Protection, at a price ... (Closed for DM & DeathsKnight)


“Let’s go have a look, who knows, you might come down here much more than you think in the near future”

As he stood he towered over her even more, but this time Samantha found it reassuring rather than intimidating. She looked up as he held his hand out to her and found herself automatically putting her hand in his and allowing him to help pull her up.

”I think I’d like that ... “

She commented smiling up at him noting that though his eyes held the same icy hue, there was a warmth in them now that she never thought to see.

”Heaven knows I need the exercise ... and art-wise ... I’m more than rusty ...”

Despite their physical differences, Samantha found that somehow they instinctively fell into a companionable pace as they made their way to the front of the boat house.
By the side of the door hung an ornate slate plaque with the words Boat House in swirly script with a picture of boat beneath.

”My first piece of art ...”

Samantha informed him as she eased the piece of slate aside to reveal a hidden niche and drew out a key to the front door. Turning it in the lock, the door creaked open.
Somehow there should have been cobwebs and dust and echoes of the past in untouched rooms, but the place was too well maintained for that to happen. Inside all was pristine thanks to the attentions of one of the many estate workers employed by her father.

”This place is secure, right?”

She queried.
Benjamin Krauze

Moving her just to the side of the door, he opened it completely allowing the doorknob to touch the wall, hand inside his zipped open shirt he entered cautiously. Scanning the interior, he started a detailed search, finding nobody, not even a speck of dust he relaxed and motioned her inside

"It is secure now, let's hope it stays that way"

He closed the door behind her after taking the key out and slipping it into his pants' pocket. He watched as she moved towards the one wall of cabinets, he leaned against the wall with his shoulder. Making sure that his back was protected, everything seemed so serene that he tought that maybe he was over reacting a bit, but on the other hand, it always paid to be extra careful, especially if there had been an attack on the client which had came as close as the one did that was made on her. He shook his head, if Derick didn't move at the right time, it would have been Samantha in that hospital bed fighting for her life. He was curious why people would actually make a strike at Samantha, he thought that when he went to talk to her father about the extra security, he might also bring up that very question.

Samantha stood as Benjamin moved past her and moved swiftly from room to room to secure the property.

“It is secure now, let’s hope it stays that way”

She nodded and walked past him down the corridor towards the kitchen. The place was so familiar and felt so safe that the necessity for all these precautions was like some sick pantomime.
She crossed to the fridge and found it was actually stocked, to some extent at least.

”Do you want a drink..?”

She held up two icy bottles, one of beer and one of lemonade.

”Or there’s bottled water..?”

She informed him, then after handing over his selection, she pulled out one of the bottles of water and sipped at it.

”Ok ... so .... “

She almost seemed to be having second thoughts.

” .. be kind.. ok?”

She told him as she led him to the room she referred to as the “Den”. She pulled back the blinds that ran from ceiling to floor covering a third of one wall. Through the glass was a panoramic view of the lake giving the on-looker the ability to take in numerous points of view. Samantha pulled at a trunk attempting to haul it near to the large squishy sofa. She smiled and thanked Benjamin as he helped her.

”Ok ... these are just ... sketch books ... “

She threw back the heavy lid.

”It’s a bit like lucky dip ... I forgot there were so many ... “

She picked one up and flicked through it ..

”Charcoal, character study ...”

She categorised, continuing to describe each book as she previewed it and handed it either to Benjamin or on the nearby coffee table if she didn’t think the contents were as good.

”Pastels ... scenery, pencil sketches for watercolours ... “

She continued then paused picking up a book and flicking through it herself ... leaving Benjamin to select what he turned his attention to first ...
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Benjamin Krauze

He took a bottle of water from her and when she tried to drag the chest closer, he helped her with it. He then watched her as she sorted through her sketch books, from his vantage point, he could say that she had talent. He picked up the last book that she placed down and started to slowly page through it, this must have been one of her older works, though good, it didn't capture everything, shadows lacked, fine detail which would make the picture come alive wasn't there. He placed the book down and reached at another, he looked at her and smiled slightly

"It is said that when you continue out of your own free will, you are enjoying yourself"

He slowly paged through this book, the advancement in her technique was phenomenal, but she did place two books aside between this one and the previous book, so it was obvious that she had some practice. He smiled as he came to a particular picture and looked up to find the scene haven't changed much since she drew it through the window.

"Well it is very obvious that you have talent, you do great work"

He kept studying her work, taking sips of his water every now and then

"It is said that when you continue out of your own free will, you are enjoying yourself"

Samantha smiled at him relaxing back amongst the sketch books to watch him as he thumbed through the pages.

”I love it … “

She said simply.

"Well it is very obvious that you have talent, you do great work"

The warmth of his praise was unexpected and coming from him, she knew it was not idle flattery.

”I don't know how 'good' my stuff is … I've never really been able to do anything with it ...”

Her father thought it was a nice little hobby, but despite his good taste had little to no interest in art … but then again Samantha hadn't ever wanted to pursue it seriously …

”I guess I could do something in that line but … “

It was as if she was considering how she felt for the first time.

”But … this was always something for me … all me … not something Daddy paid for or anyone told me how to do … I just picked up a pencil or brush and … “

She stood up pulled at his arm prompting him to follow her.

”Let me show you something … “

She led him through the kitchen down a corridor that seemed to run at right angles to the house front.
She turned off into a room.

”I know you checked this room out but … “

She crossed the room and drew back blinds enabling Benjamin to see that the shelves that ran the length of the walls were filled with books.

”My art library ...”

She told him noting the direction of his gaze.

” … and this … I always keep locked ... no one else ever goes in here ... “

She turned her attention to the French Doors revealed now the blinds were parted.
Taking a key out of a quirky piece of pottery on a nearby shelf, she unlocked the doors, pulling them open.

The contrast from the rest of the house was marked. Dust particles danced in the muted sunlight that danced behind the shades. The room was obviously a conservatory of some type with blinds in long strips that ran from the cglass-topped ceiling and downwards.

It wasn't that she was deliberately putting herself at risk, but so keen was she to show him her painting studio that Samantha flicked a set of nearby switches setting pulleys in motion to expose a glass frontage that gave a uninterrupted view of the lake and woodlands beyond.

Turning with her back to the glass, Samantha gestured around the room.

”My studio ...”

She told him, her face joyful as she took in the too-long-forgotten sight of discarded canvasses, easels, paints, brushes and piles of papers, sketch books and any assortment of artist paraphernalia that littered the floor, work table, the inevitable shelving unit and corner sink.

She really had been away from here too long...
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Benjamin Krauze

He watched with morbid fascination as she exposed her to each and every bullet that would want to seek her back, but he could not argue, this was quite a view and it even brought a small smile to his lips. He stepped towards her and pulled her towards a more relative "safe" position.

"You say that this is one thing that is all you?"

He looked out at the view and flicked his finger over one of the surfaces, leaving a thick streak behind.

"They say that when you create, you bare your soul..."

His mind was cast back many years past

"What you create defines mother was always worried, the only things I created was weapons...Swords...Daggers...with the right tools, rifles, pistols and given enough time grenades of all types..."

"Sir? It's supper time, also light is failing"

The voice in his ear snapped him out of his reverie and he looked at Samantha

"Time for dinner, let's get going, don't want the cook fussing about her food getting cold"

He grinned and waited for her to close the frontage, they headed out, closing and locking the door behind them, then they walked to the boat house, locking it as they left as well. Benjamin looked up at the sky and smiled at the lovely coloring the setting sun making, then he walked with Samantha back to the house.

He watched with morbid fascination as she exposed her to each and every bullet that would want to seek her back, but he could not argue, this was quite a view and it even brought a small smile to his lips. He stepped towards her and pulled her towards a more relative "safe" position.

Samantha made no response as Benjamin pulled her aside, presuming he wanted to take a better look at the view.

"You say that this is one thing that is all you?"

She saw his finger trace through the dust and grimaced. Perhaps it said something about her that she had fought her father for the right to go out and about, but had hardly resisted his declaration that the boat house would be off limits. In truth, she had become more and more negligent of her art in the months that led up to all this.

"They say that when you create, you bare your soul..."

She glanced at a few discarded canvasses, then glanced at the pile of canvasses in the corner, recalling the contents of the one turned to the wall. Perhaps it was time to do something with it after all?

"What you create defines mother was always worried, the only things I created was weapons...Swords...Daggers...with the right tools, rifles, pistols and given enough time grenades of all types..."

Her attention turned back to Benjamin. His words surprised her. Sure he was professional .. now … but the idea that he had always had an interest in weapons seemed not to fit with the glimpse of the man she had seen since they left the house.

"Sir? It's supper time, also light is failing"

The words over the com prevented her from questioning him.

"Time for dinner, let's get going, don't want the cook fussing about her food getting cold"

She was disappointed, but tried not to show it. And she was hardly going to be ungrateful about her first visit out being shorter than she would have hoped.

Carefully she ensured the blinds were back in place and carefully locked the door to her studio. Retracing their steps through the house, the door was carefully secured once more.
Turning with a sigh, Samantha walked silently beside him on the way back to the house.
The silence was companionable, though she thought he seemed to be glancing across at her every now and then.

”I really should sort out my studio … “

She commented finally.

” … if you think it's safe enough … “

She added.

”It needs a good clean … and I don't really want anyone else in there.. besides …
I guess I have some canvasses I need to sort though.“

She seemed lost in thought once more, reflecting how she never applied herself to anything artistic in the house: It was only in the boat house that she felt creative.
She halted and looked up at the house as they approached. It was definitely impressive, well furnished and tastefully decorated, but even though she did not fully remember the home she had shared with both parents back in England, she knew that this place didn't feel as homely …
Benjamin Krauze

He stopped next to her and looked at the house, an image of a past long gone came to him and he suppressed a shudder as he waited for the gunfire. How could he not have seen this before? He realized that it must have been the light that made it seem the same as the sniper nest they had to clean out in Boston.

"I think that you will be able to clean out the studio tomorrow, heck why don't we do it first thing tomorrow? I'm sure we can organize the food to be brought to the boat house...just a suggestive idea from my side of the fence"

He chuckled at his own words and softly touched her elbow

"We really got to get inside now Samantha"

She started walking again and he followed her, once inside he followed her to her room, after making certain that everything was secure and safe, he left, giving her time to clean up for dinner. His own food was waiting for him in his room and he took a shower, dressing into new clothing and quickly ate. He took his plate down to the kitchen and peeked into the dining room to find father and daughter at the table, five guards stationed inside and two at each of the two entrances. He walked over to the window and looked outside, the outside alight with flood lights, he smiled as he watched the set up, at bed time the lights would be switched off and only come on when they detected movement and if you were not in a white and red suit, you got shot on sight by any guard that saw you. But he was not one who trusted technology too much, he started planning on testing the guards tonight after lights out, he had to makes sure that all was secure as Samantha slept.

”No really Daddy...”

Samantha insisted.

”We’re heading out to the Boat House tomorrow morning.
I’m going to clear up my studio.
Who knows, I might even do some painting again ....”

Her father watched incredulously as his daughter tucked into her food.
For weeks now she had dragged around the house, picked at meals and wound herself up into worse and worse moods.
One walk with Ben seemed to have cured all ills, he mused.

”It was great to get outside again ... “

Samantha continued.

”... and you were right about him ... about .. Benjamin... “

She spoke of Jason and Derrick and the others so easily, yet speaking “Benjamin’s” name was still unfamiliar to her. They seemed to have come along way from the “Miss Buckingham/ Mr Krauze” of their introduction.

”And you’re really co-operating Sam?”

She laughed, the sound seeming to echo in the vast house.

”You can ask him ... which I know you will before tomorrow ...”

She teased, able to guess now just what her father would do to check up on her.

”Just be pleased that he’s not making me wear a kevlar vest for dinner!”

Her father looked down into his place, shocked by her words. He knew all too well about her previous refusal to even discuss wearing the bullet-proof garment, yet somehow Krauze had gotten through to her! Part of him was relieved, part of him sickened by the harsh reality of the threats being made and how guards and weapons and armour had become part of their “norm”.

"...we ... have an understanding ... "

Samantha said by way of explanation.

Despite the sombre reminder of how serious the situation had gotten, Bryan Buckingham could not help but be encouraged by his daughter’s buoyant mood and subsequent eagerness to stay and chat with him well beyond coffee until she yawned and declared herself exhausted.

He would certainly check in with Ben about arrangements for tomorrow and just how he was really getting on with Samantha!
Benjamin Krauze

He remained at the window, he would check in on her before he went out. After spending time making sure that his plans was in place, he went upstairs to his room and was busy applying black face paint when there was a knock on his open door. He glanced around to find Bryan standing there, he noticed the shock on his employer's face as he turned to face him

"Ben? What on earth?"

Ben applied more of the paint on his cheekbones

"Going out sir, got to check if the guards isn't lax, I want to make certain it's safe"

Bryan blinked, this was not the sort of proficiency he was used to

"Samantha told me that you allowed her outside and that tomorrow you two might spend time cleaning out her studio down at the boat house?"

Benjamin nodded

"She seems to understand that if we work together I can get her life to a semblance of normal again"

He pondered and decided to go for it

"Sir, I was wondering if we could get two more teams? One to secure the woodlands and another to secure the Southern boundary. It would allow Ms Buckingham with more freedom and I think a good bit of exercise in the mornings would do her a world of good"

He took a breath before going on

"Also could we perhaps replace the windows of her studio? I don't want to keep her from it, but all that's just a bit too dangerous. I'm sure that the same glass in her bedroom would fit perfectly, it doesn't hinder sight and it will stop anything short from a RPG"

This requests was made for Samantha's sake, he wanted her to be a happier person, a happy client was a more co-operative client

Samantha had managed a quick shower before dinner, but found that she really fancied a bath. More relaxed and happier than she had been for a long time, she finally sank into a deep scented froth with a contented sigh.

Her mind went over the events of the day; smiling at her initial reaction to Benjamin Krauze and her attempt to play her father off against him and then finally that companionable afternoon and unexpected warmth she had found in her superbly professional body guard ...

Managing to leave the tub just before the temperature dipped uncomfortably, Samantha wrapped herself in her robe and crossed to press on a CD, setting it to play muted Strauss polkas in the background as she searched a drawer and taking out a pad and a pencil, the best she could find she lay out on the sofa and started to sketch. Line after line flowed .... completing first one.. then a second ... and finally focusing on a 3rd, the outline of a face, of ever vigilant eyes ... the only problem was that pencil did not do justice to their ice blue hue ...
Benjamin Krauze

It took Bryan a few minutes to decide, the request wasn't unreasonable, it would also add a great feature of safety to the house's price if they ever needed to move again. The extra guards was something he had been thinking of, even if he despised the idea.

"We can have that done Ben, I'll get on it right away..."

He looked curiously at the towering man's face

"Just what exactly are you planning?"

He smiled

"Going to see if I can sneak up to the guards, want to shake them up a bit if they are not alert"

"You are going to disable the alarm system?"

Benjamin shook his head

"Not at all, if the system spots me and the guards as well, then I don't deserve to be here"

Bryan frowned at his words

"You do know that I have already paid?"

"And it will be repaid if I croak outside the line of duty sir, this isn't the first time I did this"

Bryan nodded and left, he wondered if this Krauze wasn't maybe a bit crazy, but then again, some people did things in different ways

The Strauss sounds continued, set to repeat over and over. The curtains were drawn and the lighting dimmed, apart from the lamp light that spilled behind Samantha illuminating the pad that now held several sheets of sketches.

Somehow she found it easy to draw his face from memory. Strange how she had only met him today and yet, she somehow his features had found their way into her memory.

Tearing out a blank sheet from the back, Samantha put the pad down beside her, toying with her pencil as she looked down at the face staring back up at her. Even as a line drawing she was satisfied that this preliminary sketch held a good likeness to its subject. Her mind started going over what would be necessary for tomorrow’s clean up. She knew the domestic stuff would be stored in the house, so her list was going to be items to actually sort and file, store or mount.

Even though her mind was active, she felt her eyes drooping, but was determined to finish.
She arranged the cushion behind her head and snuggled down on the sofa, the robe firmly secured, but unable to camouflage the lithe leg that draped over the sofa and the slight opening at her neckline to suggest the swell of her body beneath.
Samantha promised herself that she would just write a shopping list for fresh paints and brushes so that just maybe Benjamin would allow her to go shopping to stock up on art supplies.

It was half way through this list that she finally fell asleep ...
Benjamin Krauze

Finally satisfied that there was minimal reflective surfaces left, Benjamin slipped on his black gloves, flexing his fingers to make sure they fit perfectly. He looked at his reflection, this is the face that most people would not want to see in the evening

"Why do you always have to push things Ben?"

He always asked this of himself

"Because I want to do the best I can"

And the answer stayed the same each and every time. He stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him, he walked over to Samantha's room and silently let himself in, he found her on the sofa, the steady breathing proved that she was asleep. He walked over, taking some time to admire her sleeping form, he knew that she would be sore in the morning. He gently slipped the paper from her fingers and picked the pencil up from the ground, he smiled. It seemed that she was doing something that she enjoyed again. He tenderly picked her up and carried her to her bed, he laid her down and readied the bed, tucked her in and in the parting brushed her loose hair out of her face.

"Schlaf gut die süße prinzessin, kann die nacht, nichts als süße träume halten"

So many times he had hear his father say those words to his sister, he smiled and quietly left her room, heading outside. He slid from cover to cover, at times hardly moving at all, but he made it to the position of the first guard he had targeted, he slowly stood up behind the guard, his black bladed knife absorbing any light. He quickly covered the guard's mouth and rested the knife at his throat

"And just like that you are dead Victor seven, don't rely on just the lights, you have eyes and ears and night vision equipment"

He released the guard and the guard turned to face him, clearly shocked into silence

"Now I hope you learned, you can warn the others if you want to, but I think it's best you didn't"

Benjamin stepped back into the shadows and moved from one guard to the other, telling each one not to warn the others. He took a breather, drinking some water and when the next shift started, he repeated the process again, at the end of it he slipped back into the house, amazed at how easy it was to get up to his own room. Keying his comm unit he broadcast his message to all guards.

"Guys I went out tonight and came back in and didn't get challenged even once, I will do this again in the near future and if you feel a cold blade against your throat, it will be the last thing you feel. You have been warned"

Samantha awoke around 7 the next morning. She stretched and eased upright in bed and realised that she was still in her robe. Frowning, she thought back to the events of the night before; her bath, sitting on the sofa, sketching, writing her lists ...
She frowned trying to recall when she came to bed. She was tired, she remembered, but surely she would have changed out of her robe before going to bed..!?!

Either way, she didn’t let it distract her. Today was the day she got to sort out her studio and have lunch at the boat house and, if she were honest, to get to spend most of the day with Benjamin Krauze.

Suddenly springing to action, Samantha slid out of bed, retrieving her pad and organising her lists. Hauling out a small rucksack, she packed those items in and moved around adding other items: a couple of old baggy shirts, a couple of head scarves ... Promptly she got dressed and washed and selected her clothes for the day. She took out a decent pair of jeans and stuffed them in the rucksack choosing instead to pull on an old pair of tatty shorts that extended down to mid-thigh. Before selecting her top, she considered the kevlar vest. Benjamin was right, it was well fitted and she needed to make sure that she didn’t have to take it on or off if she changed outfits. Pulling out a vest top, she slipped it over her head and smoothed it over her body to provide another layer over her bra. She then took the vest and pulled it into place, securing it as Benjamin had shown her the day before. She topped the outfit with a sheer white cotton blouse; it’s pristine appearance contrasting and dressing up the shabby shorts.

Adding sun shades to her rucksack and on sudden inspiration, she grabbed a brush dragging it merciless through her hair and gathered her hair up into a high pony-tail.
She picked up the rucksack and made her way down for breakfast.

”Morning Daddy!”

She called breezily as she dumped her pack and made her way to the items set out on the side, not seeing her father’s incredulous gaze until she returned to the table with a plate of toast and and bowl of cereal.

”Well ... I am going cleaning today ...”

She chuckled.
Benjamin Krauze

He was on his second cup of coffee, when he heard Samantha's door open, he smiled to himself, seemed like she did like the idea of getting out of the house a lot more than he thought she would. He finished his coffee and headed downstairs, he wasn't sure how Bryan had pulled it off, but before sunrise there was two new teams at the front door and minutes later a team had arrived and they was busy over at the boat house. He had them under very strict and close supervision, nobody even went to the toilet without at least two guards going along. He grinned, after last night security had sharpened up even more, just the result he was looking for. Stretching out he walked outside, he could feel a few sets of eyes following his every move at all times as he walked over to the boat house. This was much more like it and the smile that touched the corners of his mouth was one of satisfaction. He went to the studio and found that the glass was finished and they were just cleaning it, stepped up and rapped his knuckles over each pane, checking that everything was correctly done. It drew a few unfriendly stares, but he wasn't there to make friends, he had a job to do. Satisfied that everything was in order he ambled back to the home to wait for Samantha to finish her breakfast before they started the day. It was a shock that he realized that he was actually...looking forward to this day, he grinned at himself and stood at the door

Samantha had intended to rush through breakfast, but her father told her that there was no need as the area had yet to be fully secured to Benjamin’s satisfaction. Curious Samantha queried her father as to what more could possibly needed and was surprised that still more men had been drafted in and posted around the estate. Her father chose not to tell Samantha about the glass in her studio, leaving that for Benjamin to explain or perhaps there was a chance she might not notice the exchange of glass ...

She was just finished eating when she heard footsteps in the hallway. Kissing her father, she announced that she was going in search of Benjamin and that of course she would NOT leave the house unescorted. With a roll of her eyes, as if such a thought had never ever occurred to her, she left her father in search of her body guard.

She found him stood in the doorway, his dark clothing silhouetted against the brightness outside.

”For all you knew, I could have escaped by now ... “

Was her opening statement. She gave him a sassy grin as he turned round and noticed that he seemed to assess her clothing. Just as he had done yesterday, she tapped her chest, so that he could hear the sound of the vest beneath the think blouse and vest top.

” ... never leave home without it ... “

She told him playfully echoing his words of yesterday.

Hauling the small rucksack over one shoulder she queried.

”So ... can we go ...?”
Benjamin Krauze

He chuckled at her

"Sure we can go"

He stood aside so that she could pass and followed her, closing the door behind them

"But I do doubt that you would have been able to slip out"

As they walked he recounted what he had done the previous evening and that he was very sure that at the moment not even a leaf could move without being noticed. By the time they came to the boat house the workmen was gone and the guards was busy making sure that everything was safe and secure

"Just like you left it sir"

Benjamin grinned at the guard who reported

"Thank you, you may carry on"

The guard nodded and the team dispersed, he openend the door for her and followed her, his hand out of habit not far from the inside of his shirt
"... I do doubt that you would have been able to slip out"

Samantha grinned retorting.

"That sounds like a challenge ... "

She was sure he knew she was joking, but he proceeded to tell her how he had tested the guards ... and found them wanting. She hadn't found that too reassuring, but he insisted that he now had full confidence in the security guys and then told her about her studio.

She had not even thought of the glass, or a possible threat. Her mind simply did not work that way. She couldn't complain of course, but she had visions of her beloved studio being trashed and hours of waiting until the work was completed. She even slowed her pace as she approached the Boat House fearing that this sanctuary too had been defiled by the need for security.

"Just like you left it sir"

They were greeted by the guard and she saw other men posted nearby. Yet there was no mess as she had expected, in fact if she had not been told, she was not sure that she would even have spotted the change in the glass.

"Thank you, you may carry on"

It was obvious that Benjamin was respected and obeyed without question.
Even as she looked round the man who had been visible melted into their surroundings.

She allowed Benjamin to wave her through and walking through the kitchen and to the back, she went straight to the library room and opened up the studio throwing the switches to raise all the blinds so that the glass frontage and roof could be fully seen.

"It's no different ... "

She murmured after examining it critically.

" .. same light quality .. and no mess ... "

She halted looking round.

"Well ... apart from my usual ... "

She crossed back into the library where she had dropped her rucksack and dipped in to pull out a baggy checked shirt and headscarf. Without thinking she unbuttoned her blouse and eased it off, hanging it up on the hook behind the door and shook out the selected checked shirt and pulled it on, choosing to tie it at the waist instead of buttoning it. Shaking out the head scarf she secured it to her head, the long blond poney tail pertruding jauntily.

"Ready to work... "

She announced and went over to a selection of large canvasses propped up against a wall and began to sort through them, the paint soon making rainbow smudges on her bare legs ...
Benjamin Krauze

He watched her and smiled, she seemed content and what was more, she was satisfied with the glass and the condition of the studio. He had no idea what to do, so he stayed out of her way, ready to help with anything if she would need his help. The chatter in his ear kept him company as he watched her, his mind taking in the movements of the guards on the estate, their regular reports made it quite obvious that having cold steel at their throats really did wake them up. He noticed a blank piece of paper and charcoal off to one side, without really thinking what he was doing, he picked up the charcoal and started to draw. His eyes still following her, he didn't actually look at what his hand was doing, when he finally looked down, he dropped the charcoal and stepped away from the table. Luckily he didn't draw a gun, but instead he had drawn his family home, the only place he felt lucky and secure

The canvasses were dusted and carried through to the library and stacked in two separate piles. Easels were scrubbed and stored in the cupboard, apart from the one she left out at the side of the room. Next she roved around the room collecting discarded equipment stashing some in a bin bag to get rid of, gathering the rest together before sorting and putting in place. Gradually surfaces were cleared, draws and pots filled with correct contents and papers organised or discarded and the inevitable sketch books were arranged and stored in a crate with her stash of preliminary drawings.
Finally it was time to clean. She turned to head for the kitchen in search of materials when she noticed a discarded piece of paper. She picked it up ready to file or throw, but found herself staring at it wondering where it had come from. She knew it wasn’t her drawing. She would have remembered it. And the building wasn’t one that she had ever seen or attempted to copy ... There was no one who could possibly have drawn it apart from ...

Benjamin has shown an interest in her artwork. It never occurred to her that the reason might be that he too had similar interests. Carrying the piece of paper she continued on to the kitchen and found him engrossed in messages from his com; his fingers marked by the faintest of charcoal smudges.

Setting the paper aside, Samantha made her way to the sink and pulled out an array of cleaning paraphernalia. As his voice halted it’s soft flow of instruction she turned.

”You didn’t tell me you sketched ...”

She commented gesturing to the paper on the work surface.

”It’s good ... really interesting ... I’ve never seen architecture quite like that.”

She had picked up the drawing once more.

”...where is this place..?”

She queried.
Benjamin Krauze

He smiled at her remark of him drawing

"Well I started out with technical sketches, as the years passed I taught myself to draw targets or recall whole stretches of observed situations and places from memory and how to make accurate sketches of it"

He rubbed his fingers together, trying to remove the charcoal stains

"It...well it is..."

He sighed

"It my parents' home, the place where I grew up"

He listened to a fresh batch of reports and turned his attention back to her

"Anything I can help out with? Seems like you have done the sorting business already"
Samantha returned Benjamin's smile and watched him with interest as he spoke.

"Well I started out with technical sketches, as the years passed I taught myself to draw targets or recall whole stretches of observed situations and places from memory and how to make accurate sketches of it"

She looked more closely at the charcoal drawing. It showed real awareness of detail and good sense of proportion and scale.

"It...well it is... It's my parents' home, the place where I grew up"

Again the inevitable com stopped her questionning him further. She wondered why he seemed so.. sad ... somehow when he spoke of his childhood home.

"Anything I can help out with? Seems like you have done the sorting business already"

Samantha hadn't expected him to want to be involved.

"Well ... if you're serious about helping ... I was thinking that I could pull out the boxes from the store room and pack up a load of my equipment. If you could help me lift them intot he library and stack them up. That way, I can ask Mrs Martinez to do a thorough clean up of the studio ... the place has been closed up for so long, it really could do with a thorough going over. And ... "

She paused considering.

"I have some canvasses that I'd like to get framed and ... could really do with stocking up on more art materials ..."

She watched him to assess his reaction.

"I don't suppose we could head out to get that all organised some time this week is there? We could avoid the centre; actually there is a specialist place used by art students on the University campus. That would be ideal. And perhaps safer?"