ORP anouncements

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Yes. And they even have this cool adult editions, with black covers and some elegant artwork, so you don't even need to feel embarassed about picking them from the bookstore or reading them on the bus. :)
There is no date for the 5th book ... I work at the bookstore ... I am avoiding the whole thing like the plague it is ... Til all 7 books come out on paperback ...

I read mostly Sci-Fy, lots of smut, & stuff. I am waiting for the next Robert Asprin book ... Damn it!! It been Almost 10 FUCKIN' years since the last one. Talk about writers block, sheeze! Unfortunately there won't be an addition with Phil Foglio's work. I like the way he draws the characters. :(
A-n-n-o-y-a-n-c-e-....*glares at that god-damned s*

Hey, everybody, come on, join my thread based on good ol' Freddy Saberhagen's books. It's only really based on the world, you don't need to read them. I gave links to sites that summerized everything really well.

Please, please, go over, take a look, think it over?

I've already got two others mention it. Aren't you interested yet? Must I beg? Come on, it'll be fun. It's got everything, Gods, sentient computers, drugs,...drugs,....gambling, magical swords,....drugs, prostitution,....drugs.

Come on! Please? Act now, and get one of the Swords of Power!
Limited availabliity based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Only 10 of 12 swords origionally put forth as 'free' gifts. Act now, limited time offer! Collect all 12!
SD ~

yer Avatar from yesterday ... Made me wanna eat shooms (mushrooms) ...
Re: A-n-n-o-y-a-n-c-e-....*glares at that god-damned s*

The GrandMage said:
Come on! Please? Act now, and get one of the Swords of Power!
Limited availabliity based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Only 10 of 12 swords origionally put forth as 'free' gifts. Act now, limited time offer! Collect all 12!

*reads the fine print*

I'm completely hooked on Bret Easton Ellis, and I'm waiting eagerly for his next one... *getting the shakes, it's been almost 4 years*
Cos it just reminded me of one ... Everytime I saw it I got hungry ...
I luv mushrooms ... :D

I haven't found a shroom that I didn't like ... yet ... Well I can't eat too many straw mushrooms or I start feeling a lil ill ...

You guys that maybe that 8 pages of posts rampage last night was too much? things have slowed down again...
they sure have...
Why is it that whenever I show up online everything stops?
I come in, and theres rampant posting everywhere, but the final posts have times corresponding to immediately before I got here, which leads me to one inexplicable conclusion:
You've all been waiting desperately for me, and finally fallen asleep at your computers from exhaustion!!!:D
(<------ Modest and humble as always)

Lauren.Hynde said:
And about the pics...

Here's a thought, just to make things interesting:

I'll post my pic, and you won't be disapointed with it, IF Blaze can successfully complete his task within schedule. So, no pressure there... ;)

Oh jeez, no pressure at all!
I mean, I'm only upholding the hopes and dreams of every man in here right now...
Dammit, I better get posting!
Hey, how much time do I still have? No way in hell am I searching back through that other thread to find your last post. I've already posted nearly 20 pages over it.

gotta post gotta post gotta post...

Oh brother ... I been here all day ... most of it ... just writing up a post for a story thread.
OK, Blaze:

The countdown began on June 22th at 1.22 AM (GMT)
Deadline is on June 29 at 1.21 AM (GMT)
To win, you must at least equal Renegade's count of 6131
You had 2002 posts when the challenge was made
You have 2322 posts right now.
You have a little under 91h30 to go.
You are 3809 posts short

Good luck.
You'll need it.
Lauren.Hynde said:
OK, Blaze:

The countdown began on June 22th at 1.22 AM (GMT)
Deadline is on June 29 at 1.21 AM (GMT)
To win, you must at least equal Renegade's count of 6131
You had 2002 posts when the challenge was made
You have 2322 posts right now.
You have a little under 91h30 to go.
You are 3809 posts short

Good luck.
You'll need it.

Let's see then, so I have to post there 3809 times by sunday, June 29, 1:21 am GMT (Saturday, June 28, 8:21 pm my time)
Oh jeez.
No worries...
Don't worry guys, I won't let you down, Lauryn will post pics yet!!!
Oh man.... No pressure...

BlazeofLife said:

Let's see then, so I have to post there 3809 times by sunday, June 29, 1:21 am GMT (Saturday, June 28, 8:21 pm my time)
Oh jeez.
No worries...
Don't worry guys, I won't let you down, Lauryn will post pics yet!!!
Oh man.... No pressure...

Actually, it's saturday, June 29, 1:21 AM GMT (Friday, June 28, 8:21 PM your time)

Don't try to get an extra day, you won't get it. (I did get my figures wrong, though: You still have 115h16 to go)
Oh, sure, fine, correct me...
So I looked at the wrong "s" on the calendar...
rub it in!!!!
*wry bemused grin*

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