Moochie’s Meandering Missives (and a pic or two)

The thought this morning
Is that of darkness unfound
Of a deep place inside
Yearning to be released
With restraints.
I looked at rope the other day
At the local sex shop.
It was nice,
Natural fiber,
Would have felt amazing
Sliding against my skin
The way I crave it
But I can’t seem to find our list items
That allow it...
But maybe something simpler?
Something easier to dismantle.
Quicker to put together
Than pushing my limits with rope...
I want my toes to touch the back of my head someday
I want to be suspended in a gorgeous, elegant, graceful, backbend.
Until then, our disabilities remain on a list as the top items...
And so,
I left that rope hanging on the wall of the shop
And walked out with that cute green lingerie item instead.
I came home
And dug into the back corner of the closet
The one that holds my bag
Of forgotten things
And found the simple velcro cuffs
And new enemies in the form of their clips
Which I need you to use on me
Because placing them on myself isn’t as exhilarating
As I imagine your hands holding tight around my wrist would
As I hear the clink of the clips
Against the metal,
Feel the pull of my body as you move it,
The sharp sink of your teeth into the soft flesh of my shoulder.
And I imagine the
Thoughts... I will bring these next time.
Perhaps we won’t get too distracted to use them.


This :heart:
We’ve been spending the morning
Reminiscing about an experience.
Well, multiple now...
But I keep thinking of that last time
In the meadowed woods
With wildflowers surrounding us,
Trees for miles,
The ashes of an old fire,
And the sounds echoing through the forest
Of how hard your hand was hitting my flesh
And my whimpers
As I begged you
Getting closer with each smack
Until finally you allowed me to let go,
And the way that felt

There with you...


...That’s been what I keep trying to describe
But can’t.

Because that feeling is so close to magic,
I don’t think I ever can
Do it justice
With mere words.



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We’ve been spending the morning
Reminiscing about an experience.
Well, multiple now...
But I keep thinking of that last time
In the meadowed woods
With wildflowers surrounding us,
Trees for miles,
The ashes of an old fire,
And the sounds echoing through the forest
Of how hard your hand was hitting my flesh
And my whimpers
As I begged you
Getting closer with each smack
Until finally you allowed me to let go,
And the way that felt

There with you...


...That’s been what I keep trying to describe
But can’t.

Because that feeling is so close to magic,
I don’t think I ever can
Do it justice
With mere words.

The ‘thwack’ and echo off the trees, an amazing sound

I like your knickers, room for a tail at the back.:devil:
Moochienanu? What the fuck kind of name is that?! Isn’t a screen name on literotica usually one you choose to make yourself distinctive and obvious about what you are or your hobbies, or sexual preferences... or something?

... I mean, why not choose a screen name like
(I could go on, but you get the picture from A-L... right? Good good.)

So, for those of you eager to know me better... or to feel closer to me... or whatever we do here, allow me to shed some light on my screen name and what it means...

You see, in a way, I did choose this screen name to be distinguished as me because “Moochienanu” is one of my nicknames in the ‘real’ world. My family and friends who know me well enough call me either “Moochie” or “Pumpkin” both the shortened versions of their entire names “Moochienanu” and “Pumpkin Butter” respectively. Before I tell you the Moochie story, I guess I have to tell you about Pumpkin Butter because, by your reactions to my mention of it, I can tell you’re just dying to hear that story.

When I was a wee one... we’re talking 4-5 years old, innocent, home-cut bangs, tiny human... I had two pairs of pajamas I absolutely loved. I am pictured in them often and basically lived in them because they were sweats. One pair was purple. We called these my “purplemonster PJs” because I would jump around in them and yell “Purple! Purple! Purple!” At anyone and everyone. The other pair was, yup! You guessed it: Orange. A soft, almost yellowish-orange, really. They were scrumptious and I wore them so very much. My Dad started it... the “pumpkin butter” thing. Then it caught on and I was “pumpkin.” Just who I was. You were hoping for a better story... I can tell. Sorry to disappoint (although not really sorry as this is a story about me and I’m bound to be not as interesting as you actually think I am or build me up to be in your mind).

So, now on to the other nickname: Moochienanu. I’ve had many people guess at its meaning, but not a single one was correct. Most of you have tried to look for meaning in my name by googling it, which made me laugh a bit as the spelling isn’t close to its origin story at all. I mean, how were you to know I’m not a pot-head (actually have only tried marijuana three times now for the record and all legally procured), or an Asian/Filipino street gang member? (I know, right? It makes me laugh so fracking hard each time that one is proffered as an origin story.)

Back on track now...

My story takes us back to the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta. My family had just moved back to the states and we were all about having television live as it was broadcasted (while living in remote Canada, my aunt and uncle would send VHS tapes of straight recorded television, commercials and all, for us to watch and feel normal). My two sisters and I lived for the gymnastics during that Olympics. We watched every event all day long. I had the biggest crush on Dominique Moceanu, one of the US gymnasts. She was the youngest female gymnast to ever win a gold medal (a little older than I was at the time)... dark hair, gorgeous skin, and the build of a woman made of pure muscle... I was... well, smitten... yeah... I thought I was being subtle, but apparently I wasn’t... thankfully my sisters thought I just wanted to be her, not be licking her used unitard... so somehow they started calling me a form of her last name, “Mochie-anu” which morphed into “Moochie-anu” and finally “Moochienanu” with “Moochie” for short. She’s still really hot, btw... and bringing forward issues about abuse in us gymnastics/child athletes which is super admirable.

Some people have such simple nicknames.
I can’t just be some people, though...
we’ve learned that already, haven’t we?
The hard way.

...Left that in the past now.

So here we are.
New space.
Hope you don’t mind that musky, antique, old book smell I’ve added just by placing some of my things willy-nilly (one of my favorite smells if we’re going to mention it... the sweet smelling musky decay of ancient pages... *wistful thoughts*).

Back to try this *indicates Ampic thread for all that it is* again and without some baggage from that last thread. I really needed to get away in order to put things into perspective... and the thing is, I want this space to be mine. The last one was started for and posts were made sometimes dictated by someone else. I don’t even like the feeling of that thought anymore.

No one will ever tell me what I can or cannot say about myself, anyone or anything else here ever again (I mean, mods will and should be mods... but I’m talking about something different and you all know that). No one will dictate the content I decide to place here except me. I should never have allowed that before, and it will not happen again.

Let’s make this thread happen the way we want it to now. Perhaps a narrative interspersed? Some personal stories? Fictions? Truths? I’ll try to get to your comments in timely fashion, but as always, I’m not here for you, so don’t be butt hurt if I decide to continue a thought before I get to a reply.

Oh, and needless to say I’m not always going to post things you want to see or read... if that is the case for you, please resist the urge to tell me I’m a disappointment (I already know) and click on by to someone else’s thread who might give a shit (or two)...

... unless, of course, you like to feel your dry asshole being ripped apart by the powerful thrusting of my strapon... then by all means, I’m dying to hear your thoughts about my inadequacies.

always exciting and attention getting, well the pic really gets my attention
I was quite surprised by how many people seemed to delight in my outfit last night... I like it too. The skirt is one of my favorites (the first time I wore it was to see Him). As far as hearing me sing? As you wish.


The singing is absolutely gorgeous like the rest of you, and that is not an easy song to sing - you are the whole package, :heart:
When I fell asleep today
We lay next to each other,
The skin of your shoulder
Brushing mine
And the feel of your hands
Were on me.

Now that I’ve woken
You’re far away
And not even in the bed,
Wandered out with a kiss
On my sleeping forehead
To be somewhere else
Without me.

And yet we are,
In our way,
Always together.



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When I fell asleep today
We lay next to each other,
The skin of your shoulder
Brushing mine
And the feel of your hands
Were on me.

Now that I’ve woken
You’re far away
And not even in the bed,
Wandered out with a kiss
On my sleeping forehead
To be somewhere else
Without me.

And yet we are,
In our way,
Always together.


Beautifully said
When I fell asleep today
We lay next to each other,
The skin of your shoulder
Brushing mine
And the feel of your hands
Were on me.

Now that I’ve woken
You’re far away
And not even in the bed,
Wandered out with a kiss
On my sleeping forehead
To be somewhere else
Without me.

And yet we are,
In our way,
Always together.

One lucky Teddy Bear
When I fell asleep today
We lay next to each other,
The skin of your shoulder
Brushing mine
And the feel of your hands
Were on me.

Now that I’ve woken
You’re far away
And not even in the bed,
Wandered out with a kiss
On my sleeping forehead
To be somewhere else
Without me.

And yet we are,
In our way,
Always together.

You still have Manni to keep you company so you are never alone. Just look forward to the next time you lay skin to skin with Him.
Blitz Poem

Fire of knowledge

Set it up
Set it on fire
Fire in the hole
Fire burning up
Up in the air
Up to no good
Good morning
Good night
Night of the living dead
Night light
Light up the world
Light up your life
Life has been lived
Life is worth living
Living it up
Living for my child
Child of the night
Child support
Support our elders
Support other people
People on streets
People who think
Think about yourself
Think over time
Time is relative
Time in a bottle
Bottle of water
Bottle of whiskey
Whiskey and rye
Whiskey neat
Neat little place
Neat idea
Idea for you
Idea to change
Change the mind
Change the mood
Mood of the room
Mood to fuck
Fuck this
Fuck you like an animal
Animal in bed
Animal control
Control yourself
Control my body
Body of water
Body of knowledge
Knowledge is truth
Knowledge is power
I’d like you all to know, I did just try to reply to some of your comments, but it all felt...contrived... mostly because I have such a difficult time accepting compliments. So I want to blanket-state a thank you for your time and I hope you continue to return and enjoy what you read and see here. I enjoy writing and hearing the feedback.

Also, I feel a bit of writer’s block lately, so if you would like to ask me a question I can answer, I would like that (you can ask here or via PM if you’re more comfortable with that)
I’d like you all to know, I did just try to reply to some of your comments, but it all felt...contrived... mostly because I have such a difficult time accepting compliments. So I want to blanket-state a thank you for your time and I hope you continue to return and enjoy what you read and see here. I enjoy writing and hearing the feedback.

Also, I feel a bit of writer’s block lately, so if you would like to ask me a question I can answer, I would like that (you can ask here or via PM if you’re more comfortable with that)

Ok, so I’ll ask a last post ^^^ related question.

Why do you think, you find it hard to take compliments?

Without me giving you actual compliments it’s hard to say why I feel you should be complimented on, not just for your pictures or words...but for being you and who you are.

So I’ll just say...thank you. 💋
I’d like you all to know, I did just try to reply to some of your comments, but it all felt...contrived... mostly because I have such a difficult time accepting compliments. So I want to blanket-state a thank you for your time and I hope you continue to return and enjoy what you read and see here. I enjoy writing and hearing the feedback.

Also, I feel a bit of writer’s block lately, so if you would like to ask me a question I can answer, I would like that (you can ask here or via PM if you’re more comfortable with that)

love your thread and the words of wisdom you impart... the pics ain't too shabby either.
I’d like you all to know, I did just try to reply to some of your comments, but it all felt...contrived... mostly because I have such a difficult time accepting compliments. So I want to blanket-state a thank you for your time and I hope you continue to return and enjoy what you read and see here. I enjoy writing and hearing the feedback.

Also, I feel a bit of writer’s block lately, so if you would like to ask me a question I can answer, I would like that (you can ask here or via PM if you’re more comfortable with that)

If it’s not to forthcoming, are you meeting in RL with Him more frequently now, I know that was your aim.

You know you can reach out anytime to me
Ok, so I’ll ask a last post ^^^ related question.

Why do you think, you find it hard to take compliments?

Without me giving you actual compliments it’s hard to say why I feel you should be complimented on, not just for your pictures or words...but for being you and who you are.

So I’ll just say...thank you. 💋

I am unhappy with myself.
No matter what I do,
I am hardly ever satisfied
With the art I release into the world,
And so,
It is difficult to believe
Without doubt
That someone else
Could think it is worthwhile.

I like comments that make me think
About what I do or did in the piece
To elicit the response
In the comment.

I like comments that question
My writing
Or comment on the prose
Because usually that is
Where I put my heart:
In my thoughts.

I usually reply to those comments
Because they interest me.

When it is a compliment,
I read every one,
But I feel saying ‘thank you’
To every one
Is cumbersome
And becomes work,
Something I’ve been told,
This should never be for me.
I am unhappy with myself.
No matter what I do,
I am hardly ever satisfied
With the art I release into the world,
And so,
It is difficult to believe
Without doubt
That someone else
Could think it is worthwhile.

I like comments that make me think
About what I do or did in the piece
To elicit the response
In the comment.

I like comments that question
My writing
Or comment on the prose
Because usually that is
Where I put my heart:
In my thoughts.

I usually reply to those comments
Because they interest me.

When it is a compliment,
I read every one,
But I feel saying ‘thank you’
To every one
Is cumbersome
And becomes work,
Something I’ve been told,
This should never be for me.

I believe your words speak to many who might otherwise not be able to voice their thoughts. I know sometimes I feel you are speaking directly to me. I know you're not, but your words, prose and art definitely have at times really moved me. You don't have to thank me for the compliments, just know that you evoke many feelings and I hope you will continue to do so.
You are truly a one of a kind woman, a special little girl and a very wonderful human being. Thank YOU for being you.
I am unhappy with myself.
No matter what I do,
I am hardly ever satisfied
With the art I release into the world,
And so,
It is difficult to believe
Without doubt
That someone else
Could think it is worthwhile.

I like comments that make me think
About what I do or did in the piece
To elicit the response
In the comment.

I like comments that question
My writing
Or comment on the prose
Because usually that is
Where I put my heart:
In my thoughts.

I usually reply to those comments
Because they interest me.

When it is a compliment,
I read every one,
But I feel saying ‘thank you’
To every one
Is cumbersome
And becomes work,
Something I’ve been told,
This should never be for me.

I get all that, well...apart from the first bit but do understand, to a point.
And yes, I agree if you are sharing parts of yourself it should never become work, I’ve said should be about fun...but also for some like yourself, expressing yourself as you do, without it becoming to overbearing...that is a hard balance to equate.

Thank you for taking the time to answer. 💋
It's a truism that artists are never truly happy with work that they unleash to the world, but it is always going to be the case that when that art is so well crafted the compliments will come and the appreciation of all you contribute to our worlds.....replies are never needed, your continued presence and sharing your beauty and of the little insights to your mind are always welcomed. You owe us nothing as you have already given so much :rose:
I don’t much feel like doing anything today.
It’s what many people would consider “nice” outside,
But all I want to do is curl up in bed and not move
Because maybe then I could pretend I don’t exist
Which would be easier
Than going out and trying.


Lovely pic. :rose:
If it’s not to forthcoming, are you meeting in RL with Him more frequently now, I know that was your aim.

You know you can reach out anytime to me

Yes. We went ten days without seeing each other once. We have decided never again on that.
I am unhappy with myself.
No matter what I do,
I am hardly ever satisfied
With the art I release into the world,
And so,
It is difficult to believe
Without doubt
That someone else
Could think it is worthwhile.

I like comments that make me think
About what I do or did in the piece
To elicit the response
In the comment.

I like comments that question
My writing
Or comment on the prose
Because usually that is
Where I put my heart:
In my thoughts.

I usually reply to those comments
Because they interest me.

When it is a compliment,
I read every one,
But I feel saying ‘thank you’
To every one
Is cumbersome
And becomes work,
Something I’ve been told,
This should never be for me.

It's an art thing, I think. Its more deeply felt by someone like you who literally puts a piece of themselves in their art. I understand, even though my medium is way more mundane (wood, with no pics included). I had to give it up a couple of times for an extended period, almost a manic-depressive thing. Like WTS said above: it shouldn't be work. Art has to give the artist pleasure too.
When I little a little

He sent me snaps and zips
And unzipping.
I wanted my hands
To be the actions
But instead my eyes watched
Over and over
As I was reminded
Of how it feels
To unbutton
Shrug off
Pull off
Pull over
Tug down
Rip open
Tear away
And reveal...
And as my eyes
Were teased
With His action,
My mind went to an inner place
Where little me
Has snaps on my onesie
And the sound
As they come undone.



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He sent me snaps and zips
And unzipping.
I wanted my hands
To be the actions
But instead my eyes watched
Over and over
As I was reminded
Of how it feels
To unbutton
Shrug off
Pull off
Pull over
Tug down
Rip open
Tear away
And reveal...
And as my eyes
Were teased
With His action,
My mind went to an inner place
Where little me
Has snaps on my onesie
And the sound
As they come undone.


That looks tailor made for you:rose: