NY’s AG seeks to dissolve NRA


Apr 29, 2015
New York AG in lawsuit accusing leaders of self-dealing, causing $64 million in losses

New York Attorney General Letitia James was set to announce Thursday that the state is seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association in a lawsuit that accuses the leadership of the flagging nonprofit of diverting millions of dollars for their own personal use.

According to the lawsuit, the senior leadership of the NRA squandered millions in donations on personal trips, private jets and expensive meals. The failure to lawfully manage the organization's funds contributed to losses of $64 million over three years, the suit says.

James is asking the court to dissolve the NRA and require each of the current and former executives named in the suit to pay full restitution. The suit argues that the four executives, including CEO Wayne LaPierre, shouldn't be permitted to ever again serve on the board of a New York charity.

The lawsuit claims that the group had a $27.8 million surplus in 2015, which declined by about $64 million by 2018, putting the group $36 million under water.

LaPierre, a longtime NRA executive and a Trump ally, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on private trips for himself and his family, the suit alleges. Those trips include eight visits to the Bahamas and all-expense paid safaris in Africa with his wife, Susan, according to the lawsuit.

Didn’t Coronager recently announce he’d rejoined? Guess he approves of this criminal enterprise and its thieving leadership.
Didn’t Coronager recently announce he’d rejoined? Guess he approves of this criminal enterprise and its thieving leadership.

He’s all about giving to the rich. Wayne needs more suits, dangnabbit!
Full support of the Government in North Korea

The NY AG has the full support of the government in North Korea. Letting the subjects have weapons could weaken a governments control over all aspects of life.
The NY AG has the full support of the government in North Korea. Letting the subjects have weapons could weaken a governments control over all aspects of life.

🎵Your dead end dreams don't make you smile.🎶

Finding a conservative enterprise in 2020 where the leaders aren't engaged in massive looting seems like it would be a real chore.
The NY AG has the full support of the government in North Korea. Letting the subjects have weapons could weaken a governments control over all aspects of life.

The AG could use this is his next campaign. Full support by North Korean regime!
The NY AG has the full support of the government in North Korea. Letting the subjects have weapons could weaken a governments control over all aspects of life.

The AG could use this is his next campaign. Full support by North Korean regime!

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Finding a conservative enterprise in 2020 where the leaders aren't engaged in massive looting seems like it would be a real chore.

There is much, if any left m, if the anti-elite movement. Saying that is what they are may get them votes, but their actions speak louder. It’s a shame so many are tone def.
What are your thought on leadership squandering funds of a non-profit on personal luxuries, and running said organization into the ground?

He doesn't care. He's just here to argue and say stupid shit about the (D's). :rolleyes:
What are your thought on leadership squandering funds of a non-profit on personal luxuries, and running said organization into the ground?

Sounds like a terrible problem.....if it's not a manufactured or absurdly hyperbolic story.
The NY AG has the full support of the government in North Korea. Letting the subjects have weapons could weaken a governments control over all aspects of life.

Cite. You have to answer this with lies, don't you?
Spanning a novel-length 163 pages, the lawsuit accuses four NRA executives of looting the nonprofit that has operated in New York since 1871.

“The central figure behind this scheme was none other than Wayne LaPierre,” James told reporters at a press conference this morning, referring the NRA’s chief executive. “Mr. LaPierre exploited the organization for his and his family’s financial benefit.”

Itemizing private jet trips to the tropics and African safaris — all allegedly on the donors’ dime — James said LaPierre used the NRA as his “personal piggy bank.”

“In the last five years, LaPierre and his family have visited the Bahamas by private air charter on at least eight occasions, at a cost of more than $500,000 to the NRA,” the complaint states. “On many of those trips, LaPierre and his family were gifted the use of a 107-foot yacht owned by an NRA vendor.

“LaPierre received hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts from another NRA vendor in the form of complimentary safaris in Africa and other world-wide locations for himself and his spouse,” it continues.

She filed the case in Manhattan Supreme Court, where a similar lawsuit filed by her predecessor led to a $2 million settlement with a now-defunct Trump Foundation.


Crooked is as crooked does.
Cheerleader for the feds attacking protesters in Portland.

More stupidity on display.

I mean, all those Feds surrounding the courthouse just waited until the cover of darkness to "attack" protesters who weren't doing a thing.

Those Feds musta had a hard time rounding up all those "innocent and peaceful people" to force them to throw firebombs, rocks and bricks, frozen water bottles, and home-made explosive devices while trying to tear down the fencing just so that the Feds could "attack" them.

I wonder if the protesters were paid or dragooned into it...
More stupidity on display.

You, of all people, should never call anyone or anything stupid. You have been wrong so much lately and so very indignant that maybe you should just go hide in your cat bunker and shut the fuck up.
"NRA President Carolyn Meadows called the lawsuit "a baseless, premeditated attack," claiming it targeted not just the NRA, but the constitutional rights it defends.

"You could have set your watch by it: the investigation was going to reach its crescendo as we move into the 2020 election cycle," Meadows said in a statement. "It’s a transparent attempt to score political points and attack the leading voice in opposition to the leftist agenda. This has been a power grab by a political opportunist – a desperate move that is part of a rank political vendetta. Our members won’t be intimidated or bullied in their defense of political and constitutional freedom.”

Meadows added that the NRA "will not shrink from this fight – we will confront it and prevail.” ​

"To that end, the NRA countersued James, seeking a court declaration that they are following state not-for-profit law and alleging that The New York Attorney General is targeting the organization for its political positions, violating its free speech rights."

There is no 'constitutional right' to embezzle. The NRA has been rife with corruption for years and has been involved in a number of lawsuits over it. A legitimate US Attorney General would have filed RICO charges on them long ago.
"You could have set your watch by it: the investigation was going to reach its crescendo as we move into the 2020 election cycle," Meadows said in a statement. "It’s a transparent attempt to score political points and attack the leading voice in opposition to the leftist agenda. This has been a power grab by a political opportunist – a desperate move that is part of a rank political vendetta.

Interesting that people who claim they represent a majority seem to feel that an attack on their operation might be of political benefit to the attackers.
I don't remember any of you being outraged that the Clinton Foundation paid Chelsea, fresh out of college, $600,000 per year. She was the highest paid intern on the planet.