impact play toys that don't look out of place in a white-collar woman's purse?


Literotica Guru
Aug 3, 2019
I'm working on a scene where a woman shows her friend all the innocuous-looking impact play toys she doesn't bother to hide from her vanilla coworkers. The goal is that they should all have obvious work-appropriate reasons to be in a mid-thirties office worker's purse. Anyone with relevant experience want to weigh in?

Liuda stops in the doorway. "I didn't bring whip. Did you?"

"I never bring anything that obvious to the club. What if someone at work sees me open my purse?" Cassie pulls the table over to the bed and lays out her arsenal: one of her ballet flats, one of her gloves, a heavy wooden hairbrush, an elastic hair tie, a tangle of shoelaces, a neat coil of charging cables.

The intended uses:

- the shoe is for slippering
- the glove is for hand spanking
- the hairbrush is for heavy thuddy spanking
- the hair tie she can snap against his sensitive bits
- the shoelaces she can hold doubled over as a stingy flogger, using either the loops for sensitive areas or the plastic-tipped ends for a harsher bite. Plus, she can make him untangle them beforehand, knowing the whole time what she's going to do with them when he finishes.
- the charging cables can similarly be folded into a loop whip, with more thud due to the higher linear density of rubber and copper.

Does this provide a nice range of sensations? Is there any duplication?

I would love to find something she can use as a cane, but I can't think of any reason she'd have something like, say, the tilt wand off some venetian blinds. And I doubt it would fit into her purse, even if I give her a giant tote-style thing.
My first thought is a telescoping presentation pointer as your caning substitute, but I've not seen one yet that would take much abuse.
I'm working on a scene where a woman shows her friend all the innocuous-looking impact play toys she doesn't bother to hide from her vanilla coworkers. The goal is that they should all have obvious work-appropriate reasons to be in a mid-thirties office worker's purse. Anyone with relevant experience want to weigh in?

The intended uses:

- the shoe is for slippering
- the glove is for hand spanking
- the hairbrush is for heavy thuddy spanking
- the hair tie she can snap against his sensitive bits
- the shoelaces she can hold doubled over as a stingy flogger, using either the loops for sensitive areas or the plastic-tipped ends for a harsher bite. Plus, she can make him untangle them beforehand, knowing the whole time what she's going to do with them when he finishes.
- the charging cables can similarly be folded into a loop whip, with more thud due to the higher linear density of rubber and copper.

Does this provide a nice range of sensations? Is there any duplication?

I would love to find something she can use as a cane, but I can't think of any reason she'd have something like, say, the tilt wand off some venetian blinds. And I doubt it would fit into her purse, even if I give her a giant tote-style thing.
I had Eden Baker repurpose a bamboo cane from a plant for this purpose.

Not impact play per se, but I keep these in my purse. Innocuous, right?

I can't think of anything suitable for impact, but what about a 60" fabric dressmakers tape for tying someone up?
> impact play toys

I'm broken; I found myself wondering how to fit a sledgehammer into a purse.
Kind of a bdsm Mary Poppins eh? I like it.
Well not innocuous in the context of this thread, but Iā€™ve never had anyone comment.

Being me, a couple of times Iā€™ve taken them out in work meetings while pretending to find a pen or something. Gives me a little something šŸ˜Š.

Best of all is if my bf is in the same meeting. And he blushes easily. So sweet šŸ˜‡.

My resemblance to Poppins may be being overstated here, but what about some kitchen spatulas? Plastic, wood, antler, even a metal fish slice? If asked, you just couldn't resist them in the TJ/K Maxx sale!

Gaffer tape comes in cute small rolls. A tight T-shirt could be handy - victim changes into it, then it's pulled up over the head and halfway down the arms to restrain them.

Clothes pegs and string could be explained away if you had lots of coloured post-its too, must have been for some brainstorming session.

They make vibrators the size and shape of lipstick. Some people must find them sufficient.
Well, if the woman is a cop, she can carry handcuffs and a baton with easy justification. You can also do a lot of things with a curling iron. šŸ˜®