NY’s AG seeks to dissolve NRA

I don't remember any of you being outraged that the Clinton Foundation paid Chelsea, fresh out of college, $600,000 per year. She was the highest paid intern on the planet.

She was an unpaid intern for the Clinton Foundation, one of the few people on the planet making less than you.

She was paid $600,000 per year for two years by NBC News as a poltical consultant/commentator. By way of comparison, Fox pays Laura Ingraham 15 million dollars per year.

Unlike your conjecture, I have facts to back me up LINK

I don't remember any of you being outraged that the Clinton Foundation paid Chelsea, fresh out of college, $600,000 per year. She was the highest paid intern on the planet.

So what prompted this lie? It’s not like you have credibility to spare.
Sounds like a terrible problem.....if it's not a manufactured or absurdly hyperbolic story.

OH LOOK!! Another fire! fire! hair on fire 90 days out from an election while the city of NY circles the crapper. Wonder why Cuomo isn't up on murder or manslaughter charges, OH! I know! Cuomo's a democrat and de Blasio is a communist!
I don't remember any of you being outraged that the Clinton Foundation paid Chelsea, fresh out of college, $600,000 per year. She was the highest paid intern on the planet.

Um, that was actually NBC News, not the Clinton Foundation. Good try though.
Um, that was actually NBC News, not the Clinton Foundation. Good try though.

For the self-proclaimed "smartest guy on the General Board", he says some remarkably stupid things from time to time.

He doesn't care. He's just here to argue and say stupid shit about the (D's). :rolleyes:

Awwwww someone is hurt their precious (D)'s get called out for their trash.

How cute.

It’s why engaging is a total waste of time.

For (D) hacks that can't argue their positions on their merit.

OH LOOK!! Another fire! fire! hair on fire 90 days out from an election while the city of NY circles the crapper. Wonder why Cuomo isn't up on murder or manslaughter charges, OH! I know! Cuomo's a democrat and de Blasio is a communist!

Oh I know.....but it's all good because (D) incompetence and dereliction of duty is nation wide is all Trumps fault because orange man bad!!!

They've gone so silly they have no other choice but to keep doubling down and pretending they're "on the right side of history" lol
I don't remember any of you being outraged that the Clinton Foundation paid Chelsea, fresh out of college, $600,000 per year. She was the highest paid intern on the planet.

She was an unpaid intern for the Clinton Foundation, one of the few people on the planet making less than you.

She was paid $600,000 per year for two years by NBC News as a poltical consultant/commentator. By way of comparison, Fox pays Laura Ingraham 15 million dollars per year.

Unlike your conjecture, I have facts to back me up LINK

first off :D

now for the beat down...


I don't remember any of you being outraged that the Clinton Foundation paid Chelsea, fresh out of college, $600,000 per year. She was the highest paid intern on the planet.

This particular item is the "red flag" in this effort.

In no particular order;

This is going to play well in the hard blue states but not so much so out in the "battle ground" states.

Virtually every NGO/Non-prof. that the left holds dear is now going to be subject to the very same scrutiny. The Clinton Foundation is just the most obvious.

The NY AG whipped out her sword. She should be reminded to be careful, swords have two edges.
This particular item is the "red flag" in this effort.

In no particular order;

This is going to play well in the hard blue states but not so much so out in the "battle ground" states.

Virtually every NGO/Non-prof. that the left holds dear is now going to be subject to the very same scrutiny. The Clinton Foundation is just the most obvious.

The NY AG whipped out her sword. She should be reminded to be careful, swords have two edges.

Actually, if you were paying attention the first stroke was from the conservatives and it missed badly. The two-year investigation into the Clinton foundation closed on a whimper with no charges filed. Care to try again?


These board Trumpettes will do anything at all to try to cover for Trump's vileness--which, of course, makes them . . .

Coronager, BellaSoreAss, Herpy, and FecesFan.

The four horseshits of the apocalypse.

Reichguide is obviously the prick of darkness.

The end is near.
The Republican Attorneys General Association that represent the majority of States and far more than Hillary Clinton won says "She is abusing her power to abuse a political adversary."

Democrats smarter than the OP that wants to revel in this feckless lawfare gambit think this is a gift to Trump:

“Some Pennsylvania Democratic elected officials are panicked about the NRA lawsuit’s effect on the presidential race. One told me it was an ‘October surprise’: ‘This is the equivalent of Alabama AG suing to dissolve Planned Parenthood for the left,’” Otterbein tweeted.

The NRA has countersued. Which means my mailbox is about to get bombarded by the ILA fundraising off this.

The downside is there going to spend a lot of money defending this slapsuit and prosecuting there own; the good news is there going to gain members and money as a result.
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I'll give all these rabid anti-gun, anti-Constitutional crusaders the NRA
on a silver platter if they will do the same and give me the
Southern Poverty Law Center and PETA...

As long as the right to association is under attack,
let's make it a fulsome, uniform attack.

;) ;)
That's right Conager. I, too, will be renewing my membership.
Guns sales have skyrocketed and we need to have people
out there who can help educate all those new, more
"Progressive" gun owners fearful of the children
that they have educated, raised and
subsequently lost all control of.

It should be surprising that right wingers aren’t calling for the prosecution of the criminal NRA leadership, but it’s not. Ideology trumps all with them.
It should be surprising that right wingers aren’t calling for the prosecution of the criminal NRA leadership, but it’s not. Ideology trumps all with them.

What are the "criminal" charges?

There's a reason this was filed as a Civil suit.
What are the "criminal" charges?

There's a reason this was filed as a Civil suit.

And by a gun-hater in an anti-Second Amendment safe space...

Some people want to bring the Chicago way to the entire US -
call it Obama v2.0 Beta.

Ironically, the same guy who said if they bring a knife, we bring a gun.
Get in their face!!!

Well, someone here is getting into the wrong faces.
And by a gun-hater in an anti-Second Amendment safe space...

Some people want to bring the Chicago way to the entire US -
call it Obama v2.0 Beta.

Ironically, the same guy who said if they bring a knife, we bring a gun.
Get in their face!!!

Well, someone here is getting into the wrong faces.

It's a money grab financed by the taxpayers of NY. Both Remington and the NRA should have left New York decades ago.
It's a money grab financed by the taxpayers of NY. Both Remington and the NRA should have left New York decades ago.

Eventually the greed for money will virtually empty the state...

... even further.

Did you not see where Cuomo was crying in his bee----, er, champaign,
begging the rich to come back to him?

Good Capital flees corrupt Capitol.
What are the "criminal" charges?

There's a reason this was filed as a Civil suit.

So you’re willing to state LaPierre is not guilty of fraud and self dealing? You don’t give a shit he used your dues for trips and gifts?
Eventually the greed for money will virtually empty the state...

... even further.

Did you not see where Cuomo was crying in his bee----, er, champaign,
begging the rich to come back to him?

Good Capital flees corrupt Capitol.

Sure have. I take no particular joy in watching NYC wither away but they brought it on themselves.