Partner's - The Affair (closed)

Mike do your computer god thing what's their security set up look like for this place. And yes we all hike in except for the tactical truck we will park it by yours Neil eveyone happy hiking Mike get us everything you can. Distract them if possible with false feed whatever it takes. Jessie... You and Neil take lead.

Sarge spoke up getting the feeling he knew where her mind was.

Let's hike

Jessie smiled to Neil.
As they get out of the truck and start hiking, Mike’s voice comes Jessie’s ear-bud, “The main house is 500 yards to your north. Security cameras are on the east and west end of the house. There are three out buildings behind the residence. One a shed with no walls and other two are small storage sheds.”

Neil smiles back and points to Jess to take the lead as they snake through the underbrush. Neil following close behind but suddenly stops, seeing what appears to be a silhouette of a woman in a window. He taps Jessie on the shoulder and points to the window and hands her his binoculars. Slowly his hand pats his sidearm a colt 1911 45 with a silencer and draws the weapon of of it holster. Silently awaiting Jessie's instructions.
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She motions from the other sniper teammate duo to check the first storage shed out building.

Copy that Mike. If you can miss feed the cameras do so if not power flip them or whatever that computer voodoo is that you do.

Taking the binoculars she studied the silhouette then studying the picture and nods.

Target silhouette in main house window matches target photo. Repeat it's a match.
Signaling Jess to get closer to the building he hualts, "Ok, let's distract her and draw her out,when she comes out you jump her but remember we need her alive", Neil reaches into his jacket and pulls out a small cylinder and pulls the pin on the side of the device. "One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi"' at the end of the count he tosses it into woodpile stacked under the window.

Soon after a puff of white smoke issues from under the wood it erupts into flame sending blacking billowing smoke up past the window. Disappearing from the window the woman busts through the backdoor and rushes toward the flames.
Seeing the woman she charges tackling her to the ground rolling to prevent either of them injury.

Brad pipes up in the headset.

Storage shed one... Three bodies alive barely.
"Brad call medical NOW! We'll question them later, check's for ID and for God's sake keep them alive till medivac gets here.", Neil shouted.

As he rushed into the house, "Rick and Tom your with me, Jessie cuff her and make that bitch spill her guts, whatever it takes"

Once inside the stink amost knocked him over the stench of urine permeated the room, "Rick check upstairs, Tom see what's in the pot on the stove"

"Roger that", grabbing a towel Tom gingerly lifted the pot lid, his mind wirling a hundred miles an hour, was she cooking meth, making explosives, slowly lifting the lid the smell of urine grew stronger.

"Neil it's a kidney", Tom taking the pot to the sink...

"Bag it you have to get it to the lab and see if it's human..", said Neil as he announced, All clear", as he opened the cellar door and flipped on the cellar light.. As soon as the light went on the cellar was flooded by the sounds of yeps and barking. Belowould make out row after row of kennels.

From upstairs came "All clear"

"Tom grab the evidence and both of you follow me let's see what Jessie found out, I gott'a call animal rescue."

All three went back outside but Jessie and the pert were nowhere in sight..
Mike came over the headset.

Um guys... Jessie's headset is registering she is at the cliff east of the main house. Last thing I heard her say to the woman before she turned it off was if any of them are dead... So are you. Guys this woman is insane I will play back the interrogation recording. Sarge I think tagged that protective psycho in Jessie.
“Oh shit”, was all Neil could muster as he ran east, just then the sun came out from behind the clouds he was looking straight into it, he squinted so hard all he could make out was a woman standing inches from a cliff, he couldn’t tell if it was Jessie or Della…

“Jessie, NO!”, whomever it was didn’t flinch or move an inch, they didn’t even turn around. What the hell had happened, did Jessie carry out her threat, did Della get the upper hand on Jessie and throw her off the cliff… Scenarios kept turning over in his head each worst than the last.

He was twenty yards from whoever it was and he dropped to one knee and aimed his colt, “Put your hands in the air and lay on the ground, facing me. Now!”
I could do that Neil or you could tell me her victims are all alive and help me pull her back up the cliff face. Apparently she thought there was a wider path than there was when she tried to make a break for it when dhe led me here to show me more bodies.

Jessie was calm almost terrifyingly calm.

Neil... Approach with caution... She won't turn on one of us but she could still end this woman. The playback from her interrogation headset is blood chilling and I have seen war.

Sarge talked carefully.
Slowly easing his finger from the Tigger, he rose up and started walking toward Jessie, "I could have shot you", his voice betrayed he was visibly shaken. "We have three alive but barely and it doesn't look like she's going anywhere. Let's get down there and check it out we owe that much to their next of kin... That is if there are more bodies down there."

Peering over the edge at a lifeless body some fifty feet below laying on a bed of rocks spaltered with flecks of red, Neil just shook his head, and muttered out loud, "What the fuck is wrong with people.."

Eyeing the path he was are ready becoming dizzy Neil never liked hights, pulling his eyes away he looks over toward Jessie, "Did she give any reason why she did this, and any indication that someone else was helping her? Looks like an awful lot of mayhem for just one person."
She is insane... Her mother always said she was in the way of her finding a step father for her so she decided to never let any child be that kind of issue for their parents. She thinks she is saving them from that burden. Well that and dog food being allegedly so expensive.

It was taking every fiber of Jessie's being not to kick the woman in the head and send her sailing to her own death.
“Oh my God I thought she was dead Jess, let’s pull her up. Why didn’t I realize she was still alive, damn I’m losing it.”, Neil grabbed the perk by the arm and hosted her up on her feet. Neil really wasn’t himself, this one had shaken him to his very core.

“Jessie, get her in cuffs and restraints, let’s get her to the hospital and hopefully they will be able to get her lucent enough for questioning, in the mean time let’s scour the area, there maybe more victims somewhere. Tom and Rick take Della to the ambulance, Jess let’s see if we can make it down this narrow ass footpath and have a look see.”, edging one foot in front of the other slowly inching along the pathway, trying not to look into the ravines on the left and right. His stomach full of butterflies that wanted to nose drive head first into the abyss.
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Hounding her dad into training her like he went through in the army came in handy in moments like this as she led the way down the path.

Just take it careful and easy Neil. Or wait at the top of the cliff and I will signal if we need air lift.
"You're telling me she did all this because the price of dogfood is too high, she is fuck'n nuts"

They had little time and Neil by shear force of will put his fears behind him, his duty was to the people of the community and that's all that really matters. The sun hung low in the west and the clouds reflect it's rosy hue...

"Lead the way Jessie I'm right behind you, and God I hope we don't find any more of this woman's handy work down here. We have to hurry we're burning daylight"

He picked his pace edging forward amazed at Jessie's cat like ability as he prayed the narrow pathway won't crumble underneath him. Pointing a short distance to the left, "Jessie do you see that it looks like a cave and there's light coming out of it"

He breathed a sigh of relief as they finally set foot on level ground and drew his Colt scrambling towards the cave Jessie in the lead, "Let's check it out, I got your back.."
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The 40cal ready she moved closer wary this entire situation was literally testing every fiber of her self-restraint. It helped that the woman was no longer anywhere near them. She carefully entered the cave but could not see where the light was coming from.

Somethings not right let's get out of here.
“OK”, acknowledging Jessie’s warning, he trusted his partner, she had a sixth sense, a women’s intrusion, whatever, it was he had learned to trust it. They both turned around and headed back up to the house.. With Jessie in the lead, no sooner had Neil began the trek upward the earth shook with a low rumble then a WOOM! sounded followed by the crashing of rocks. The concussion nearly knocking Neil off his feet.

“Damn that crazy bitch must have booby trapped the cave… Are you OK Jess?”, Neil shouted shaking his head his ears ringing from the explosion, as gravel sized pebbles and dust rain down upon them. The dust was so thick he couldn’t see Jessie even though she was less ten feet in front of him moments ago.

“Jessie!”, suddenly he grew dizzy and weak, his pant leg felt warm and wet, his first thought was he pissed himself, it wasn't until he looked down and seen crimson spreading out from his the top of his thigh.

Blood came out in little spurts, he pressed on the wound with all his might but "Jessie help me...", no louder than a whisper was all he could manage when everything went black as he collapsed into a heap.

Jessie roared into the headset loud enough Mike had to hold his special recording set away from his ear. He called back.

Jessie... Neil... Sarge and Brad are on their way. Keep talking both of you
“Jess you OK?” rubbing the the dust and grime from his eyes his hands stained with blood his own blood.

“Jessie guess this blows our weekend. What the fuck happened?”, Neil barely hanging on to consciousness. “Jess you better answer Mike or you’ll never hear the…...”, his body goes limp…

With only a vague recollection of what just happened. His ears still ringing, his head pounding, he cannot tell if his mind is playing tricks on him or is there a laugh coming from the mouth of the cave.
Her yell was the most she could muster the thin slice from razor fiber to her leg that she had not felt but tripped the trap and the gash from losing her balance after the explosion she laid there seeing blurred light and dark.

Air... Med... EVAC... Help... Neil...

She repeated it soft and softer. Struggling to keep her eyes open to fight if she had to. They had both been gotten quite bad as Mike hoped Brad and Sarge could get to them in time. Med EVAC was a good 15 minutes out even with agreeable winds in that pit.
As Brad topped the ridge, he stopped, “Sarge bring the repelling gear”

“Got it”

Below all Brad and Sarge could see were two lifeless bodies.

Brad strapped himself in the harness, and hooked a line around an oak tree feet from the edge, and began to lower himself, Sarge followed and both ran to their team mates as soon as their feet hit the ground, each digging through their med kits.

Brad knelled by Neil, and Sarge by Jessie, cutting off the pant legs of their wounded comrades.

“Jessie, Jessie stay with me, are you hurt anywhere else?”

“Neil’s out cold what about Jessie, Sarge?”

“Brad, She’s in and out, I hope she and tell us what the hell happened?”

As soon as pressure bandages were applied, the whoop, whoop, whoop of Air Med Evac could be heard in the distance.
Sarge knew it was a pointless statement but he said it anyway.

Neither of you are allowed to die on us and we know you two won't go against orders so stay with us and that's an order.

Sarge could handle explaining death in he line of duty to Jessie's father but not her mother.


Jessie tried to speak seeing a familiar blur.

Where's Neil... He... He is injured.
"Neil's going to be OK the paramedics are getting him stable enough to transport", Sarge could barely be heard over the wash of the helocopters rotors.

Two men and a woman dressed in Navy blue scrubs come rushing over to Jussie and cut her pants leg and dress her wound..

"Two liters of Ringers latate and 25 CC's of D5W and transport", Jessie felt the cooling swab of alcohol was immediately following by the jab of a needle.

"Give me room to work will you", the woman snarred at Sarge...

Backing away from Jessie's side, "Can you tell me what happened?", Sarge shouted as they loaded Jessie on the chopper and the woman circles her finger in the air signaling the pilot to take off.
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Without investigating where they were down here my best guess sir is that she tagged a razor fiber which sliced it's way to the bone before breaking setting off the explosion your tech guy told us about. They are both lucky they managed to get just far enough away before the explosion or we would still be looking for whatever we could find. They are both very lucky even though they probably won't feel all that lucky. We are looking at roughly one to two surgeries each to prevent nerve damage and reset the muscles and tendons.

She looked around at the explosion site where the cave used to be.

I don't envy whoever tears that apart to see what someone didn't want found. When Jessie wakes up In will let you pass along the good news... The Vance kid will make it.
Both Jessie and Neil are unconscious as the chopper lands on the helo pad at Rampart General. Both had to be immobilized to safeguard them against farther injuries. Sarge rode along in case either one awoke and would be able to answer any questions.. So far both were as still as the dead.

Brad stayed on the ground and made a quick survey of the cave it was completely sealed and would take a lot more manpower and some heavy equipment the open up the cavern not to mention the bombsquad and forensic experts to sift through everything. Whatever, was in there would remain hidden for days maybe weeks.

Tom and Rick were already racing the evidence back to team one's labs..

No sooner have Rick and Tom arrive at the lab Rick rushes in buckets in hand, "Sally I need to know exactly what this is?"

Digging under the ice to the bottom of the one gallon backer her gloved hands remove the plastic bag and she holds it up to the light, "Looks like a kidney to me, handsome."

"I know that, is it animal or human?"

"I'll have to test it but by the looks like it's a beef kidney..", pointing to a blueish area, "That's a USDA stamp, someone bought this at a grocery store or butcher's shop"

Rick strained his eyes barely making out the mark, as he keyed up his radio, "Mark, Sarge the evidence is a store bought kidney"

"Roger that, and the doc just told us Neil and Jess would need minor surgery and will be out of commission for a couple of weeks, but they are both going to be OK.. They are looking at probably three days in the hospital and two weeks R&R.."

All eyes in the lab were on Rick, "We were on a case, there was an explosion but Jessie and Neil are OK"

No sooner had Rick explained what had happened he was rushing out of the lab back to team one's HQ for a debrief...
The main ER surgeon quickly began working with them. Razor fiber was nothing to dismiss lightly and he suspected that Neil could have had a run in with it too zo he was tending to both at once with hand selected teams. Finding another piece of razor fiber in Jessie he cursed but when the nurse tried to remove it Jessie flatlined but they were able to stabilize her within a safe amount of time.