Jimi's Political Thread

EveryColorOfFun said:
Yeah the Japanese had a a tariff sytem in effect for the Big 3 in terms of importing American cars into Japan, but the Japanese didn't and still don't want US cars because the quality and relaibility is for shit, plus they are too big for Japans crowded streets. Keep in mind that before you can even buy a car in Japan you have to prove with photos and having a government official come to your house/apartment etc, that you have a legal parking place to park your car.

The Right and Left alike will scream "Invasion of Privacy" but it works. :cool:
EveryColorOfFun said:
You really need to stop huffing paint.


That documentary about the MPAA that you mentioned was a hack piece of shit. If the best person they could come up with to try and prop up their argument was no-talent scumbag Kevin Smith, then you don't have an argument.

I wouldn't recommend This Film is Not Yet Rated as a film in and of itself, no, but the point being raised is a valid one. You might want to look past people like Kevin Smith and focus on what's being said.

EveryColorOfFun said:
And no movie is truly censored these days. that's complete bullshit because in this day and age of the DVD and 'net, there will always be a directors cut/unrated version of every single movie out there.

Sure, and various banned books used to get passed around after being smuggled into the country. What I'm talking about is what reaches the public airwaves and what the people in charge of regulating those air waves think is "acceptable" for public consumption.

EveryColorOfFun said:
And as for you bullshit about tv and music being scrubbed squeaky clean, that's beyond laughable. you obviously have never seen the Sopranos or The Wire or heard Springsteen's 41 Shots or The Dixie Chicks.

You'll notice my reference to music being scrubbed clean was about music that is on the radio. Again, I'm talking about use of the public airwaves. What we're allowed to bring home in a brown paper bag is besides the point.