
I lift weights only on Saturday and Sunday because Monday to Friday are weak days.
I tried to tell the doctor the long story about how I hurt my thumb. It was all disjointed.
If you shot through a long line of deer with only one bullet, you would get the most buck for your bang.
In Australia people lining up to eat barbecue can themselves be referred to as a barbie queue.
People are choosing cremation over traditional burial. It shows that they are thinking out of the box.
I always believed my body was a prison for me. I was right, in biology I learned it was made of cells.
Why was the hot pepper too nosy?

Because she was 'Jalapeno' business.
Can new shock absorbers make a car easier to control? Of course - it goes without
A farmer friend of mine lost the left side of his body in a combine harvester, he's all right now.