ORP anouncements

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Khaddy ~

If I remember correctly you poured it on yourself ... & doing a strip tease ... *thinks*

Yup ... not even provoked be me ... :D
*smirks* i don't know, maybe i did or did not do it to myself. either way, i know i was chocolated.
Arc da Rat said:
I only had Hy covered in chocie as a V-day pressie for JC ... *nods* :D
Yeah, and I still smell like cacao... (betting you covered me with some specialty chocolate...) Not to mention I think it gave me a rash...
hybirdx said:
Yeah, and I still smell like cacao... (betting you covered me with some specialty chocolate...) Not to mention I think it gave me a rash...

:eek: ~ Yer allergic to Godiva milk chocies ... Poor deprived draggie ...
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Hey, if all you got was a rash, think good, ya ninny.

I've heard of people drinking some of those 'specialty' beverages out there, like the bolthouse farms carrot juice, and getting Botulism...

The poor bastards ended up permanently paralyzed!

...From Carrot Juice!
happy birthday Raven a little early.. last year... my nephew was born on your birthday... *grins*

mines not for another couple weeks or so shhhh
Hey, thanks you two.

I've been feeling a bit down the past few days.

I found out the other day that one of my most favorite comedians commited suicide and its hit me alot harder than I ever thought it would.

Richard Jeni, anyone heard of him?

Here's a bit of his routine from Youtube.

Tumble misses Mitch as well.

All's I can say is I think bigfoot is blury, and that is extra scary to me.
LOL, the first thing that popped into my head just now after that comment about Big Foot, Cats, was those Messing with Sasquach commercials. LOL
Do you think the guy that invented the bong, had a black light pop on over his head?

my personal fav of Mitch is

I cant tell you the name of the hotel im staying in but it involves 2 trees...
jeni paid for a farm? shame.

he was pretty good, even was on just for laughs. which admittedly isn't always good, but he was pretty funny.

i liked his bit about joe pechi being a minister.
Why thank you PS! Very sweet of you.

Cats, I'm no older that Star Wars, OR Dungeons and Dragons you know...
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