Letting friends get involved

That is pretty much my exact situation..it’s fun when I catch them looking and they have a scared look in their eyes…like “uhh ohh” but I just smile and nod like go ahead buddy…look allll you want
My buddies usually gawk or glance when they don't think they'll be caught but I've seen them threw out kitchen window which faces the backyard so I see them haaaaa!?!?

I don't mind and I " get it " why they're looking. I even enjoy it even more when my wife shows off more than she usually does. One time at a neighbor's BBQ she was playing with a 2 year old in the backyard and she was not at all careful despite her in a sexy sundress. The fellas all had their eyes glued on her as she played with the adorable girl and I swear they and I saw a lot of my wife's cute but sexy panties. My wife was clueless that she was giving us all a nice show!!
My buddies usually gawk or glance when they don't think they'll be caught
We have some friends, and she's just WOW. She knows tits are my thing, and she's stacked with very heavy set of pendulous tits. Early on I even jokingly apologized to her that they are my thing, so if she catches me looking I don't mean anything disrespectful, lol. She followed suit by plopping them on the table, quite often afterwords when we're all together.

So yeah, I gawk. I'd never touch without permission, all women deserve that respect. But there's no harm in looking.
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the idea of sharing my wife
I always find that such an odd and somewhat deluded phrase implying ownership or control. In my observation by the time a marriage opens up it is not the husband in control at all. For those who act like they do usually end up single, the final verdict proving that point.

In my relationships that extended to threesomes and moresomes it was always with friends except a couple of club encounters. Some were one off occasions and others repeat, though never with expectations. I never believed it impacted on the friendships going forward at all. The occasions were always spontaneous, just the nature of flirty personalities and having friends who were similar.

On the flip side I was always turned off being pursued by swingers. Being treated like prey is something I find creepy. I prefer the emotional connection of friends. I want to know and like someone before I have sex with them became more important beyond my 20s, with the reward greatly higher for all.
Ash and I got involved wayback when there was a bunch of us living together in a house. One roommate would be involved with someone but then also slept with another roommate etc. It sometimes became an awkward situation ending up some move out etc. Nowadays I am more of the side of a friend since Ash engaged.
I always find that such an odd and somewhat deluded phrase implying ownership or control. In my observation by the time a marriage opens up it is not the husband in control at all. For those who act like they do usually end up single, the final verdict proving that point.

I completely agree with you. For the longest time, I would avoid using that phrase for exactly the reason that you mentioned. The fact of the matter is, it has never been a situation in which I am handing my wife over to somebody and I am the one dictating who she is going to spend time with. Quite the opposite. She's always been the one who seeks out her dates. She's the one who communicates with them. She's the one who spends time with them. I am just a happy bystander. I was always adamant that the phrase, sharing my wife, just didn't make sense and like you said, pointed me feeling like I owned her in some way.

But my perspective changed once I had someone explain it to me in a different way. The phrase is not intended in a manner that exerts control. It's more referring to agreeably sharing the intimacy that ordinarily is only kept within the confines of the couple. When I looked at it from that perspective, I could see how the phrase could make sense. That being said, I'll admit that over the years I've fallen victim to simply getting used to that being the way that a lot of husbands express themselves when it comes to their partners being intimate with other men. After seeing the phrase so much, it does slip from time to time but in my case, it's not at all intended to make it seem like I'm controlling everything because in reality, I'm controlling nothing.
When my wife and I first got into the lifestyle, we both agreed that we would keep friends out of it. At some point though, the idea of sharing my wife with someone close to me became extremely enticing. I began talking to my wife about the fantasy, and after a series of events, she made it into a reality. They only had a handful of encounters and it hasn't happened in a couple of years, but just knowing that my friend has enjoyed my wife continues to be a huge turn on. Luckily, friendships remained intact and there's no awkwardness or anything like that. We have no plans to expand to other friends either.

I'm just curious, for those of you in non-monogamous relationships, what's your stands on including friends. Do you find it as exciting and alluring as I did or is that something completely off the table for you? Any of you out there with bad experiences as a result of getting friends involved?
honestly, I thought the ONLY way I'd have sex with a man other than my husband was if he was a complete and total stranger and I'd never have to see him again -- but when we pulled the trigger it ended up being with a mutual friend, but not someone we regularly hung out with. I figured it would be one and done but honestly I couldn't get enough of the guy at first. I was loving the sex and it was more comfortable because I was fucking someone we both knew and was no threat to my marriage.
My buddies usually gawk or glance when they don't think they'll be caught but I've seen them threw out kitchen window which faces the backyard so I see them haaaaa!?!?

I don't mind and I " get it " why they're looking. I even enjoy it even more when my wife shows off more than she usually does. One time at a neighbor's BBQ she was playing with a 2 year old in the backyard and she was not at all careful despite her in a sexy sundress. The fellas all had their eyes glued on her as she played with the adorable girl and I swear they and I saw a lot of my wife's cute but sexy panties. My wife was clueless that she was giving us all a nice show!!
I definitely notice my husband's friends checking me out more since we started our adventures. I tend to wear more that shows off my cleavage and my ass and legs when they are around.
Personally, knowing just how great of fuck my wife is a reason to let a friend or relative have sex with her, although it’s never happened.

Back (when we first started dating) she almost fucked her best friend’s boyfriend. We stayed the night in a hotel (with a separate bedroom) and my girlfriend ended up in the bedroom with the other guy. Her friend came out to me and told me that my girlfriend wanted to “try out” her boyfriend’s big cock.

He was not on board so the only thing she got out of it was being able to blow him til he came in her mouth. Nothing else ever happened, but at that point both of them found out that I was willing to share her.

Since then she has only fucked two different guys (since we’ve been married), but never a friend or relative. She’s said that she doesn’t want anyone we know to find out.

Although I’m pretty sure both of her brother in laws know because her and her sisters are very close and tell each other everything. I’m sure that she shared (with her sisters) that I like watching her with other men, or that I keep bugging her to fuck another guy, or that she actually fucked those two guys. I think this because she’s told me that they share everything and she even knows that one of her BILs has a huge cock and the other is the same size as me.

I sometimes fantasize that she fucked my old boss or what it would be like if a friend/relative had actually fucked her without my knowledge. I’m pretty sure that any of them would fuck her in a heartbeat, give the opportunity!

I mean, who wouldn’t?

Personally, knowing just how great of fuck my wife is a reason to let a friend or relative have sex with her, although it’s never happened.

Back (when we first started dating) she almost fucked her best friend’s boyfriend. We stayed the night in a hotel (with a separate bedroom) and my girlfriend ended up in the bedroom with the other guy. Her friend came out to me and told me that my girlfriend wanted to “try out” her boyfriend’s big cock.

He was not on board so the only thing she got out of it was being able to blow him til he came in her mouth. Nothing else ever happened, but at that point both of them found out that I was willing to share her.

Since then she has only fucked two different guys (since we’ve been married), but never a friend or relative. She’s said that she doesn’t want anyone we know to find out.

Although I’m pretty sure both of her brother in laws know because her and her sisters are very close and tell each other everything. I’m sure that she shared (with her sisters) that I like watching her with other men, or that I keep bugging her to fuck another guy, or that she actually fucked those two guys. I think this because she’s told me that they share everything and she even knows that one of her BILs has a huge cock and the other is the same size as me.

I sometimes fantasize that she fucked my old boss or what it would be like if a friend/relative had actually fucked her without my knowledge. I’m pretty sure that any of them would fuck her in a heartbeat, give the opportunity!

I mean, who wouldn’t?

I'd be more than happy with her giving me a BJ
I have explained elsewhere why I felt our relationship was solid enough to allow my wife to have sex with others after we had been married a while. She had demonstrated in college that sex could be just a fun event with no romantic or emotional attachment. One of the conditions was that she could not have sex within our circle of friends. She obeyed that restriction even though one friend tried to fuck her. We did allow one exception. She did have sex with one of her and her brother's friends from college. She had sex with him in college, so it wasn't the first time. It was a special situation, and we are glad that it happened. We are also glad she did not have sex with any of our other friends.
How did it come about for her to be with the brother’s friend later in life.
Did she enjoy? Did you enjoy it?
Is there a story written about this?
How did it come about for her to be with the brother’s friend later in life.
Did she enjoy? Did you enjoy it?
Is there a story written about this?
The friend (I will call him "Bill.") was a close friend of Lynn and her brother in college. He was from out of state and spent a lot of weekends with their family rather than go home. As I mentioned, Lynn had sex with him one time in college, but they never really dated. Bill was an Army officer and was wounded when an IED or land mine blew up his vehicle, killing the driver. His wounds were mostly below his waist and were serious enough to get him discharged from the Army. Lynn's family invited him to live in their family lake house while he recovered. So we saw him any time we went to the lake. One day, Lynn's brother asked Bill if he could have sex. He said he didn't know because he was a bit uneasy about trying. So her brother said, "Why don't you take Lynn up to the cottage and see how things work." Bill hesitated, and we all looked at Lynn, who was sunbathing in her bikini, listening to our conversation. She said, "It's okay with me." I said, "It's not like the first time you've fucked her, so go ahead." Bill and Lynn went up to the cottage, and Bill's equipment worked fine. I stayed on the dock since I knew Lynn didn't want me to watch, but her brother watched all the action. I could hear what was going on, since Lynn tends to get loud. I did enjoy it. They never had sex with each other again.
She let her brother watch, but not you?
Was it a good experience for Lynn? …you? …her brother?
The friend (I will call him "Bill.") was a close friend of Lynn and her brother in college. He was from out of state and spent a lot of weekends with their family rather than go home. As I mentioned, Lynn had sex with him one time in college, but they never really dated. Bill was an Army officer and was wounded when an IED or land mine blew up his vehicle, killing the driver. His wounds were mostly below his waist and were serious enough to get him discharged from the Army. Lynn's family invited him to live in their family lake house while he recovered. So we saw him any time we went to the lake. One day, Lynn's brother asked Bill if he could have sex. He said he didn't know because he was a bit uneasy about trying. So her brother said, "Why don't you take Lynn up to the cottage and see how things work." Bill hesitated, and we all looked at Lynn, who was sunbathing in her bikini, listening to our conversation. She said, "It's okay with me." I said, "It's not like the first time you've fucked her, so go ahead." Bill and Lynn went up to the cottage, and Bill's equipment worked fine. I stayed on the dock since I knew Lynn didn't want me to watch, but her brother watched all the action. I could hear what was going on, since Lynn tends to get loud. I did enjoy it. They never had sex with each other again.
Her brother watched?
That’s fucking hot!
Has he seen her have sex before (or since)?
Did they ever hook up?
Her brother watched?
That’s fucking hot!
Has he seen her have sex before (or since)?
Did they ever hook up?
As far as I know, that is the only time he watched. Lynn and her brother experimented with sex as they grew up together. They never had sex with each other after reaching a legal age.
I have people who have become friends because of swinging, but only once (with 1st wife and before I found the lifestyle) was a friend involved.

We were both early 20s and I'd persuaded her to think about 3somes, adding anothet guy into the mix.

At this point I should say I was working for her father, and one of my colleagues was one of his best friends.

Geoff - the guy in question - was late 40s. I got on well with him and after a few months we shared some sexual banter, he was curious about my wife and finally told me he'd walked in on her changing when she was living at home before she went off to uni and got a flash of (large) boob.

I told her about this and she remembered the event and had often thought about it as she'd had a bit of a crush on him. I suggested she allow me to show him some polaroids of her (yes, a long time ago) and she agreed, selecting a few topless and semi naked ones. Little did she know I'd already shown him the full set!

When I got home she was curious to know his reaction, I passed that on and also embellished, saying that he'd made some really sexual comments and offered to come round and fuck her.

Long story short, 3 days later I got to watch her dad's best friend, a guy twice her age, fuck her good and hard, the first of many times over the course of a few months.
I have people who have become friends because of swinging, but only once (with 1st wife and before I found the lifestyle) was a friend involved.

We were both early 20s and I'd persuaded her to think about 3somes, adding anothet guy into the mix.

At this point I should say I was working for her father, and one of my colleagues was one of his best friends.

Geoff - the guy in question - was late 40s. I got on well with him and after a few months we shared some sexual banter, he was curious about my wife and finally told me he'd walked in on her changing when she was living at home before she went off to uni and got a flash of (large) boob.

I told her about this and she remembered the event and had often thought about it as she'd had a bit of a crush on him. I suggested she allow me to show him some polaroids of her (yes, a long time ago) and she agreed, selecting a few topless and semi naked ones. Little did she know I'd already shown him the full set!

When I got home she was curious to know his reaction, I passed that on and also embellished, saying that he'd made some really sexual comments and offered to come round and fuck her.

Long story short, 3 days later I got to watch her dad's best friend, a guy twice her age, fuck her good and hard, the first of many times over the course of a few months.
Tell us more…
As far as I know, that is the only time he watched. Lynn and her brother experimented with sex as they grew up together. They never had sex with each other after reaching a legal age.
When you say that they “experimented”, did he fuck her when they were younger?