like writing in scenes, with no necessity for the scenes to link back to back. As such, I angle for a beginning-middle-end more than a continuous life flow. That said, I am looking to carry the same character along from scene to scene and watch her grow and change. I can't promise to post every day, though past experience tells me that I can get caught up in a story and post a flurry with a gap in between. Whatever the case, I hope to average at least a post a day, work permitting, and I can offer to let my play partner know if I'm needing to be away due to work or whatever and when they can expect I'll return. I have written and played darker sexual themes before, even taken control but not yet submitted to another's direction and I find that tantalising, slightly scary, but unwaveringly exciting. I look forward to participating in a journey whose destination I don't know at the outset.

Anything else?

Just a few final thoughts:

Yes, this account is new. But, as I hope my post shows, I have an inkling about what I'm doing and hope that speaks for itself.

Please PM me with questions and suggestions, though anticipate that I'll ask for your suggested introductory post before too long. I look forward to hearing from you.
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I'd like to start an SRP thread involving Boss/Secretary, where the Boss is simply not a nice person. Period. It is totally about Power in the relationship and as the thread progresses I would really like to read about the womans thoughts and fears.

I'm not looking for the secretary to tell her boss, that he is so big and that he makes her hot, yada, yada, yada. She doesn't like him - he's not nice, remember?

I would like to commit and ask that you do also, to posting at least twice, preferably 3 or more times a week, but twice minimum and a decent paragraph or two. Please send me a PM if you are interested, and we can talk likes and dislikes and set out our boundaries. Looking forward to hearing from you
Looking to get into some roles I am a female obviously here are what I am looking for

Couple paragraphs
no one liners
and some more pm me to let me know

Things I do not do
hardcore bondage
bathroom play
blood play

feel free to pm me
Interested in starting a thread

I know I posted one recently but I am still looking to start a few threads.

humiliating a husband
celebrity roleplays (both real celebrity and fictional)
mother falling into world of drug addiction
being a submissive to an overbearing husband
open for other ideas
Female SRP'er looking...

Female SRP'er looking for one or two more new threads. Currently in an amazing thread, but now have more time on my hands, so I'd love to get involved in a few more. I am open to suggestions, so please feel free to mail me any interest or ideas.

I do not do incest, rape or pedophilia fantasies. I also do not cyber, so please do not message me in relation to any of these.

Happy writing and happy reading!

ShyMystica :rose:
Looking for an innocent 18 yr old farm girl position to be filled..

Girl goes to college and get drunk and then has sex for her first time with classmate.

Interested plz PM.
I have not been on in awhile after doing some reflection I deleted all my old subscriptions because to be honest I could have put in more effort to my threads instead of being so sloppy. In writing I should have told a story I do it for all my other stories why not erotic ones as well.

Looking to improve not only my style but widen my mind so to speak I have an imagination I need to stop worrying about what people think and use it with that being said I am looking to start fresh.If any one has ideas don't matter if your male or female I will give it a whirl.
step daughter/dad
were wolfs
princess/neighboring king
light bondage

anything illegal
water sports

Forgot to mention so no one gets confused I am a female but I am able to play male roles
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Hello everyone!

Im fairly new to the site and i'm hoping to start a thread. I am ok with doing just about anything.

Things im interested in.

Some Bondage

Any ways if you have any idea's feel free to message me and we will talk.
Ya it's me again.

I am still taking players for my Road of Trials thread.

I'm also interested in starting or joining another thread as well.


Shape shifters
Pretty much any fantasy creature
Light bondage
Intelligent dialog
Well written posts of a decent length

Do. Not. Want. :

Pedo stuffs
Snuff stuffs
Scat or any bathroom play

PM me details or interest.
I also wanna join another RP.

I like:

rough sex
fantasy rp
human rp
creature rp
soft bondage
hair pulling

don't like:
pedo anything
brutal abuse/snuff
men (sorry guys ladies only)
Looking to get into some roles I am female but can switch to male. I am basically into anything except scat,illegal and kids.

pm me with any ideas

I am also looking for long term and medium to long posts
Looking for 2 gang members or 2 brothers...

Okay so I have an idea I want to try out just to make it fun and exciting. My girl can either be in high school or college and your guys are college age or older. I would like the brothers / and or gang members be 20-27 and my girl will be 18-20, they would either kidnap her or invite her to a party and kidnap her then. They will go all around the country hiding, changing her hair color, the way she dresses and the same about them unless we decide no one knows what they look like. It can start out un willing and turn into willing, or she can act like she doesn't want it but the actions she does they know right away she does. There can be abuse / scratching / scars / cutting the skin lightly with a knife / holding a gun to her head while they fuck her mouth against the wall.

I basically want rough / force / intimidation that can go far, to the point that they will even drag her into the gang life, have her even start to do the shit they do.

Now there is a catch, your guys have to be overly possessive / protective / get jealous easily, and your guys can either deep throat a girl and make my girl watch to see her reaction after they have her for like a month. After that my girl will be the same over them, if a girl touches them or fucks around with them, she will basically hunt the girl down, warn her and if she doesn't catch on she will basically kill her.

My girl won't be scared, she won't show that she's scared and she will if you want her to even stand up to these two guys.

If your interested please PM me or e-mail me at

Also please give me a sample of your writing so I know you don't do just one line replies.

I have not been on here in a while a deleted all my subscriptions for self improvement. I am a female looking to get into detailed role playing my interests vary. I would like to talk to the partner to talk it out with the adventures and what have you.
New to the forum, but not to writing!

Hello all,

I'm new to this forum, but not to role-play or sexual role-play. I've played a wide variety of characters over the years and my interests are pretty vast. The two biggest DON'Ts I've got are no blood and no broken bones. Beyond that, the sky is the limit. I prefer paragraphed writing; one or two lines won't be replied to. I'm sorry. That's just not how I write. I came here initially to look for Incest, BDSM, or Non-Consent play, but I'm open to pretty much anything. Please PM me if you're interested. Below are just a few possibilities. Enjoy!

Just a few interests:
Incest Non-Consent or Consent,
Master/slave stuff,
Rough Sex,
Limited Fantasy,

Absolute Turn Offs:
Broken Bones,

PM or YM if you're interested.
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The New Neighbors at Redhill House

At the end of a suburban street in the unassuming subdivision of Redhill Meadows is a mansion named the Redhill House. formerly the home of the late real estate developer that had started the subdivision. Unfortunately his death left the house vacant and on the market for years. Until Nine and a half months ago someone bought the house. No one knew who though, not even the contractors paid by proxy to renovate and build several customized rooms within Redhill House. However now the work on the house is finished and the people of Redhill Meadows awaited their new neighbors with anticipitory curiosity. Yet no one showed up for weeks until last night several black cars with tinted black windows drove through Redhill Meadows pulling in behind the walls of Redhill House without comment or incident to satisfy the neighborhood's curiosity. Then upon waking the next morning on each of their doors was an invitation to a costume party at Redhill House to meet the neighborhood's newest tenants.

What the good people do not know is that their new neighbors are a coven of Vampires and the costume party is in truth a gathering of the people of Redhill Meadows so the Vampires can single out the most delectable of their new neighbors and stalk them, titilate them, taunt them, corrupt them, seduce them, or in other words just generally play with their food.

So I'll need people willing to play the Vampires and some willing to play the guests in this. If you're interested in playing either please PM me.

still looking for more interested writers.

Here's the link to the OOC The New Neighbors at Redhill House
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I am still taking players for my Road of Trials thread.

I'm also interested in starting or joining another thread as well.


Shape shifters
Pretty much any fantasy creature
Light bondage
Intelligent dialog
Well written posts of a decent length

Do. Not. Want. :

Pedo stuffs
Snuff stuffs
Scat or any bathroom play

PM me details or interest.
I'm looking for a female who's interested in doing an Non-conset thread about a guy who lives in the woods and abducts a woman who's camping by herself on his mountain.

If your interested, then PM me...