ORP anouncements

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No! Makes sure no one tips over the pots! Ah... more people coming in. Welcome! *Throws KtC a crazy crab*

Speaking of the friends... where's Moon???
*peeks in to see what all the hub-bub is about and lets a crab escape to randomly run around the threads pinching people*

ooops.....bad me....
Shotokan07 said:
No! Makes sure no one tips over the pots! Ah... more people coming in. Welcome! *Throws KtC a crazy crab*

Speaking of the friends... where's Moon???

Moon's not keen on message boards. She got on mostly to pester me. But look! Another from my flock.
Dracona said:
*peeks in to see what all the hub-bub is about and lets a crab escape to randomly run around the threads pinching people*

ooops.....bad me....

Hey I'm not responsible where them lil things go running themselves into. OoOoo another Oregon G-irl. :D

Tumb, your flock of minions are priceless as always. :rose:
Abraxas Winterlight said:
computers fried, borrowing my ladys. don't know how long i'll be gone. pester Arc & OG for me gang

*Quirks eyebrow*

See you really should have done something when the RAM keep going bad ... :p
*Pinches Arc* My work here is done.

DC, dude its been a while. What's up?!

Oregon? Everywhere? Really? Was it the trail?
I miss Oregon Trail, man. That game rocked my socks.

mm, and I think I had the most abusive teacher this semester that I've had since 5th grade. It was my life drawing class, and for the final we had to do 2 18x24 drawings in charcole and soft pastels (which we've never used before) and he didn't want human figures in them, even though that's all we've done all semester. And he spent like, an hour and a half basically telling the class as a whole that all the finals were shit. It was good stuff. The last thing he said to the class was, and I'm quoting,
"As dissapointed in all your finals as I am, I'm even more dissapointed I had to look at them. Have a nice summer."

TumbleUpStairs said:
nooo...I didn' draw it, sadly. I wish I could draw that well.

Eh... I'm sure you could. Just draw first and fix it repeated and you'll be there. :p Btw, that one is done by comp... but if that one was done by pastel, its done damn well.
Shotokan07 said:
Eh... I'm sure you could. Just draw first and fix it repeated and you'll be there. :p Btw, that one is done by comp... but if that one was done by pastel, its done damn well.

tis a real pic. I know this really awesome site for finding pretty pictures. It just looks a little offish cause of resize.
TumbleUpStairs said:
tis a real pic. I know this really awesome site for finding pretty pictures. It just looks a little offish cause of resize.

still looks really cool to me
the site tis Corbis. You havta sign up for the site (free) to get the watermarks off the pics, so you have to kind of vaguely pretend to be some kind of graphic-y company thing, but the piccys are pretty and there's so many it's awesome.

Wow...I sound like an infomercial. And yet I get no money. Sadness.
Just finished watching "Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children". I can't say anymore than how much more appreciation I have. The storyline, the philosophy, the characters, the art of war, ...the art of love.

...Just amazing.
:rolleyes: Shoto where have ya been ...

*Has watched FF7 AD several times over & had a copy for months now*
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