Man On the Run (Closed for Helen UK)


Nympho-Man, lmao
May 28, 2004
The sirens were blaring a few blocks away as Clyde ran from the house he had just burglarized. It had been a great haul worth several hundred bucks. He had found out the riches contained within from a co-worker. The only trouble was that he thought that his co-worker had seen him leaving the scene and told police when the homeowner found that they had been broken into.

Clyde did not need to rob to make a living as he was a 35 year old very successful lawyer. One night he was at a friend’s house and saw an expensive collector coin and pocketed it. The adrenaline rush was incredible. Thus his life of crime was underway. The only thing that gave him a bigger rush was sex whether it was with his ex-wife or from persuading a date to go to bed with him.

He was scared that the sirens were coming for his six foot tall athletic frame looking around he saw a very nice house a couple of doors down and ran toward it. He jimmied the door open…
Helen lived on her own in the family home with her cats for company. It is where she had been all her life. At one time it had been with her parents who had her late in life but sadly they had passed away and it was now just her. She had nursed them both in their latter years and she just could never forget them. Family pictures were all over the house and she just could not forget them and move on. She had tried medication and been to therapy which were both a help, at least initially but over time their effect wore off and it was as if Helen was back to square one.

With Helen coming so late in her parents life Helen had always been an old fashioned girl, brought up to be a quiet obedient girl. She had brains but no push or desire, she just wanted a quiet life, to exist really. She wanted the challenges to be left to others. As to friends there was a neighbour Dawn who she went places with and on little holidays and she kept in those at work but really the truth was she was quite a lonely lady. There was family of course but really that came from her parents and they were dying off or becoming distant.

Financially her parents had left her comfortable and she was able to keep the house in good order but with their loss went so much of Helen's purpose and enjoyment in life which she had been unable to replace. She liked the telly of course and looked in most evenings as she ate her chocolates and sweets. That was unfortunate as she like her mother was a big lady. She tried to hide the huge bosom and the large bum with loose, rather drab clothing but she knew she got glances and they embarrassed her, she tried to ignore them and take no notice.

As to men, well she was just a 'plain old fashioned Jane' and nobody would be interested in her, especially with her large weighty figure. She was in her late 40s and had just rather given up on anything like that happening.

That evening Helen was sitting comfortably in front of the tv with her glass of wine and bag of crisps when he heard a noise at the door. it was as if it was being wrenched open but why, who was this? She got to her feet and went to check, curious, her mouth open, her heart beating fast. 'Why here, why is this happening to me, she thought?'
Just as Clyde had gotten the door ajar he saw a woman approaching causing fear to run through him. So, hurriedly he ran away reaching the stream that ran behind her property. Then he heard two cops on foot searching the neighborhood. Evidently his co-worker wasn’t able to identify who had robbed the other house as he hadn’t gotten a good enough look at the man from what he heard from the two officers. His heart was beating out of his chest.
Deciding that since he had already broken into the woman’s home he would be better off scurrying back there and holding out until the trouble passed. He just hoped she hadn’t had time to call the police yet and that the light rain would wash away his scent in case the police used dogs to track him.
He burst through her back door obviously startling her as she had just picked up the phone. Gently yet forcibly he grabbed the old-fashioned receiver from her hand and hung up the phone. Out of breath he calmly spoke as a cat wound around his feet, “Don’t worry, I mean no harm, I am just your friendly neighborhood burglar.”
Putting a finger over her lips he held her arm so she couldn’t run. It was then that he got a good look at her. Clyde had always been a fan of robust women and found himself sizing Helen up and wondered what her body was like under her frumpy clothing. She appeared to be soft in all of the right places. He was Already getting a bit aroused but was determined to keep his mind on the urgent task in front of him of staying out of jail, “Dear lady I need to hang out here for a while until things settle down. I hope you don’t mind the company or hiding me out.”
It was clear from his authoritarian tone that he expected that she whatever happened would not reveal his presence to anyone.
His words 'just a friendly neighbourhood burglar' made Helen inwardly chuckle. He had been a bit rough in snatching the phone away from her but at least something was happening and bringing excitement to her life. It didn't seem that he wanted to hurt her and when he put his finger to his lips it gave her a thought. She should be screaming and alerting the police but for some reason she didn't have the heart and she wanted to know more. She did not want to bring upset to the situation, she was curious as to how this would unfold.

Obviously she was frightened by the uncertainty and his masculinity. He was being so very definite and demanding, so much so that her heart was beating much faster than normal and she was breathing deeper. She knew she should take some of her pills, she didn't want one of her panic attacks, not here, not right now.

She got the words out 'what have you done, why are they after you like this?'. She just hoped that he hadn't harmed anybody and that he was not a murderer on the loose.

'I must get my pills, I must get to them or I'll be ill' she told him. 'Yes, stay, stay, whatever, stay of course yes. My pills, my pills' she said as she became a little frantic. She managed to free herself as he relaxed his hold and she went to the drawer and grabbed them, swallowing a couple before taking some water and sitting down in her armchair.

'I need to relax, I need to calm' she told him as her eyes closed. She just wanted some peace and quiet. 'Maybe they'll go soon' she murmured.
Walking over Clyde unplugged the phone from the wall jack and put it in his backpack. He would give it back when he left. He needed to know if there was an extension in another room but there would be time for that later as he had no immediate worries about this lady doing anything. His first job was to try and calm her down and reassure her.
At first, he did not respond to her as she seemed too upset to grasp the entirety of what was happening around her. He was concerned as she went for her pills and thought for a moment that he had picked the wrong house as he felt bad for her. He knelt in front of her chair and placed a hand on her knee. Softly he spoke, “I am so sorry if I upset you. I do not know how long you’ll have to put up with me. I assure you that you are in no danger. I have never hurt a soul unless you count a little rough play in the bedroom.”
He wished he hadn’t said that as it might frighten her even more, “Ignore that last part. My criminal activity is strictly limited to sneaking into folks homes and taking out a few valuables. Sometimes they do not even know they have been burglarized.” I guess that the police are out in force as I just finished robbing the house two doors down and someone saw me leave so they figure I am still in the area and they can track me down.”
Clyde got to his feet out of her personal space, “The way the police are around here I’ll be here for a few hours, so perhaps we should get to know one another. My name is Clyde and in my day job I’m a lawyer so you see I really cannot afford to be caught. By the way pretty lady do you think I could persuade you to give me a snack and soft drink, I’m famished.”
He knew that she wouldn’t believe that he thought she was pretty but for him it was the truth. He peaked out the curtains and saw a police cruiser go slowly by. Looking at her his mouth watered and for the first time a thought occurred to him that maybe he could persuade her clothes off but just as quickly dismissed that thought. Then another thought came rushing in – suppose she had a husband that might be on his way home, so many things running through his brain.
If Helen thought her life had been uneventful, today certainly brought change.

'Rough play in the bedroom, what did he exactly mean by that? Surely....' were her thoughts. It sent a cold shiver through her body but then she got it. He was joking about with her, not meaning anything.

Here was a burglar telling her that he was a lawyer and the police were after him. In his own way he was coming over as sort of charming and considerate. Well he was giving her more attention than a male usually did. In a weird sort of way she appreciated his company although her cats were still in hiding, just poking their heads out from their hiding places to see if they dare venture out for a step or two. 'Come on Daisy and Mischief' thought Helen, 'he'll not hurt you'. She only hoped she was right. She knew so little about men and particularly like this guy. She was not sure of anything right now.

Helen smiled. She was staying put in her chair but she did have enough about her to ask 'Is it right that you should be telling me all this about yourself? I mean wouldn't it help the police catch you if I tell them. Not that I would of course.. I was just saying'

By being interested and honest Helen was rather digging herself a hole and she hoped that she said enough and soon enough to get out of it.

'Hello, yes my name's Helen' she told him 'and yes of course I will make you some food and get you a drink of lemonade'. I normally have a cup of tea about now. Rather reluctantly and with a good bit of effort due to her heavy frame, Helen pushed herself up from the chair and made her way into the kitchen, her breast bobbling up and down underneath her smock.

Helen thought that at least they could be civil and friendly to each other whilst he was staying. Maybe if she gained his confidence she could help his capture and get recognition. She seemed a nice polite guy though, would she want that on her conscience? Would it be wrong to look to help him a bit, to even things up? After all there were loads of police and he was only one man.

The snack and drinks were soon made and Helen was back into the lounge with them for Clyde.

'Here we are love' she said. 'This is what you asked for. Sandwiches, tomatoes, a bit of pepper, a sausage roll, a bit of quiche and a yoghurt plus some lemonade'

'I hope you don't mind me watch you eat but I had my frozen fish and oven chips with peas earlier. There's not much encouragement to do anything fancy when there is only one of you.'

'Tell me where you come from, is it only you or do you have a partner or family?' she asked curious about his background.
He wasn’t sure why he told Helen his first name. He hoped that she would figure that it was an alias or if she told the police that they would conclude as well that he had made it up in honor of the infamous bank robber in the 1930’s in the United States part of the couple known as Bonnie and Clyde. He was, after all, named after him.
“I don’t know why I told you my name but it can be our secret,” he grinned at her. He was getting weird vibes from Helen as if she was not sure what to do about her intruder. He thought he saw her glance both toward the window and the front door.
He watched the sway of her big ass as she left to get him food. He couldn’t help himself and gave his cock a squeeze. The erotic site made his decision that he wasn’t leaving here until he fucked his hostess. Answering her, “I am divorced as my wife ran out on me with her girlfriend. It was just as well as she had lost a bit of weight and was too slim for my sexual appetite., I like bigger women.”
He hoped his answer would let Helen know what he thought of big beautiful ladies. Seeing the spread that she laid out before him,” My goodness you really did not need to go to all of this trouble, thanks.”
As he gobbled down the food he knew that there were still issues to deal with. First thing he had to do was to make it more difficult for her to flee. It was time to get serious and a little less friendly as his situation was very grim, “Take off your socks and shoes right now and hand them over to me. I mean this very second.”
This was just the beginning as he knew she could still run out in her bare feet but this would hold her until he finished his food. He took the items and tossed them behind the couch. He gulped when he saw her feet as they were rather beautiful. He knew she would likely freak out at his next demand that would allow him to appreciate her looks even more and get him ever closer to having his kind of fun with her. As he took another drink of the lemonade he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her feet and her massive tits. It was time to be all business. He used a napkin to wipe his face and adjusted his cock trying to get it to lay flat not caring if she noticed this move.
Helen could definitely sense a change of atmosphere in the room now they were past the polite introductory phase and Clyde was becoming more business-like by the minute. She guessed he had to be given his circumstances which were on a knife edge. She could sense that. She tried to reassure him

'Look Clyde you don't have me to worry about. I promise you that' she told him.

She knew that he had to take precautions nevertheless. They were not extreme and she felt that she had achieved something in that. He had not tied her up or gagged her or molested her. She didn't like having to remove her footwear, being told what to do in her own house. That was the beauty of being single, she could do what she wanted and she had got used to that

She noticed that he was increasingly making some suggestive comments about her body but she took that as an effort to please her. She digested them and they gave her a sort of warm glow. That somebody could like a body like hers. She had learnt from the internet that guys did like big ladies but that was surely only the perverts and weirdos that she connected witth from time to time. Not guys going to work and having a normal lifestyle with wife and children.

Her mind went back to when she was young and went on a caravan holiday her parents and their friends who had a son with them. It got so boring but it drew the son and her together. One day he trapped her in the caravan whilst both sets of parents were out at the shops. He had apologised after and she had never told. She felt this could become something like that but in later life. It reassured her and gave her strength. She had got through that and it was something for her to look back on, the same as this.
While Helen took the dishes away Clyde moved around the home closing all of the curtains and shades except, for the moment, the ones in her bedroom while keeping an eye on her the entire time. He saw her cell phone sitting out on the counter and quickly shoved it into his bag.
Coming up behind her and trapping her between himself and the counter he placed his hands on her shoulders with his erection evident against her posterior and spoke calmly but firmly, “From this moment on I am in charge; you will do what I say and do it when I say to do it. You will have absolutely no privacy. Your body will be visible to me at all times.”
Clyde had already suspected that she wasn’t wearing abra but this fact was confirmed when he placed his hands on her feeling no bra strap. He hadn’t seen another land-line phone in any of the other rooms but figured a single lady would surely have a phone by her bed. For a brief second he pressed himself against her backside then he backed off letting her free.
He gave her ass a light swat, “Now, let’s go to your bedroom and take care of a couple of things in there.”
When she entered her room he stood in the doorway and took a deep breath, “Now you will do three things quickly. First close the curtains, secondly hand me the phone so I can put it with the other one. Third, take off your clothes. I don’t want to risk any possibility of you running away. You may stay in your bra and panties if you wish for now. Hopefully, I won’t have to take more extreme measures than this.”
He was salivating at the idea of seeing her nearly nude body while hoping she would do as he had demanded.
Again his words with focus on her body. She was nothing special, she knew that. She was now big and plain. That had not always been the situation of course but she had let herself go and whilst she had curves, big round curves, there was fat everywhere. She was simply totally embarrassed. Why was this guy trying to humiliate her like this. Surely he would understand, she was a private woman and wanted to remain private. Tears came to her eyes.

'Please Clyde, don't make me do this. I don't like it, don't want to do it. You don't need to make be do this'

She had felt his hard cock of course. It came as a surprise but she knew what this was, she understood it. The feeling of control he had over her, the total control was making him sexually excited. It was not her as a person, that did not happen, she knew men. He wanted to dominate, humiliate and use her. At first he had seemed a good guy but now he was showing his true colours. She had been a fool to think like she had, that he was a decent guy and that she wouldn't tell on him. That had been just stupid. She would have to think of a way out of this but she knew that for now she had to comply, make things as easy for herself as she could and work out a plan and then take her chance.

He was assaulting her now, rubbing his cock against her, swatting her bum. How worse would it get?

Helen said nothing as he made his requests. She just looked on him with a measure of disgust. She was good at that, that was her way of dealing with much what she met in life. She closed the curtains and handed over the phone before telling him

'turn your back then, I'm not undressing in front of you unless you do that. Yes turn your back but if you are really so desperate you can probably peak using the mirror just over there in front of you'

Yes Helen treated him exactly as she should. He was a burglar assaulting her and making unreasonable demands.

In a way Helen couldn't care too much and an observer might even have suggested she went out of the way to ensure he could see to make him happy. She felt awful as the clothes came off and she looked at her flesh. She needed a bra so she reached into her lingerie drawer and pulled out one coloured in black and with floral patterns. She wanted to look the best she could however sick to the stomach she felt She was not giving everything up to him, she had some pride. She reached for her gown and put it over her shoulders but let it hang loosely so he still had some view of her boobs, bra and panties.

'I'm going to have this on, my gown. I won't do it up but I must have it on. Just accept that Clyde. You have no alternative, what are you going to do, rip it off me, give me a heart attack and go on trial for murder? You don't want that do you?'

Clyde seemed an intelligent, if stupid man. Surely he didn't want to have her death on his hands, not with her dressed like this. With a gown she felt at least her body had some privacy and he was not removing that from her.
Hundreds of thoughts swirled through Clyde’s head the primary one was that he was not cut out to be a burglar much less hold a woman against her will. But, the seeds had been planted and now he had to see how they would grow. He wasn’t a monster but felt like one when he saw the tears fall down her face. He took the phone from her and put it with everything else and sat his bag by the bedroom door.
“I’m really not trying to humiliate you just wanting to make sure of my safety. The only other thing I could think of was to tie you up and that seemed even worse. At least, this way you are free to move around your place. Yes, I’ll turn my back for you,” he sighed not believing the mess he had gotten them both into.
Of course, he watched her through the mirror but tried not to make it obvious. He was surprised at her panties as he had expected baggy granny panties but instead she had on a pair of cotton bikini underwear that perfectly accented her assets. He gulp audibly when he caught a glimpse of her boobs and loved the bra that she selected.
“If it makes you a bit more comfortable leave the gown on for now. You have no worries I could never murder anyone.” Clyde slowly walked over to Helen trying not to be threatening. At the same time he did nothing to hide the fact that he was excited sexually He placed his hands on her waist and looked her in the eyes.
“I’m sorry if you’re frightened, sorry we met like this,” he pulled her into his arms as if to comfort her.
“You’re not going to buy what I’m about to say but it is the truth. I think that you are fucking sexy, I love a full-figured lady. Your backside is wonderful and your breast are to die for. I could go on and on about other attributes such as your thighs or feet,” he told Helen as he caressed her back as if to soothe her some more.
He couldn’t help himself as his hands slid down to her ass.
“I know you don’t believe me. Maybe I should prove how attractive I find you. I could not care less about robbing you anymore. Give me your hand and I’ll show you how hard I’m for you,” he took her hand and started to move it assertively to his erection while his other hand gave her butt cheek a squeeze. He figure she would try and pull away. He did nothing to remove her gown but kept a firm grip on her ass but She could still get away if she really tried. Clyde tried to pull her closer. He never had wanted a woman this much in his life the cops could come in right now and he wouldn’t even notice them until the handcuffs were on.
Helen just wanted a nice quiet night in with her pussies, watching TV and eating sweets. First there were the burglar who seemed a decent guy, then came a change of approach with his demands and now he had virtually broken down and was saying he was in love with her body and would do anything for it. Just what was she meant to make of it? She didn't push him away, she didn't want to upset him for she feared what would come next if she did. Guys never hit on her like this not at all and she quite liked it. Well he was erect so she was doing something for him.

Looking back at her time it had all gone wrong with the young man in the caravan. Her breasts were full and firm but of course still growing He wanted a feel but she was very self-conscious of them and pushed him away. Horseplay followed and he ended up on top of her and they were both happy snogging. Her legs were naturally apart and what followed seemed over in seconds. It just happened, he reached down, fumbled and she felt discomfort. It was only a few thrusts before the sperm arrived. After she thought he must have been a virgin and she was petrified of becoming pregnant. She never told anybody but the one thing it taught her was that men were not to be trusted. She never again trusted them.

The internet made things easier. She didn't need to meet physically and build a relationship. It was not often mind, a couple of times a year maybe. She liked the marrieds, she reckoned she was safe with them. It was just a cup of coffee then the room. She was happy to suck, well a married guy would be careful she thought but then it was a condom for sex, usually from behind but older guys liked her to ride. Most times it was two condoms but occasionally three if they were keen. It was cold though and she didn't get the impression they fancied her, it was just sex. She never went for repeat visits.

This guy Clyde seemed different. At least he was complimenting her in a way that she believed it. She knew what he wanted. It was what all men wanted!! She didn't show a lot of emotion, that was not what she had been used to.

'I'll need to get these off' she said as she reached down to her panties and slipped them down over her thighs to her feet. She stepped out of them and lay back on the bed pushing her pussy forward to the very edge. She put her fingers to her mouth and licked them. As she opened her thighs the display of her hairy triangle become the beauty of a mature lady's open cunt. She put her hand down and rubbed her clit.

'I'm yours if you want to do it' she told him
This evening had taken quite a turn. Clyde was in shock when Helen sprawled out on her bed as he never expected her to give in so easily to what they both knew he wanted. He picked up the discarded undies and brought them to his nose giving them a quick sniff before tossing them on the bed, “If you taste half as good as these smell I’ll be in heaven.”
He went back to his bag and dug around and finally found a few condoms that he had seen laying around in one of the homes he had burglarized and placed them on Helen’s nightstand. “Oh damn, you’ve done it now; there is no turning back! You’re not likely to stop me from doing anything I wish with you. Now, roll over show me that hot ass,” he was trying to maintain his composure but the stress of his excitement could be clearly heard in his voice.
As soon as Helen was on her stomach Clyde unfastened her bra as he got to his knees behind her. He was determined to have her every way possible before the cops came. Maybe some hot sex would convince her to give him an alibi, but he wasn’t very worried about that now. For several moments he just stared at her big rear end before planting kisses all over her rump working toward her crack as his hands caressed her furry mound while also paying some mind to her tummy and tits, “Fucking fantastic!”.
It was difficult to remove his clothing while burying his face deep into her ass but soon he was totally naked and moaning in pleasureHe wildly tongue fucked her ass hole but it didn’t take long for the smell of pussy honey to fill his nostrils. However, his knees wre hurting so he climbed on the bed and pulled her pussy to his face with his cock directly in front of her face. He worked his mouth through her forest of pubic hair until he reached her sweet spot.
Of course Clyde and nobody else for that matter, she hoped, knew of her little secret. That from time to time she went and had sex with strange men, usually in a cheap hotel room. It helped satisfy a need for her. After of course she felt disgust at herself that she had given in to her urges and got herself fucked. She had a conscience and just hoped that she would be forgiven. She was not hurting anybody and hopefully giving some pleasure to the guys who rammed her. What of course she was not seeing was how it actually lowered her self-esteem and made it even more difficult for her to find a good man. Perhaps though she just could not but give in to her sexual impulses.

If only others did know. Her work friends or neighbours, her family. Wouldn’t they just have disgust and pity for her? Was she not just ruining her own life?

Thus Helen felt of little worth as a person and had no wish to fight Clyde. Of course he was surprised but some people are not as they seem and Helen certainly was one such person. If truth be told Clyde was being more attentive and pleasant than the guys she normally met up with and she saw no harm in playing along with him. She had no expectations though. Once he had finished with her body and felt safe he would be off, she knew that.

Helen was passive and submitted to Clyde. He seemed to fuss with her anus though and it gave her feelings that were unusual. So much so that she flooded her pussy when her body gave a little shudder from her first orgasmic arousal. Yes he was good and she swallowed hard after she had given her usual long sigh which rather matched the movement of the guy’s delicate tongue in her bottom.

As her eyes opened his erection was there and before her very face. At first she just used her tongue and licked a little, the head and the length. She was thinking before she spoke the words

‘ok then’ and his penis disappeared deep into her mouth.

She would practise her oral skills on him. She had been reluctant with others but maybe now with him she would grow to enjoy it.
A soft moan escaped from Clyde the moment Helen touched his throbbing cock. He had not expected her to return the pleasure so soon if at all. He pulled back from her pussy as Helen sucked him into her masterful mouth to get a good look at her and run his hands over her supple skin. Her thighs were very large yet muscular and the skin was baby soft. Her stomach, to him, was very sexy as it was very meaty and punctuated by a deep innie belly button. But,her perfection lay in her pussy. She had one of the thickest neatly trimmed forests of pubic hair he had ever seen . He ran his fingers through the hair before getting a better look at her glistening pussy that was leaking copious amounts of honey.
Her nether lips were large and protruding in invitation while her clit was erect and every bit as large as his thumb at the moment.
“Fuck, roll on top of me,” he demanded. Clyde love to feel the full weight of his partner on top of him while in 69, the bigger the woman the better. After helping her to get in position he began by teasing her licking just below her pussy gathering up some of the juice that had ran down her leg. He also liked this position as it allowed Helen to use her own imagination and tricks on his cock and balls.
The teasing did not last long as Clyde was soon voraciously licking up and down her outer lips while his hands were being kept busy on her tits and ass. Her juices were dripping down his chin as he started to tongue-fuck her pussy before doing what he knew she really wanted by sucking, licking nibbling and biting her clit. His hips rose up uncontrollably as she ministered to his stiff rod.
'Just what is happening?' thought Helen as she felt Clyde in her nether regions. No man had ever done this to her before and she had never felt like this. It was as if, well yes she was. She was being encouraged to suck the guy's penis as waves of pleasure swept through her body. Is this what she has been missing out on, is this what lovers do to each other? She had never thought of sex like this, two people using their mouths to stimulate and give pleasure. For her sex had been all about a cock thrust into her vagina, this was so very different. And yet she was giving herself to a criminal this way, someone on the run, a danger and menace to the public. There again though what should she care, the public had never done much for her in her life, why shouldn't she have a bit of fun in her life?

She had been given responsibility by the guy. Yes his cock. He had trusted her to treat it right and not to bite it or maim him and he seemed to be enjoying it. He had become harder, stiff as a post. It didn't just have to be his cock though did it? So she started licking his balls and then teasing them with her fingers and then touching down behind. She didn't go too far, not yet, that was not a place for her. She closed her eyes and put him in her mouth again and started to suck. Up and down, up and down as she felt she should. He seemed hungry, the way he was sucking and licking her and to give him his due he was all action. She wondered when her would get bored and want more. In a peculiar way she wanted him to want more. She wanted to see and feel his desire. This guy was full of lust, where had he been all her life?
“Fuck…suck my cock…amazing…yes, play with them balls,” Clyde gruntedas Helen got busier on his shaft. He loved the feel of her hot heavy body on top of him. All of these sensations only served to encourage him to pleasure this stranger’s pussy even more. As he licked and play with her clit he began to finger her tight pussy. The result was what he hoped it would be as her thighs clamped around his head like a vice.
Gently he caressed her back with his free hand before reaching between them and giving her boob a hard squeeze and pinching her stiff nipple. He could feel tremors coming from Helen’s body as his balls tightened. He wanted his first load to go into her mouth so he pushed on her head to hold her in place as the eruption of sticky goo blew out of his cock.
Unceremoniously he rolled her off of him and moved over to grab a condom quickly ripping open the package and rolling it on his member. It was then that he noticed that his new position put her feet right in front of his face. So, while he recovered for the next few seconds he grabbed both feet and made love to them, nearly orgasming at the aroma and taste before pausing to make his demand.
“Lady, I am going to fuck you right now! I’m going to fuck you so damn hard! There is no avoiding it, I will not take no for an answer, your pussy is mine! However, I’ll let you choose the position. So, what’ll it be? Don’t make me wait, it’s time to fuck,” he grunted now recovered from cumming in Helen’s mouth. His hands roughly teased her breasts for the couple of moments it took Helen to answer.
It came as a shock to Helen. One moment she was sucking his cock and then hands went to her head and spunk was being pumped into her mouth. It first hit her throat, just once or twice but from then on he was just releasing spunk to increase the quantity of his sperm that was in her mouth. She kept sucking him, as she thought that that was the thing to do but then what came next?. She just looked at him and let the thick white liquid dribble out of her mouth onto her chin and down onto her boobs. She moved her tongue around her mouth to collect his offering and pushed it to follow the rest down her body. She gave a swallow with a smile to finish but his spunk was there for him to see. She thought her face and chest were a mess and she knew she had been rather haphazard about but he had seemed to like it. At least it was natural she thought.

Helen was quite passive and said very little as the sex took place. She was still trying to figure it all out in her brain. The guy was certainly attentive and the best she had had so she was really quite beginning to like it. She wasn't going to stop his fun but he had to earn her trust and respect. For now he was simply a burglar who was raping her and she would not hear that it was anything else. She convinced herself of that as she got on all fours and made herself ready. She guessed that this is the position he would want so already, although she didn't realise it herself, she was wanting to please him. This was how guys had liked to fuck her in hotels and it meant that she didn't have to look at them or kiss them. She could close her eyes and concentrate on the feeling that a cock gave her. She would do this with Clyde.
It came as a shock to Helen. One moment she was sucking his cock and then hands went to her head and spunk was being pumped into her mouth. It first hit her throat, just once or twice but from then on he was just releasing spunk to increase the quantity of his sperm that was in her mouth. She kept sucking him, as she thought that that was the thing to do but then what came next?. She just looked at him and let the thick white liquid dribble out of her mouth onto her chin and down onto her boobs. She moved her tongue around her mouth to collect his offering and pushed it to follow the rest down her body. She gave a swallow with a smile to finish but his spunk was there for him to see. She thought her face and chest were a mess and she knew she had been rather haphazard about but he had seemed to like it. At least it was natural she thought.

Helen was quite passive and said very little as the sex took place. She was still trying to figure it all out in her brain. The guy was certainly attentive and the best she had had so she was really quite beginning to like it. She wasn't going to stop his fun but he had to earn her trust and respect. For now he was simply a burglar who was raping her and she would not hear that it was anything else. She convinced herself of that as she got on all fours and made herself ready. She guessed that this is the position he would want so already, although she didn't realise it herself, she was wanting to please him. This was how guys had liked to fuck her in hotels and it meant that she didn't have to look at them or kiss them. She could close her eyes and concentrate on the feeling that a cock gave her. She would do this with Clyde.
You write so well. Very erotic.
At some point Clyde knew he had to tone things down and make Helen care about what happened to him and even give him an alibi. But right now lust filled every cell of his body for this woman who he never met before this only having seen her around the neighborhood previously. She was quite the sight to behold on her hands and knees with his spunk dripping from her chest. He ran a finger across her breast and scooped up a dollop of his juice and gave it a taste concluding that it tasted good but not nearly as fantastic as Helen’s honey. Her ass cheeks parted as she got into position revealing her winking starfish along with her glistening pussy.

“You’ve got the sexiest fucking ass I’ve ever seen and that is no bullshit! Your rosebud is calling out to be fucked,” he was purring as he ran his finger around her anal ring. However, he was not going to assault her unlubricated ass hole, at least, not now and maybe never. He did not wish to hurt her so he climbed carefully behind her and positioned his cock at her entrance.

Slowly he entered her feeling her vaginal walls clamp against his cock. It took several partial strokes until he was buried inside of her womanhood. He paused for a moment to allow both of them to acclimate to one another. After just a couple of full strokes he started pounding her hard.His hips slammed full force into her depths. He signaled to her to rest her shoulders on the mattress so that, if she wished, she could frig her clit. Meanwhile, his hands were all over her body squeezing and fondling her ass and boobs along with stabbing his finger into her bowels, “Yes, fuck me!”

He hoped that she was beginning to relax a bit and was beginning to enjoy it as his heart was starting to melt for this single lady.
Helen had never heard such language like Clyde's, not in real life. The guys she met in motels were usually shy nerdy types where little was said and she just got fucked. She had hand picked them. This Clyde was different, he was so outgoing and seemingly quite perverted, not the type of man she would in any way fantasise about. And yet he lightened the atmosphere and told her what he was thinking. He was very open and wore his heart on his sleeve. For now she just did not know how to respond or join in the conversation. Not when the subject was sex which had very much been a taboo in her life. Something she had craved for and thought was dirty, so she had keep it hidden and furtive

She did though start giving him a few 'thank yous' and she began to smile and hopefully move more freely into position. She could tell he was confident and taking care. It also seemed that he was thinking of her. She breathed in hard as he pushed into her. She gave a little sigh all the while his cock moved up further inside her. It had been a while since she had taken cock and ages since there had been any of his size, if there indeed had ever been. She couldn't think of anybody but knew she had a big body and thought it would cope. She saw the fuck as a challenge, something to get through, something remarkable which she would never forget. She knew it had to happen and was going to do her best to make it work for both of them.

Having his cock inside her brought some expression. The shackles were lifted a little as she told him

'yes that's ok, that feels ok' she said to reassure him and then it happened........... He began to ram her. She felt she knew what she had to do. Stay still for a while, moan as his cock hit the base of her pussy and tell him how good it felt. The first two were easy and the last one followed as her pussy juiced and her muscles relaxed to give his cock a comfortable journey inside her body. It was a fast journey as is often the way of things when a guy first fucks a lady from behind. Helen took that as a compliment and did get to feel herself, with her eyes closed. She largely kept her feelings to herself. Yes she was a quiet one for Clyde but maybe that would change if he was happy with what he was taking and wanted her again. Helen well knew that guy's said things which they might of meant at the time but never came to fruition.

If she was being honest Helen knew that she liked this and would want more. Her body did not lie and gave Clyde all the 'fuck me' signs with her hand so vigorous on her clit once Clyde got in his rhythm and she was comfortable. She was getting the kind of fuck she had always dreamed of and had been searching for all this years.

'fuck me, oh yes fuck me, please don't stop Clyde'.

Yes it seemed that Clyde had won her over.
Apparently Clyde had forgotten all about why he was in this strange woman’s home as his only thoughts were of the sexy ass before him and the heat of the pussy surrounding his cock. It seemed that Helen was getting into the hard fucking she was receiving . He was pretty sure that she was sincere when she called out to him to keep fucking her. She was really into frigging herself and her hips seemed to come up to meet his thrusts. Sweat was now pouring from every pore of his body.
They both were close to cumming as Helen’s juices were running down her thighs and coating his balls. After a couple more hard strokes he exploded deep into her womb. Pulling out he allowed his partner to collapse to the bed wiping his cock off on her butt cheeks. More insatiable than he had ever been Clyde spread Helen’s legs and took da helping of her cream pie. His face was totally covered in their combined discharges as he buried himself deep into her womanhood. Suddenly, the outside world came back into focus as he could hear a commotion just outside her bedroom window. It was a police officer and she was approaching Helen’s door. There was no doubt that Helen was home as her lights were on and their noisy lovemaking could likely be heard through the glass.
“Hurry, throw a sexy nightie on and answer the door, I’ll be right behind you. It is up to you whether you turn me in or tell them that I’ve been here all evening. It’s up to you,” he hoped that she would see things his way. Her alibi would be believable as he did nothing to wipe the cream from his face and they both wreaked of the smell of sex. Clyde only pulled on his underwear as Helen found something to pull over her head. Just then, as anticipated, the doorbell rang. They were both still breathing a bit heavy from there encounter when Helen made it to the door. Clyde was standing a step behind her in full view, cock tenting his pants, caressing her ass softly in a totally non-possessive and non-threatening way. The next move was up to her and he honestly did not know which way it would go but was hopeful. He slid a finger down her ass crack as she reached for the door knob, “That was wonderful and was worth it whatever happens.”
This was different, it felt more natural than what she was occasionally used to and the guy seemed genuine. As soon as his body convulsed and his cum shot into her, she came, her own body in orgasmic delight.

Helen was rather ashamed of her large size and looks but Clyde seemed to enjoy that about her. This was really unheard of and not what she had found with guys so far. Once they had seen her in the flesh they had been rather disrespectful and uncomfortable with it. They had been happy enough to fuck her but that was all there was. Clyde was the first guy to really appreciate her size since that young lad back in the caravan. He had loved her teenage tits and fucked her little hairy virgin cunt but since then she had been without real pleasure. She had been seeking it until now, when it had been thrust upon her by this burglar Clyde.

Of course she had a decision to make. Should she act in the public interest and turn him in or should she look after herself and take a chance on him. She felt she had no choice in that she was being charmed and being valued sexually. Surely every woman wishes for that and what Clyde was giving her.

Helen didn't really need to act. She was naturally embarrassed as she went to the door and her body language was impressive. It should have been quite clear to the police that they had interrupted a lady that had been having sex. She could see them looking her up and down and smirking. She certainly took their mind off the job and their thoughts were towards her and her body rather than on the guy they were looking for.

'No I have not seen any stranger and I was just........ with my partner'

She couldn't say the ways, 'having sex' and to have a partner had been her dearest secret wish for many years. She thought she had missed out and was content with her lot.

The police comments of 'sorry to have interrupted you' and 'we'll leave you to it' were said with some kindness but also some edge. Once she had closed the door she heard clear laughter from them.

Her decision made Helen turned to Clyde and said 'it was good but you'll have to give me a bit of time. Would you like a cup of tea?'

For Helen it had been far better than good but she was not going to tell Clyde that. Not just yet. She wanted to keep control of her emotions and not get hurt. She smiled at him and walked into the kitchen very content she perhaps had a man with whom she could develop a relationship.
Replying and pausing to give Helen a hug, “It was great for me too! Yes a cup of tea would be lovely, and thank you for what you just did.”
Clyde knew his troubles were not over yet as he had a lot of clients that thought they had gotten away with a crime only to be arrested several months or even years later. While Helen fixed the tea he retrieved his bag and took Helen’s phones and placed them on the table. Then grabbing a kitchen towel he wiped the remaining articles free of any finger prints before placing them back into the bag. He would return the items to the front porches of the two home that had contents in the bag later, a sort of reverse robbery. That way if he were caught it would lessen some of the charges. He already had snuck back the coin he had stolen that started all of this for him. When he returned the coin it was almost as big of a challenge as the original theft had been.
“Thank you,” he said sitting in the easy chair as he took the tea from her. He patted his lap indicating for her to sit on it. With her breasts practically in his face Clyde chugged the tea in one big gulp. He ran his hand over her stomach and up to her tits and played with the massively sexy orbs, tweaking the nipples and cupping and caressing them. As he did this he kissed up her arm until he reached her shoulder and neck kissing and biting her all over the area. He wasn’t in a hurry as she had said that she needed recovery time but wanted to make it clear that they were not finished yet, “That was wonderful what you did with the cops. I surely need to repay you, besides I am so damn hot for you. I know that I can cum just by fucking your feet with my mouth, they are so sexy. But, the rest of you is much sexier than your hot feet. I want to fuck and suck every inch of your body! Let’s see how many times you can cum before we both totally collapse!”
Clyde pulled her gown off over her head and gasped at once again seeing her in the nude. Burying his face in her cleavage. “Fucking amazing, this is the sexiest evening of my entire life.” It was a statement that he one hundred percent meant.
'Before you get too excited I think you should know something about me Clyde, what you seemingly want to get into. When I was young I was molested in a caravan by the son of my parents' friends. He pushed my skirt up and raped me. It happened so quickly and it was my first time. I was terrified of getting pregnant but I never told. Since then I have never felt able to trust guys in a relationship. I've become a bit of a recluse here with my couple of nice cats. I do work but it is a nice quiet job in a cashiers office where I can just do my job and come on home.'

'Many years ago I dated a few guys but now I have got so big with comfort eating and all that, I seem to attract nobody. I use the internet and meet guys from time to time and get a fuck in a cheap motel but that is it in a nutshell. Do you really want anything to do with me? I mean that is pretty perverted and desperate of me isn't it?

'Your lifestyle is so exciting, being a lawyer and a burglar. That must give you loads of fun and an adrenaline rush but me, what can I give you?'

'Sure you can stay and sleep with me, it will be about the nicest thing that has happened to me for ages and then I know, you'll have to be off. But at least you will have given me something Clyde, a bit of excitement in my dull life. I will never forget you'

Helen had no illusions of what was likely to happen here and she wanted to explain that to Clyde. She was going into this with open eyes. Of course her dream was for Clyde to become a friend, that would mean more than anything but there were hurdles to overcome for that to happen and she was not expecting it. She was not going to be disappointed. She was going to make sure that she enjoyed her time now with Clyde, what happened later was for then.